* Copyright 2017-2018 Intel Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
*     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

#include <stdlib.h>

#include "dnn_types.hpp"
#include "mkldnn_common.hpp"
#include "mkldnn_memory.hpp"

#include "reorder.hpp"

namespace reorder {

int get_scale_mask(const mkldnn_memory_desc_t &md, const attr_t &attr) {
    using P = attr_t::scale_t::policy_t;
    const auto policy = attr.oscale.policy;

    const bool is_data = fmt2data_kind(md.format) == DATA;
    const bool is_gwei = fmt2data_kind(md.format) == GWEI;

    int scale_mask = 0;

    switch (policy) {
    case P::PER_OC:
        if (md.ndims < 2) SAFE_V(FAIL);
        scale_mask = is_data
            ? 1 << 1
            : (is_gwei ? (1 << 0) + (1 << 1) : 1 << 0);
    case P::COMMON:
    case P::NONE: scale_mask = 0; break;
    default: SAFE_V(FAIL);

    return scale_mask;

int scales_count(int *count, int *mask, const dnn_mem_t &memory,
        const attr_t &attr) {
    const mkldnn_memory_desc_t &md = memory.md_;
    const int scale_mask = get_scale_mask(md, attr);
    if (mask) *mask = scale_mask;

    int uniq_scales = 1;
    for(int d = 0; d < md.ndims; ++d) {
        if (scale_mask & (1 << d))
            uniq_scales *= md.dims[d];
    *count = uniq_scales;
    return OK;

int fill_scales(const prb_t *p, float *scales, int count) {
    const float scale_value = p->attr.oscale.scale;

    for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
        scales[i] = scale_value;

    if (count != 1) scales[count - 1] = scale_value + 1.1;

    return OK;

inline float saturate(float value, float min, float max) {
    return MAX2(min, MIN2(max, value));

int fill_memory(const prb_t *p, dnn_mem_t &mem, const float *scales,
        const attr_t &attr) {
    const dt_conf_t c_src = p->conf_in;
    const int range = c_src->range;
    const int max = c_src->min + range - 1;
    int scale_mask = get_scale_mask(mem.md_, attr);

    const size_t nelems = mem.nelems();

    for (size_t idx = 0; idx < nelems; ++idx) {
        const size_t mask_idx = mem.get_scale_idx(idx, scale_mask);
        const float scale = scales[mask_idx];

        const float gen[7] = {
            (float)max, /* saturate to max of output data type */
            (float)c_src->min, /* saturate to min of output data type */
            (float)1.6 / scale, /* rounding check */
            (float)0.2 / scale, /* saturate to 0 */

        float value = saturate(gen[idx % 7], c_src->min, max);
        mem.set_elem(idx, value);

    return OK;

/* TODO: Complete */
int reorder(const prb_t *p, dnn_mem_t &dst, const dnn_mem_t &src,
        const float *scales) {
    auto dst_dt = dst.dt();

    size_t nelems = src.nelems();

    /* calculate min max for data_type */
    /* TODO: add dst range support */
//    const auto c_dst = p->conf_out;
//    const float dst_conf_min = c_dst.min;
//    const float dst_conf_max = dst_conf_min + c_dst.range - 1;

    auto dst_width = dst.sizeof_dt() * 8;

    const float dst_dt_min = dst_dt == mkldnn_u8
        ? 0.f : -(float)(1l << (dst_width - 1));
    const float dst_dt_max = dst_dt == mkldnn_u8
        ? 255.f : (float)((1l << (dst_width - 1)) - 1);

    /* TODO: add dst range support */
//    const float dst_max = MIN2(dst_conf_max, dst_dt_max);
//    const float dst_min = MAX2(dst_conf_min, dst_dt_min);
    const float dst_max = dst_dt_max;
    const float dst_min = dst_dt_min;

    const int scale_mask = get_scale_mask(src.md_, p->attr);

    for (size_t idx = 0; idx < nelems; ++idx) {
        float src_ = src.get_elem(idx);
        const size_t scale_idx = dst.get_scale_idx(idx, scale_mask);

        const float scale = scales[scale_idx];

        float dst_ = saturate(src_ * scale, dst_min, dst_max);

        /* parse round mode and round value*/
        if (dst_dt != mkldnn_f32) {
            switch (p->attr.irmode) {
                case attr_t::NEAREST: dst_ = rint(dst_); break;
                case attr_t::DOWN: dst_ = floorf(dst_); break;
                default: assert(!"unknown round_mode");
            dst_ = saturate(dst_, dst_min, dst_max);

        dst.set_elem(idx, dst_);

    return OK;

int compare(const prb_t *p, dnn_mem_t &mem_expected, dnn_mem_t &mem_computed,
        const float *scales, int count, res_t *r){
    size_t nelems = mem_expected.nelems();
    assert(nelems == mem_computed.nelems());

    r->errors = 0;
    r->total = nelems;

    /* TODO: range support */
    const auto dt = mem_expected.dt();
    const size_t width = mem_expected.sizeof_dt()*8;

    const float dt_min = dt == mkldnn_u8
        ? 0.f : -(float)(1l << (width - 1));
    const float dt_max = dt == mkldnn_u8
        ? 255.f : (float)((1l << (width - 1)) - 1);

    size_t inf_p = 0, inf_n = 0, zeros = 0, reg = 0;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < nelems; ++i) {
        const float expected = mem_expected.get_elem(i);
        const float computed = mem_computed.get_elem(i);
        const float diff = fabsf(computed - expected);

        if (expected == dt_max) inf_p++;
        else if (expected == dt_min) inf_n++;
        else if (expected == 0.0) zeros++;

        if (r->errors < 10 && diff != 0.0) {
            printf("idx: %zu exp: %f com:%f\n", i, expected, computed);

    if (r->errors)
        r->state = FAILED;

    if (r->state == UNTESTED)
        r->state = PASSED; /* optimism */

    float max_scale = scales[0];
    for (int i = 1; i < count; ++i) {
        if (scales[i] > max_scale) max_scale = scales[i];

    dt_conf_t c_src = p->conf_in;
    dt_conf_t c_dst = p->conf_out;
    const int c_src_max = c_src->min + c_src->range - 1;
    const int c_dst_max = c_dst->min + c_dst->range - 1;

    bool check_inf_p = (dt != mkldnn_f32 && dt != mkldnn_s32)
        && (c_src_max * max_scale > c_dst_max) ? true : false;
    bool check_inf_n = (dt != mkldnn_f32 && dt != mkldnn_s32)
        && (c_src->min * max_scale < c_dst->min) ? true : false;
    bool check_zeros = (dt != mkldnn_f32)
        && (dt_min != 0 && dt_max != 0) ? true : false;

    bool mistrusted = reg == 0
        || (check_inf_p && inf_p == 0)
        || (check_inf_n && inf_n == 0)
        || (check_zeros && zeros == 0);
    if (mistrusted) r->state = MISTRUSTED;

    return r->state == FAILED ? FAIL : OK;

int check_reorder(const prb_t *p, res_t *res) {
/*                                       ___________________
 *                                      |                   |
 *                                      | performance timer |
 *                                      |___________________|
 *                                                |
 *   _______________           ______________     V     ________________
 *  |               | MKL-DNN |              | MKL-DNN |                |
 *  | dt_in fmt_ref |-------->| dt_in fmt_in |-------->| dt_out fmt_out |
 *  |_______________|         |______________|    ^    |________________|
 *           |                                    |            |
 *  benchdnn |<-------------------------------- scales         | MKL-DNN
 *   ________V_______                                   _______V________
 *  |                |                                 |                |
 *  | dt_out fmt_ref |         <= compare =>           | dt_out fmt_ref |
 *  |________________|                                 |________________|
 * Steps:
 * 1. create memory
 * 2. fill scales
 * 3. fill input memory
 * 4. execute mkl-dnn: reorder->q10n->reorder
 * 5. execute benchdnn: q10n
 * 6. compare results
 * 7. performance measurment
 * 8. clean up

    const reorder_conf_t &r = p->reorder;
    const int ndims = (int)r.dims.size();
    const int *dims = &r.dims[0];

    mkldnn_memory_format_t fmt_ref;
    const bool is_data = fmt2data_kind(r.fmt_in) == DATA;
    const bool is_gwei = fmt2data_kind(r.fmt_in) == GWEI;

    switch (ndims) {
    case 1: assert(is_data); fmt_ref = mkldnn_x; break;
    case 2: fmt_ref = is_data ? mkldnn_nc : mkldnn_oi; break;
    case 3: assert(is_data); fmt_ref = mkldnn_tnc; break;
    case 4: fmt_ref = is_data ? mkldnn_nchw : mkldnn_oihw; break;
    case 5:
            fmt_ref = is_data
                ? mkldnn_ncdhw
                : (is_gwei ? mkldnn_goihw : mkldnn_oidhw);
    case 6: assert(!is_data);
            fmt_ref = is_gwei ? mkldnn_goidhw : mkldnn_ldigo;
    default: assert(!"bad ndims"); return FAIL;

    /* Step 1: create memory */
    dnn_mem_t mem_dt_in_fmt_ref(ndims, dims, p->conf_in->dt, fmt_ref);
    dnn_mem_t mem_dt_in_fmt_in(ndims, dims, p->conf_in->dt, r.fmt_in);
    dnn_mem_t mem_dt_out_fmt_out(ndims, dims, p->conf_out->dt, r.fmt_out);
    dnn_mem_t mem_dt_out_fmt_ref(ndims, dims, p->conf_out->dt, fmt_ref);
    dnn_mem_t mem_test_dt_out_fmt_ref(ndims, dims, p->conf_out->dt, fmt_ref);

    /* Step 2: fill scales */
    int count = 0, mask = 0;
    SAFE(scales_count(&count, &mask, mem_dt_out_fmt_out, p->attr), WARN);
    float *scales = (float *)zmalloc(sizeof(float) * count, 64);
    SAFE(scales != NULL ? OK : FAIL, CRIT);
    SAFE(fill_scales(p, scales, count), WARN);
    /* Step 3: fill input memory */
    SAFE(fill_memory(p, mem_dt_in_fmt_ref, scales, p->attr), WARN);

    /* Step 4: execute mkl-dnn */
    SAFE(mem_dt_in_fmt_in.reorder(mem_dt_in_fmt_ref), WARN);

    auto mkldnn_attr = create_mkldnn_attr(p->attr, count, mask, scales);

    mkldnn_primitive_desc_t check_rpd;
    mkldnn_status_t init_status = mkldnn_reorder_primitive_desc_create_v2(
            &check_rpd, mem_dt_in_fmt_in.mpd_, mem_dt_out_fmt_out.mpd_,
    if (init_status == mkldnn_unimplemented) {
        return res->state = UNIMPLEMENTED, OK;
    SAFE(init_status, WARN);

    SAFE(mem_dt_out_fmt_out.reorder(mem_dt_in_fmt_in, mkldnn_attr), WARN);
    SAFE(mem_dt_out_fmt_ref.reorder(mem_dt_out_fmt_out), WARN);

    /* Step 5: execute benchdnn reorder */
    SAFE(reorder(p, mem_test_dt_out_fmt_ref, mem_dt_in_fmt_ref, scales), WARN);

    /* Step 6: compare results */
    if (bench_mode & CORR) {
        SAFE(compare(p, mem_test_dt_out_fmt_ref, mem_dt_out_fmt_ref,
                    scales, count, res), WARN);

    /* Step 7: performance measurement */
    if (bench_mode & PERF) {
        mkldnn_primitive_desc_t perf_r_pd;
        mkldnn_primitive_t perf_r;

                mem_dt_in_fmt_in.mpd_, mem_dt_out_fmt_out.mpd_,
                mkldnn_attr), WARN);
        mkldnn_primitive_at_t i = {mem_dt_in_fmt_in.p_, 0};
        const_mkldnn_primitive_t o = mem_dt_out_fmt_out.p_;
        DNN_SAFE(mkldnn_primitive_create(&perf_r, perf_r_pd, &i, &o), WARN);

        auto &t = res->timer;
        while (true) {
            SAFE(execute(perf_r), WARN);
            const bool stop = false
                || (fix_times_per_prb && t.times() >= fix_times_per_prb)
                || (!fix_times_per_prb
                        && t.total_ms() >= max_ms_per_prb
                        && t.times() >= min_times_per_prb);
            if (stop) break;


    /* Step 8: clean up */

    return OK;

int doit(const prb_t *p, res_t *r) {
    return check_reorder(p, r);
