* Copyright 2017-2018 Intel Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
*     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>

#include "mkldnn.h"

#include "mkldnn_common.hpp"
#include "mkldnn_debug.hpp"
#include "conv/conv.hpp"

namespace conv {

alg_t str2alg(const char *str) {
#define CASE(_alg) if (!strcasecmp(STRINGIFY(_alg), str)) return _alg
#undef CASE
    assert(!"unknown algorithm");
    return DIRECT;

const char *alg2str(alg_t alg) {
    if (alg == DIRECT) return "direct";
    if (alg == WINO) return "wino";
    assert(!"unknown algorithm");
    return "unknown algorithm";

merge_t str2merge(const char *str) {
#define CASE(_mrg) if (!strcasecmp(STRINGIFY(_mrg), str)) return _mrg
#undef CASE
    assert(!"unknown merge");
    return NONE;

const char *merge2str(merge_t merge) {
    if (merge == NONE) return "none";
    if (merge == RELU) return "relu";
    assert(!"unknown merge");
    return "unknown merge";

int str2desc(desc_t *desc, const char *str, bool is_deconv) {
    desc_t d{0};

    /* canonical form:
     * dYgXmbXicXihXiwXocXohXowXkhXkwXshXswXphXpwXdhXdwXnS
     * where: Y = {fb, fd, bd, bw, bb}, X is number, S - string
     * note: symbol `_` is ignored
     * implicit rules:
     *  - default values:
     *      mb = 2, g = 1, d = fd, sh = sw = 1, dh = dw = 0, S="wip"
     *  - if H is undefined => H = W
     *  - if W is undefined => W = H
     *  - if `output` is undefined => compute output
     *  - if padding is undefined => compute trivial padding

    d.g = 1; d.mb = 2; d.sd = d.sh = d.sw = 1; d.dd = d.dh = d.dw = 0; d.name = "\"wip\"";

    const char *s = str;

#   define CASE_NN(p, c) do { \
        if (!strncmp(p, s, strlen(p))) { \
            ok = 1; s += strlen(p); \
            char *end_s; d. c = strtol(s, &end_s, 10); s += (end_s - s); \
            /* printf("@@@debug: %s: %d\n", p, d. c); */ \
        } \
    } while (0)
#   define CASE_N(c) CASE_NN(#c, c)
    while (*s) {
        int ok = 0;
        CASE_N(g); CASE_N(mb);
        CASE_N(ic); CASE_N(id); CASE_N(ih); CASE_N(iw);
        CASE_N(oc); CASE_N(od); CASE_N(oh); CASE_N(ow);
        CASE_N(kd); CASE_N(kh); CASE_N(kw);
        CASE_N(sd); CASE_N(sh); CASE_N(sw);
        CASE_N(pd); CASE_N(ph); CASE_N(pw);
        CASE_N(dd); CASE_N(dh); CASE_N(dw);
        if (*s == 'n') { d.name = s + 1; break; }
        if (*s == '_') ++s;
        if (!ok) return FAIL;
#   undef CASE_NN
#   undef CASE_N

    if (d.ic == 0 || d.oc == 0) return FAIL;
    if (d.sd <= 0 || d.sh <= 0 || d.sw <= 0) return FAIL;

    auto compute_out = [](bool is_deconv, int i, int k, int s, int p, int d) {
        if (is_deconv)
            return (i - 1) * s + (k - 1) * (d + 1) + 2 * p + 1;
            return (i - ((k - 1) * (d + 1) + 1) + 2 * p) / s + 1;
    auto compute_pad = [](bool is_deconv, int o, int i, int k, int s, int d) {
        if (is_deconv)
            return ((i - 1) * s - o + ((k - 1) * (d + 1) + 1)) / 2;
            return ((o - 1) * s - i + ((k - 1) * (d + 1) + 1)) / 2;

    const bool no_d = (d.id | d.kd | d.od | d.pd | d.dd) == 0 && d.sd == 1;
    const bool no_h = (d.ih | d.kh | d.oh | d.ph | d.dh) == 0 && d.sh == 1;
    const bool no_w = (d.iw | d.kw | d.ow | d.pw | d.dw) == 0 && d.sw == 1;

    if (!no_h) {
        if (!d.ih || !d.kh) return FAIL;

        if (!d.oh) d.oh = compute_out(is_deconv, d.ih, d.kh, d.sh, d.ph, d.dh);
        else if (!d.ph && d.oh != compute_out(is_deconv, d.ih, d.kh, d.sh, d.ph, d.dh))
            d.ph = compute_pad(is_deconv, d.oh, d.ih, d.kh, d.sh, d.dh);

    if (!no_w) {
        if (!d.iw || !d.kw) return FAIL;

        if (!d.ow) d.ow = compute_out(is_deconv, d.iw, d.kw, d.sw, d.pw, d.dw);
        else if (!d.pw && d.ow != compute_out(is_deconv, d.iw, d.kw, d.sw, d.pw, d.dw))
            d.pw = compute_pad(is_deconv, d.ow, d.iw, d.kw, d.sw, d.dw);

    if (!no_d && d.id) {
        if (!d.id || !d.kd) return FAIL;

        if (!d.od) d.od = compute_out(is_deconv, d.id, d.kd, d.sd, d.pd, d.dd);
        else if (!d.pd && d.od != compute_out(is_deconv, d.id, d.kd, d.sd, d.pd, d.dd))
            d.pd = compute_pad(is_deconv, d.od, d.id, d.kd, d.sd, d.dd);

    if (no_w && no_h && d.id) {
        d.iw = d.ih = d.id;
        d.kw = d.kh = d.kd;
        d.ow = d.oh = d.od;
        d.pw = d.ph = d.pd;
        d.sw = d.sh = d.sd;
        d.dw = d.dh = d.dd;
    } else if (no_w) {
        d.iw = d.ih;
        d.kw = d.kh;
        d.ow = d.oh;
        d.pw = d.ph;
        d.sw = d.sh;
        d.dw = d.dh;
    } else if (no_h) {
        d.ih = d.iw;
        d.kh = d.kw;
        d.oh = d.ow;
        d.ph = d.pw;
        d.sh = d.sw;
        d.dh = d.dw;
    if (d.id<1) {d.id = 1; d.kd = 1; d.od = 1; d.sd = 1; d.pd = 0; d.dd = 0;}

    *desc = d;

    return OK;

void desc2str(const desc_t *d, char *buffer, bool canonical) {
    int rem_len = max_desc_len;
#   define DPRINT(...) do { \
        int l = snprintf(buffer, rem_len, __VA_ARGS__); \
        buffer += l; rem_len -= l; \
    } while(0)

    if (canonical || d->g != 1) DPRINT("g%d", d->g);
    if (canonical || d->mb != 2) DPRINT("mb%d", d->mb);

    const bool half_form = (d->ih == d->iw && d->kh == d->kw && d->oh == d->ow
        && d->sh == d->sw && d->ph == d->pw && d->dh == d->dw) && d->id == 1;

    if (!canonical && half_form) {
        DPRINT("ic%dih%doc%doh%dkh%d", d->ic, d->ih, d->oc, d->oh, d->kh);
        if (d->sh != 1) DPRINT("sh%d", d->sh);
        if (d->ph != 0) DPRINT("ph%d", d->ph);
        if (d->dh != 0) DPRINT("dh%d", d->dh);
    } else {
        if( d->id == 1 )
                d->ic, d->ih, d->iw, d->oc, d->oh, d->ow, d->kh, d->kw);
            if (canonical || d->sh != 1 || d->sw != 1)
                DPRINT("sh%dsw%d", d->sh, d->sw);
            if (canonical || d->ph != 0 || d->pw != 0)
                DPRINT("ph%dpw%d", d->ph, d->pw);
            if (canonical || d->dh != 0 || d->dw != 0)
                DPRINT("dh%ddw%d", d->dh, d->dw);
        } else {
                d->ic, d->id, d->ih, d->iw, d->oc, d->od, d->oh, d->ow,
                d->kd, d->kh, d->kw);
            if (canonical || d->sh != 1 || d->sw != 1 || d->sd != 1)
                DPRINT("sd%dsh%dsw%d", d->sd, d->sh, d->sw);
            if (canonical || d->ph != 0 || d->pw != 0 || d->pd != 0)
                DPRINT("pd%dph%dpw%d", d->pd, d->ph, d->pw);
            if (canonical || d->dh != 0 || d->dw != 0 || d->dd != 0)
                DPRINT("dd%ddh%ddw%d", d->dd, d->dh, d->dw);

    DPRINT("n%s", d->name);

#   undef DPRINT

void prb_t::count_ops() {
    if (ops > 0) return;

    double sp_ops = 0;
    for (int od = 0; od < this->od; ++od) {
    for (int oh = 0; oh < this->oh; ++oh) {
    for (int ow = 0; ow < this->ow; ++ow) {
        for (int kd = 0; kd < this->kd; ++kd) {
            const int id = od * this->sd - this->pd + kd * (this->dd + 1);
            if (id < 0 || id >= this->id) continue;
            for (int kh = 0; kh < this->kh; ++kh) {
                const int ih = oh * this->sh - this->ph + kh * (this->dh + 1);
                if (ih < 0 || ih >= this->ih) continue;
                for (int kw = 0; kw < this->kw; ++kw) {
                    const int iw = ow * this->sw - this->pw + kw * (this->dw + 1);
                    if (iw < 0 || iw >= this->iw) continue;
                    sp_ops += 1;

    ops = 2 * this->mb * this->oc * this->ic / this->g * sp_ops;

void prb_t::generate_oscales() {
    if (attr.oscale.policy != attr_t::scale_t::policy_t::PER_OC) return;

    scales = (float *)zmalloc(sizeof(float) * oc, 64);
    SAFE_V(scales != NULL ? OK : FAIL);

    const float K = 32;
    /* scale in [1/K .. K], with starting point at oscale.scale */
    float s[2] = {attr.oscale.scale, attr.oscale.scale/2};
    for (int i = 0; i < oc; ++i) {
        int si = i % 2; // 0 -> left, 1 -> right
        scales[i] = s[si];
        if (si == 0) {
            s[si] /= 2.;
            if (s[si] < 1./K) s[si] *= K*K; // turn around to become ~K
        } else {
            s[si] *= 2.;
            if (s[si] > K) s[si] /= K*K; // turn around to become ~K

void prb2str(const prb_t *p, char *buffer, bool canonical) {
    char desc_buf[max_desc_len], attr_buf[max_attr_len];
    char dir_str[32] = {0}, cfg_str[32] = {0}, alg_str[32] = {0},
         merge_str[32] = {0};
    desc2str(p, desc_buf, canonical);
    snprintf(dir_str, sizeof(dir_str), "--dir=%s ", dir2str(p->dir));
    snprintf(cfg_str, sizeof(cfg_str), "--cfg=%s ", cfg2str(p->cfg));
    snprintf(alg_str, sizeof(alg_str), "--alg=%s ", alg2str(p->alg));
    snprintf(merge_str, sizeof(merge_str), "--merge=%s ", merge2str(p->merge));
    bool is_attr_def = p->attr.is_def();
    if (!is_attr_def) {
        int len = snprintf(attr_buf, max_attr_len, "--attr=\"");
        SAFE_V(len >= 0 ? OK : FAIL);
        attr2str(&p->attr, attr_buf + len);
        len = (int)strnlen(attr_buf, max_attr_len);
        snprintf(attr_buf + len, max_attr_len - len, "\" ");
    snprintf(buffer, max_prb_len, "%s%s%s%s%s%s",
            p->dir == FWD_B ? "" : dir_str,
            p->cfg == conf_f32 ? "" : cfg_str,
            p->alg == DIRECT ? "" : alg_str,
            p->merge == NONE ? "" : merge_str,
            is_attr_def ? "" : attr_buf,
