Commit f103291b authored by Alexey Suhov's avatar Alexey Suhov

Publishing 2019 R3.2 content

parent 949b7405
Pipeline #345 failed with stages
if (WIN32)
#TODO: add target_path to be platform specific as well, to avoid following if
ARCHIVE_WIN "" #TODO: windows zip archive created incorrectly using old name for folder
ARCHIVE_WIN "" #TODO: windows zip archive created incorrectly using old name for folder
VERSION_REGEX ".*_([a-z]*_([a-z0-9]+\\.)*[0-9]+).*")
ARCHIVE_LIN "tbb2019_20181010_lin.tgz"
ARCHIVE_LIN "tbb2019_20181010_lin_with_mall_proxy.tgz"
ARCHIVE_MAC "tbb2019_20190414_v1_mac.tgz"
ARCHIVE_MAC "tbb2019_20190414_v1_mac_with_mall_proxy.tgz"
VERSION_REGEX ".*_([a-z]*_([a-z0-9]+\\.)*[0-9]+).*")
......@@ -10,10 +10,14 @@
#include <memory>
#include "ie_so_loader.h"
#include "ie_common.h"
#include "ie_plugin.hpp"
#include "details/ie_exception.hpp"
#include "details/ie_no_release.hpp"
#include "details/os/os_filesystem.hpp"
#include <type_traits>
#include <string>
#include <cassert>
......@@ -86,11 +90,17 @@ public:
* @brief The main constructor
* @param name Name of a shared library file
explicit SOPointer(const file_name_t &name)
: _so_loader(new Loader(name.c_str()))
, _pointedObj(details::shared_from_irelease(
SymbolLoader<Loader>(_so_loader).template instantiateSymbol<T>(SOCreatorTrait<T>::name))) {
template <typename C,
typename = enableIfSupportedChar<C>>
explicit SOPointer(const std::basic_string<C> & name)
: _so_loader(new Loader(name.c_str())),
SymbolLoader<Loader>(_so_loader).template instantiateSymbol<T>(SOCreatorTrait<T>::name))) {}
explicit SOPointer(const char * name)
: _so_loader(new Loader(name)),
SymbolLoader<Loader>(_so_loader).template instantiateSymbol<T>(SOCreatorTrait<T>::name))) {}
* @brief Constructs an object with existing reference
......@@ -10,8 +10,9 @@
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include "../../ie_api.h"
#include "../ie_exception.hpp"
#include "ie_api.h"
#include "details/ie_exception.hpp"
#include "details/os/os_filesystem.hpp"
namespace InferenceEngine {
namespace details {
......@@ -35,6 +36,18 @@ public:
if (shared_object == nullptr)
THROW_IE_EXCEPTION << "Cannot load library '" << pluginName << "': " << dlerror();
* @brief Loads a library with the name specified. The library is loaded according to
* the POSIX rules for dlopen
* @param pluginName Full or relative path to the library
explicit SharedObjectLoader(const wchar_t* pluginName) : SharedObjectLoader(wStringtoMBCSstringChar(pluginName).c_str()) {
~SharedObjectLoader() noexcept(false) {
if (0 != dlclose(shared_object)) {
THROW_IE_EXCEPTION << "dlclose failed: " << dlerror();
......@@ -9,13 +9,20 @@
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <codecvt>
#include <string>
#include <locale>
namespace InferenceEngine {
namespace details {
template<typename C>
using enableIfSupportedChar = typename std::enable_if<(std::is_same<C, char>::value || std::is_same<C, wchar_t>::value)>::type;
* @brief Conversion from wide character string to a single-byte chain.
......@@ -33,7 +40,7 @@ inline const std::wstring multiByteCharToWString(const char* str) {
return result;
} // namespace details
} // namespace InferenceEngine
......@@ -8,8 +8,9 @@
#pragma once
#include "../../ie_api.h"
#include "../ie_exception.hpp"
#include "ie_api.h"
#include "details/ie_exception.hpp"
#include "details/os/os_filesystem.hpp"
// Avoidance of Windows.h to include winsock library.
#define _WINSOCKAPI_
......@@ -30,14 +31,7 @@ class SharedObjectLoader {
HMODULE shared_object;
* @brief Loads a library with the name specified. The library is loaded according to the
* WinAPI LoadLibrary rules
* @param pluginName Full or relative path to the plugin library
explicit SharedObjectLoader(LPCTSTR pluginName) {
char cwd[1024];
void ExcludeCurrentDirectory() {
// Exclude current directory from DLL search path process wise.
// If application specific path was configured before then
// current directory is alread excluded.
......@@ -45,21 +39,38 @@ public:
// path was set to "" or NULL so reset it to "" to keep
// aplication safe.
if (GetDllDirectory(0, NULL) <= 1) {
#if defined UNICODE
* @brief Loads a library with the name specified. The library is loaded according to the
* WinAPI LoadLibrary rules
* @param pluginName Full or relative path to the plugin library
explicit SharedObjectLoader(LPCWSTR pluginName) {
shared_object = LoadLibraryW(pluginName);
if (!shared_object) {
char cwd[1024];
THROW_IE_EXCEPTION << "Cannot load library '" << details::wStringtoMBCSstringChar(std::wstring(pluginName)) << "': " << GetLastError()
<< " from cwd: " << _getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd));
explicit SharedObjectLoader(LPCSTR pluginName) {
shared_object = LoadLibrary(pluginName);
if (!shared_object) {
THROW_IE_EXCEPTION << "Cannot load library '"
<< pluginName << "': "
<< GetLastError()
<< " from cwd: " << _getcwd(cwd, 1024);
char cwd[1024];
THROW_IE_EXCEPTION << "Cannot load library '" << pluginName << "': " << GetLastError()
<< " from cwd: " << _getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd));
~SharedObjectLoader() {
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
#if defined(_WIN32)
#elif defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 5 || (__GNUC__ == 5 && __GNUC_MINOR__ > 2))
#elif defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 5 || (__GNUC__ == 5 && __GNUC_MINOR__ > 2)) || defined(__clang__)
......@@ -49,13 +49,32 @@ class ConsoleErrorListener : public InferenceEngine::IErrorListener {
* @brief Trims from both ends (in place)
* @brief trim from start (in place)
* @param s - string to trim
inline void ltrim(std::string &s) {
s.erase(s.begin(), std::find_if(s.begin(), s.end(), [](int c){
return !std::isspace(c);
* @brief trim from end (in place)
* @param s - string to trim
inline void rtrim(std::string &s) {
s.erase(std::find_if(s.rbegin(), s.rend(), [](int c) {
return !std::isspace(c);
}).base(), s.end());
* @brief trim from both ends (in place)
* @param s - string to trim
* @return trimmed string
inline std::string &trim(std::string &s) {
s.erase(s.begin(), std::find_if(s.begin(), s.end(), std::not1(std::ptr_fun<int, int>(std::isspace))));
s.erase(std::find_if(s.rbegin(), s.rend(), std::not1(std::ptr_fun<int, int>(std::isspace))).base(), s.end());
return s;
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ namespace InferenceEngine {
TaskExecutor::TaskExecutor(std::string name) : _isStopped(false), _name(name) {
_thread = std::make_shared<std::thread>([&] {
anotateSetThreadName(("TaskExecutor thread for " + _name).c_str());
annotateSetThreadName(("TaskExecutor thread for " + _name).c_str());
while (!_isStopped) {
bool isQueueEmpty;
Task::Ptr currentTask;
......@@ -53,34 +53,3 @@ void FileUtils::readAllFile(const std::string &string_file_name, void *buffer, s
std::string FileUtils::folderOf(const std::string &filepath) {
auto pos = filepath.rfind(FileSeparator);
if (pos == std::string::npos) pos = filepath.rfind(FileSeparator2);
if (pos == std::string::npos) return "";
return filepath.substr(0, pos);
std::string FileUtils::makePath(const std::string &folder, const std::string &file) {
if (folder.empty()) return file;
return folder + FileSeparator + file;
std::string FileUtils::fileNameNoExt(const std::string &filepath) {
auto pos = filepath.rfind('.');
if (pos == std::string::npos) return filepath;
return filepath.substr(0, pos);
std::string FileUtils::fileExt(const char *filename) {
return fileExt(std::string(filename));
std::string FileUtils::fileExt(const std::string &filename) {
auto pos = filename.rfind('.');
if (pos == std::string::npos) return "";
return filename.substr(pos + 1);
bool FileUtils::isSharedLibrary(const std::string& fileName) {
return 0 == strncasecmp(fileExt(fileName).c_str(), SharedLibraryExt, strlen(SharedLibraryExt));
......@@ -24,60 +24,102 @@
#include "ie_api.h"
#include "ie_unicode.hpp"
#include "details/os/os_filesystem.hpp"
#include "details/ie_so_pointer.hpp"
namespace FileUtils {
template <typename T> struct FileTraits;
#ifdef _WIN32
/// @brief File path separator
const char FileSeparator = '\\';
const char SharedLibraryExt[] = "dll";
#elif __APPLE__
const char SharedLibraryExt[] = "dylib";
template<> struct FileTraits<char> {
constexpr static const auto FileSeparator = ::FileUtils::FileSeparator;
static std::string SharedLibraryPrefix() { return { }; }
static std::string SharedLibraryExt() { return { "dll" }; }
template<> struct FileTraits<wchar_t> {
constexpr static const auto FileSeparator = L'\\';
static std::wstring SharedLibraryPrefix() { return { }; }
static std::wstring SharedLibraryExt() { return { L"dll" }; }
#elif defined __APPLE__
/// @brief File path separator
const char FileSeparator = '/';
template<> struct FileTraits<char> {
constexpr static const auto FileSeparator = ::FileUtils::FileSeparator;
static std::string SharedLibraryPrefix() { return { "lib" }; }
static std::string SharedLibraryExt() { return { "dylib" }; }
template<> struct FileTraits<wchar_t> {
constexpr static const auto FileSeparator = L'/';
static std::wstring SharedLibraryPrefix() { return { L"lib" }; }
static std::wstring SharedLibraryExt() { return { L"dylib" }; }
const char SharedLibraryExt[] = "so";
/// @brief File path separator
const char FileSeparator = '/';
template<> struct FileTraits<char> {
constexpr static const auto FileSeparator = ::FileUtils::FileSeparator;
static std::string SharedLibraryPrefix() { return { "lib" }; }
static std::string SharedLibraryExt() { return { "so" }; }
template<> struct FileTraits<wchar_t> {
constexpr static const auto FileSeparator = L'/';
static std::wstring SharedLibraryPrefix() { return { L"lib" }; }
static std::wstring SharedLibraryExt() { return { L"so" }; }
/// @brief Alternative file path separator
const char FileSeparator2 = '/'; // second option
* @brief Interface function to get the size of a file
* @brief Interface function to get the size of a file. The function supports UNICODE path
* @param fileName - name of the file
* @return size of the file
INFERENCE_ENGINE_API_CPP(long long) fileSize(const char *fileName);
inline long long fileSize(const wchar_t* fileName) {
return fileSize(InferenceEngine::details::wStringtoMBCSstringChar(fileName).c_str());
* @brief Function to get the size of a file
* @brief Function to get the size of a file. The function supports UNICODE path
* @param f - string name of the file
* @return size of the file
inline long long fileSize(const std::string &f) {
template <typename C, typename = InferenceEngine::details::enableIfSupportedChar<C>>
inline long long fileSize(const std::basic_string<C> &f) {
return fileSize(f.c_str());
* @brief check if file with a given filename exists
* @brief check if file with a given filename exists. The function supports UNICODE path
* @param fileName - given filename
* @return true is exists
inline bool fileExist(const char *fileName) {
template <typename C, typename = InferenceEngine::details::enableIfSupportedChar<C>>
inline bool fileExist(const C * fileName) {
return fileSize(fileName) >= 0;
* @brief check if file with a given filename exists
* @brief check if file with a given filename exists. The function supports UNICODE path
* @param fileName - string with a given filename
* @return true is exists
inline bool fileExist(const std::string &fileName) {
template <typename C, typename = InferenceEngine::details::enableIfSupportedChar<C>>
inline bool fileExist(const std::basic_string<C> &fileName) {
return fileExist(fileName.c_str());
* @brief CPP Interface function to read a file. In case of read error throws an exception
* @brief CPP Interface function to read a file. In case of read error throws an exception. The function supports UNICODE path
* @param file_name - name of the file to read
* @param buffer - buffer to read file to
* @param maxSize - maximum size in bytes to read
......@@ -92,40 +134,84 @@ INFERENCE_ENGINE_API_CPP(void) readAllFile(const std::string &file_name, void *b
INFERENCE_ENGINE_API_CPP(std::string) folderOf(const std::string &filepath);
* @brief CPP Interface function to combint path with filename
* @brief CPP Interface function to combint path with filename. The function supports UNICODE path
* @param folder - path to add filename to
* @param file - filename to add to path
* @return string with combination of the path and the filename divided by file separator
INFERENCE_ENGINE_API_CPP(std::string) makePath(const std::string &folder, const std::string &file);
* @brief CPP Interface function to remove file extension
* @param filepath - filename with extension
* @return string containing filename without extension
INFERENCE_ENGINE_API_CPP(std::string) fileNameNoExt(const std::string &filepath);
template <typename C, typename = InferenceEngine::details::enableIfSupportedChar<C>>
inline std::basic_string<C> makePath(const std::basic_string<C> &folder, const std::basic_string<C> &file) {
if (folder.empty())
return file;
return folder + FileTraits<C>::FileSeparator + file;
* @brief CPP Interface function to extract extension from filename
* @param filename - name of the file which extension should be extracted
* @return string with extracted file extension
INFERENCE_ENGINE_API_CPP(std::string) fileExt(const char *filename);
template <typename C> struct DotSymbol;
template <> struct DotSymbol<char> { constexpr static const char value = '.'; };
template <> struct DotSymbol<wchar_t> { constexpr static const wchar_t value = L'.'; };
* @brief CPP Interface function to extract extension from filename
* @param filename - string with the name of the file which extension should be extracted
* @return string with extracted file extension
INFERENCE_ENGINE_API_CPP(std::string) fileExt(const std::string &filename);
template <typename C, typename = InferenceEngine::details::enableIfSupportedChar<C>>
inline std::basic_string<C> fileExt(const std::basic_string<C> &filename) {
auto pos = filename.rfind(DotSymbol<C>::value);
if (pos == std::string::npos)
return {};
return filename.substr(pos + 1);
* @brief CPP Interface function to check if given filename belongs to shared library
* @param filename - file name to check
* @return true if filename is a shared library filename
INFERENCE_ENGINE_API_CPP(bool) isSharedLibrary(const std::string &fileName);
inline bool isSharedLibrary(const std::string &fileName) {
return 0 ==
#ifdef _WIN32
(fileExt(fileName).c_str(), FileTraits<char>::SharedLibraryExt().c_str(),
template <typename C, typename = InferenceEngine::details::enableIfSupportedChar<C>>
inline std::basic_string<C> makeSharedLibraryName(const std::basic_string<C> &path, const std::basic_string<C> &input) {
std::basic_string<C> separator(1, FileTraits<C>::FileSeparator);
if (path.empty())
separator = {};
return path + separator + FileTraits<C>::SharedLibraryPrefix() + input + DotSymbol<C>::value + FileTraits<C>::SharedLibraryExt();
using FilePath = std::wstring;
inline std::string fromFilePath(const FilePath & path) {
return InferenceEngine::details::wStringtoMBCSstringChar(path);
inline FilePath toFilePath(const std::string & path) {
return InferenceEngine::details::multiByteCharToWString(path.c_str());
using FilePath = std::string;
inline std::string fromFilePath(const FilePath & path) {
return path;
inline FilePath toFilePath(const std::string & path) {
return path;
* @brief TODO: description
......@@ -112,9 +112,9 @@ class Core::Impl : public ICore {
mutable std::map<std::string, InferencePlugin, details::CaselessLess<std::string> > plugins;
struct PluginDescriptor {
file_name_t libraryLocation;
FileUtils::FilePath libraryLocation;
std::map<std::string, std::string> defaultConfig;
std::vector<std::string> listOfExtentions;
std::vector<FileUtils::FilePath> listOfExtentions;
std::map<std::string, PluginDescriptor, details::CaselessLess<std::string> > pluginRegistry;
IErrorListener * listener = nullptr;
......@@ -123,12 +123,20 @@ public:
~Impl() override;
* @brief Register plugins for devices which are located in .xml configuration file
* @brief Register plugins for devices which are located in .xml configuration file. The function supports UNICODE path
* @param xmlConfigFile - an .xml configuraion with device / plugin information
void RegisterPluginsInRegistry(const std::string & xmlConfigFile) {
#if defined(ENABLE_UNICODE_PATH_SUPPORT) && defined(_WIN32)
std::wstring wFilePath = InferenceEngine::details::multiByteCharToWString(xmlConfigFile.c_str());
const wchar_t* resolvedFilepath = wFilePath.c_str();
const char* resolvedFilepath = xmlConfigFile.c_str();
pugi::xml_document xmlDoc;
pugi::xml_parse_result res = xmlDoc.load_file(xmlConfigFile.c_str());
pugi::xml_parse_result res = xmlDoc.load_file(resolvedFilepath);
if (res.status != pugi::status_ok) {
std::ifstream t(xmlConfigFile);
......@@ -160,7 +168,7 @@ public:
for (auto pluginNode = devicesNode.child("plugin"); !pluginNode.empty();
pluginNode = pluginNode.next_sibling("plugin")) {
std::string deviceName = GetStrAttr(pluginNode, "name");
file_name_t pluginPath = GetStrAttr(pluginNode, "location");
FileUtils::FilePath pluginPath = FileUtils::toFilePath(GetStrAttr(pluginNode, "location").c_str());
if (deviceName.find('.') != std::string::npos) {
THROW_IE_EXCEPTION << "Device name must not contain dot '.' symbol";
......@@ -168,9 +176,8 @@ public:
// append IR library path for default IE plugins
std::string absPluginPath = FileUtils::makePath(getIELibraryPath(), pluginPath);
if (FileUtils::fileExist(absPluginPath))
pluginPath = absPluginPath;
FileUtils::FilePath absFilePath = FileUtils::makePath(getInferenceEngineLibraryPath(), pluginPath);
if (FileUtils::fileExist(absFilePath)) pluginPath = absFilePath;
// check properties
......@@ -188,12 +195,12 @@ public:
// check extensions
auto extensionsNode = pluginNode.child("extensions");
std::vector<std::string> listOfExtentions;
std::vector<FileUtils::FilePath> listOfExtentions;
if (extensionsNode) {
for (auto extensionNode = extensionsNode.child("extension"); !extensionNode.empty();
extensionNode = extensionNode.next_sibling("extension")) {
std::string extensionLocation = GetStrAttr(extensionNode, "location");
FileUtils::FilePath extensionLocation = FileUtils::toFilePath(GetStrAttr(extensionNode, "location").c_str());
......@@ -262,8 +269,10 @@ public:
for (auto && extensionLocation : desc.listOfExtentions) {
for (auto&& extensionLocation : desc.listOfExtentions) {
// TODO: fix once InferenceEngine::Extension can accept FileUtils::FilePath
// currently, extensions cannot be loaded using wide path
if (listener)
......@@ -271,8 +280,9 @@ public:
plugins[deviceName] = cppPlugin;
} catch (const details::InferenceEngineException & ex) {
THROW_IE_EXCEPTION << "Failed to create plugin " << desc.libraryLocation << " for device " << deviceName << "\n"
} catch (const details::InferenceEngineException& ex) {
THROW_IE_EXCEPTION << "Failed to create plugin " << FileUtils::fromFilePath(desc.libraryLocation)
<< " for device " << deviceName << "\n"
<< "Please, check your environment\n"
<< ex.what() << "\n";
......@@ -309,13 +319,12 @@ public:
// append IR library path for default IE plugins
std::string pluginPath;
FileUtils::FilePath pluginPath;
pluginPath = make_plugin_name(file_name_t(), pluginName);
pluginPath = FileUtils::makeSharedLibraryName({}, FileUtils::toFilePath(pluginName.c_str()));
std::string absPluginPath = FileUtils::makePath(getIELibraryPath(), pluginPath);
if (FileUtils::fileExist(absPluginPath))
pluginPath = absPluginPath;
FileUtils::FilePath absFilePath = FileUtils::makePath(getInferenceEngineLibraryPath(), pluginPath);
if (FileUtils::fileExist(absFilePath)) pluginPath = absFilePath;
PluginDescriptor desc = { pluginPath, { }, { } };
......@@ -368,7 +377,8 @@ Core::Core(const std::string & xmlConfigFile) {
std::string xmlConfigFile_ = xmlConfigFile;
if (xmlConfigFile_.empty()) {
// register plugins from default plugins.xml config
xmlConfigFile_ = FileUtils::makePath(getIELibraryPath(), "plugins.xml");
FileUtils::FilePath xmlConfigFileDefault = FileUtils::makePath(getInferenceEngineLibraryPath(), FileUtils::toFilePath("plugins.xml"));
xmlConfigFile_ = FileUtils::fromFilePath(xmlConfigFileDefault);
......@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ inline static void annotateEnd(IttStatic&, IttProfilingTask& t) {
inline static void anotateSetThreadName(const char* name) {
inline static void annotateSetThreadName(const char* name) {
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include "ie_icnn_network_stats.hpp"
#include "cpp/ie_plugin_cpp.hpp"
#include "details/ie_cnn_network_tools.h"
#include "details/os/os_filesystem.hpp"
#include "file_utils.h"
#include "net_pass.h"
#include "precision_utils.h"
......@@ -737,32 +738,54 @@ std::unordered_set<DataPtr> getRootDataObjects(ICNNNetwork &network) {
namespace {
std::string getPathName(const std::string & s) {
size_t i = s.rfind(FileUtils::FileSeparator, s.length());
template <typename C, typename = InferenceEngine::details::enableIfSupportedChar<C> >
std::basic_string<C> getPathName(const std::basic_string<C>& s) {
size_t i = s.rfind(FileUtils::FileTraits<C>::FileSeparator, s.length());
if (i != std::string::npos) {
return(s.substr(0, i));
return std::string();
return {};
} // namespace
std::string getIELibraryPath() {
#ifndef _WIN32
static std::string getIELibraryPathUnix() {
Dl_info info;
dladdr(reinterpret_cast<void*>(getIELibraryPath), &info);
return getPathName(std::string(info.dli_fname)).c_str();
#endif // _WIN32
std::wstring getIELibraryPathW() {
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
char ie_library_path[2048];
wchar_t ie_library_path[4096];
(LPCSTR)getIELibraryPath, &hm)) {
(LPCWSTR)getIELibraryPath, &hm)) {
THROW_IE_EXCEPTION << "GetModuleHandle returned " << GetLastError();
GetModuleFileNameA(hm, (LPSTR)ie_library_path, sizeof(ie_library_path));
return getPathName(ie_library_path);
GetModuleFileNameW(hm, (LPWSTR)ie_library_path, sizeof(ie_library_path));
return getPathName(std::wstring(ie_library_path));
Dl_info info;
dladdr(reinterpret_cast<void *>(getIELibraryPath), &info);
return getPathName(info.dli_fname);
dladdr(reinterpret_cast<void*>(getIELibraryPath), &info);
return details::multiByteCharToWString(getIELibraryPathUnix().c_str());
std::string getIELibraryPath() {
return details::wStringtoMBCSstringChar(getIELibraryPathW());
return getIELibraryPathUnix();
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
#include <cpp/ie_cnn_network.h>
#include <cnn_network_impl.hpp>
#include <file_utils.h>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
......@@ -187,6 +188,17 @@ getRootDataObjects(ICNNNetwork &network);
INFERENCE_ENGINE_API_CPP(std::string) getIELibraryPath();
INFERENCE_ENGINE_API_CPP(std::wstring) getIELibraryPathW();
inline ::FileUtils::FilePath getInferenceEngineLibraryPath() {
return getIELibraryPathW();
inline ::FileUtils::FilePath getInferenceEngineLibraryPath() {
return getIELibraryPath();
} // namespace InferenceEngine
#endif // IE_UTIL_HPP
......@@ -328,6 +328,42 @@ void MKLDNNSplitNode::selectOptimalPrimitiveDescriptor() {
// This logic is needed to cover cases when Split node cannot be optimized out for particular block size
// In general it is significantly better to have additional reorders in graph than to use reference Split implementation
if (convertTo == memory::nChw16c || convertTo == memory::nCdhw16c ||
convertTo == memory::nChw8c || convertTo == memory::nCdhw8c) {
int blockSize = convertTo == memory::nChw16c || convertTo == memory::nCdhw16c ? 16 : 8;
bool shouldDecreaseBlockSize = false;
for (auto& parentEdge : getParentEdges()) {
if (parentEdge.lock()->getDims()[1] % blockSize != 0)
shouldDecreaseBlockSize = true;
for (auto& childEdge : getChildEdges()) {
if (childEdge.lock()->getDims()[1] % blockSize != 0)
shouldDecreaseBlockSize = true;
if (shouldDecreaseBlockSize) {
int decreasedBlockSize = 8;
bool canDecreaseBlockSize = true;
for (auto &parentEdge : getParentEdges()) {
if (parentEdge.lock()->getDims()[1] % decreasedBlockSize != 0)
canDecreaseBlockSize = false;
for (auto &childEdge : getChildEdges()) {
if (childEdge.lock()->getDims()[1] % decreasedBlockSize != 0)
canDecreaseBlockSize = false;
if (canDecreaseBlockSize)
convertTo = getParentEdgeAt(0)->getDims().ndims() == 5 ? memory::nCdhw8c : memory::nChw8c;
convertTo = MKLDNNMemory::GetPlainFormat(getParentEdgeAt(0)->getDims());
if (canOptimize && MKLDNNMemoryDesc(getParentEdgeAt(0)->getDims(), inputDataType, convertTo).blocksExtended())
canOptimize = false;
for (size_t i = 0; canOptimize && i < getChildEdges().size(); i++) {
// Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Intel Corporation
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <details/os/os_filesystem.hpp>
static void fixSlashes(std::string &str) {
std::replace(str.begin(), str.end(), '/', '\\');
static void fixSlashes(std::wstring &str) {
std::replace(str.begin(), str.end(), L'/', L'\\');
static std::wstring stringToWString(std::string input) {
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t>> converter;
std::wstring result = converter.from_bytes(input);
return result;
static bool copyFile(std::wstring source_path, std::wstring dest_path) {
#ifndef _WIN32
std::ifstream source(InferenceEngine::details::wStringtoMBCSstringChar(source_path), std::ios::binary);
std::ofstream dest(InferenceEngine::details::wStringtoMBCSstringChar(dest_path), std::ios::binary);
std::ifstream source(source_path, std::ios::binary);
std::ofstream dest(dest_path, std::ios::binary);
bool result = source && dest;
std::istreambuf_iterator<char> begin_source(source);
std::istreambuf_iterator<char> end_source;
std::ostreambuf_iterator<char> begin_dest(dest);
copy(begin_source, end_source, begin_dest);
return result;
static bool copyFile(std::string source_path, std::wstring dest_path) {
return copyFile(stringToWString(source_path), dest_path);
static std::wstring addUnicodePostfixToPath(std::string source_path, std::wstring postfix) {
std::wstring result = stringToWString(source_path);
std::wstring file_name = result.substr(0, result.size() - 4);
std::wstring extension = result.substr(result.size() - 4, result.size());
result = file_name + postfix + extension;
return result;
static void removeFile(std::wstring path) {
int result = 0;
if (!path.empty()) {
#ifdef _WIN32
result = _wremove(path.c_str());
result = remove(InferenceEngine::details::wStringtoMBCSstringChar(path).c_str());
static const std::vector<std::wstring> test_unicode_postfix_vector = {
L"ث خ ذ ض ظ غ",
......@@ -615,12 +615,19 @@ status_t jit_avx2_conv_fwd_kernel_f32::init_conf(jit_conv_conf_t &jcp,
// adjust one of nb_oc_block, ur_w preserving to ur_w >= l_pad
if (jcp.ur_w > jcp.l_pad && jcp.ur_w > 1)
jcp.ur_w -= 1;
for (int b = 3; b > 1; b--)
else {
for (int b = 3; b > 1; b--) {
if (jcp.nb_oc % b == 0) {
jcp.nb_oc_blocking = b;
if ((jcp.nb_oc_blocking + 1) * jcp.ur_w > num_avail_regs) {
// No optimal size for 'nb_oc_blocking' with regards to
// 'nb_oc', default to only unroll by 'ur_w'.
jcp.nb_oc_blocking = 1;
......@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ inline void rtus_prepare(conv_pd_t *self, const convolution_desc_t *&conv_d,
template <typename conv_pd_t>
inline void rtus_prepare_space_info(conv_pd_t *self,
memory_tracking::registrar_t &scratchpad) {
if (!self->rtus_.reduce_src_) return;
const auto &jcp = self->jcp_;
const int max_threads = mkldnn_get_max_threads();
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