jit_uni_eltwise.hpp 6.82 KB
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* Copyright 2017-2018 Intel Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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#include <assert.h>

#include "c_types_map.hpp"
#include "cpu_eltwise_pd.hpp"
#include "cpu_engine.hpp"
#include "type_helpers.hpp"
#include "utils.hpp"
#include "jit_generator.hpp"

namespace mkldnn {
namespace impl {
namespace cpu {

template <cpu_isa_t isa>
struct jit_uni_eltwise_injector_f32 {
    using Vmm = typename utils::conditional3<isa == sse42, Xbyak::Xmm,
            isa == avx2, Xbyak::Ymm, Xbyak::Zmm>::type;

    jit_uni_eltwise_injector_f32(jit_generator *host, alg_kind_t alg,
            float alpha, float beta, bool save_state = true,
            Xbyak::Reg64 p_table = Xbyak::util::rax,
            Xbyak::Opmask k_mask = Xbyak::Opmask(1))
        : alg_(alg), alpha_(alpha), beta_(beta), h(host)
        , save_state_(save_state), p_table(p_table), k_mask(k_mask)
        using namespace alg_kind;
        assert(utils::one_of(isa, sse42, avx2, avx512_common));
        assert(utils::one_of(alg_, eltwise_relu, eltwise_tanh, eltwise_elu,
                    eltwise_square, eltwise_abs, eltwise_sqrt, eltwise_linear,
                    eltwise_bounded_relu, eltwise_soft_relu, eltwise_logistic,
                    eltwise_clamp, eltwise_exp));

    // note that eltwise.scale is ignored
    jit_uni_eltwise_injector_f32(jit_generator *host,
            const post_ops_t::entry_t::eltwise_t &eltwise,
            bool save_state = true, Xbyak::Reg64 p_table = Xbyak::util::rax,
            Xbyak::Opmask k_mask = Xbyak::Opmask(1))
        : jit_uni_eltwise_injector_f32(host, eltwise.alg, eltwise.alpha,
                eltwise.beta, save_state, p_table, k_mask) {}

    void compute_vector_range(size_t start_idx, size_t end_idx);
    void compute_vector(size_t idx) { compute_vector_range(idx, idx + 1); }
    void prepare_table(bool gen_table=true);
    void load_table_addr() { h->mov(p_table, l_table); }

    const alg_kind_t alg_;
    const float alpha_;
    const float beta_;

    jit_generator * const h;

    const bool save_state_;
    const Xbyak::Reg64 p_table;
    const Xbyak::Opmask k_mask;
    Xbyak::Label l_table;

    // if only the injector was inherited from jit_generator...
    enum {
        _cmp_le_os = jit_generator::_cmp_le_os,
        _cmp_nle_us = jit_generator::_cmp_nle_us,
        _op_floor = jit_generator::_op_floor,

    size_t vlen = cpu_isa_traits<isa>::vlen;

    const static size_t preserved_vecs_max = 5;

    size_t vecs_to_preserve = 0;
    size_t vecs_count = isa == avx512_common ? 32 : 16;
    size_t preserved_vecs_count = 0;
    size_t preserved_vec_idxs[preserved_vecs_max] = {0};
    size_t start_idx_tail = 0;

    Vmm vmm_mask, vmm_aux0, vmm_aux1, vmm_aux2, vmm_aux3, vmm_aux4;

    Xbyak::Address table_val(int index)
    { return h->ptr[p_table + index * vlen]; }

    int aux_vecs_count(alg_kind_t alg);
    void compute_body(size_t start_idx, size_t end_idx);
    void injector_preamble(size_t start_idx, size_t end_idx);
    void injector_preamble_tail(size_t start_idx);
    void injector_postamble();
    void assign_regs();

    void exp_compute_vector(const Vmm &vmm_src);
    void relu_compute_vector(const Vmm &vmm_src);
    void relu_zero_ns_compute_vector(const Vmm &vmm_src);
    void elu_compute_vector(const Vmm &vmm_src);
    void tanh_compute_vector(const Vmm &vmm_src);
    void square_compute_vector(const Vmm &vmm_src);
    void abs_compute_vector(const Vmm &vmm_src);
    void sqrt_compute_vector(const Vmm &vmm_src);
    void linear_compute_vector(const Vmm &vmm_src);
    void bounded_relu_compute_vector(const Vmm &vmm_src);
    void soft_relu_compute_vector(const Vmm &vmm_src);
    void logistic_compute_vector(const Vmm &vmm_src);
    void clamp_compute_vector(const Vmm &vmm_src);

    void relu_prepare_table();
    void elu_prepare_table();
    void soft_relu_prepare_table();
    void abs_prepare_table();
    void sqrt_prepare_table();
    void linear_prepare_table();
    void bounded_relu_prepare_table();
    void clamp_prepare_table();

struct jit_uni_eltwise_kernel_f32;

template <cpu_isa_t isa, impl::data_type_t d_type>
struct jit_uni_eltwise_fwd_t : public cpu_primitive_t {
    struct pd_t : public cpu_eltwise_fwd_pd_t {
        pd_t(engine_t *engine, const eltwise_desc_t *adesc,
                const primitive_attr_t *attr,
                const eltwise_fwd_pd_t *hint_fwd_pd)
            : cpu_eltwise_fwd_pd_t(engine, adesc, attr, hint_fwd_pd) {}

                JIT_IMPL_NAME_HELPER("jit:", isa, ""),
                jit_uni_eltwise_fwd_t<isa, d_type>);

        virtual status_t init() override;

    jit_uni_eltwise_fwd_t(const pd_t *apd, const input_vector &inputs,
                       const output_vector &outputs);

    typedef typename prec_traits<d_type>::type data_t;

    virtual void execute(event_t *e) const

    void execute_forward() const;
    const pd_t *pd() const { return (const pd_t *)primitive_t::pd(); }
    jit_uni_eltwise_kernel_f32 *kernel_;

template <cpu_isa_t isa, impl::data_type_t d_type>
struct jit_uni_eltwise_bwd_t : public cpu_primitive_t {
    struct pd_t : public cpu_eltwise_bwd_pd_t {
        pd_t(engine_t *engine, const eltwise_desc_t *adesc,
                const primitive_attr_t *attr,
                const eltwise_fwd_pd_t *hint_fwd_pd)
            : cpu_eltwise_bwd_pd_t(engine, adesc, attr, hint_fwd_pd) {}

                JIT_IMPL_NAME_HELPER("jit:", isa, ""),
                jit_uni_eltwise_bwd_t<isa, d_type>);

        virtual status_t init() override;

    jit_uni_eltwise_bwd_t(const pd_t *apd, const input_vector &inputs,
                       const output_vector &outputs);

    typedef typename prec_traits<d_type>::type data_t;

    virtual void execute(event_t *e) const

    void execute_backward() const;
    const pd_t *pd() const { return (const pd_t *)primitive_t::pd(); }
    jit_uni_eltwise_kernel_f32 *kernel_;

