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import json
import numpy
import openvino.inference_engine as ie
from .network_node_stats import NetworkNodeStats
from .shape import Shape

class AggregatedStatistics:
    INDEX_MIN = 0
    INDEX_MAX = 1

    def __init__(self, result=None, ignore_layer_names: set=None, iterations_count: int = 1, dataset_size: int = 1):
        self._ignore_layer_names = ignore_layer_names
        self._registered_layers = None
        self._iterations_count = iterations_count
        self._dataset_size = dataset_size
        self._itteration = 0

        if result:
            for inference_result in result.result:
                self.add(network =, exec_network = result.exec_network, inference_result = inference_result)

    def release(self):
        if self._registered_layers:
            del self._registered_layers
            self._registered_layers = None

    def add(
        network: ie.IENetwork,
        exec_network: ie.ExecutableNetwork,
        Add inference result to aggregated statistics instance
        layer_names = network.layers.keys()

        if not self._registered_layers:
            self._registered_layers = dict()
            initialized = False
            initialized = True

        # TODO: can be refactored: we are itterating by all layers (to cover input layers output) to collect statistics
        # for inference_result in inference_results:
        for out_layer_name in layer_names:
            if self._ignore_layer_names and out_layer_name in self._ignore_layer_names or \
                    out_layer_name in network.outputs and network.outputs[out_layer_name].layout.lower() == 'blocked':

            if out_layer_name in network.inputs:
                output_blob = exec_network.requests[0].inputs[out_layer_name]
                shape = Shape.create(network.inputs[out_layer_name].layout, output_blob.shape)
                # TODO: can be refactored: we are itterating by all layers (to cover input layers output) to collect statistics
                if out_layer_name not in inference_result:
                output_blob = inference_result[out_layer_name]
                shape = Shape.create(network.outputs[out_layer_name].layout, output_blob.shape)

            if not initialized:
                # for const layers N is not equal batch size
                # self._registered_layers[out_layer_name] = numpy.empty((shape.c, self._dataset_size, 2))
                self._registered_layers[out_layer_name] = numpy.empty((shape.c, shape.n * self._iterations_count, 2))

            if shape.layout[0] != 'C' and not (len(shape.layout) >= 2 and shape.layout[0] == 'N' and shape.layout[1] == 'C'):
                raise ValueError("unsupported layout '{}'".format(shape.layout))

            if shape.layout[0] != 'N':
                output_blob = [output_blob]

            for sample in range(0, shape.n):
                for channel in range(0, shape.c):
                    self.add_tensor_statistics(out_layer_name, output_blob, shape.n, sample, channel, self._itteration)

        self._itteration += 1

    def register_layer(self, layer_name: str):
        if layer_name in self._registered_layers:
            raise ValueError("layer '{}' has been added already".format(layer_name))

        self._registered_layers[layer_name] = None

    def registered_layers(self):
        return self._registered_layers

    def add_tensor_statistics(self, layer_name: str, data, n: int, sample: int, channel: int, itteration: int):
        channels = self._registered_layers[layer_name]

        n_index = sample + n * itteration
        if n_index >= channels.shape[1]:
            channels.resize((channels.shape[0], n_index + 1, channels.shape[2]), refcheck=False)
        if channel >= channels.shape[0]:
            channels.resize((channel + 1, channels.shape[1], channels.shape[2]), refcheck=False)

        channels.itemset((channel, n_index, self.INDEX_MIN), data[sample][channel].min())
        channels.itemset((channel, n_index, self.INDEX_MAX), data[sample][channel].max())

    def get_number_channels(self, layer_name: str):
        if layer_name in self._registered_layers:
            return len(self._registered_layers[layer_name])
        return 0

    def get_data_min_max(self, layer_name: str, channel: int, threshold: float = None):
        # take data by name
        if layer_name in self._registered_layers:
            layer = self._registered_layers[layer_name]
            stats = layer[channel]

            # having absolute min/max values, we can create new statistic
            max_values = list()
            min_values = list()
            for tensor_statistic in stats:

            # define number of elements to throw out
            element_to_take = int(len(max_values) * threshold / 100) if threshold else len(max_values)
            elements_to_throw = len(max_values) - element_to_take if threshold else 0

            element_to_take = len(max_values) if element_to_take > len(max_values) else element_to_take
            elements_to_throw = (len(min_values) - 1) if elements_to_throw >= len(min_values) else elements_to_throw


            min = min_values[elements_to_throw]
            max = max_values[element_to_take - 1]
            min = max = 0.0

        return min, max

    def serialize(self, json_file_path: str):
        with open(json_file_path, 'w') as out_file:
            json.dump(self._registered_layers, out_file)

    def get_node_statistics(self, threshold = None):
        net_nodes_stats = dict()
        # go over all outputs and get aggregated statistics
        for layer_name in self.registered_layers:
            channels_count = self.get_number_channels(layer_name)

            if layer_name not in net_nodes_stats:
                node_stats = NetworkNodeStats(channels_count)
                net_nodes_stats[layer_name] = node_stats
                node_stats = net_nodes_stats[layer_name]

            for channel in range(channels_count):
                node_stats.min_outputs[channel], node_stats.max_outputs[channel] = self.get_data_min_max(layer_name, channel, threshold)

        return net_nodes_stats

    def pop(self, ignore_layer_names: set):
        for ignore_layer_name in ignore_layer_names: