EltwiseInputReshape.py 5.86 KB
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 Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Intel Corporation

 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import numpy as np

from mo.front.common.layout import get_features_dim, shape_for_layout
from mo.graph.graph import Graph
from mo.middle.replacement import MiddleReplacementPattern
from mo.ops.const import Const
from mo.ops.op import Op
from mo.ops.reshape import Reshape

class Eltwise1DInputReshape(MiddleReplacementPattern):
    Inserts Reshape before 1-D input to Eltwise if another input of Eltwise is multi-dimensional tensor with the
    same feature size as 1-D input

    Replacer is useful in cases of layout change in MO (for example NHWC-> NCHW translation of TensorFlow models)

    Eltwise Mul operation in TF multiplies Tensors by feature dimension with shapes [1,375,500,24] and [24].
    After layout change in MO Eltwise Mul have input shapes [1,24,375,500] and [24]. It is a problem (500!=24).
    We have to insert Reshape layer for Tensor with [24] shape to correspond the feature dimension of
    Tensor [1,24,375,500] shape

    change of graph.graph['layout'] may cause an issue
    change in re-layout function: convert_nhwc_to_nchw(graph) may cause an issue
    enabled = False

    def run_after(self):
        return [EltwiseInputReshape]

    def find_and_replace_pattern(self, graph: Graph):
        layout = graph.graph['layout']
        for eltwise_op_node in graph.get_op_nodes(is_eltwise=True):
                out_shape = eltwise_op_node.out_port().data.get_shape()
                if 4 <= len(out_shape) <= 5:
                    out_features = out_shape[get_features_dim(layout, len(out_shape))]
                    for port, node in eltwise_op_node.in_nodes().items():
                        if len(node.shape) != len(out_shape) and len(node.shape) == 1 and out_features == node.shape[0]:
                            new_shape = shape_for_layout(layout, batch=1, features=out_features, height=1, width=1,
                                                         depth=1 if len(out_shape) == 5 else None)
                            dim_const = Const(graph, {'value': new_shape, 'name': node.id + '/Dim'}).create_node()
                            reshape_op = Reshape(graph, attrs={'dim': new_shape, 'name': node.id + '/Broadcast'}).create_node()



class EltwiseInputReshape(MiddleReplacementPattern):
    enabled = True
    force_clean_up = True

    def run_after(self):
        from extensions.middle.pass_separator import MiddleStart
        return [MiddleStart]

    def find_and_replace_pattern(self, graph: Graph):
        for node in graph.get_data_nodes():
            # Get all requested shapes for current node
            # This mapping will contain pairs like {shape:[list of consumers nodes]}
            mapping = {}
            for consumer in node.out_nodes():
                edge_attrs = graph.get_edge_data(node.id, consumer.id)[0]
                if 'new_shape' in edge_attrs:
                    if np.array_equal(edge_attrs['new_shape'], node.shape):
                    new_shape = tuple([x for x in edge_attrs['new_shape']])
                    if not new_shape in mapping:
                        mapping.update({new_shape: [consumer]})

            if node.has_valid('value'):
                # Check that requested shape are the same
                # In case if they are different, we duplicate them
                for shape_key in mapping.keys():
                    shape = list(shape_key)
                    new_value = np.reshape(node.value, shape)
                    node_copy = Op.create_input_data_node(graph, node.id + '/copy', value=np.array(new_value))
                    for consumer in mapping[shape_key]:
                        edge_attrs = graph.get_edge_data(node.id, consumer.id)[0]
                        del edge_attrs['new_shape']

                        # Remove edge from previous data node and connect new data node with its consumer
                        graph.remove_edge(node.id, consumer.id)
                        graph.add_edge(node_copy.id, consumer.id, **edge_attrs)
                # Insert Reshape layer between data node and consumer
                for shape_key in mapping.keys():
                    shape = list(shape_key)
                    reshape = Reshape(graph, attrs={'name': 'EltwiseReshapeNormalization'})
                    reshape_dim = Const(graph, {'value': shape}).create_node_with_data()
                    reshape_data = reshape.create_node_with_data(inputs=[node, reshape_dim])

                    # Iterate over consumers and reconnect them to Reshape layer output
                    for consumer in mapping[shape_key]:
                        edge_attrs = graph.get_edge_data(node.id, consumer.id)[0]
                        del edge_attrs['new_shape']

                        # Reconnect edge from original data node to Reshape output datanode
                        graph.remove_edge(node.id, consumer.id)
                        graph.add_edge(reshape_data.id, consumer.id, **edge_attrs)