Build opencv_contrib with dnn module {#tutorial_dnn_build} ==================================== Introduction ------------ opencv_dnn module is placed in the secondary [opencv_contrib]( repository, which isn't distributed in binary form, therefore you need to build it manually. To do this you need to have installed: [CMake](, git, and build system (*gcc* with *make* for Linux or *MS Visual Studio* for Windows) Steps ----- -# Make any directory, for example **opencv_root** -# Clone [opencv]( and [opencv_contrib]( repos to the **opencv_root**. You can do it in terminal like here: @code cd opencv_root git clone git clone @endcode -# Run [CMake-gui] and set source and build directories: - Set source code directory to **opencv_root**/opencv; - Set binaries directory, for example, to **opencv_root**/build_opencv. This directory will contain built libraries.  -# Configure opencv: - press *Configure*; - choose the preferred project generator (Makefiles for Linux, MS Visual Studio for Windows); - also you can set many opencv build options, for more details see @ref tutorial_linux_install.  -# In the appeared list of build parameters find parameter `OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH` and set it to the **opencv_root**/opencv_contrib.  -# *Configure* the project again, and set build options of dnn module: - `BUILD_opencv_dnn` parameter must exist and be checked. - dnn module covers waste part of [Caffe]( framework functionality. However, to load Caffe networks libprotobuf is required. You you can uncheck `BUILD_LIBPROTOBUF_FROM_SOURCES` flag to try use protobuf installed in your system. Elsewise libpotobuf will be built from opencv sources. - You can additionally check `opencv_dnn_BUILD_TORCH_IMPORTER` parameter to build [Torch7]( importer. It allows you to use networks, generated by [Torch7.nn]( module.  -# Press *Configure* and *Generate*.  -# Build the generated project: - If Makefiles generator on Unix was used, run the following in terminal: @code cd opencv_root/build_opencv make all @endcode - If MS Visual Studio generator was used, then open OpenCV.sln from **opencv_root**/build_opencv folder in the Visual Studio, and build it by choosing **Build** -> **Build Solution** menu or using **F7** short-cut. -# Now you can build own program by using libraries were built into **opencv_root**/build_opencv/lib. See the following tutorials to learn how to create a program using OpenCV: - @ref tutorial_windows_install - @ref tutorial_linux_gcc_cmake