#!/usr/bin/env python3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # # Copyright (c) 2019, Josh Chien. All rights reserved. from argparse import ArgumentParser import numpy as np from PIL import Image import io import warnings import os import cairo from cairosvg import svg2png import math import tempfile def SaveArucoDictBytesList(filePath = "arucoDictBytesList.npz"): import numpy as np # cv2 is optional dependency try: import cv2 from cv2 import aruco # Name, Flag dictInfo = \ [ ("DICT_4X4_1000", aruco.DICT_4X4_1000), ("DICT_5X5_1000", aruco.DICT_5X5_1000), ("DICT_6X6_1000", aruco.DICT_6X6_1000), ("DICT_7X7_1000", aruco.DICT_7X7_1000), ("DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL", aruco.DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL), ("DICT_APRILTAG_16h5", aruco.DICT_APRILTAG_16h5), ("DICT_APRILTAG_25h9", aruco.DICT_APRILTAG_25h9), ("DICT_APRILTAG_36h10", aruco.DICT_APRILTAG_36h10), ("DICT_APRILTAG_36h11", aruco.DICT_APRILTAG_36h11), ] arucoDictBytesList = {} for name, flag in dictInfo: arucoDict = aruco.Dictionary_get(flag) arucoDictBytesList[name] = arucoDict.bytesList np.savez_compressed(filePath, **arucoDictBytesList) return arucoDictBytesList except Exception as e: warnings.warn(str(e)) return None return None class MarkerPrinter: debugMode = None # "LINE" "BLOCK" # Static Vars # SVG https://oreillymedia.github.io/Using_SVG/guide/units.html # for PDF and SVG, 1 pixel = 1/72 inch, 1 cm = 1/2.54 inch, 1pixl = 2.54/72 cm, 1cm = 72/2.54 pixels ptPerMeter = 72 / 2.54 * 100 surface = { ".SVG": cairo.SVGSurface, ".PDF": cairo.PDFSurface, ".PS": cairo.PSSurface } if (os.path.isfile("arucoDictBytesList.npz")): arucoDictBytesList = np.load("arucoDictBytesList.npz") else: warnings.warn("Missing build-in arucoDictBytesList.npz, generate it again") arucoDictBytesList = SaveArucoDictBytesList(filePath = "arucoDictBytesList.npz") arucoDictMarkerSize = \ { "DICT_4X4_1000": 4, "DICT_5X5_1000": 5, "DICT_6X6_1000": 6, "DICT_7X7_1000": 7, "DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL": 5, "DICT_APRILTAG_16h5": 4, "DICT_APRILTAG_25h9": 5, "DICT_APRILTAG_36h10": 6, "DICT_APRILTAG_36h11": 6, } def ArucoBits(dictionary, markerID): bytesList = MarkerPrinter.arucoDictBytesList[dictionary][markerID].ravel() markerSize = MarkerPrinter.arucoDictMarkerSize[dictionary] arucoBits = np.zeros(shape = (markerSize, markerSize), dtype = bool) base2List = np.array( [128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1], dtype = np.uint8) currentByteIdx = 0 currentByte = bytesList[currentByteIdx] currentBit = 0 for row in range(markerSize): for col in range(markerSize): if(currentByte >= base2List[currentBit]): arucoBits[row, col] = True currentByte -= base2List[currentBit] currentBit = currentBit + 1 if(currentBit == 8): currentByteIdx = currentByteIdx + 1 currentByte = bytesList[currentByteIdx] if(8 * (currentByteIdx + 1) > arucoBits.size): currentBit = 8 * (currentByteIdx + 1) - arucoBits.size else: currentBit = 0; return arucoBits def __DrawBlock(context, dictionary = None, markerLength = None, borderBits = 1, chessboardSize = (1, 1), squareLength = None, firstMarkerID = 0, blockX = 0, blockY = 0, originX = 0, originY = 0, pageBorderX = 0, pageBorderY = 0, mode = "CHESS" ): if(squareLength is None): squareLength = markerLength if(markerLength is None): markerLength = squareLength if((squareLength is None) or (markerLength is None)): raise ValueError("lenght is None") dawMarkerBlock = False if ((mode == "ARUCO") or (mode == "ARUCOGRID")): dawMarkerBlock = True elif(chessboardSize[1] % 2 == 0): dawMarkerBlock = (( blockX % 2 == 0 ) == ( blockY % 2 == 0 )) else: dawMarkerBlock = (( blockX % 2 == 0 ) != ( blockY % 2 == 0 )) if(dawMarkerBlock): if (mode != "CHESS"): if(dictionary is None): raise ValueError("dictionary is None") if (mode == "CHARUCO"): originX = (blockX - originX) * squareLength + (squareLength - markerLength)*0.5 + pageBorderX originY = (blockY - originY) * squareLength + (squareLength - markerLength)*0.5 + pageBorderY else: originX = (blockX - originX) * squareLength + pageBorderX originY = (blockY - originY) * squareLength + pageBorderY context.set_source_rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) context.rectangle(originX, originY, markerLength, markerLength) context.fill() # Generate marker if (mode == "CHARUCO"): markerID = firstMarkerID + (blockY * chessboardSize[0] + blockX) // 2 elif (mode == "ARUCO"): markerID = firstMarkerID elif (mode == "ARUCOGRID"): markerID = firstMarkerID + (blockY * chessboardSize[0] + blockX) marker = MarkerPrinter.ArucoBits(dictionary, markerID) markerSize = marker.shape[0] unitLength = markerLength / (float)(markerSize + borderBits * 2) markerBitMap = np.zeros(shape = (markerSize+borderBits*2, markerSize+borderBits*2), dtype = bool) markerBitMap[borderBits:-borderBits,borderBits:-borderBits] = marker markerBitMap = np.swapaxes(markerBitMap, 0, 1) # Compute edges hEdges = np.zeros(shape = (markerSize+1,markerSize+1), dtype = bool) vEdges = np.zeros(shape = (markerSize+1,markerSize+1), dtype = bool) for mx in range(markerSize): for my in range(markerSize+1): if ( markerBitMap[mx + borderBits, my + borderBits - 1] ^ markerBitMap[mx + borderBits, my + borderBits]): hEdges[mx, my] = True for mx in range(markerSize+1): for my in range(markerSize): if ( markerBitMap[mx + borderBits - 1, my + borderBits] ^ markerBitMap[mx + borderBits, my + borderBits]): vEdges[mx, my] = True # Use for debug, check edge or position is correct or not if(MarkerPrinter.debugMode is not None): if(MarkerPrinter.debugMode.upper() == "LINE"): context.set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) context.set_line_width(unitLength * 0.1) for mx in range(markerSize+1): for my in range(markerSize+1): if(hEdges[mx, my]): context.move_to(originX + unitLength * (mx + borderBits ), originY + unitLength * (my + borderBits )) context.line_to(originX + unitLength * (mx + borderBits + 1), originY + unitLength * (my + borderBits )) context.stroke() if(vEdges[mx, my]): context.move_to(originX + unitLength * (mx + borderBits ), originY + unitLength * (my + borderBits )) context.line_to(originX + unitLength * (mx + borderBits ), originY + unitLength * (my + borderBits + 1)) context.stroke() elif(MarkerPrinter.debugMode.upper() == "BLOCK"): context.set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) for mx in range(markerSize): for my in range(markerSize): if(markerBitMap[mx + borderBits, my + borderBits]): context.rectangle( originX + unitLength * (mx + borderBits), originY + unitLength * (my + borderBits), unitLength, unitLength) context.fill() else: while(True): found = False # Find start position sx = 0 sy = 0 for my in range(markerSize): for mx in range(markerSize): if(hEdges[mx, my]): found = True sx = mx sy = my if(markerBitMap[sx + borderBits, sy + borderBits - 1]): context.set_source_rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) else: context.set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) break if(found): break context.move_to (originX + unitLength * (sx + borderBits), originY + unitLength * (sy + borderBits)) # Use wall follower maze solving algorithm to draw white part cx = sx cy = sy cd = 3 # 0 right, 1 down, 2 left, 3 up while(True): nd = (cd + 1)%4 moved = False if(nd == 0): if(hEdges[cx, cy]): hEdges[cx, cy] = False cx = cx + 1 moved = True elif(nd == 1): if(vEdges[cx, cy]): vEdges[cx, cy] = False cy = cy + 1 moved = True elif(nd == 2): if(hEdges[cx - 1, cy]): hEdges[cx - 1, cy] = False cx = cx - 1 moved = True elif(nd == 3): if(vEdges[cx, cy - 1]): vEdges[cx, cy - 1] = False cy = cy - 1 moved = True if((cx == sx) and (cy == sy)): context.close_path () break else: if(moved): context.line_to(originX + unitLength * (cx + borderBits), originY + unitLength * (cy + borderBits)) cd = nd if (found): context.fill() else: break else: originX = (blockX - originX) * squareLength + pageBorderX originY = (blockY - originY) * squareLength + pageBorderY context.set_source_rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) context.rectangle(originX, originY, squareLength, squareLength) context.fill() def __CheckChessMarkerImage(chessboardSize, squareLength, subSize=None, pageBorder=(0,0)): if(len(chessboardSize) != 2): raise ValueError("len(chessboardSize) != 2") else: sizeX, sizeY = chessboardSize if(len(pageBorder) != 2): raise ValueError("len(pageBorder) != 2") else: pageBorderX, pageBorderY = pageBorder if(sizeX <= 1): raise ValueError("sizeX <= 1") if(sizeY <= 1): raise ValueError("sizeY <= 1") if(squareLength <= 0): raise ValueError("squareLength <= 0") if(pageBorderX < 0): raise ValueError("pageBorderX < 0") if(pageBorderY < 0): raise ValueError("pageBorderY < 0") if(subSize is not None): subSizeX, subSizeY = subSize if(subSizeX < 0): raise ValueError("subSizeX < 0") if(subSizeY < 0): raise ValueError("subSizeY < 0") def PreviewChessMarkerImage(chessboardSize, squareLength, pageBorder=(0, 0), dpi=96): MarkerPrinter.__CheckChessMarkerImage(chessboardSize, squareLength, pageBorder=pageBorder) squareLength = squareLength * MarkerPrinter.ptPerMeter pageBorder = (pageBorder[0] * MarkerPrinter.ptPerMeter, pageBorder[1] * MarkerPrinter.ptPerMeter) prevImage = None with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: with MarkerPrinter.surface[".SVG"] ( os.path.join(tmpdirname, "tempSVG.svg"), chessboardSize[0] * squareLength + pageBorder[0] * 2, chessboardSize[1] * squareLength + pageBorder[1] * 2) as surface: context = cairo.Context(surface) context.set_source_rgba(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0) context.rectangle(0, 0, chessboardSize[0] * squareLength + pageBorder[0] * 2, chessboardSize[1] * squareLength + pageBorder[1] * 2) context.fill() context.set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) context.rectangle(pageBorder[0], pageBorder[1], chessboardSize[0] * squareLength, chessboardSize[1] * squareLength) context.fill() for bx in range(chessboardSize[0]): for by in range(chessboardSize[1]): MarkerPrinter.__DrawBlock( context = context, chessboardSize = chessboardSize, squareLength = squareLength, blockX = bx, blockY = by, pageBorderX = pageBorder[0], pageBorderY = pageBorder[1], mode = "CHESS") with open(os.path.join(tmpdirname, "tempSVG.svg")) as file: prevImage = Image.open(io.BytesIO(svg2png(bytestring=file.read(), dpi=dpi))) return prevImage def GenChessMarkerImage(filePath, chessboardSize, squareLength, subSize=None, pageBorder=(0, 0)): MarkerPrinter.__CheckChessMarkerImage(chessboardSize, squareLength, subSize=subSize, pageBorder=pageBorder) squareLength = squareLength * MarkerPrinter.ptPerMeter pageBorder = (pageBorder[0] * MarkerPrinter.ptPerMeter, pageBorder[1] * MarkerPrinter.ptPerMeter) # Check path, nameExt = os.path.split(filePath) name, ext = os.path.splitext(nameExt) if(len(path) > 0): if not(os.path.isdir(path)): os.makedirs(path) if((ext.upper() != ".SVG") and (ext.upper() != ".PS") and (ext.upper() != ".PDF")): raise ValueError("file extention is not supported, should be: svg, ps, pdf") # Draw with MarkerPrinter.surface[ext.upper()] ( filePath, chessboardSize[0] * squareLength + pageBorder[0] * 2, chessboardSize[1] * squareLength + pageBorder[1] * 2) as surface: context = cairo.Context(surface) context.set_source_rgba(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0) context.rectangle(0, 0, chessboardSize[0] * squareLength + pageBorder[0] * 2, chessboardSize[1] * squareLength + pageBorder[1] * 2) context.fill() context.set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) context.rectangle(pageBorder[0], pageBorder[1], chessboardSize[0] * squareLength, chessboardSize[1] * squareLength) context.fill() for bx in range(chessboardSize[0]): for by in range(chessboardSize[1]): MarkerPrinter.__DrawBlock( context = context, chessboardSize = chessboardSize, squareLength = squareLength, blockX = bx, blockY = by, pageBorderX = pageBorder[0], pageBorderY = pageBorder[1], mode = "CHESS" ) if(subSize is not None): subDivide = (\ chessboardSize[0] // subSize[0] + int(chessboardSize[0] % subSize[0] > 0), chessboardSize[1] // subSize[1] + int(chessboardSize[1] % subSize[1] > 0)) subChessboardBlockX = np.clip ( np.arange(0, subSize[0] * subDivide[0] + 1, subSize[0]), 0, chessboardSize[0]) subChessboardBlockY = np.clip ( np.arange(0, subSize[1] * subDivide[1] + 1, subSize[1]), 0, chessboardSize[1]) subChessboardSliceX = subChessboardBlockX.astype(np.float) * squareLength subChessboardSliceY = subChessboardBlockY.astype(np.float) * squareLength for subXID in range(subDivide[0]): for subYID in range(subDivide[1]): subName = name + \ "_X" + str(subChessboardBlockX[subXID]) + "_" + str(subChessboardBlockX[subXID+1]) + \ "_Y" + str(subChessboardBlockY[subYID]) + "_" + str(subChessboardBlockY[subYID+1]) with MarkerPrinter.surface[ext.upper()]( os.path.join(path, subName + ext), subChessboardSliceX[subXID+1] - subChessboardSliceX[subXID] + pageBorder[0] * 2, subChessboardSliceY[subYID+1] - subChessboardSliceY[subYID] + pageBorder[1] * 2) as surface: context = cairo.Context(surface) context.set_source_rgba(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0) context.rectangle(0, 0, subChessboardSliceX[subXID+1] - subChessboardSliceX[subXID] + pageBorder[0] * 2, subChessboardSliceY[subYID+1] - subChessboardSliceY[subYID] + pageBorder[1] * 2) context.fill() context.set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) context.rectangle(pageBorder[0], pageBorder[1], subChessboardSliceX[subXID+1] - subChessboardSliceX[subXID], subChessboardSliceY[subYID+1] - subChessboardSliceY[subYID]) context.fill() for bx in range(subChessboardBlockX[subXID+1] - subChessboardBlockX[subXID]): for by in range(subChessboardBlockY[subYID+1] - subChessboardBlockY[subYID]): MarkerPrinter.__DrawBlock( context = context, chessboardSize = chessboardSize, squareLength = squareLength, blockX = subChessboardBlockX[subXID] + bx, blockY = subChessboardBlockY[subYID] + by, originX = subChessboardBlockX[subXID], originY = subChessboardBlockY[subYID], pageBorderX = pageBorder[0], pageBorderY = pageBorder[1], mode = "CHESS" ) def __CheckArucoMarkerImage(dictionary, markerID, markerLength, borderBits=1, pageBorder=(0, 0)): if(len(pageBorder) != 2): raise ValueError("len(pageBorder) != 2") else: pageBorderX, pageBorderY = pageBorder if not (dictionary in MarkerPrinter.arucoDictBytesList): raise ValueError("dictionary is not support") if(MarkerPrinter.arucoDictBytesList[dictionary].shape[0] <= markerID ): raise ValueError("markerID is not in aruce dictionary") if(markerID < 0): raise ValueError("markerID < 0") if(markerLength <= 0): raise ValueError("markerLength <= 0") if(borderBits <= 0): raise ValueError("borderBits <= 0") if(pageBorderX < 0): raise ValueError("pageBorderX < 0") if(pageBorderY < 0): raise ValueError("pageBorderY < 0") def PreviewArucoMarkerImage(dictionary, markerID, markerLength, borderBits=1, pageBorder=(0, 0), dpi=96): MarkerPrinter.__CheckArucoMarkerImage(dictionary, markerID, markerLength, borderBits=borderBits, pageBorder=pageBorder) markerLength = markerLength * MarkerPrinter.ptPerMeter pageBorder = (pageBorder[0] * MarkerPrinter.ptPerMeter, pageBorder[1] * MarkerPrinter.ptPerMeter) prevImage = None with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: with MarkerPrinter.surface[".SVG"] ( os.path.join(tmpdirname, "tempSVG.svg"), markerLength + pageBorder[0] * 2, markerLength + pageBorder[1] * 2) as surface: context = cairo.Context(surface) context.set_source_rgba(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0) context.rectangle(0, 0, markerLength + pageBorder[0] * 2, markerLength + pageBorder[1] * 2) context.fill() context.set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) context.rectangle(pageBorder[0], pageBorder[1], markerLength, markerLength) context.fill() MarkerPrinter.__DrawBlock( context = context, dictionary = dictionary, markerLength = markerLength, borderBits = borderBits, firstMarkerID = markerID, pageBorderX = pageBorder[0], pageBorderY = pageBorder[1], mode = "ARUCO") with open(os.path.join(tmpdirname, "tempSVG.svg")) as file: prevImage = Image.open(io.BytesIO(svg2png(bytestring=file.read(), dpi=dpi))) return prevImage def GenArucoMarkerImage(filePath, dictionary, markerID, markerLength, borderBits=1, pageBorder=(0, 0)): MarkerPrinter.__CheckArucoMarkerImage(dictionary, markerID, markerLength, borderBits=borderBits, pageBorder=pageBorder) markerLength = markerLength * MarkerPrinter.ptPerMeter pageBorder = (pageBorder[0] * MarkerPrinter.ptPerMeter, pageBorder[1] * MarkerPrinter.ptPerMeter) # Check path, nameExt = os.path.split(filePath) name, ext = os.path.splitext(nameExt) if(len(path) > 0): if not(os.path.isdir(path)): os.makedirs(path) if((ext.upper() != ".SVG") and (ext.upper() != ".PS") and (ext.upper() != ".PDF")): raise ValueError("file extention is not supported, should be: svg, ps, pdf") # Draw with MarkerPrinter.surface[ext.upper()] ( filePath, markerLength + pageBorder[0] * 2, markerLength + pageBorder[1] * 2) as surface: context = cairo.Context(surface) context.set_source_rgba(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0) context.rectangle(0, 0, markerLength + pageBorder[0] * 2, markerLength + pageBorder[1] * 2) context.fill() context.set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) context.rectangle(pageBorder[0], pageBorder[1], markerLength, markerLength) context.fill() MarkerPrinter.__DrawBlock( context = context, dictionary = dictionary, markerLength = markerLength, borderBits = borderBits, firstMarkerID = markerID, pageBorderX = pageBorder[0], pageBorderY = pageBorder[1], mode = "ARUCO") def __CheckCharucoMarkerImage(dictionary, chessboardSize, squareLength, markerLength, borderBits=1, subSize=None, pageBorder=(0, 0)): if(len(chessboardSize) != 2): raise ValueError("len(chessboardSize) != 2") else: sizeX, sizeY = chessboardSize if(len(pageBorder) != 2): raise ValueError("len(pageBorder) != 2") else: pageBorderX, pageBorderY = pageBorder if not (dictionary in MarkerPrinter.arucoDictBytesList): raise ValueError("dictionary is not support") if(MarkerPrinter.arucoDictBytesList[dictionary].shape[0] < (( sizeX * sizeY ) // 2)): raise ValueError("aruce dictionary is not enough for your board size") if(sizeX <= 1): raise ValueError("sizeX <= 1") if(sizeY <= 1): raise ValueError("sizeY <= 1") if(squareLength <= 0): raise ValueError("squareLength <= 0") if(markerLength <= 0): raise ValueError("markerLength <= 0") if(squareLength < markerLength): raise ValueError("squareLength < markerLength") if(borderBits <= 0): raise ValueError("borderBits <= 0") if(pageBorderX < 0): raise ValueError("pageBorderX < 0") if(pageBorderY < 0): raise ValueError("pageBorderY < 0") if(subSize is not None): subSizeX, subSizeY = subSize if(subSizeX < 0): raise ValueError("subSizeX < 0") if(subSizeY < 0): raise ValueError("subSizeY < 0") def PreviewCharucoMarkerImage(dictionary, chessboardSize, squareLength, markerLength, borderBits=1, pageBorder=(0, 0), dpi=96): MarkerPrinter.__CheckCharucoMarkerImage(dictionary, chessboardSize, squareLength, markerLength, borderBits=borderBits, pageBorder=pageBorder) squareLength = squareLength * MarkerPrinter.ptPerMeter markerLength = markerLength * MarkerPrinter.ptPerMeter pageBorder = (pageBorder[0] * MarkerPrinter.ptPerMeter, pageBorder[1] * MarkerPrinter.ptPerMeter) prevImage = None with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: with MarkerPrinter.surface[".SVG"] ( os.path.join(tmpdirname, "tempSVG.svg"), chessboardSize[0] * squareLength + pageBorder[0] * 2, chessboardSize[1] * squareLength + pageBorder[1] * 2) as surface: context = cairo.Context(surface) context.set_source_rgba(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0) context.rectangle(0, 0, chessboardSize[0] * squareLength + pageBorder[0] * 2, chessboardSize[1] * squareLength + pageBorder[1] * 2) context.fill() context.set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) context.rectangle(pageBorder[0], pageBorder[1], chessboardSize[0] * squareLength, chessboardSize[1] * squareLength) context.fill() for bx in range(chessboardSize[0]): for by in range(chessboardSize[1]): MarkerPrinter.__DrawBlock( context = context, dictionary = dictionary, markerLength = markerLength, borderBits = borderBits, chessboardSize = chessboardSize, squareLength = squareLength, blockX = bx, blockY = by, pageBorderX = pageBorder[0], pageBorderY = pageBorder[1], mode = "CHARUCO") with open(os.path.join(tmpdirname, "tempSVG.svg")) as file: prevImage = Image.open(io.BytesIO(svg2png(bytestring=file.read(), dpi=dpi))) return prevImage def GenCharucoMarkerImage(filePath, dictionary, chessboardSize, squareLength, markerLength, borderBits=1, subSize=None, pageBorder=(0, 0)): MarkerPrinter.__CheckCharucoMarkerImage(dictionary, chessboardSize, squareLength, markerLength, borderBits=borderBits, subSize=subSize, pageBorder=pageBorder) squareLength = squareLength * MarkerPrinter.ptPerMeter markerLength = markerLength * MarkerPrinter.ptPerMeter pageBorder = (pageBorder[0] * MarkerPrinter.ptPerMeter, pageBorder[1] * MarkerPrinter.ptPerMeter) # Check path, nameExt = os.path.split(filePath) name, ext = os.path.splitext(nameExt) if(len(path) > 0): if not(os.path.isdir(path)): os.makedirs(path) if((ext.upper() != ".SVG") and (ext.upper() != ".PS") and (ext.upper() != ".PDF")): raise ValueError("file extention is not supported, should be: svg, ps, pdf") # Draw with MarkerPrinter.surface[ext.upper()] ( filePath, chessboardSize[0] * squareLength + pageBorder[0] * 2, chessboardSize[1] * squareLength + pageBorder[1] * 2) as surface: context = cairo.Context(surface) context.set_source_rgba(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0) context.rectangle(0, 0, chessboardSize[0] * squareLength + pageBorder[0] * 2, chessboardSize[1] * squareLength + pageBorder[1] * 2) context.fill() context.set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) context.rectangle(pageBorder[0], pageBorder[1], chessboardSize[0] * squareLength, chessboardSize[1] * squareLength) context.fill() for bx in range(chessboardSize[0]): for by in range(chessboardSize[1]): MarkerPrinter.__DrawBlock( context = context, dictionary = dictionary, markerLength = markerLength, borderBits = borderBits, chessboardSize = chessboardSize, squareLength = squareLength, blockX = bx, blockY = by, pageBorderX = pageBorder[0], pageBorderY = pageBorder[1], mode = "CHARUCO") if(subSize is not None): subDivide = (\ chessboardSize[0] // subSize[0] + int(chessboardSize[0] % subSize[0] > 0), chessboardSize[1] // subSize[1] + int(chessboardSize[1] % subSize[1] > 0)) subChessboardBlockX = np.clip ( np.arange(0, subSize[0] * subDivide[0] + 1, subSize[0]), 0, chessboardSize[0]) subChessboardBlockY = np.clip ( np.arange(0, subSize[1] * subDivide[1] + 1, subSize[1]), 0, chessboardSize[1]) subChessboardSliceX = subChessboardBlockX.astype(np.float) * squareLength subChessboardSliceY = subChessboardBlockY.astype(np.float) * squareLength for subXID in range(subDivide[0]): for subYID in range(subDivide[1]): subName = name + \ "_X" + str(subChessboardBlockX[subXID]) + "_" + str(subChessboardBlockX[subXID+1]) + \ "_Y" + str(subChessboardBlockY[subYID]) + "_" + str(subChessboardBlockY[subYID+1]) with MarkerPrinter.surface[ext.upper()]( os.path.join(path, subName + ext), subChessboardSliceX[subXID+1] - subChessboardSliceX[subXID] + pageBorder[0] * 2, subChessboardSliceY[subYID+1] - subChessboardSliceY[subYID] + pageBorder[1] * 2) as surface: context = cairo.Context(surface) context.set_source_rgba(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0) context.rectangle(0, 0, subChessboardSliceX[subXID+1] - subChessboardSliceX[subXID] + pageBorder[0] * 2, subChessboardSliceY[subYID+1] - subChessboardSliceY[subYID] + pageBorder[1] * 2) context.fill() context.set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) context.rectangle(pageBorder[0], pageBorder[1], subChessboardSliceX[subXID+1] - subChessboardSliceX[subXID], subChessboardSliceY[subYID+1] - subChessboardSliceY[subYID]) context.fill() for bx in range(subChessboardBlockX[subXID+1] - subChessboardBlockX[subXID]): for by in range(subChessboardBlockY[subYID+1] - subChessboardBlockY[subYID]): MarkerPrinter.__DrawBlock( context = context, dictionary = dictionary, markerLength = markerLength, borderBits = borderBits, chessboardSize = chessboardSize, squareLength = squareLength, blockX = subChessboardBlockX[subXID] + bx, blockY = subChessboardBlockY[subYID] + by, originX = subChessboardBlockX[subXID], originY = subChessboardBlockY[subYID], pageBorderX = pageBorder[0], pageBorderY = pageBorder[1], mode = "CHARUCO") def __CheckArucoGridMarkerImage(dictionary, chessboardSize, markerLength, markerSeparation, firstMarker, borderBits=1, subSize=None, pageBorder=(0, 0)): if(len(chessboardSize) != 2): raise ValueError("len(chessboardSize) != 2") else: sizeX, sizeY = chessboardSize if(len(pageBorder) != 2): raise ValueError("len(pageBorder) != 2") else: pageBorderX, pageBorderY = pageBorder if not (dictionary in MarkerPrinter.arucoDictBytesList): raise ValueError("dictionary is not support") if(MarkerPrinter.arucoDictBytesList[dictionary].shape[0] < (( sizeX * sizeY ) + firstMarker)): raise ValueError("aruce dictionary is not enough for your board size and firstMarker") if(sizeX <= 1): raise ValueError("sizeX <= 1") if(sizeY <= 1): raise ValueError("sizeY <= 1") if(markerLength <= 0): raise ValueError("markerLength <= 0") if(markerSeparation <= 0): raise ValueError("markerSeparation <= 0") if(borderBits <= 0): raise ValueError("borderBits <= 0") if(pageBorderX < 0): raise ValueError("pageBorderX < 0") if(pageBorderY < 0): raise ValueError("pageBorderY < 0") if(subSize is not None): subSizeX, subSizeY = subSize if(subSizeX < 0): raise ValueError("subSizeX < 0") if(subSizeY < 0): raise ValueError("subSizeY < 0") def PreviewArucoGridMarkerImage(dictionary, chessboardSize, markerLength, markerSeparation, firstMarker, borderBits=1, pageBorder=(0, 0), dpi=96): MarkerPrinter.__CheckArucoGridMarkerImage(dictionary, chessboardSize, markerLength, markerSeparation, firstMarker, borderBits=borderBits, pageBorder=pageBorder) markerLength = markerLength * MarkerPrinter.ptPerMeter markerSeparation = markerSeparation * MarkerPrinter.ptPerMeter pageBorder = (pageBorder[0] * MarkerPrinter.ptPerMeter, pageBorder[1] * MarkerPrinter.ptPerMeter) prevImage = None with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: with MarkerPrinter.surface[".SVG"] ( os.path.join(tmpdirname, "tempSVG.svg"), chessboardSize[0] * markerLength + (chessboardSize[0] - 1) * markerSeparation + pageBorder[0] * 2, chessboardSize[1] * markerLength + (chessboardSize[1] - 1) * markerSeparation + pageBorder[1] * 2) as surface: context = cairo.Context(surface) context.set_source_rgba(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0) context.rectangle(0, 0, chessboardSize[0] * markerLength + (chessboardSize[0] - 1) * markerSeparation + pageBorder[0] * 2, chessboardSize[1] * markerLength + (chessboardSize[1] - 1) * markerSeparation + pageBorder[1] * 2) context.fill() context.set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) context.rectangle(pageBorder[0], pageBorder[1], chessboardSize[0] * markerLength + (chessboardSize[0] - 1) * markerSeparation, chessboardSize[1] * markerLength + (chessboardSize[1] - 1) * markerSeparation) context.fill() for bx in range(chessboardSize[0]): for by in range(chessboardSize[1]): MarkerPrinter.__DrawBlock( context = context, dictionary = dictionary, markerLength = markerLength, borderBits = borderBits, chessboardSize = chessboardSize, squareLength = markerLength + markerSeparation, firstMarkerID = firstMarker, blockX = bx, blockY = by, pageBorderX = pageBorder[0], pageBorderY = pageBorder[1], mode = "ARUCOGRID") with open(os.path.join(tmpdirname, "tempSVG.svg")) as file: prevImage = Image.open(io.BytesIO(svg2png(bytestring=file.read(), dpi=dpi))) return prevImage def GenArucoGridMarkerImage(filePath, dictionary, chessboardSize, markerLength, markerSeparation, firstMarker, borderBits=1, subSize=None, pageBorder=(0, 0)): MarkerPrinter.__CheckArucoGridMarkerImage(dictionary, chessboardSize, markerLength, markerSeparation, firstMarker, borderBits=borderBits, subSize=subSize, pageBorder=pageBorder) markerLength = markerLength * MarkerPrinter.ptPerMeter markerSeparation = markerSeparation * MarkerPrinter.ptPerMeter pageBorder = (pageBorder[0] * MarkerPrinter.ptPerMeter, pageBorder[1] * MarkerPrinter.ptPerMeter) # Check path, nameExt = os.path.split(filePath) name, ext = os.path.splitext(nameExt) if(len(path) > 0): if not(os.path.isdir(path)): os.makedirs(path) if((ext.upper() != ".SVG") and (ext.upper() != ".PS") and (ext.upper() != ".PDF")): raise ValueError("file extention is not supported, should be: svg, ps, pdf") # Draw with MarkerPrinter.surface[ext.upper()] ( filePath, chessboardSize[0] * markerLength + (chessboardSize[0] - 1) * markerSeparation + pageBorder[0] * 2, chessboardSize[1] * markerLength + (chessboardSize[1] - 1) * markerSeparation + pageBorder[1] * 2) as surface: context = cairo.Context(surface) context.set_source_rgba(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0) context.rectangle(0, 0, chessboardSize[0] * markerLength + (chessboardSize[0] - 1) * markerSeparation + pageBorder[0] * 2, chessboardSize[1] * markerLength + (chessboardSize[1] - 1) * markerSeparation + pageBorder[1] * 2) context.fill() context.set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) context.rectangle(pageBorder[0], pageBorder[1], chessboardSize[0] * markerLength + (chessboardSize[0] - 1) * markerSeparation, chessboardSize[1] * markerLength + (chessboardSize[1] - 1) * markerSeparation) context.fill() for bx in range(chessboardSize[0]): for by in range(chessboardSize[1]): MarkerPrinter.__DrawBlock( context = context, dictionary = dictionary, markerLength = markerLength, borderBits = borderBits, chessboardSize = chessboardSize, squareLength = markerLength + markerSeparation, firstMarkerID = firstMarker, blockX = bx, blockY = by, pageBorderX = pageBorder[0], pageBorderY = pageBorder[1], mode = "ARUCOGRID") if(subSize is not None): subDivide = (\ chessboardSize[0] // subSize[0] + int(chessboardSize[0] % subSize[0] > 0), chessboardSize[1] // subSize[1] + int(chessboardSize[1] % subSize[1] > 0)) subChessboardBlockX = np.clip ( np.arange(0, subSize[0] * subDivide[0] + 1, subSize[0]), 0, chessboardSize[0]) subChessboardBlockY = np.clip ( np.arange(0, subSize[1] * subDivide[1] + 1, subSize[1]), 0, chessboardSize[1]) subChessboardSliceX = subChessboardBlockX.astype(np.float) * (markerLength + markerSeparation) subChessboardSliceY = subChessboardBlockY.astype(np.float) * (markerLength + markerSeparation) subChessboardSliceX[-1] -= markerSeparation subChessboardSliceY[-1] -= markerSeparation for subXID in range(subDivide[0]): for subYID in range(subDivide[1]): subName = name + \ "_X" + str(subChessboardBlockX[subXID]) + "_" + str(subChessboardBlockX[subXID+1]) + \ "_Y" + str(subChessboardBlockY[subYID]) + "_" + str(subChessboardBlockY[subYID+1]) with MarkerPrinter.surface[ext.upper()]( os.path.join(path, subName + ext), subChessboardSliceX[subXID+1] - subChessboardSliceX[subXID] + pageBorder[0] * 2, subChessboardSliceY[subYID+1] - subChessboardSliceY[subYID] + pageBorder[1] * 2) as surface: context = cairo.Context(surface) context.set_source_rgba(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0) context.rectangle(0, 0, subChessboardSliceX[subXID+1] - subChessboardSliceX[subXID] + pageBorder[0] * 2, subChessboardSliceY[subYID+1] - subChessboardSliceY[subYID] + pageBorder[1] * 2) context.fill() context.set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) context.rectangle(pageBorder[0], pageBorder[1], subChessboardSliceX[subXID+1] - subChessboardSliceX[subXID], subChessboardSliceY[subYID+1] - subChessboardSliceY[subYID]) context.fill() for bx in range(subChessboardBlockX[subXID+1] - subChessboardBlockX[subXID]): for by in range(subChessboardBlockY[subYID+1] - subChessboardBlockY[subYID]): MarkerPrinter.__DrawBlock( context = context, dictionary = dictionary, markerLength = markerLength, borderBits = borderBits, chessboardSize = chessboardSize, squareLength = markerLength + markerSeparation, firstMarkerID = firstMarker, blockX = subChessboardBlockX[subXID] + bx, blockY = subChessboardBlockY[subYID] + by, originX = subChessboardBlockX[subXID], originY = subChessboardBlockY[subYID], pageBorderX = pageBorder[0], pageBorderY = pageBorder[1], mode = "ARUCOGRID") if __name__ == '__main__': parser = ArgumentParser() # Save marker image parameters chessGroup = parser.add_argument_group('chess', 'Chessboard') arucoGroup = parser.add_argument_group('aruco', 'ArUco') arucoGridGroup = parser.add_argument_group('aruco_grid', 'ArUco grid') charucoGroup = parser.add_argument_group('charuco', 'ChArUco') exclusiveGroup = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() exclusiveGroup.add_argument( "--chess", action='store_true', default=False, help="Choose to save chessboard marker") exclusiveGroup.add_argument( "--aruco", action='store_true', default=False, help="Choose to save ArUco marker") exclusiveGroup.add_argument( "--aruco_grid", action='store_true', default=False, help="Choose to save ArUco grid marker") exclusiveGroup.add_argument( "--charuco", action='store_true', default=False, help="Choose to save ChArUco marker") # Utility functions parameters exclusiveGroup.add_argument( "--generate", dest="arucoDataFileName", help="Generate aruco data to FILE", metavar="FILE") exclusiveGroup.add_argument( "--list_dictionary", action='store_true', default=False, help="List predefined aruco dictionary") # Parameters # fileName parser.add_argument( "--file", dest="fileName", default="./image.pdf", help="Save marker image to FILE", metavar="FILE") for group in [chessGroup, arucoGroup, arucoGridGroup, charucoGroup]: group.add_argument( "--" + group.title + "_file", dest="fileName", help="Save marker image to FILE", metavar="FILE") # dictionary parser.add_argument( "--dictionary", dest="dictionary", default="DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL", help="Generate marker via predefined DICTIONARY aruco dictionary", metavar="DICTIONARY") for group in [arucoGroup, arucoGridGroup, charucoGroup]: group.add_argument( "--" + group.title + "_dictionary", dest="dictionary", help="Generate marker via predefined DICTIONARY aruco dictionary", metavar="DICTIONARY") # size parser.add_argument( "--size_x", dest="sizeX", default="16", help="Save marker image with N board width", metavar="N") parser.add_argument( "--size_y", dest="sizeY", default="9", help="Save marker image with N board height", metavar="N") for group in [chessGroup, arucoGridGroup, charucoGroup]: group.add_argument( "--" + group.title + "_size_x", dest="sizeX", help="Save marker image with N board width", metavar="N") group.add_argument( "--" + group.title + "_size_y", dest="sizeY", help="Save marker image with N board height", metavar="N") # length parser.add_argument( "--square_length", dest="squareLength", default="0.09", help="Save marker image with L square length (Unit: meter)", metavar="L") parser.add_argument( "--marker_length", dest="markerLength", default="0.07", help="Save marker image with L marker length (Unit: meter)", metavar="L") parser.add_argument( "--marker_separation", dest="markerSeparation", default="0.02", help="Save marker image with L separation length (Unit: meter)", metavar="L") for group in [chessGroup, charucoGroup]: group.add_argument( "--" + group.title + "_square_length", dest="squareLength", help="Save marker image with L blocks length (Unit: meter)", metavar="L") for group in [arucoGroup, arucoGridGroup, charucoGroup]: group.add_argument( "--" + group.title + "_marker_length", dest="markerLength", help="Save marker image with L marker length (Unit: meter)", metavar="L") for group in [arucoGridGroup]: group.add_argument( "--" + group.title + "_marker_separation", dest="markerSeparation", help="Save marker image with L gap length (Unit: meter)", metavar="L") # else parser.add_argument( "--marker_id", dest="markerID", default="0", help="Save marker image with ID marker", metavar="ID") parser.add_argument( "--first_marker", dest="firstMarker", default="0", help="Save marker image that start with ID marker", metavar="ID") parser.add_argument( "--border_bits", dest="borderBits", default="1", help="Save marker image with N border size", metavar="N") for group in [arucoGroup]: group.add_argument( "--" + group.title + "_marker_id", dest="markerID", help="Save marker image with ID marker", metavar="ID") for group in [arucoGridGroup]: group.add_argument( "--" + group.title + "_first_marker", dest="firstMarker", help="Save marker image that start with ID marker", metavar="ID") for group in [arucoGroup, arucoGridGroup, charucoGroup]: group.add_argument( "--" + group.title + "_border_bits", dest="borderBits", help="Save marker image with N border size", metavar="N") # sub size parser.add_argument( "--sub_size_x", dest="subSizeX", default="0", help="Save marker image with N chuck width", metavar="N") parser.add_argument( "--sub_size_y", dest="subSizeY", default="0", help="Save marker image with N chuck height", metavar="N") for group in [chessGroup, arucoGridGroup, charucoGroup]: group.add_argument( "--" + group.title + "_sub_size_x", dest="subSizeX", help="Save marker image with N chuck width", metavar="N") group.add_argument( "--" + group.title + "_sub_size_y", dest="subSizeY", help="Save marker image with N chuck height", metavar="N") # page border parser.add_argument( "--page_border_x", dest="pageBorderX", default="0", help="Save with page border width L length (Unit: meter)", metavar="L") parser.add_argument( "--page_border_y", dest="pageBorderY", default="0", help="Save with page border height L length (Unit: meter)", metavar="L") for group in [chessGroup, arucoGroup, arucoGridGroup, charucoGroup]: group.add_argument( "--" + group.title + "_page_border_x", dest="pageBorderX", default="0", help="Save with page border width L length (Unit: meter)", metavar="L") group.add_argument( "--" + group.title + "_page_border_y", dest="pageBorderY", default="0", help="Save with page border height L length (Unit: meter)", metavar="L") # Run args = parser.parse_args() if(args.arucoDataFileName is not None): print("Generate aruco data to: " + args.arucoDataFileName) SaveArucoDictBytesList(args.arucoDataFileName) elif(args.list_dictionary): print("List predefined aruco dictionary") for i in MarkerPrinter.arucoDictBytesList.keys(): print(i) elif(args.chess): try: sizeX = int(args.sizeX) sizeY = int(args.sizeY) squareLength = float(args.squareLength) subSizeX = int(args.subSizeX) subSizeY = int(args.subSizeY) pageBorderX = float(args.pageBorderX) pageBorderY = float(args.pageBorderY) except ValueError as e: warnings.warn(str(e)) else: print("Save chessboard marker with parms: " + \ str({ \ "fileName": args.fileName, \ "sizeX": sizeX, \ "sizeY": sizeY, \ "squareLength": squareLength, \ "subSizeX": subSizeX, \ "subSizeY": subSizeY, \ "pageBorderX": pageBorderX, \ "pageBorderY": pageBorderY, \ })) subSize = None if(subSizeX > 0): if(subSizeY > 0): subSize = (subSizeX, subSizeY) else: subSize = (subSizeX, sizeY) else: if(subSizeY > 0): subSize = (sizeX, subSizeY) else: subSize = None # Gen MarkerPrinter.GenChessMarkerImage(args.fileName, (sizeX, sizeY), squareLength, subSize = subSize, pageBorder = (pageBorderX, pageBorderY)) elif(args.aruco): try: markerLength = float(args.markerLength) markerID = int(args.markerID) borderBits = int(args.borderBits) pageBorderX = float(args.pageBorderX) pageBorderY = float(args.pageBorderY) except ValueError as e: warnings.warn(str(e)) else: print("Save ArUco marker with parms: " + \ str({ \ "fileName": args.fileName, \ "dictionary": args.dictionary, \ "markerLength": markerLength, \ "markerID": markerID, \ "borderBits": borderBits, \ "pageBorderX": pageBorderX, \ "pageBorderY": pageBorderY, \ })) # Gen MarkerPrinter.GenArucoMarkerImage(args.fileName, args.dictionary, markerID, markerLength, borderBits=borderBits, pageBorder = (pageBorderX, pageBorderY)) elif(args.aruco_grid): try: sizeX = int(args.sizeX) sizeY = int(args.sizeY) markerLength = float(args.markerLength) markerSeparation = float(args.markerSeparation) firstMarker = int(args.firstMarker) borderBits = int(args.borderBits) subSizeX = int(args.subSizeX) subSizeY = int(args.subSizeY) pageBorderX = float(args.pageBorderX) pageBorderY = float(args.pageBorderY) except ValueError as e: warnings.warn(str(e)) else: print("Save ArUco grid marker with parms: " + \ str({ \ "fileName": args.fileName, \ "dictionary": args.dictionary, \ "sizeX": sizeX, \ "sizeY": sizeY, \ "markerLength": markerLength, \ "markerSeparation": markerSeparation, \ "firstMarker": firstMarker, \ "borderBits": borderBits, \ "subSizeX": subSizeX, \ "subSizeY": subSizeY, \ "pageBorderX": pageBorderX, \ "pageBorderY": pageBorderY, \ })) subSize = None if(subSizeX > 0): if(subSizeY > 0): subSize = (subSizeX, subSizeY) else: subSize = (subSizeX, sizeY) else: if(subSizeY > 0): subSize = (sizeX, subSizeY) else: subSize = None # Gen MarkerPrinter.GenArucoGridMarkerImage(args.fileName, args.dictionary, (sizeX, sizeY), markerLength, markerSeparation, firstMarker, borderBits=borderBits, subSize=subSize, pageBorder = (pageBorderX, pageBorderY)) elif(args.charuco): try: sizeX = int(args.sizeX) sizeY = int(args.sizeY) squareLength = float(args.squareLength) markerLength = float(args.markerLength) borderBits = int(args.borderBits) subSizeX = int(args.subSizeX) subSizeY = int(args.subSizeY) pageBorderX = float(args.pageBorderX) pageBorderY = float(args.pageBorderY) except ValueError as e: warnings.warn(str(e)) else: print("Save ChArUco marker with parms: " + \ str({ \ "fileName": args.fileName, \ "dictionary": args.dictionary, \ "sizeX": sizeX, \ "sizeY": sizeY, \ "squareLength": squareLength, \ "markerLength": markerLength, \ "borderBits": borderBits, \ "subSizeX": subSizeX, \ "subSizeY": subSizeY, \ "pageBorderX": pageBorderX, \ "pageBorderY": pageBorderY, \ })) subSize = None if(subSizeX > 0): if(subSizeY > 0): subSize = (subSizeX, subSizeY) else: subSize = (subSizeX, sizeY) else: if(subSizeY > 0): subSize = (sizeX, subSizeY) else: subSize = None # Gen MarkerPrinter.GenCharucoMarkerImage(args.fileName, args.dictionary, (sizeX, sizeY), squareLength, markerLength, borderBits=borderBits, subSize=subSize, pageBorder = (pageBorderX, pageBorderY)) else: parser.print_help()