#ifndef CVVISUAL_POINT_MATCH_VIEW #define CVVISUAL_POINT_MATCH_VIEW #include <vector> #include "opencv2/core.hpp" #include "opencv2/features2d.hpp" #include "../qtutil/matchview/matchmanagement.hpp" #include "match_view.hpp" namespace cvv { namespace view { /** * @brief this class interprets the translation of matches as depth value. * Unfinished */ class PointMatchView : public MatchView { Q_OBJECT public: /** * @brief the constructor * @param lefKeyPoints (queryindx) the keypoint from the left image * @param rightKeyPoint (trainIdx/imIdx) the keypoints from the right *Image * @param matches the matches between the images * @param usetrainIdx if true the trainIdx will be taken for *rightKeyPoint if false * the imIdx will be taken * @param parent the parent widget */ PointMatchView(std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> leftKeyPoints, std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> rightKeyPoints, std::vector<cv::DMatch> matches, cv::Mat leftIm, cv::Mat rightIm, bool usetrainIdx = true, QWidget *parent = nullptr); /** * @brief Short constructor. * @param call from which the data for the view is taken. * @param parent of this QWidget. */ PointMatchView(const impl::MatchCall &call, QWidget *parent = nullptr) : PointMatchView{ call.keyPoints1(), call.keyPoints2(), call.matches(), call.img1(), call.img2(), call.usesTrainDescriptor(), parent } {} virtual std::vector<cv::DMatch> getMatchSelection() override { return matchManagment_->getCurrentSelection(); } public slots: virtual void setMatchSelection(std::vector<cv::DMatch> selection) CV_OVERRIDE { matchManagment_->setSelection(selection); } private slots: void updateMousHoverOver(QPointF pt,QString str,bool){ emit updateRightFoooter(QString("%1/%2 RGB:%3").arg(pt.x()).arg(pt.y()).arg(str)); } private: qtutil::MatchManagement *matchManagment_; }; } } #endif