#include <memory>
#include <vector>

#include "opencv2/core.hpp"

#include "call.hpp"
#include "../controller/view_controller.hpp"

namespace cvv
namespace impl

 * @brief The central controller of the debug-framework that owns all the
 * calldata.
class DataController
	DataController() = default;

	 * Add a new call to the calls-list.
	void addCall(std::unique_ptr<Call> call);

	 * Remove a call.
	 * @throws std::invalid_argument if no such call exists
	void removeCall(size_t Id);

	 * Get read-access to a certain call.
	const Call &getCall(size_t Id) const;

	 * Get read/write-access to a certain call.
	Call &getCall(size_t Id);

	bool hasCall(size_t Id);

	 * Get the number of currently managed calls.
	size_t numCalls() const;

	 * Passes control to the View-controller.
	 * Returns when the ViewController signals that normal program-execution
	 *shall continue.
	void callUI();

	 * @brief Replace the continue-buttons with close-buttons and show the
	 * This function is intended to be called directly before main returns
	 *after all the actual
	 * work is done.
	void lastCall();

	std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Call>> calls;
	controller::ViewController viewController;

 * @brief Destructs the global Singleton.
void deleteDataController();

 * Provides access to a global DataController that is created upon the first
 * call.
DataController &dataController();
} // namespaces cvv::impl
