CVV : the API

.. highlight:: cpp


Namespace for all functions is **cvv**, i.e. *cvv::showImage()*.


* For development, i.e. for cvv GUI to show up, compile your code using cvv with *g++ -DCVVISUAL_DEBUGMODE*.
* For release, i.e. cvv calls doing nothing, compile your code without above flag. 

See cvv tutorial for a commented example application using cvv.

API Functions

Add a single image to debug GUI (similar to :imshow:`imshow <>`).

.. ocv:function:: void showImage(InputArray img, const CallMetaData& metaData, const string& description, const string& view)

    :param img: Image to show in debug GUI.
    :param metaData: Properly initialized CallMetaData struct, i.e. information about file, line and function name for GUI. Use CVVISUAL_LOCATION macro.
    :param description: Human readable description to provide context to image.
    :param view: Preselect view that will be used to visualize this image in GUI. Other views can still be selected in GUI later on.

Add two images to debug GUI for comparison. Usually the input and output of some filter operation, whose result should be inspected.

.. ocv:function:: void debugFilter(InputArray original, InputArray result, const CallMetaData& metaData, const string& description, const string& view)

    :param original: First image for comparison, e.g. filter input.
    :param result: Second image for comparison, e.g. filter output.
    :param metaData: See :ocv:func:`showImage`
    :param description: See :ocv:func:`showImage`
    :param view: See :ocv:func:`showImage`

Add a filled in :basicstructures:`DMatch <dmatch>` to debug GUI. The matches can are visualized for interactive inspection in different GUI views (one similar to an interactive :draw_matches:`drawMatches<>`).

.. ocv:function:: void debugDMatch(InputArray img1, std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> keypoints1, InputArray img2, std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> keypoints2, std::vector<cv::DMatch> matches, const CallMetaData& metaData, const string& description, const string& view, bool useTrainDescriptor)

    :param img1: First image used in :basicstructures:`DMatch <dmatch>`.
    :param keypoints1: Keypoints of first image.
    :param img2:  Second image used in DMatch.
    :param keypoints2:  Keypoints of second image.
    :param metaData: See :ocv:func:`showImage`
    :param description: See :ocv:func:`showImage`
    :param view: See :ocv:func:`showImage`
    :param useTrainDescriptor: Use :basicstructures:`DMatch <dmatch>`'s train descriptor index instead of query descriptor index.

This function **must** be called *once* *after* all cvv calls if any.
As an alternative create an instance of FinalShowCaller, which calls finalShow() in its destructor (RAII-style).

.. ocv:function:: void finalShow()

Enable or disable cvv for current translation unit and thread (disabled this way has higher - but still low - overhead compared to using the compile flags).

.. ocv:function:: void setDebugFlag(bool active)

    :param active: See above