// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.

#include "precomp.hpp"

using namespace cv;
using namespace cv::img_hash;
using namespace std;

namespace {

    hashSize = 40,

inline float roundingFactor(float val)
    return val >= 0 ? 0.5f : -0.5f;

inline int createOffSet(int length)
    float const center = static_cast<float>(length/2);
    return static_cast<int>(std::floor(center + roundingFactor(center)));

class RadialVarianceHashImpl CV_FINAL : public ImgHashBase::ImgHashImpl
    cv::Mat blurImg_;
    std::vector<double> features_;
    cv::Mat grayImg_;
    int numOfAngelLine_;
    cv::Mat pixPerLine_;
    cv::Mat projections_;
    double sigma_;

    RadialVarianceHashImpl(double sigma, int numOfAngleLine)
        : numOfAngelLine_(numOfAngleLine), sigma_(sigma)

    ~RadialVarianceHashImpl() CV_OVERRIDE {}

    virtual void compute(cv::InputArray inputArr, cv::OutputArray outputArr) CV_OVERRIDE
        cv::Mat const input = inputArr.getMat();
        CV_Assert(input.type() == CV_8UC4 ||
                  input.type() == CV_8UC3 ||
                  input.type() == CV_8U);

        if(input.type() == CV_8UC3)
            cv::cvtColor(input, grayImg_, CV_BGR2GRAY);
        else if(input.type() == CV_8UC4)
            cv::cvtColor(input, grayImg_, CV_BGRA2GRAY);
            grayImg_ = input;

        cv::GaussianBlur(grayImg_, blurImg_, cv::Size(0,0), sigma_, sigma_);
        outputArr.create(1, hashSize, CV_8U);
        cv::Mat hash = outputArr.getMat();

    virtual double compare(cv::InputArray hashOne, cv::InputArray hashTwo) const CV_OVERRIDE
        cv::Mat const hashOneF = hashOne.getMat();
        cv::Mat const hashTwoF = hashTwo.getMat();
        CV_Assert(hashOneF.cols == hashSize && hashOneF.cols == hashTwoF.cols);

        float bufferOne[hashSize];
        cv::Mat hashFloatOne(1, hashSize, CV_32F, bufferOne);
        hashOneF.convertTo(hashFloatOne, CV_32F);

        float bufferTwo[hashSize];
        cv::Mat hashFloatTwo(1, hashSize, CV_32F, bufferTwo);
        hashTwoF.convertTo(hashFloatTwo, CV_32F);

        int const pixNum = hashFloatOne.rows * hashFloatOne.cols;
        cv::Scalar hOneMean, hOneStd, hTwoMean, hTwoStd;
        cv::meanStdDev(hashFloatOne, hOneMean, hOneStd);
        cv::meanStdDev(hashFloatTwo, hTwoMean, hTwoStd);

        // Compute covariance and correlation coefficient
        hashFloatOne -= hOneMean;
        hashFloatTwo -= hTwoMean;
        double max = std::numeric_limits<double>::min();
        for(int i = 0; i != hashSize; ++i)
            double const covar = (hashFloatOne).dot(hashFloatTwo) / pixNum;
            double const corre = covar / (hOneStd[0] * hTwoStd[0] + 1e-20);
            max = std::max(corre, max);
            //move last value to first position, first value to second position,
            //second value to third position and so on
            float const preValue = bufferTwo[hashSize-1];
            std::copy_backward(bufferTwo, bufferTwo + hashSize - 1, bufferTwo + hashSize);
            bufferTwo[0] = preValue;

        //return peak correlation coefficient
        return max;

    int getNumOfAngleLine() const
        return numOfAngelLine_;
    double getSigma() const
        return sigma_;

    void setNumOfAngleLine(int value)
        CV_Assert(value > 0);
        numOfAngelLine_ = value;
    void setSigma(double value)
        CV_Assert(value >= 1.0);
        sigma_ = value;

    void afterHalfProjections(cv::Mat const &input, int D, int xOff, int yOff)
        int *pplPtr = pixPerLine_.ptr<int>(0);
        int const init = 3*numOfAngelLine_/4;
        for(int k = init, j = 0; k < numOfAngelLine_; ++k, j += 2)
            float const theta = k*3.14159f/numOfAngelLine_;
            float const alpha = std::tan(theta);
            uchar *projDown = projections_.ptr<uchar>(k);
            uchar *projUp = projections_.ptr<uchar>(k-j);
            for(int x = 0; x < D; ++x)
                float const y = alpha*(x-xOff);
                int const yd = static_cast<int>(std::floor(y + roundingFactor(y)));
                if((yd + yOff >= 0)&&(yd + yOff < input.rows) && (x < input.cols))
                    projDown[x] = input.at<uchar>(yd+yOff, x);
                    pplPtr[k] += 1;
                if ((yOff - yd >= 0)&&(yOff - yd < input.cols)&&
                        (2*yOff - x >= 0)&&(2*yOff- x < input.rows)&&
                        (k != init))
                    projUp[x] =
                            input.at<uchar>(-(x-yOff)+yOff, -yd+yOff);
                    pplPtr[k-j] += 1;

    void findFeatureVector()
        double sum = 0.0;
        double sumSqd = 0.0;
        int const *pplPtr = pixPerLine_.ptr<int>(0);
        for(int k=0; k < numOfAngelLine_; ++k)
            double lineSum = 0.0;
            double lineSumSqd = 0.0;
            //original implementation of pHash may generate zero pixNum, this
            //will cause NaN value and make the features become less discriminative
            //to avoid this problem, I add a small value--0.00001
            double const pixNum = pplPtr[k] + 0.00001;
            double const pixNumPow2 = pixNum * pixNum;
            uchar const *projPtr = projections_.ptr<uchar>(k);
            for(int i = 0; i < projections_.cols; ++i)
                double const value = projPtr[i];
                lineSum += value;
                lineSumSqd += value * value;
            features_[k] = (lineSumSqd/pixNum) -
            sum += features_[k];
            sumSqd += features_[k]*features_[k];
        double const numOfALPow2 = numOfAngelLine_ * numOfAngelLine_;
        double const mean = sum/numOfAngelLine_;
        double const var  = std::sqrt((sumSqd/numOfAngelLine_) - (sum*sum)/(numOfALPow2));
        for(int i = 0; i < numOfAngelLine_; ++i)
            features_[i] = (features_[i] - mean)/var;

    void firstHalfProjections(cv::Mat const &input, int D, int xOff, int yOff)
        int *pplPtr = pixPerLine_.ptr<int>(0);
        for(int k = 0; k < numOfAngelLine_/4+1; ++k)
            float const theta = k*3.14159f/numOfAngelLine_;
            float const alpha = std::tan(theta);
            uchar *projOne = projections_.ptr<uchar>(k);
            uchar *projTwo = projections_.ptr<uchar>(numOfAngelLine_/2-k);
            for(int x = 0; x < D; ++x)
                float const y = alpha*(x-xOff);
                int const yd = static_cast<int>(std::floor(y + roundingFactor(y)));
                if((yd + yOff >= 0)&&(yd + yOff < input.rows) && (x < input.cols))
                    projOne[x] = input.at<uchar>(yd+yOff, x);
                    pplPtr[k] += 1;
                if((yd + xOff >= 0) && (yd + xOff < input.cols) &&
                        (k != numOfAngelLine_/4) && (x < input.rows))
                    projTwo[x] =
                            input.at<uchar>(x, yd+xOff);
                    pplPtr[numOfAngelLine_/2-k] += 1;

    void hashCalculate(cv::Mat &hash)
        double temp[hashSize];
        double max = 0;
        double min = 0;
        size_t const featureSize = features_.size();
        //constexpr is a better choice
        double const sqrtTwo = 1.4142135623730950488016887242097;
        for(int k = 0; k < hash.cols; ++k)
            double sum = 0;
            for(size_t n = 0; n < featureSize; ++n)
                sum += features_[n]*std::cos((3.14159*(2*n+1)*k)/(2*featureSize));
            temp[k] = k == 0 ? sum/std::sqrt(featureSize) :
            if(temp[k] > max)
                max = temp[k];
            else if(temp[k] < min)
                min = temp[k];

        double const range = max - min;
        if(range != 0)
            //std::transform is a better choice if lambda supported
            uchar *hashPtr = hash.ptr<uchar>(0);
            for(int i = 0; i < hash.cols; ++i)
                hashPtr[i] = static_cast<uchar>((255*(temp[i] - min)/range));
            hash = 0;

    void radialProjections(cv::Mat const &input)
        int const D = (input.cols > input.rows) ? input.cols : input.rows;
        //Different with PHash, this part reverse the row size and col size,
        //because cv::Mat is row major but not column major
        projections_.create(numOfAngelLine_, D, CV_8U);
        projections_ = 0;
        pixPerLine_.create(1, numOfAngelLine_, CV_32S);
        pixPerLine_ = 0;
        int const xOff = createOffSet(input.cols);
        int const yOff = createOffSet(input.rows);

        firstHalfProjections(input, D, xOff, yOff);
        afterHalfProjections(input, D, xOff, yOff);

inline RadialVarianceHashImpl *getLocalImpl(ImgHashBase::ImgHashImpl *ptr)
    RadialVarianceHashImpl * impl = static_cast<RadialVarianceHashImpl*>(ptr);
    return impl;

} // namespace::


namespace cv { namespace img_hash {

Ptr<RadialVarianceHash> RadialVarianceHash::create(double sigma, int numOfAngleLine)
    Ptr<RadialVarianceHash> res(new RadialVarianceHash);
    res->pImpl = makePtr<RadialVarianceHashImpl>(sigma, numOfAngleLine);
    return res;

int RadialVarianceHash::getNumOfAngleLine() const
    return getLocalImpl(pImpl)->getNumOfAngleLine();

double RadialVarianceHash::getSigma() const
    return getLocalImpl(pImpl)->getSigma();

void RadialVarianceHash::setNumOfAngleLine(int value)

void RadialVarianceHash::setSigma(double value)

std::vector<double> RadialVarianceHash::getFeatures()
    return getLocalImpl(pImpl)->features_;

cv::Mat RadialVarianceHash::getHash()
    cv::Mat hash;
    return hash;

Mat RadialVarianceHash::getPixPerLine(Mat const &input)
    return getLocalImpl(pImpl)->pixPerLine_;

Mat RadialVarianceHash::getProjection()
    return getLocalImpl(pImpl)->projections_;

void radialVarianceHash(cv::InputArray inputArr,
                        cv::OutputArray outputArr,
                        double sigma, int numOfAngleLine)
    RadialVarianceHashImpl(sigma, numOfAngleLine).compute(inputArr, outputArr);

}} // cv::img_hash::