 //  By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you agree to this license.
 //  If you do not agree to this license, do not download, install,
 //  copy or use the software.
 //                           License Agreement
 //                For Open Source Computer Vision Library
 // Copyright (C) 2014, Biagio Montesano, all rights reserved.
 // Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners.
 // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 // are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 //   * Redistribution's of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
 //     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 //   * Redistribution's in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
 //     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
 //     and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 //   * The name of the copyright holders may not be used to endorse or promote products
 //     derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
 // This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and
 // any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied
 // warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.
 // In no event shall the Intel Corporation or contributors be liable for any direct,
 // indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages
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 // the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.

#include "precomp.hpp"

#define MAX_B 37
double ARRAY_RESIZE_FACTOR = 1.1;    // minimum is 1.0
double ARRAY_RESIZE_ADD_FACTOR = 4;  // minimum is 1

//using namespace cv;
namespace cv
namespace line_descriptor

/* constructor */
  dataset = new Mihasher( 256, 32 );
  nextAddedIndex = 0;
  numImages = 0;
  descrInDS = 0;

/* constructor with smart pointer */
Ptr<BinaryDescriptorMatcher> BinaryDescriptorMatcher::createBinaryDescriptorMatcher()
  return Ptr < BinaryDescriptorMatcher > ( new BinaryDescriptorMatcher() );

/* store new descriptors to be inserted in dataset */
void BinaryDescriptorMatcher::add( const std::vector<Mat>& descriptors )
  for ( size_t i = 0; i < descriptors.size(); i++ )
    descriptorsMat.push_back( descriptors[i] );

    indexesMap.insert( std::pair<int, int>( nextAddedIndex, numImages ) );
    nextAddedIndex += descriptors[i].rows;

/* store new descriptors into dataset */
void BinaryDescriptorMatcher::train()
  if( !dataset )
    dataset = new Mihasher( 256, 32 );

  if( descriptorsMat.rows > 0 )
    dataset->populate( descriptorsMat, descriptorsMat.rows, descriptorsMat.cols );

  descrInDS = descriptorsMat.rows;

/* clear dataset and internal data */
void BinaryDescriptorMatcher::clear()
  dataset = 0;
  nextAddedIndex = 0;
  numImages = 0;
  descrInDS = 0;

/* retrieve Hamming distances */
void BinaryDescriptorMatcher::checkKDistances( UINT32 * numres, int k, std::vector<int> & k_distances, int row, int string_length ) const
  int k_to_found = k;

  UINT32 * numres_tmp = numres + ( ( string_length + 1 ) * row );
  for ( int j = 0; j < ( string_length + 1 ) && k_to_found > 0; j++ )
    if( ( * ( numres_tmp + j ) ) > 0 )
      for ( int i = 0; i < (int) ( * ( numres_tmp + j ) ) && k_to_found > 0; i++ )
        k_distances.push_back( j );

/* for every input descriptor,
 find the best matching one (from one image to a set) */
void BinaryDescriptorMatcher::match( const Mat& queryDescriptors, std::vector<DMatch>& matches, const std::vector<Mat>& masks )
  /* check data validity */
  if( queryDescriptors.rows == 0 )
    std::cout << "Error: query descriptors'matrix is empty" << std::endl;

  if( masks.size() != 0 && (int) masks.size() != numImages )
    std::cout << "Error: the number of images in dataset is " << numImages << " but match function received " << masks.size()
        << " masks. Program will be terminated" << std::endl;


  /* add new descriptors to dataset, if needed */

  /* set number of requested matches to return for each query */
  dataset->setK( 1 );

  /* prepare structures for query */
  UINT32 *results = new UINT32[queryDescriptors.rows];
  UINT32 * numres = new UINT32[ ( 256 + 1 ) * ( queryDescriptors.rows )];

  /* execute query */
  dataset->batchquery( results, numres, queryDescriptors, queryDescriptors.rows, queryDescriptors.cols );
  /* compose matches */
  for ( int counter = 0; counter < queryDescriptors.rows; counter++ )
    /* create a map iterator */
    std::map<int, int>::iterator itup;

    /* get info about original image of each returned descriptor */
    itup = indexesMap.upper_bound( results[counter] - 1 );
    /* data validity check */
    if( !masks.empty() && ( masks[itup->second].rows != queryDescriptors.rows || masks[itup->second].cols != 1 ) )
      std::stringstream ss;
      ss << "Error: mask " << itup->second << " in knnMatch function " << "should have " << queryDescriptors.rows << " and "
          << "1 column. Program will be terminated";
      //throw std::runtime_error( ss.str() );
    /* create a DMatch object if required by mask or if there is
     no mask at all */
    else if( masks.empty() || masks[itup->second].at < uchar > ( counter ) != 0 )
      std::vector<int> k_distances;
      checkKDistances( numres, 1, k_distances, counter, 256 );

      DMatch dm;
      dm.queryIdx = counter;
      dm.trainIdx = results[counter] - 1;
      dm.imgIdx = itup->second;
      dm.distance = (float) k_distances[0];

      matches.push_back( dm );


  /* delete data */
  delete[] results;
  delete[] numres;

/* for every input descriptor, find the best matching one (for a pair of images) */
void BinaryDescriptorMatcher::match( const Mat& queryDescriptors, const Mat& trainDescriptors, std::vector<DMatch>& matches, const Mat& mask ) const

  /* check data validity */
  if( queryDescriptors.rows == 0 || trainDescriptors.rows == 0 )
    std::cout << "Error: descriptors matrices cannot be void" << std::endl;

  if( !mask.empty() && ( mask.rows != queryDescriptors.rows && mask.cols != 1 ) )
    std::cout << "Error: input mask should have " << queryDescriptors.rows << " rows and 1 column. " << "Program will be terminated" << std::endl;


  /* create a new mihasher object */
  Mihasher *mh = new Mihasher( 256, 32 );

  /* populate mihasher */
  cv::Mat copy = trainDescriptors.clone();
  mh->populate( copy, copy.rows, copy.cols );
  mh->setK( 1 );

  /* prepare structures for query */
  UINT32 *results = new UINT32[queryDescriptors.rows];
  UINT32 * numres = new UINT32[ ( 256 + 1 ) * ( queryDescriptors.rows )];

  /* execute query */
  mh->batchquery( results, numres, queryDescriptors, queryDescriptors.rows, queryDescriptors.cols );

  /* compose matches */
  for ( int counter = 0; counter < queryDescriptors.rows; counter++ )
    /* create a DMatch object if required by mask or if there is
     no mask at all */
    if( mask.empty() || ( !mask.empty() && mask.at < uchar > ( counter ) != 0 ) )
      std::vector<int> k_distances;
      checkKDistances( numres, 1, k_distances, counter, 256 );

      DMatch dm;
      dm.queryIdx = counter;
      dm.trainIdx = results[counter] - 1;
      dm.imgIdx = 0;
      dm.distance = (float) k_distances[0];

      matches.push_back( dm );

  /* delete data */
  delete mh;
  delete[] results;
  delete[] numres;


/* for every input descriptor,
 find the best k matching descriptors (for a pair of images) */
void BinaryDescriptorMatcher::knnMatch( const Mat& queryDescriptors, const Mat& trainDescriptors, std::vector<std::vector<DMatch> >& matches, int k,
                                        const Mat& mask, bool compactResult ) const

  /* check data validity */
  if( queryDescriptors.rows == 0 || trainDescriptors.rows == 0 )
    std::cout << "Error: descriptors matrices cannot be void" << std::endl;

  if( !mask.empty() && ( mask.rows != queryDescriptors.rows || mask.cols != 1 ) )
    std::cout << "Error: input mask should have " << queryDescriptors.rows << " rows and 1 column. " << "Program will be terminated" << std::endl;


  /* create a new mihasher object */
  Mihasher *mh = new Mihasher( 256, 32 );

  /* populate mihasher */
  cv::Mat copy = trainDescriptors.clone();
  mh->populate( copy, copy.rows, copy.cols );

  /* set K */
  mh->setK( k );

  /* prepare structures for query */
  UINT32 *results = new UINT32[k * queryDescriptors.rows];
  UINT32 * numres = new UINT32[ ( 256 + 1 ) * ( queryDescriptors.rows )];

  /* execute query */
  mh->batchquery( results, numres, queryDescriptors, queryDescriptors.rows, queryDescriptors.cols );

  /* compose matches */
  int index = 0;
  for ( int counter = 0; counter < queryDescriptors.rows; counter++ )
    /* initialize a vector of matches */
    std::vector < DMatch > tempVec;

    /* chech whether query should be ignored */
    if( !mask.empty() && mask.at < uchar > ( counter ) == 0 )
      /* if compact result is not requested, add an empty vector */
      if( !compactResult )
        matches.push_back( tempVec );

    /* query matches must be considered */
      std::vector<int> k_distances;
      checkKDistances( numres, k, k_distances, counter, 256 );
      for ( int j = index; j < index + k; j++ )
        DMatch dm;
        dm.queryIdx = counter;
        dm.trainIdx = results[j] - 1;
        dm.imgIdx = 0;
        dm.distance = (float) k_distances[j - index];

        tempVec.push_back( dm );

      matches.push_back( tempVec );

    /* increment pointer */
    index += k;

  /* delete data */
  delete mh;
  delete[] results;
  delete[] numres;

/* for every input descriptor,
 find the best k matching descriptors (from one image to a set) */
void BinaryDescriptorMatcher::knnMatch( const Mat& queryDescriptors, std::vector<std::vector<DMatch> >& matches, int k, const std::vector<Mat>& masks,
                                        bool compactResult )

  /* check data validity */
  if( queryDescriptors.rows == 0 )
    std::cout << "Error: descriptors matrix cannot be void" << std::endl;

  if( masks.size() != 0 && (int) masks.size() != numImages )
    std::cout << "Error: the number of images in dataset is " << numImages << " but knnMatch function received " << masks.size()
        << " masks. Program will be terminated" << std::endl;


  /* add new descriptors to dataset, if needed */

  /* set number of requested matches to return for each query */
  dataset->setK( k );

  /* prepare structures for query */
  UINT32 *results = new UINT32[k * queryDescriptors.rows];
  UINT32 * numres = new UINT32[ ( 256 + 1 ) * ( queryDescriptors.rows )];

  /* execute query */
  dataset->batchquery( results, numres, queryDescriptors, queryDescriptors.rows, queryDescriptors.cols );

  /* compose matches */
  int index = 0;
  for ( int counter = 0; counter < queryDescriptors.rows; counter++ )
    /* create a void vector of matches */
    std::vector < DMatch > tempVector;

    /* loop over k results returned for every query */
    for ( int j = index; j < index + k; j++ )
      /* retrieve which image returned index refers to */
      int currentIndex = results[j] - 1;
      std::map<int, int>::iterator itup;
      itup = indexesMap.upper_bound( currentIndex );

      /* data validity check */
      if( !masks.empty() && ( masks[itup->second].rows != queryDescriptors.rows || masks[itup->second].cols != 1 ) )
        std::cout << "Error: mask " << itup->second << " in knnMatch function " << "should have " << queryDescriptors.rows << " and "
            << "1 column. Program will be terminated" << std::endl;


      /* decide if, according to relative mask, returned match should be
       considered */
      else if( masks.size() == 0 || masks[itup->second].at < uchar > ( counter ) != 0 )
        std::vector<int> k_distances;
        checkKDistances( numres, k, k_distances, counter, 256 );

        DMatch dm;
        dm.queryIdx = counter;
        dm.trainIdx = results[j] - 1;
        dm.imgIdx = itup->second;
        dm.distance = (float) k_distances[j - index];

        tempVector.push_back( dm );

    /* decide whether temporary vector should be saved */
    if( ( tempVector.size() == 0 && !compactResult ) || tempVector.size() > 0 )
      matches.push_back( tempVector );

    /* increment pointer */
    index += k;

  /* delete data */
  delete[] results;
  delete[] numres;

/* for every input desciptor, find all the ones falling in a
 certaing matching radius (for a pair of images) */
void BinaryDescriptorMatcher::radiusMatch( const Mat& queryDescriptors, const Mat& trainDescriptors, std::vector<std::vector<DMatch> >& matches,
                                           float maxDistance, const Mat& mask, bool compactResult ) const


  /* check data validity */
  if( queryDescriptors.rows == 0 || trainDescriptors.rows == 0 )
    std::cout << "Error: descriptors matrices cannot be void" << std::endl;

  if( !mask.empty() && ( mask.rows != queryDescriptors.rows && mask.cols != 1 ) )
    std::cout << "Error: input mask should have " << queryDescriptors.rows << " rows and 1 column. " << "Program will be terminated" << std::endl;


  /* create a new Mihasher */
  Mihasher* mh = new Mihasher( 256, 32 );

  /* populate Mihasher */
  //Mat copy = queryDescriptors.clone();
  Mat copy = trainDescriptors.clone();
  mh->populate( copy, copy.rows, copy.cols );

  /* set K */
  mh->setK( trainDescriptors.rows );

  /* prepare structures for query */
  UINT32 *results = new UINT32[trainDescriptors.rows * queryDescriptors.rows];
  UINT32 * numres = new UINT32[ ( 256 + 1 ) * ( queryDescriptors.rows )];

  /* execute query */
  mh->batchquery( results, numres, queryDescriptors, queryDescriptors.rows, queryDescriptors.cols );

  /* compose matches */
  int index = 0;
  for ( int i = 0; i < queryDescriptors.rows; i++ )
    std::vector<int> k_distances;
    checkKDistances( numres, trainDescriptors.rows, k_distances, i, 256 );

    std::vector < DMatch > tempVector;
    for ( int j = index; j < index + trainDescriptors.rows; j++ )
//      if( numres[j] <= maxDistance )
      if( k_distances[j - index] <= maxDistance )
        if( mask.empty() || mask.at < uchar > ( i ) != 0 )
          DMatch dm;
          dm.queryIdx = i;
          dm.trainIdx = (int) ( results[j] - 1 );
          dm.imgIdx = 0;
          dm.distance = (float) k_distances[j - index];

          tempVector.push_back( dm );

    /* decide whether temporary vector should be saved */
    if( ( tempVector.size() == 0 && !compactResult ) || tempVector.size() > 0 )
      matches.push_back( tempVector );

    /* increment pointer */
    index += trainDescriptors.rows;


  /* delete data */
  delete mh;
  delete[] results;
  delete[] numres;

/* for every input descriptor, find all the ones falling in a
 certain matching radius (from one image to a set) */
void BinaryDescriptorMatcher::radiusMatch( const Mat& queryDescriptors, std::vector<std::vector<DMatch> >& matches, float maxDistance,
                                           const std::vector<Mat>& masks, bool compactResult )

  /* check data validity */
  if( queryDescriptors.rows == 0 )
    std::cout << "Error: descriptors matrices cannot be void" << std::endl;

  if( masks.size() != 0 && (int) masks.size() != numImages )
    std::cout << "Error: the number of images in dataset is " << numImages << " but radiusMatch function received " << masks.size()
        << " masks. Program will be terminated" << std::endl;


  /* populate dataset */

  /* set K */
  dataset->setK( descrInDS );

  /* prepare structures for query */
  UINT32 *results = new UINT32[descrInDS * queryDescriptors.rows];
  UINT32 * numres = new UINT32[ ( 256 + 1 ) * ( queryDescriptors.rows )];

  /* execute query */
  dataset->batchquery( results, numres, queryDescriptors, queryDescriptors.rows, queryDescriptors.cols );

  /* compose matches */
  int index = 0;
  for ( int counter = 0; counter < queryDescriptors.rows; counter++ )
    std::vector < DMatch > tempVector;
    for ( int j = index; j < index + descrInDS; j++ )
      std::vector<int> k_distances;
      checkKDistances( numres, descrInDS, k_distances, counter, 256 );

      if( k_distances[j - index] <= maxDistance )
        int currentIndex = results[j] - 1;
        std::map<int, int>::iterator itup;
        itup = indexesMap.upper_bound( currentIndex );

        /* data validity check */
        if( !masks.empty() && ( masks[itup->second].rows != queryDescriptors.rows || masks[itup->second].cols != 1 ) )
          std::cout << "Error: mask " << itup->second << " in radiusMatch function " << "should have " << queryDescriptors.rows << " and "
              << "1 column. Program will be terminated" << std::endl;


        /* add match if necessary */
        else if( masks.empty() || masks[itup->second].at < uchar > ( counter ) != 0 )

          DMatch dm;
          dm.queryIdx = counter;
          dm.trainIdx = results[j] - 1;
          dm.imgIdx = itup->second;
          dm.distance = (float) k_distances[j - index];

          tempVector.push_back( dm );

    /* decide whether temporary vector should be saved */
    if( ( tempVector.size() == 0 && !compactResult ) || tempVector.size() > 0 )
      matches.push_back( tempVector );

    /* increment pointer */
    index += descrInDS;

  /* delete data */
  delete[] results;
  delete[] numres;


/* execute a batch query */
void BinaryDescriptorMatcher::Mihasher::batchquery( UINT32 * results, UINT32 *numres, const cv::Mat & queries, UINT32 numq, int dim1queries )
  /* create and initialize a bitarray */
  counter = new bitarray;
  counter->init( N );

  UINT32 *res = new UINT32[K * ( D + 1 )];
  UINT64 *chunks = new UINT64[m];
  UINT32 * presults = results;
  UINT32 *pnumres = numres;

  /* make a copy of input queries */
  cv::Mat queries_clone = queries.clone();

  /* set a pointer to first query (row) */
  UINT8 *pq = queries_clone.ptr();

  /* loop over number of descriptors */
  for ( size_t i = 0; i < numq; i++ )
    /* for every descriptor, query database */
    query( presults, pnumres, pq, chunks, res );

    /* move pointer to write next K indeces */
    presults += K;
    pnumres += B + 1;

    /* move forward pointer to current row in descriptors matrix */
    pq += dim1queries;


  delete[] res;
  delete[] chunks;

  delete counter;

/* execute a single query */
void BinaryDescriptorMatcher::Mihasher::query( UINT32* results, UINT32* numres, UINT8 * Query, UINT64 *chunks, UINT32 *res )
  /* if K == 0 that means we want everything to be processed.
   So maxres = N in that case. Otherwise K limits the results processed */
  UINT32 maxres = K ? K : (UINT32) N;

  /* number of results so far obtained (up to a distance of s per chunk) */
  UINT32 n = 0;

  /* number of candidates tested with full codes (not counting duplicates) */
  UINT32 nc = 0;

  /* counting everything retrieved (duplicates are counted multiple times)
   number of lookups (and xors) */
  UINT32 nl = 0;

  UINT32 nd = 0;
  UINT32 *arr;
  int size = 0;
  UINT32 index;
  int hammd;

  memset( numres, 0, ( B + 1 ) * sizeof ( *numres ) );

  split( chunks, Query, m, mplus, b );

  /* the growing search radius per substring */
  int s;

  /* current b: for the first mplus substrings it is b, for the rest it is (b-1) */
  int curb = b;

  for ( s = 0; s <= d && n < maxres; s++ )
    for ( int k = 0; k < m; k++ )
      if( k < mplus )
        curb = b;
        curb = b - 1;
      UINT64 chunksk = chunks[k];
      /* number of bit-strings with s number of 1s */
      nl += xornum[s + 1] - xornum[s];

      /* the bit-string with s number of 1s */
      UINT64 bitstr = 0;
      for ( int i = 0; i < s; i++ )
        /* power[i] stores the location of the i'th 1 */
        power[i] = i;
      /* used for stopping criterion (location of (s+1)th 1) */
      power[s] = curb + 1;

      /* bit determines the 1 that should be moving to the left */
      int bit = s - 1;

      /* start from the left-most 1, and move it to the left until
       it touches another one */

      /* the loop for changing bitstr */
      bool infiniteWhile = true;
      while ( infiniteWhile )
        if( bit != -1 )
          bitstr ^= ( power[bit] == bit ) ? (UINT64) 1 << power[bit] : (UINT64) 3 << ( power[bit] - 1 );

        { /* bit == -1 */
          /* the binary code bitstr is available for processing */
          arr = H[k].query( chunksk ^ bitstr, &size );  // lookup
          if( size )
          { /* the corresponding bucket is not empty */
            nd += size;
            for ( int c = 0; c < size; c++ )
              index = arr[c];
              if( !counter->get( index ) )
              { /* if it is not a duplicate */
                counter->set( index );
                hammd = cv::line_descriptor::match( codes.ptr() + (UINT64) index * ( B_over_8 ), Query, B_over_8 );

                if( hammd <= D && numres[hammd] < maxres )
                  res[hammd * K + numres[hammd]] = index + 1;


          /* end of processing */
          while ( ++bit < s && power[bit] == power[bit + 1] - 1 )
            bitstr ^= (UINT64) 1 << ( power[bit] - 1 );
            power[bit] = bit;
          if( bit == s )

      n = n + numres[s * m + k];
      if( n >= maxres )

  n = 0;
  for ( s = 0; s <= D && (int) n < K; s++ )
    for ( int c = 0; c < (int) numres[s] && (int) n < K; c++ )
      results[n++] = res[s * K + c];


/* constructor 2 */
BinaryDescriptorMatcher::Mihasher::Mihasher( int B_val, int _m )
  B = B_val;
  B_over_8 = B / 8;
  m = _m;
  b = (int) ceil( (double) B / m );

  /* assuming that B/2 is large enough radius to include
   all of the k nearest neighbors */
  D = (int) ceil( B / 2.0 );
  d = (int) ceil( (double) D / m );

  /* mplus is the number of chunks with b bits
   (m-mplus) is the number of chunks with (b-1) bits */
  mplus = B - m * ( b - 1 );

  xornum = new UINT32[d + 2];
  xornum[0] = 0;
  for ( int i = 0; i <= d; i++ )
    xornum[i + 1] = xornum[i] + (UINT32) choose( b, i );

  H = new SparseHashtable[m];

  /* H[i].init might fail */
  for ( int i = 0; i < mplus; i++ )
    H[i].init( b );
  for ( int i = mplus; i < m; i++ )
    H[i].init( b - 1 );

/* K setter */
void BinaryDescriptorMatcher::Mihasher::setK( int K_val )
  K = K_val;

/* desctructor */
  delete[] xornum;
  delete[] H;

/* populate tables */
void BinaryDescriptorMatcher::Mihasher::populate( cv::Mat & _codes, UINT32 N_val, int dim1codes )
  N = N_val;
  codes = _codes;
  UINT64 * chunks = new UINT64[m];

  UINT8 * pcodes = codes.ptr();
  for ( UINT64 i = 0; i < N; i++, pcodes += dim1codes )
    split( chunks, pcodes, m, mplus, b );

    for ( int k = 0; k < m; k++ )
      H[k].insert( chunks[k], (UINT32) i );

    if( i % (int) ceil( N / 1000.0 ) == 0 )
      fflush (stdout);

  delete[] chunks;

/* constructor */
  table = NULL;
  size = 0;
  b = 0;

/* initializer */
int BinaryDescriptorMatcher::SparseHashtable::init( int _b )
  b = _b;

  if( b < 5 || b > MAX_B || b > (int) ( sizeof(UINT64) * 8 ) )
    return 1;

  size = UINT64_1 << ( b - 5 );  // size = 2 ^ b
  table = (BucketGroup*) calloc( (size_t)size, sizeof(BucketGroup) );

  return 0;


/* destructor */
  free (table);

/* insert data */
void BinaryDescriptorMatcher::SparseHashtable::insert( UINT64 index, UINT32 data )
  table[index >> 5].insert( (int) ( index % 32 ), data );

/* query data */
UINT32* BinaryDescriptorMatcher::SparseHashtable::query( UINT64 index, int *Size )
  return table[index >> 5].query( (int) ( index % 32 ), Size );

/* constructor */
  empty = 0;
  group = std::vector < uint32_t > ( 2, 0 );

/* destructor */

void BinaryDescriptorMatcher::BucketGroup::insert_value( std::vector<uint32_t>& vec, int index, UINT32 data )
  if( vec.size() > 1 )
    if( vec[0] == vec[1] )
      vec[1] = (UINT32) ceil( vec[0] * 1.1 );
      for ( int i = 0; i < (int) ( 2 + vec[1] - vec.size() ); i++ )
        vec.push_back( 0 );


    vec.insert( vec.begin() + 2 + index, data );
    vec[2 + index] = data;

    vec = std::vector < uint32_t > ( 3, 0 );
    vec[0] = 1;
    vec[1] = 1;
    vec[2] = data;

void BinaryDescriptorMatcher::BucketGroup::push_value( std::vector<uint32_t>& vec, UINT32 Data )
  if( vec.size() > 0 )
    if( vec[0] == vec[1] )
      vec[1] = (UINT32) std::max( ceil( vec[1] * ARRAY_RESIZE_FACTOR ), vec[1] + ARRAY_RESIZE_ADD_FACTOR );
      for ( int i = 0; i < (int) ( 2 + vec[1] - vec.size() ); i++ )
        vec.push_back( 0 );

    vec[2 + vec[0]] = Data;


    vec = std::vector < uint32_t > ( 2 + (uint32_t) ARRAY_RESIZE_ADD_FACTOR, 0 );
    vec[0] = 1;
    vec[1] = 1;
    vec[2] = Data;

/* insert data into the bucket */
void BinaryDescriptorMatcher::BucketGroup::insert( int subindex, UINT32 data )
  if( group.size() == 0 )
    push_value( group, 0 );

  UINT32 lowerbits = ( (UINT32) 1 << subindex ) - 1;
  int end = popcnt( empty & lowerbits );

  if( ! ( empty & ( (UINT32) 1 << subindex ) ) )
    insert_value( group, end, group[end + 2] );
    empty |= (UINT32) 1 << subindex;

  int totones = popcnt( empty );
  insert_value( group, totones + 1 + group[2 + end + 1], data );

  for ( int i = end + 1; i < totones + 1; i++ )
    group[2 + i]++;

/* perform a query to the bucket */
UINT32* BinaryDescriptorMatcher::BucketGroup::query( int subindex, int *size )
  if( empty & ( (UINT32) 1 << subindex ) )
    UINT32 lowerbits = ( (UINT32) 1 << subindex ) - 1;
    int end = popcnt( empty & lowerbits );
    int totones = popcnt( empty );

    *size = group[2 + end + 1] - group[2 + end];
    return & ( * ( group.begin() + 2 + totones + 1 + (int) group[2 + end] ) );

    *size = 0;
    return NULL;
