/* * Software License Agreement (BSD License) * * Copyright (c) 2012, Willow Garage, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Willow Garage, Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include "test_precomp.hpp" #include <opencv2/calib3d.hpp> #include <opencv2/highgui.hpp> #include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp> namespace cv { namespace rgbd { #define SHOW_DEBUG_LOG 0 #define SHOW_DEBUG_IMAGES 0 static void warpFrame(const Mat& image, const Mat& depth, const Mat& rvec, const Mat& tvec, const Mat& K, Mat& warpedImage, Mat& warpedDepth) { CV_Assert(!image.empty()); CV_Assert(image.type() == CV_8UC1); CV_Assert(depth.size() == image.size()); CV_Assert(depth.type() == CV_32FC1); CV_Assert(!rvec.empty()); CV_Assert(rvec.total() == 3); CV_Assert(rvec.type() == CV_64FC1); CV_Assert(!tvec.empty()); CV_Assert(tvec.size() == Size(1, 3)); CV_Assert(tvec.type() == CV_64FC1); warpedImage.create(image.size(), CV_8UC1); warpedImage = Scalar(0); warpedDepth.create(image.size(), CV_32FC1); warpedDepth = Scalar(FLT_MAX); Mat cloud; depthTo3d(depth, K, cloud); Mat Rt = Mat::eye(4, 4, CV_64FC1); { Mat R, dst; Rodrigues(rvec, R); dst = Rt(Rect(0,0,3,3)); R.copyTo(dst); dst = Rt(Rect(3,0,1,3)); tvec.copyTo(dst); } Mat warpedCloud, warpedImagePoints; perspectiveTransform(cloud, warpedCloud, Rt); projectPoints(warpedCloud.reshape(3, 1), Mat(3,1,CV_32FC1, Scalar(0)), Mat(3,1,CV_32FC1, Scalar(0)), K, Mat(1,5,CV_32FC1, Scalar(0)), warpedImagePoints); warpedImagePoints = warpedImagePoints.reshape(2, cloud.rows); Rect r(0, 0, image.cols, image.rows); for(int y = 0; y < cloud.rows; y++) { for(int x = 0; x < cloud.cols; x++) { Point p = warpedImagePoints.at<Point2f>(y,x); if(r.contains(p)) { float curDepth = warpedDepth.at<float>(p.y, p.x); float newDepth = warpedCloud.at<Point3f>(y, x).z; if(newDepth < curDepth && newDepth > 0) { warpedImage.at<uchar>(p.y, p.x) = image.at<uchar>(y,x); warpedDepth.at<float>(p.y, p.x) = newDepth; } } } } warpedDepth.setTo(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(), warpedDepth > 100); } static void dilateFrame(Mat& image, Mat& depth) { CV_Assert(!image.empty()); CV_Assert(image.type() == CV_8UC1); CV_Assert(!depth.empty()); CV_Assert(depth.type() == CV_32FC1); CV_Assert(depth.size() == image.size()); Mat mask(image.size(), CV_8UC1, Scalar(255)); for(int y = 0; y < depth.rows; y++) for(int x = 0; x < depth.cols; x++) if(cvIsNaN(depth.at<float>(y,x)) || depth.at<float>(y,x) > 10 || depth.at<float>(y,x) <= FLT_EPSILON) mask.at<uchar>(y,x) = 0; image.setTo(255, ~mask); Mat minImage; erode(image, minImage, Mat()); image.setTo(0, ~mask); Mat maxImage; dilate(image, maxImage, Mat()); depth.setTo(FLT_MAX, ~mask); Mat minDepth; erode(depth, minDepth, Mat()); depth.setTo(0, ~mask); Mat maxDepth; dilate(depth, maxDepth, Mat()); Mat dilatedMask; dilate(mask, dilatedMask, Mat(), Point(-1,-1), 1); for(int y = 0; y < depth.rows; y++) for(int x = 0; x < depth.cols; x++) if(!mask.at<uchar>(y,x) && dilatedMask.at<uchar>(y,x)) { image.at<uchar>(y,x) = static_cast<uchar>(0.5f * (static_cast<float>(minImage.at<uchar>(y,x)) + static_cast<float>(maxImage.at<uchar>(y,x)))); depth.at<float>(y,x) = 0.5f * (minDepth.at<float>(y,x) + maxDepth.at<float>(y,x)); } } class CV_OdometryTest : public cvtest::BaseTest { public: CV_OdometryTest(const Ptr<Odometry>& _odometry, double _maxError1, double _maxError5) : odometry(_odometry), maxError1(_maxError1), maxError5(_maxError5) {} protected: bool readData(Mat& image, Mat& depth) const; static void generateRandomTransformation(Mat& R, Mat& t); virtual void run(int); Ptr<Odometry> odometry; double maxError1; double maxError5; }; bool CV_OdometryTest::readData(Mat& image, Mat& depth) const { std::string imageFilename = std::string(ts->get_data_path()) + "/odometry/rgb.png"; std::string depthFilename = std::string(ts->get_data_path()) + "/odometry/depth.png"; image = imread(imageFilename, 0); depth = imread(depthFilename, -1); if(image.empty()) { ts->printf( cvtest::TS::LOG, "Image %s can not be read.\n", imageFilename.c_str() ); ts->set_failed_test_info( cvtest::TS::FAIL_INVALID_TEST_DATA ); return false; } if(depth.empty()) { ts->printf( cvtest::TS::LOG, "Depth %s can not be read.\n", depthFilename.c_str() ); ts->set_failed_test_info( cvtest::TS::FAIL_INVALID_TEST_DATA ); ts->set_gtest_status(); return false; } CV_DbgAssert(image.type() == CV_8UC1); CV_DbgAssert(depth.type() == CV_16UC1); { Mat depth_flt; depth.convertTo(depth_flt, CV_32FC1, 1.f/5000.f); depth_flt.setTo(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(), depth_flt < FLT_EPSILON); depth = depth_flt; } return true; } void CV_OdometryTest::generateRandomTransformation(Mat& rvec, Mat& tvec) { const float maxRotation = (float)(3.f / 180.f * CV_PI); //rad const float maxTranslation = 0.02f; //m RNG& rng = theRNG(); rvec.create(3, 1, CV_64FC1); tvec.create(3, 1, CV_64FC1); randu(rvec, Scalar(-1000), Scalar(1000)); normalize(rvec, rvec, rng.uniform(0.007f, maxRotation)); randu(tvec, Scalar(-1000), Scalar(1000)); normalize(tvec, tvec, rng.uniform(0.007f, maxTranslation)); } void CV_OdometryTest::run(int) { float fx = 525.0f, // default fy = 525.0f, cx = 319.5f, cy = 239.5f; Mat K = Mat::eye(3,3,CV_32FC1); { K.at<float>(0,0) = fx; K.at<float>(1,1) = fy; K.at<float>(0,2) = cx; K.at<float>(1,2) = cy; } Mat image, depth; if(!readData(image, depth)) return; odometry->set("cameraMatrix", K); Mat calcRt; // 1. Try to find Rt between the same frame (try masks also). bool isComputed = odometry->compute(image, depth, Mat(image.size(), CV_8UC1, Scalar(255)), image, depth, Mat(image.size(), CV_8UC1, Scalar(255)), calcRt); if(!isComputed) { ts->printf(cvtest::TS::LOG, "Can not find Rt between the same frame"); ts->set_failed_test_info(cvtest::TS::FAIL_INVALID_OUTPUT); } double diff = norm(calcRt, Mat::eye(4,4,CV_64FC1)); if(diff > DBL_EPSILON) { ts->printf(cvtest::TS::LOG, "Incorrect transformation between the same frame (not the identity matrix), diff = %f", diff); ts->set_failed_test_info(cvtest::TS::FAIL_BAD_ACCURACY); } // 2. Generate random rigid body motion in some ranges several times (iterCount). // On each iteration an input frame is warped using generated transformation. // Odometry is run on the following pair: the original frame and the warped one. // Comparing a computed transformation with an applied one we compute 2 errors: // better_1time_count - count of poses which error is less than ground thrush pose, // better_5times_count - count of poses which error is 5 times less than ground thrush pose. int iterCount = 100; int better_1time_count = 0; int better_5times_count = 0; for(int iter = 0; iter < iterCount; iter++) { Mat rvec, tvec; generateRandomTransformation(rvec, tvec); Mat warpedImage, warpedDepth; warpFrame(image, depth, rvec, tvec, K, warpedImage, warpedDepth); dilateFrame(warpedImage, warpedDepth); // due to inaccuracy after warping isComputed = odometry->compute(image, depth, Mat(), warpedImage, warpedDepth, Mat(), calcRt); if(!isComputed) continue; Mat calcR = calcRt(Rect(0,0,3,3)), calcRvec; Rodrigues(calcR, calcRvec); calcRvec = calcRvec.reshape(rvec.channels(), rvec.rows); Mat calcTvec = calcRt(Rect(3,0,1,3)); #if SHOW_DEBUG_IMAGES imshow("image", image); imshow("warpedImage", warpedImage); Mat resultImage, resultDepth; warpFrame(image, depth, calcRvec, calcTvec, K, resultImage, resultDepth); imshow("resultImage", resultImage); waitKey(); #endif // compare rotation double rdiffnorm = norm(rvec - calcRvec), rnorm = norm(rvec); double tdiffnorm = norm(tvec - calcTvec), tnorm = norm(tvec); if(rdiffnorm < rnorm && tdiffnorm < tnorm) better_1time_count++; if(5. * rdiffnorm < rnorm && 5 * tdiffnorm < tnorm) better_5times_count++; #if SHOW_DEBUG_LOG std::cout << "Iter " << iter << std::endl; std::cout << "rdiffnorm " << rdiffnorm << "; rnorm " << rnorm << std::endl; std::cout << "tdiffnorm " << tdiffnorm << "; tnorm " << tnorm << std::endl; std::cout << "better_1time_count " << better_1time_count << "; better_5time_count " << better_5times_count << std::endl; #endif } if(static_cast<double>(better_1time_count) < maxError1 * static_cast<double>(iterCount)) { ts->printf(cvtest::TS::LOG, "\nIncorrect count of accurate poses [1st case]: %f / %f", static_cast<double>(better_1time_count), maxError1 * static_cast<double>(iterCount)); ts->set_failed_test_info(cvtest::TS::FAIL_BAD_ACCURACY); } if(static_cast<double>(better_5times_count) < maxError5 * static_cast<double>(iterCount)) { ts->printf(cvtest::TS::LOG, "\nIncorrect count of accurate poses [2nd case]: %f / %f", static_cast<double>(better_5times_count), maxError5 * static_cast<double>(iterCount)); ts->set_failed_test_info(cvtest::TS::FAIL_BAD_ACCURACY); } } /****************************************************************************************\ * Tests registrations * \****************************************************************************************/ } } TEST(RGBD_Odometry_Rgbd, algorithmic) { cv::rgbd::CV_OdometryTest test(cv::Algorithm::create<cv::rgbd::Odometry>("RGBD.RgbdOdometry"), 0.99, 0.94); test.safe_run(); } TEST(RGBD_Odometry_ICP, algorithmic) { cv::rgbd::CV_OdometryTest test(cv::Algorithm::create<cv::rgbd::Odometry>("RGBD.ICPOdometry"), 0.99, 0.99); test.safe_run(); } TEST(RGBD_Odometry_RgbdICP, algorithmic) { cv::rgbd::CV_OdometryTest test(cv::Algorithm::create<cv::rgbd::Odometry>("RGBD.RgbdICPOdometry"), 0.99, 0.99); test.safe_run(); }