#include "zoomableimage.hpp" #include <algorithm> #include <QHBoxLayout> #include <QAction> #include <QMenu> #include <QFileDialog> #include <QPixmap> #include "util.hpp" #include "types.hpp" #include <iostream> #include <sstream> /** * @brief Puts a value into a stringstream. (used to print char and uchar as a * value instead a char. * @param ss The stringstream. * @param val The value. */ template <int depth> void putInStream(std::stringstream &ss, const cvv::qtutil::DepthType<depth> &val) { ss << val; } /** * @brief Puts a value into a stringstream. (used to print char and uchar as a * value instead a char. * @param ss The stringstream. * @param val The value. */ template <> void putInStream<CV_8U>(std::stringstream &ss, const cvv::qtutil::DepthType<CV_8U> &val) { ss << static_cast<cvv::qtutil::DepthType<CV_16S>>(val); } /** * @brief Puts a value into a stringstream. (used to print char and uchar as a * value instead a char. * @param ss The stringstream. * @param val The value. */ template <> void putInStream<CV_8S>(std::stringstream &ss, const cvv::qtutil::DepthType<CV_8S> &val) { ss << static_cast<cvv::qtutil::DepthType<CV_16S>>(val); } /** * @brief Returns the channels of pixel mat,col from mat as a string. * @param mat The mat. * @param col The col. * @param row The row. * @return The channels of pixel mat,col from mat as a string. */ template <int depth, int channels> std::string printPixel(const cv::Mat &mat, int spalte, int zeile) { std::stringstream ss{}; auto p = mat.at<cv::Vec<cvv::qtutil::DepthType<depth>, channels>>( zeile, spalte); putInStream<depth>(ss, p[0]); for (int c = 1; c < mat.channels(); c++) { ss << "\n"; putInStream<depth>(ss, p[c]); } return ss.str(); } /** * @brief Returns the channels of pixel mat,col from mat as a string. * (This step spilts at the number of channels) * @param mat The mat. * @param i The col. * @param j The row. * @return The channels of pixel mat,col from mat as a string. (or ">6 * channels") */ template <int depth> std::string printPixel(const cv::Mat &mat, int i, int j) { if (mat.channels() < 1) { return "<1 channel"; } switch (mat.channels()) { case 1: return printPixel<depth, 1>(mat, i, j); break; case 2: return printPixel<depth, 2>(mat, i, j); break; case 3: return printPixel<depth, 3>(mat, i, j); break; case 4: return printPixel<depth, 4>(mat, i, j); break; case 5: return printPixel<depth, 5>(mat, i, j); break; case 6: return printPixel<depth, 6>(mat, i, j); break; case 7: return printPixel<depth, 7>(mat, i, j); break; case 8: return printPixel<depth, 8>(mat, i, j); break; case 9: return printPixel<depth, 9>(mat, i, j); break; case 10: return printPixel<depth, 10>(mat, i, j); break; default: return ">10 channels"; } } /** * @brief Returns the channels of pixel mat,col from mat as a string. * (This step spilts at the depth) * @param mat The mat. * @param i The col. * @param j The row. * @return The channels of pixel mat,col from mat as a string. (or ">6 * channels") */ std::string printPixel(const cv::Mat &mat, int i, int j) { if (i >= 0 && j >= 0) { if (i < mat.cols && j < mat.rows) { switch (mat.depth()) { case CV_8U: return printPixel<CV_8U>(mat, i, j); break; case CV_8S: return printPixel<CV_8S>(mat, i, j); break; case CV_16U: return printPixel<CV_16U>(mat, i, j); break; case CV_16S: return printPixel<CV_16S>(mat, i, j); break; case CV_32S: return printPixel<CV_32S>(mat, i, j); break; case CV_32F: return printPixel<CV_32F>(mat, i, j); break; case CV_64F: return printPixel<CV_64F>(mat, i, j); break; } return "unknown depth"; } } return ""; } namespace cvv { namespace qtutil { ZoomableImage::ZoomableImage(const cv::Mat &mat, QWidget *parent) : QWidget{ parent }, mat_{ mat }, pixmap_{ nullptr }, view_{ nullptr }, scene_{ nullptr }, zoom_{ 1 }, threshold_{ 60 }, autoShowValues_{ true }, values_{}, scrollFactorCTRL_{ 1.025 }, scrollFactorCTRLShift_{ 1.01 }, updateAreaTimer_{}, updateAreaQueued_{false}, updateAreaDelay_{50} { // qt5 doc : "The view does not take ownership of scene." auto scene = util::make_unique<QGraphicsScene>(this); scene_ = *scene; auto view = util::make_unique<structures::ZoomableImageGraphicsView>(); view_ = *view; view_->setScene(scene.release()); QObject::connect((view_->horizontalScrollBar()), &QScrollBar::valueChanged, this, &ZoomableImage::viewScrolled); QObject::connect((view_->verticalScrollBar()), &QScrollBar::valueChanged, this, &ZoomableImage::viewScrolled); QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(updateArea(QRectF, qreal)), this, SLOT(drawValues())); // scrollbars should have strong focus view_->horizontalScrollBar()->setFocusPolicy(Qt::FocusPolicy::NoFocus); view_->verticalScrollBar()->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); view_->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); auto layout = util::make_unique<QHBoxLayout>(); layout->addWidget(view.release()); layout->setMargin(0); setLayout(layout.release()); setMat(mat_); // rightklick setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &)), this, SLOT(rightClick(QPoint))); //update area timer updateAreaTimer_.setSingleShot(true); QObject::connect(&updateAreaTimer_,SIGNAL(timeout()),this,SLOT(emitUpdateArea())); showFullImage(); setMouseTracking(true); } void ZoomableImage::setMat(cv::Mat mat) { mat_ = mat; auto result = convertMatToQPixmap(mat_); emit updateConversionResult( mat,result.first); lastConversionResult_=result.first; // QTReference: // void QGraphicsScene::clear() [slot] // Removes and deletes all items from the scene, but // otherwise leaves the state of the scene unchanged. //=>pixmap+values are deleted scene_->clear(); pixmap_ = *(scene_->addPixmap(result.second)); values_.clear(); drawValues(); } void ZoomableImage::setZoom(qreal factor) { if (factor <= 0) { return; } qreal nscale = factor / zoom_; zoom_ = factor; view_->scale(nscale, nscale); //less signals queueUpdateArea(); } void ZoomableImage::queueUpdateArea() { if(!updateAreaQueued_) { updateAreaQueued_=true; updateAreaTimer_.start(updateAreaDelay_); } } void ZoomableImage::drawValues() { // delete old values for (auto &elem : values_) { scene_->removeItem(elem); // QGraphicsItem has no delete later delete elem; } values_.clear(); // draw values? if (!(autoShowValues_ && (zoom_ >= threshold_))) { return; } auto r = visibleArea(); for (int j = std::max(0, static_cast<int>(r.top()) - 1); j < std::min(mat_.rows, static_cast<int>(r.bottom()) + 1); j++) { for (int i = std::max(0, static_cast<int>(r.left()) - 1); i < std::min(mat_.cols, static_cast<int>(r.right()) + 1); i++) { QString s(printPixel(mat_, i, j).c_str()); s.replace('\n', "<br>"); QGraphicsTextItem *txt = scene_->addText(""); txt->setHtml( QString("<div style='background-color:rgba(255, " "255, 255, 0.5);'>") + s + "</div>"); txt->setPos(i, j); txt->setScale(0.008); values_.push_back(txt); } } } void ZoomableImage::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) { if (QApplication::keyboardModifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) { qreal f = scrollFactorCTRL_; ; if (QApplication::keyboardModifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) { f = scrollFactorCTRLShift_; ; } qreal scroll = ((event->angleDelta().x()) + (event->angleDelta().y())) * f; if (scroll < 0.0) { scroll = -1.0 / scroll; f = 1 / f; } setZoom(f * zoom_); } else { QWidget::wheelEvent(event); } } void ZoomableImage::setArea(QRectF rect, qreal zoom) { setZoom(zoom); view_->centerOn(rect.topLeft() + (rect.bottomRight() - rect.topLeft()) / 2); } void ZoomableImage::showFullImage() { qreal iw = static_cast<qreal>(imageWidth()); qreal ih = static_cast<qreal>(imageHeight()); if (!((iw != 0) && (ih != 0))) { return; } setZoom(std::min(static_cast<qreal>(view_->viewport()->width()) / iw, static_cast<qreal>(view_->viewport()->height()) / ih)); } QRectF ZoomableImage::visibleArea() const { QRectF result{}; result.setTopLeft(view_->mapToScene(QPoint{ 0, 0 })); result.setBottomRight(view_->mapToScene( QPoint{ view_->viewport()->width(), view_->viewport()->height() })); return result; } void ZoomableImage::rightClick(const QPoint &pos) { QPoint p = mapToGlobal(pos); QMenu menu; menu.addAction("Save orginal image"); menu.addAction("Save visible image"); QAction *item = menu.exec(p); if (item) { QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( this, tr("Save File"), ".", tr("BMP (*.bmp);;GIF (*.gif);;JPG (*.jpg);;PNG (*.png);;" "PBM (*.pbm);;PGM (*.pgm);;PPM (*.ppm);;XBM (*.xbm);;" "XPM (*.xpm)")); if (fileName == "") { return; } QPixmap pmap; if ((item->text()) == "Save orginal image") { pmap = fullImage(); } else { pmap = visibleImage(); } pmap.save(fileName, 0, 100); } } QPointF ZoomableImage::mapImagePointToParent(QPointF point) const { return mapToParent(view_->mapToParent( view_->mapFromScene(pixmap_->mapToScene(point)))); } void ZoomableImage::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent * event) { QPointF imgPos=view_->mapToScene(view_->mapFromGlobal(event->globalPos())); bool inImage=(imgPos.x()>=0) &&(imgPos.y()>=0) &&(imgPos.x()<=imageWidth()) &&(imgPos.y()<=imageHeight()); QString pixelVal{""}; if(inImage) { pixelVal=QString{printPixel(mat_, imgPos.x(), imgPos.y()).c_str()}; } emit updateMouseHover(imgPos,pixelVal,inImage); } void ZoomableImage::emitUpdateArea() { updateAreaQueued_=false; emit updateArea(visibleArea(),zoom_); } namespace structures { void ZoomableImageGraphicsView::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) { if (QApplication::keyboardModifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) { event->ignore(); } else { QGraphicsView::wheelEvent(event); } } } } }