/* * By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you agree to this license. * If you do not agree to this license, do not download, install, * copy or use the software. * * * License Agreement * For Open Source Computer Vision Library * (3 - clause BSD License) * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met : * * *Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and / or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the names of the copyright holders nor the names of the contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and * any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied * warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. * In no event shall copyright holders or contributors be liable for any direct, * indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages * (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; 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using namespace cv; using namespace cv::ximgproc; struct Buf { Mat_<Point3f> eta_1; Mat_<uchar> cluster_1; Mat_<Point3f> tilde_dst; Mat_<float> alpha; Mat_<Point3f> diff; Mat_<Point3f> dst; Mat_<float> V; Mat_<Point3f> dIcdx; Mat_<Point3f> dIcdy; Mat_<float> dIdx; Mat_<float> dIdy; Mat_<float> dHdx; Mat_<float> dVdy; Mat_<float> t; Mat_<float> theta_masked; Mat_<Point3f> mul; Mat_<Point3f> numerator; Mat_<float> denominator; Mat_<Point3f> numerator_filtered; Mat_<float> denominator_filtered; Mat_<Point3f> X; Mat_<Point3f> eta_k_small; Mat_<Point3f> eta_k_big; Mat_<Point3f> X_squared; Mat_<float> pixel_dist_to_manifold_squared; Mat_<float> gaussian_distance_weights; Mat_<Point3f> Psi_splat; Mat_<Vec4f> Psi_splat_joined; Mat_<Vec4f> Psi_splat_joined_resized; Mat_<Vec4f> blurred_projected_values; Mat_<Point3f> w_ki_Psi_blur; Mat_<float> w_ki_Psi_blur_0; Mat_<Point3f> w_ki_Psi_blur_resized; Mat_<float> w_ki_Psi_blur_0_resized; Mat_<float> rand_vec; Mat_<float> v1; Mat_<float> Nx_v1_mult; Mat_<float> theta; std::vector<Mat_<Point3f> > eta_minus; std::vector<Mat_<uchar> > cluster_minus; std::vector<Mat_<Point3f> > eta_plus; std::vector<Mat_<uchar> > cluster_plus; void release(); }; void Buf::release() { eta_1.release(); cluster_1.release(); tilde_dst.release(); alpha.release(); diff.release(); dst.release(); V.release(); dIcdx.release(); dIcdy.release(); dIdx.release(); dIdy.release(); dHdx.release(); dVdy.release(); t.release(); theta_masked.release(); mul.release(); numerator.release(); denominator.release(); numerator_filtered.release(); denominator_filtered.release(); X.release(); eta_k_small.release(); eta_k_big.release(); X_squared.release(); pixel_dist_to_manifold_squared.release(); gaussian_distance_weights.release(); Psi_splat.release(); Psi_splat_joined.release(); Psi_splat_joined_resized.release(); blurred_projected_values.release(); w_ki_Psi_blur.release(); w_ki_Psi_blur_0.release(); w_ki_Psi_blur_resized.release(); w_ki_Psi_blur_0_resized.release(); rand_vec.release(); v1.release(); Nx_v1_mult.release(); theta.release(); eta_minus.clear(); cluster_minus.clear(); eta_plus.clear(); cluster_plus.clear(); } class AdaptiveManifoldFilterRefImpl : public AdaptiveManifoldFilter { public: AdaptiveManifoldFilterRefImpl(); void filter(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, InputArray joint); void collectGarbage(); CV_IMPL_PROPERTY(double, SigmaS, sigma_s_) CV_IMPL_PROPERTY(double, SigmaR, sigma_r_) CV_IMPL_PROPERTY(int, TreeHeight, tree_height_) CV_IMPL_PROPERTY(int, PCAIterations, num_pca_iterations_) CV_IMPL_PROPERTY(bool, AdjustOutliers, adjust_outliers_) CV_IMPL_PROPERTY(bool, UseRNG, useRNG) protected: bool adjust_outliers_; double sigma_s_; double sigma_r_; int tree_height_; int num_pca_iterations_; bool useRNG; private: void buildManifoldsAndPerformFiltering(const Mat_<Point3f>& eta_k, const Mat_<uchar>& cluster_k, int current_tree_level); Buf buf_; Mat_<Point3f> src_f_; Mat_<Point3f> src_joint_f_; Mat_<Point3f> sum_w_ki_Psi_blur_; Mat_<float> sum_w_ki_Psi_blur_0_; Mat_<float> min_pixel_dist_to_manifold_squared_; RNG rng_; int cur_tree_height_; float sigma_r_over_sqrt_2_; }; AdaptiveManifoldFilterRefImpl::AdaptiveManifoldFilterRefImpl() { sigma_s_ = 16.0; sigma_r_ = 0.2; tree_height_ = -1; num_pca_iterations_ = 1; adjust_outliers_ = false; useRNG = true; } void AdaptiveManifoldFilterRefImpl::collectGarbage() { buf_.release(); src_f_.release(); src_joint_f_.release(); sum_w_ki_Psi_blur_.release(); sum_w_ki_Psi_blur_0_.release(); min_pixel_dist_to_manifold_squared_.release(); } inline double Log2(double n) { return log(n) / log(2.0); } inline int computeManifoldTreeHeight(double sigma_s, double sigma_r) { const double Hs = floor(Log2(sigma_s)) - 1.0; const double Lr = 1.0 - sigma_r; return max(2, static_cast<int>(ceil(Hs * Lr))); } void ensureSizeIsEnough(int rows, int cols, int type, Mat& m) { if (m.empty() || m.type() != type || m.data != m.datastart) m.create(rows, cols, type); else { const size_t esz = m.elemSize(); const ptrdiff_t delta2 = m.dataend - m.datastart; const size_t minstep = m.cols * esz; Size wholeSize; wholeSize.height = std::max(static_cast<int>((delta2 - minstep) / m.step + 1), m.rows); wholeSize.width = std::max(static_cast<int>((delta2 - m.step * (wholeSize.height - 1)) / esz), m.cols); if (wholeSize.height < rows || wholeSize.width < cols) m.create(rows, cols, type); else { m.cols = cols; m.rows = rows; } } } inline void ensureSizeIsEnough(Size size, int type, Mat& m) { ensureSizeIsEnough(size.height, size.width, type, m); } template <typename T> inline void ensureSizeIsEnough(int rows, int cols, Mat_<T>& m) { if (m.empty() || m.data != m.datastart) m.create(rows, cols); else { const size_t esz = m.elemSize(); const ptrdiff_t delta2 = m.dataend - m.datastart; const size_t minstep = m.cols * esz; Size wholeSize; wholeSize.height = std::max(static_cast<int>((delta2 - minstep) / m.step + 1), m.rows); wholeSize.width = std::max(static_cast<int>((delta2 - m.step * (wholeSize.height - 1)) / esz), m.cols); if (wholeSize.height < rows || wholeSize.width < cols) m.create(rows, cols); else { m.cols = cols; m.rows = rows; } } } template <typename T> inline void ensureSizeIsEnough(Size size, Mat_<T>& m) { ensureSizeIsEnough(size.height, size.width, m); } template <typename T> void h_filter(const Mat_<T>& src, Mat_<T>& dst, float sigma) { CV_DbgAssert( src.depth() == CV_32F ); const float a = exp(-sqrt(2.0f) / sigma); ensureSizeIsEnough(src.size(), dst); for (int y = 0; y < src.rows; ++y) { const T* src_row = src[y]; T* dst_row = dst[y]; dst_row[0] = src_row[0]; for (int x = 1; x < src.cols; ++x) { //dst_row[x] = src_row[x] + a * (src_row[x - 1] - src_row[x]); dst_row[x] = src_row[x] + a * (dst_row[x - 1] - src_row[x]); //!!! } for (int x = src.cols - 2; x >= 0; --x) { dst_row[x] = dst_row[x] + a * (dst_row[x + 1] - dst_row[x]); } } for (int y = 1; y < src.rows; ++y) { T* dst_cur_row = dst[y]; T* dst_prev_row = dst[y - 1]; for (int x = 0; x < src.cols; ++x) { dst_cur_row[x] = dst_cur_row[x] + a * (dst_prev_row[x] - dst_cur_row[x]); } } for (int y = src.rows - 2; y >= 0; --y) { T* dst_cur_row = dst[y]; T* dst_prev_row = dst[y + 1]; for (int x = 0; x < src.cols; ++x) { dst_cur_row[x] = dst_cur_row[x] + a * (dst_prev_row[x] - dst_cur_row[x]); } } } template <typename T> void rdivide(const Mat_<T>& a, const Mat_<float>& b, Mat_<T>& dst) { CV_DbgAssert( a.depth() == CV_32F ); CV_DbgAssert( a.size() == b.size() ); ensureSizeIsEnough(a.size(), dst); dst.setTo(0); for (int y = 0; y < a.rows; ++y) { const T* a_row = a[y]; const float* b_row = b[y]; T* dst_row = dst[y]; for (int x = 0; x < a.cols; ++x) { //if (b_row[x] > numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()) dst_row[x] = a_row[x] * (1.0f / b_row[x]); } } } template <typename T> void times(const Mat_<T>& a, const Mat_<float>& b, Mat_<T>& dst) { CV_DbgAssert( a.depth() == CV_32F ); CV_DbgAssert( a.size() == b.size() ); ensureSizeIsEnough(a.size(), dst); for (int y = 0; y < a.rows; ++y) { const T* a_row = a[y]; const float* b_row = b[y]; T* dst_row = dst[y]; for (int x = 0; x < a.cols; ++x) { dst_row[x] = a_row[x] * b_row[x]; } } } void AdaptiveManifoldFilterRefImpl::filter(InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, InputArray _joint) { const Mat src = _src.getMat(); const Mat src_joint = _joint.getMat(); const Size srcSize = src.size(); CV_Assert( src.type() == CV_8UC3 ); CV_Assert( src_joint.empty() || (src_joint.type() == src.type() && src_joint.size() == srcSize) ); ensureSizeIsEnough(srcSize, src_f_); src.convertTo(src_f_, src_f_.type(), 1.0 / 255.0); ensureSizeIsEnough(srcSize, sum_w_ki_Psi_blur_); sum_w_ki_Psi_blur_.setTo(Scalar::all(0)); ensureSizeIsEnough(srcSize, sum_w_ki_Psi_blur_0_); sum_w_ki_Psi_blur_0_.setTo(Scalar::all(0)); ensureSizeIsEnough(srcSize, min_pixel_dist_to_manifold_squared_); min_pixel_dist_to_manifold_squared_.setTo(Scalar::all(numeric_limits<float>::max())); // If the tree_height was not specified, compute it using Eq. (10) of our paper. cur_tree_height_ = tree_height_ > 0 ? tree_height_ : computeManifoldTreeHeight(sigma_s_, sigma_r_); // If no joint signal was specified, use the original signal ensureSizeIsEnough(srcSize, src_joint_f_); if (src_joint.empty()) src_f_.copyTo(src_joint_f_); else src_joint.convertTo(src_joint_f_, src_joint_f_.type(), 1.0 / 255.0); // Use the center pixel as seed to random number generation. const double seedCoef = src_joint_f_(src_joint_f_.rows / 2, src_joint_f_.cols / 2).x; const uint64 baseCoef = numeric_limits<uint64>::max() / 0xFFFF; rng_.state = static_cast<uint64>(baseCoef*seedCoef); // Dividing the covariance matrix by 2 is equivalent to dividing the standard deviations by sqrt(2). sigma_r_over_sqrt_2_ = static_cast<float>(sigma_r_ / sqrt(2.0)); // Algorithm 1, Step 1: compute the first manifold by low-pass filtering. h_filter(src_joint_f_, buf_.eta_1, static_cast<float>(sigma_s_)); ensureSizeIsEnough(srcSize, buf_.cluster_1); buf_.cluster_1.setTo(Scalar::all(1)); buf_.eta_minus.resize(cur_tree_height_); buf_.cluster_minus.resize(cur_tree_height_); buf_.eta_plus.resize(cur_tree_height_); buf_.cluster_plus.resize(cur_tree_height_); buildManifoldsAndPerformFiltering(buf_.eta_1, buf_.cluster_1, 1); // Compute the filter response by normalized convolution -- Eq. (4) rdivide(sum_w_ki_Psi_blur_, sum_w_ki_Psi_blur_0_, buf_.tilde_dst); if (!adjust_outliers_) { buf_.tilde_dst.convertTo(_dst, CV_8U, 255.0); } else { // Adjust the filter response for outlier pixels -- Eq. (10) ensureSizeIsEnough(srcSize, buf_.alpha); exp(min_pixel_dist_to_manifold_squared_ * (-0.5 / sigma_r_ / sigma_r_), buf_.alpha); ensureSizeIsEnough(srcSize, buf_.diff); subtract(buf_.tilde_dst, src_f_, buf_.diff); times(buf_.diff, buf_.alpha, buf_.diff); ensureSizeIsEnough(srcSize, buf_.dst); add(src_f_, buf_.diff, buf_.dst); buf_.dst.convertTo(_dst, CV_8U, 255.0); } } inline double floor_to_power_of_two(double r) { return pow(2.0, floor(Log2(r))); } void channelsSum(const Mat_<Point3f>& src, Mat_<float>& dst) { ensureSizeIsEnough(src.size(), dst); for (int y = 0; y < src.rows; ++y) { const Point3f* src_row = src[y]; float* dst_row = dst[y]; for (int x = 0; x < src.cols; ++x) { const Point3f src_val = src_row[x]; dst_row[x] = src_val.x + src_val.y + src_val.z; } } } void phi(const Mat_<float>& src, Mat_<float>& dst, float sigma) { ensureSizeIsEnough(src.size(), dst); for (int y = 0; y < dst.rows; ++y) { const float* src_row = src[y]; float* dst_row = dst[y]; for (int x = 0; x < dst.cols; ++x) { dst_row[x] = exp(-0.5f * src_row[x] / sigma / sigma); } } } void catCn(const Mat_<Point3f>& a, const Mat_<float>& b, Mat_<Vec4f>& dst) { ensureSizeIsEnough(a.size(), dst); for (int y = 0; y < a.rows; ++y) { const Point3f* a_row = a[y]; const float* b_row = b[y]; Vec4f* dst_row = dst[y]; for (int x = 0; x < a.cols; ++x) { const Point3f a_val = a_row[x]; const float b_val = b_row[x]; dst_row[x] = Vec4f(a_val.x, a_val.y, a_val.z, b_val); } } } void diffY(const Mat_<Point3f>& src, Mat_<Point3f>& dst) { ensureSizeIsEnough(src.rows - 1, src.cols, dst); for (int y = 0; y < src.rows - 1; ++y) { const Point3f* src_cur_row = src[y]; const Point3f* src_next_row = src[y + 1]; Point3f* dst_row = dst[y]; for (int x = 0; x < src.cols; ++x) { dst_row[x] = src_next_row[x] - src_cur_row[x]; } } } void diffX(const Mat_<Point3f>& src, Mat_<Point3f>& dst) { ensureSizeIsEnough(src.rows, src.cols - 1, dst); for (int y = 0; y < src.rows; ++y) { const Point3f* src_row = src[y]; Point3f* dst_row = dst[y]; for (int x = 0; x < src.cols - 1; ++x) { dst_row[x] = src_row[x + 1] - src_row[x]; } } } void TransformedDomainRecursiveFilter(const Mat_<Vec4f>& I, const Mat_<float>& DH, const Mat_<float>& DV, Mat_<Vec4f>& dst, float sigma, Buf& buf) { CV_DbgAssert( I.size() == DH.size() ); const float a = exp(-sqrt(2.0f) / sigma); ensureSizeIsEnough(I.size(), dst); I.copyTo(dst); ensureSizeIsEnough(DH.size(), buf.V); for (int y = 0; y < DH.rows; ++y) { const float* D_row = DH[y]; float* V_row = buf.V[y]; for (int x = 0; x < DH.cols; ++x) { V_row[x] = pow(a, D_row[x]); } } for (int y = 0; y < I.rows; ++y) { const float* V_row = buf.V[y]; Vec4f* dst_row = dst[y]; for (int x = 1; x < I.cols; ++x) { Vec4f dst_cur_val = dst_row[x]; const Vec4f dst_prev_val = dst_row[x - 1]; const float V_val = V_row[x]; dst_cur_val[0] += V_val * (dst_prev_val[0] - dst_cur_val[0]); dst_cur_val[1] += V_val * (dst_prev_val[1] - dst_cur_val[1]); dst_cur_val[2] += V_val * (dst_prev_val[2] - dst_cur_val[2]); dst_cur_val[3] += V_val * (dst_prev_val[3] - dst_cur_val[3]); dst_row[x] = dst_cur_val; } for (int x = I.cols - 2; x >= 0; --x) { Vec4f dst_cur_val = dst_row[x]; const Vec4f dst_prev_val = dst_row[x + 1]; //const float V_val = V_row[x]; const float V_val = V_row[x+1]; dst_cur_val[0] += V_val * (dst_prev_val[0] - dst_cur_val[0]); dst_cur_val[1] += V_val * (dst_prev_val[1] - dst_cur_val[1]); dst_cur_val[2] += V_val * (dst_prev_val[2] - dst_cur_val[2]); dst_cur_val[3] += V_val * (dst_prev_val[3] - dst_cur_val[3]); dst_row[x] = dst_cur_val; } } for (int y = 0; y < DV.rows; ++y) { const float* D_row = DV[y]; float* V_row = buf.V[y]; for (int x = 0; x < DV.cols; ++x) { V_row[x] = pow(a, D_row[x]); } } for (int y = 1; y < I.rows; ++y) { const float* V_row = buf.V[y]; Vec4f* dst_cur_row = dst[y]; Vec4f* dst_prev_row = dst[y - 1]; for (int x = 0; x < I.cols; ++x) { Vec4f dst_cur_val = dst_cur_row[x]; const Vec4f dst_prev_val = dst_prev_row[x]; const float V_val = V_row[x]; dst_cur_val[0] += V_val * (dst_prev_val[0] - dst_cur_val[0]); dst_cur_val[1] += V_val * (dst_prev_val[1] - dst_cur_val[1]); dst_cur_val[2] += V_val * (dst_prev_val[2] - dst_cur_val[2]); dst_cur_val[3] += V_val * (dst_prev_val[3] - dst_cur_val[3]); dst_cur_row[x] = dst_cur_val; } } for (int y = I.rows - 2; y >= 0; --y) { //const float* V_row = buf.V[y]; const float* V_row = buf.V[y + 1]; Vec4f* dst_cur_row = dst[y]; Vec4f* dst_prev_row = dst[y + 1]; for (int x = 0; x < I.cols; ++x) { Vec4f dst_cur_val = dst_cur_row[x]; const Vec4f dst_prev_val = dst_prev_row[x]; const float V_val = V_row[x]; dst_cur_val[0] += V_val * (dst_prev_val[0] - dst_cur_val[0]); dst_cur_val[1] += V_val * (dst_prev_val[1] - dst_cur_val[1]); dst_cur_val[2] += V_val * (dst_prev_val[2] - dst_cur_val[2]); dst_cur_val[3] += V_val * (dst_prev_val[3] - dst_cur_val[3]); dst_cur_row[x] = dst_cur_val; } } } void RF_filter(const Mat_<Vec4f>& src, const Mat_<Point3f>& src_joint, Mat_<Vec4f>& dst, float sigma_s, float sigma_r, Buf& buf) { CV_DbgAssert( src_joint.size() == src.size() ); diffX(src_joint, buf.dIcdx); diffY(src_joint, buf.dIcdy); ensureSizeIsEnough(src.size(), buf.dIdx); buf.dIdx.setTo(Scalar::all(0)); for (int y = 0; y < src.rows; ++y) { const Point3f* dIcdx_row = buf.dIcdx[y]; float* dIdx_row = buf.dIdx[y]; for (int x = 1; x < src.cols; ++x) { const Point3f val = dIcdx_row[x - 1]; dIdx_row[x] = val.dot(val); } } ensureSizeIsEnough(src.size(), buf.dIdy); buf.dIdy.setTo(Scalar::all(0)); for (int y = 1; y < src.rows; ++y) { const Point3f* dIcdy_row = buf.dIcdy[y - 1]; float* dIdy_row = buf.dIdy[y]; for (int x = 0; x < src.cols; ++x) { const Point3f val = dIcdy_row[x]; dIdy_row[x] = val.dot(val); } } ensureSizeIsEnough(buf.dIdx.size(), buf.dHdx); buf.dIdx.convertTo(buf.dHdx, buf.dHdx.type(), (sigma_s / sigma_r) * (sigma_s / sigma_r), (sigma_s / sigma_s) * (sigma_s / sigma_s)); sqrt(buf.dHdx, buf.dHdx); ensureSizeIsEnough(buf.dIdy.size(), buf.dVdy); buf.dIdy.convertTo(buf.dVdy, buf.dVdy.type(), (sigma_s / sigma_r) * (sigma_s / sigma_r), (sigma_s / sigma_s) * (sigma_s / sigma_s)); sqrt(buf.dVdy, buf.dVdy); ensureSizeIsEnough(src.size(), dst); src.copyTo(dst); TransformedDomainRecursiveFilter(src, buf.dHdx, buf.dVdy, dst, sigma_s, buf); } void split_3_1(const Mat_<Vec4f>& src, Mat_<Point3f>& dst1, Mat_<float>& dst2) { ensureSizeIsEnough(src.size(), dst1); ensureSizeIsEnough(src.size(), dst2); for (int y = 0; y < src.rows; ++y) { const Vec4f* src_row = src[y]; Point3f* dst1_row = dst1[y]; float* dst2_row = dst2[y]; for (int x = 0; x < src.cols; ++x) { Vec4f val = src_row[x]; dst1_row[x] = Point3f(val[0], val[1], val[2]); dst2_row[x] = val[3]; } } } void computeEigenVector(const Mat_<float>& X, const Mat_<uchar>& mask, Mat_<float>& dst, int num_pca_iterations, const Mat_<float>& rand_vec, Buf& buf) { CV_DbgAssert( X.cols == rand_vec.cols ); CV_DbgAssert( X.rows == mask.size().area() ); CV_DbgAssert( rand_vec.rows == 1 ); ensureSizeIsEnough(rand_vec.size(), dst); rand_vec.copyTo(dst); ensureSizeIsEnough(X.size(), buf.t); float* dst_row = dst[0]; for (int i = 0; i < num_pca_iterations; ++i) { buf.t.setTo(Scalar::all(0)); for (int y = 0, ind = 0; y < mask.rows; ++y) { const uchar* mask_row = mask[y]; for (int x = 0; x < mask.cols; ++x, ++ind) { if (mask_row[x]) { const float* X_row = X[ind]; float* t_row = buf.t[ind]; float dots = 0.0; for (int c = 0; c < X.cols; ++c) dots += dst_row[c] * X_row[c]; for (int c = 0; c < X.cols; ++c) t_row[c] = dots * X_row[c]; } } } dst.setTo(0.0); for (int k = 0; k < X.rows; ++k) { const float* t_row = buf.t[k]; for (int c = 0; c < X.cols; ++c) { dst_row[c] += t_row[c]; } } } double n = norm(dst); divide(dst, n, dst); } void calcEta(const Mat_<Point3f>& src_joint_f, const Mat_<float>& theta, const Mat_<uchar>& cluster, Mat_<Point3f>& dst, float sigma_s, float df, Buf& buf) { ensureSizeIsEnough(theta.size(), buf.theta_masked); buf.theta_masked.setTo(Scalar::all(0)); theta.copyTo(buf.theta_masked, cluster); times(src_joint_f, buf.theta_masked, buf.mul); const Size nsz = Size(saturate_cast<int>(buf.mul.cols * (1.0 / df)), saturate_cast<int>(buf.mul.rows * (1.0 / df))); ensureSizeIsEnough(nsz, buf.numerator); resize(buf.mul, buf.numerator, Size(), 1.0 / df, 1.0 / df); ensureSizeIsEnough(nsz, buf.denominator); resize(buf.theta_masked, buf.denominator, Size(), 1.0 / df, 1.0 / df); h_filter(buf.numerator, buf.numerator_filtered, sigma_s / df); h_filter(buf.denominator, buf.denominator_filtered, sigma_s / df); rdivide(buf.numerator_filtered, buf.denominator_filtered, dst); } void AdaptiveManifoldFilterRefImpl::buildManifoldsAndPerformFiltering(const Mat_<Point3f>& eta_k, const Mat_<uchar>& cluster_k, int current_tree_level) { // Compute downsampling factor double df = min(sigma_s_ / 4.0, 256.0 * sigma_r_); df = floor_to_power_of_two(df); df = max(1.0, df); // Splatting: project the pixel values onto the current manifold eta_k if (eta_k.rows == src_joint_f_.rows) { ensureSizeIsEnough(src_joint_f_.size(), buf_.X); subtract(src_joint_f_, eta_k, buf_.X); const Size nsz = Size(saturate_cast<int>(eta_k.cols * (1.0 / df)), saturate_cast<int>(eta_k.rows * (1.0 / df))); ensureSizeIsEnough(nsz, buf_.eta_k_small); resize(eta_k, buf_.eta_k_small, Size(), 1.0 / df, 1.0 / df); } else { ensureSizeIsEnough(eta_k.size(), buf_.eta_k_small); eta_k.copyTo(buf_.eta_k_small); ensureSizeIsEnough(src_joint_f_.size(), buf_.eta_k_big); resize(eta_k, buf_.eta_k_big, src_joint_f_.size()); ensureSizeIsEnough(src_joint_f_.size(), buf_.X); subtract(src_joint_f_, buf_.eta_k_big, buf_.X); } // Project pixel colors onto the manifold -- Eq. (3), Eq. (5) ensureSizeIsEnough(buf_.X.size(), buf_.X_squared); multiply(buf_.X, buf_.X, buf_.X_squared); channelsSum(buf_.X_squared, buf_.pixel_dist_to_manifold_squared); phi(buf_.pixel_dist_to_manifold_squared, buf_.gaussian_distance_weights, sigma_r_over_sqrt_2_); times(src_f_, buf_.gaussian_distance_weights, buf_.Psi_splat); const Mat_<float>& Psi_splat_0 = buf_.gaussian_distance_weights; // Save min distance to later perform adjustment of outliers -- Eq. (10) if (adjust_outliers_) { cv::min(_InputArray(min_pixel_dist_to_manifold_squared_), _InputArray(buf_.pixel_dist_to_manifold_squared), _OutputArray(min_pixel_dist_to_manifold_squared_)); } // Blurring: perform filtering over the current manifold eta_k catCn(buf_.Psi_splat, Psi_splat_0, buf_.Psi_splat_joined); ensureSizeIsEnough(buf_.eta_k_small.size(), buf_.Psi_splat_joined_resized); resize(buf_.Psi_splat_joined, buf_.Psi_splat_joined_resized, buf_.eta_k_small.size()); RF_filter(buf_.Psi_splat_joined_resized, buf_.eta_k_small, buf_.blurred_projected_values, static_cast<float>(sigma_s_ / df), sigma_r_over_sqrt_2_, buf_); split_3_1(buf_.blurred_projected_values, buf_.w_ki_Psi_blur, buf_.w_ki_Psi_blur_0); // Slicing: gather blurred values from the manifold // Since we perform splatting and slicing at the same points over the manifolds, // the interpolation weights are equal to the gaussian weights used for splatting. const Mat_<float>& w_ki = buf_.gaussian_distance_weights; ensureSizeIsEnough(src_f_.size(), buf_.w_ki_Psi_blur_resized); resize(buf_.w_ki_Psi_blur, buf_.w_ki_Psi_blur_resized, src_f_.size()); times(buf_.w_ki_Psi_blur_resized, w_ki, buf_.w_ki_Psi_blur_resized); add(sum_w_ki_Psi_blur_, buf_.w_ki_Psi_blur_resized, sum_w_ki_Psi_blur_); ensureSizeIsEnough(src_f_.size(), buf_.w_ki_Psi_blur_0_resized); resize(buf_.w_ki_Psi_blur_0, buf_.w_ki_Psi_blur_0_resized, src_f_.size()); times(buf_.w_ki_Psi_blur_0_resized, w_ki, buf_.w_ki_Psi_blur_0_resized); add(sum_w_ki_Psi_blur_0_, buf_.w_ki_Psi_blur_0_resized, sum_w_ki_Psi_blur_0_); // Compute two new manifolds eta_minus and eta_plus if (current_tree_level < cur_tree_height_) { // Algorithm 1, Step 2: compute the eigenvector v1 const Mat_<float> nX(src_joint_f_.size().area(), 3, (float*) buf_.X.data); ensureSizeIsEnough(1, nX.cols, buf_.rand_vec); if (useRNG) { rng_.fill(buf_.rand_vec, RNG::UNIFORM, -0.5, 0.5); } else { for (int i = 0; i < (int)buf_.rand_vec.total(); i++) buf_.rand_vec(0, i) = (i % 2 == 0) ? 0.5f : -0.5f; } computeEigenVector(nX, cluster_k, buf_.v1, num_pca_iterations_, buf_.rand_vec, buf_); // Algorithm 1, Step 3: Segment pixels into two clusters -- Eq. (6) ensureSizeIsEnough(nX.rows, buf_.v1.rows, buf_.Nx_v1_mult); gemm(nX, buf_.v1, 1.0, noArray(), 0.0, buf_.Nx_v1_mult, GEMM_2_T); const Mat_<float> dot(src_joint_f_.rows, src_joint_f_.cols, (float*) buf_.Nx_v1_mult.data); Mat_<uchar>& cluster_minus = buf_.cluster_minus[current_tree_level]; ensureSizeIsEnough(dot.size(), cluster_minus); compare(dot, 0, cluster_minus, CMP_LT); bitwise_and(cluster_minus, cluster_k, cluster_minus); Mat_<uchar>& cluster_plus = buf_.cluster_plus[current_tree_level]; ensureSizeIsEnough(dot.size(), cluster_plus); //compare(dot, 0, cluster_plus, CMP_GT); compare(dot, 0, cluster_plus, CMP_GE); bitwise_and(cluster_plus, cluster_k, cluster_plus); // Algorithm 1, Step 4: Compute new manifolds by weighted low-pass filtering -- Eq. (7-8) ensureSizeIsEnough(w_ki.size(), buf_.theta); buf_.theta.setTo(Scalar::all(1.0)); subtract(buf_.theta, w_ki, buf_.theta); Mat_<Point3f>& eta_minus = buf_.eta_minus[current_tree_level]; calcEta(src_joint_f_, buf_.theta, cluster_minus, eta_minus, (float)sigma_s_, (float)df, buf_); Mat_<Point3f>& eta_plus = buf_.eta_plus[current_tree_level]; calcEta(src_joint_f_, buf_.theta, cluster_plus, eta_plus, (float)sigma_s_, (float)df, buf_); // Algorithm 1, Step 5: recursively build more manifolds. buildManifoldsAndPerformFiltering(eta_minus, cluster_minus, current_tree_level + 1); buildManifoldsAndPerformFiltering(eta_plus, cluster_plus, current_tree_level + 1); } } } namespace cvtest { using namespace cv::ximgproc; Ptr<AdaptiveManifoldFilter> createAMFilterRefImpl(double sigma_s, double sigma_r, bool adjust_outliers) { Ptr<AdaptiveManifoldFilter> amf(new AdaptiveManifoldFilterRefImpl()); amf->setSigmaS(sigma_s); amf->setSigmaR(sigma_r); amf->setAdjustOutliers(adjust_outliers); return amf; } }