// This file is part of the OpenCV project. // It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory // of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html. #include "opencv2/videoio.hpp" #include "opencv2/highgui.hpp" #include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp" #include "opencv2/objdetect.hpp" #include "opencv2/face/mace.hpp" #include <iostream> using namespace cv; using namespace cv::face; using namespace std; enum STATE { NEUTRAL, RECORD, PREDICT }; const char *help = "press 'r' to record images. once N trainimages were recorded, train the mace filter\n" "press 'p' to predict (twofactor mode will switch back to neutral after each prediction attempt)\n" "press 's' to save a trained model\n" "press 'esc' to return\n" "any other key will reset to neutral state\n"; int main(int argc, char **argv) { CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv, "{ help h usage ? || show this help message }" "{ cascade c || (required) path to a cascade file for face detection }" "{ pre p || load a pretrained mace filter file, saved from previous session (e.g. my.xml.gz) }" "{ num n |50| num train images }" "{ size s |64| image size }" "{ twofactor t || pass phrase(text) for 2 factor authentification.\n" " (random convolute images seeded with the crc of this)\n" " users will get prompted to guess the secrect, additional to the image. }" ); String cascade = parser.get<String>("cascade"); if (parser.has("help") || cascade.empty()) { parser.printMessage(); return 1; } else { cout << help << endl; } String defname = "mace.xml.gz"; String pre = parser.get<String>("pre"); String two = parser.get<String>("twofactor"); int N = parser.get<int>("num"); int Z = parser.get<int>("size"); int state = NEUTRAL; Ptr<MACE> mace; if (! pre.empty()) { // load pretrained model, if available mace = MACE::load(pre); if (mace->empty()) { cerr << "loading the MACE failed !" << endl; return -1; } state = PREDICT; } else { mace = MACE::create(Z); if (! two.empty()) { cout << "'" << two << "' initial passphrase" << endl; mace->salt(two); } } CascadeClassifier head(cascade); if (head.empty()) { cerr << "loading the cascade failed !" << endl; return -2; } VideoCapture cap(0); if (! cap.isOpened()) { cerr << "VideoCapture could not be opened !" << endl; return -3; } vector<Mat> train_img; while(1) { Mat frame; cap >> frame; vector<Rect> rects; head.detectMultiScale(frame,rects); if (rects.size()>0) { Scalar col = Scalar(0,120,0); if (state == RECORD) { if (train_img.size() >= size_t(N)) { mace->train(train_img); train_img.clear(); state = PREDICT; } else { train_img.push_back(frame(rects[0]).clone()); } col = Scalar(200,0,0); } if (state == PREDICT) { if (! two.empty()) { // prompt for secret on console cout << "enter passphrase: "; string pass; getline(cin, pass); mace->salt(pass); state = NEUTRAL; cout << "'" << pass << "' : "; } bool same = mace->same(frame(rects[0])); if (same) col = Scalar(0,220,220); else col = Scalar(60,60,60); if (! two.empty()) { cout << (same ? "accepted." : "denied.") << endl; } } rectangle(frame, rects[0], col, 2); } imshow("MACE",frame); int k = waitKey(10); switch (k) { case -1 : break; case 27 : return 0; default : state = NEUTRAL; break; case 'r': state = RECORD; break; case 'p': state = PREDICT; break; case 's': mace->save(defname); break; } } return 0; }