// This file is part of OpenCV project. // It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory // of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html // This code is also subject to the license terms in the LICENSE_KinectFusion.md file found in this module's directory #include "test_precomp.hpp" // Inspired by Inigo Quilez' raymarching guide: // http://iquilezles.org/www/articles/distfunctions/distfunctions.htm namespace opencv_test { namespace { using namespace cv; /** Reprojects screen point to camera space given z coord. */ struct Reprojector { Reprojector() {} inline Reprojector(Matx33f intr) { fxinv = 1.f/intr(0, 0), fyinv = 1.f/intr(1, 1); cx = intr(0, 2), cy = intr(1, 2); } template<typename T> inline cv::Point3_<T> operator()(cv::Point3_<T> p) const { T x = p.z * (p.x - cx) * fxinv; T y = p.z * (p.y - cy) * fyinv; return cv::Point3_<T>(x, y, p.z); } float fxinv, fyinv, cx, cy; }; template<class Scene> struct RenderInvoker : ParallelLoopBody { RenderInvoker(Mat_<float>& _frame, Affine3f _pose, Reprojector _reproj, float _depthFactor) : ParallelLoopBody(), frame(_frame), pose(_pose), reproj(_reproj), depthFactor(_depthFactor) { } virtual void operator ()(const cv::Range& r) const { for(int y = r.start; y < r.end; y++) { float* frameRow = frame[y]; for(int x = 0; x < frame.cols; x++) { float pix = 0; Point3f orig = pose.translation(); // direction through pixel Point3f screenVec = reproj(Point3f((float)x, (float)y, 1.f)); float xyt = 1.f/(screenVec.x*screenVec.x + screenVec.y*screenVec.y + 1.f); Point3f dir = normalize(Vec3f(pose.rotation() * screenVec)); // screen space axis dir.y = - dir.y; const float maxDepth = 20.f; const float maxSteps = 256; float t = 0.f; for(int step = 0; step < maxSteps && t < maxDepth; step++) { Point3f p = orig + dir*t; float d = Scene::map(p); if(d < 0.000001f) { float depth = std::sqrt(t*t*xyt); pix = depth*depthFactor; break; } t += d; } frameRow[x] = pix; } } } Mat_<float>& frame; Affine3f pose; Reprojector reproj; float depthFactor; }; struct Scene { virtual ~Scene() {} static Ptr<Scene> create(int nScene, Size sz, Matx33f _intr, float _depthFactor); virtual Mat depth(Affine3f pose) = 0; virtual std::vector<Affine3f> getPoses() = 0; }; struct CubeSpheresScene : Scene { const int framesPerCycle = 32; const float nCycles = 0.25f; const Affine3f startPose = Affine3f(Vec3f(-0.5f, 0.f, 0.f), Vec3f(2.1f, 1.4f, -2.1f)); CubeSpheresScene(Size sz, Matx33f _intr, float _depthFactor) : frameSize(sz), intr(_intr), depthFactor(_depthFactor) { } static float map(Point3f p) { float plane = p.y + 0.5f; Point3f boxPose = p - Point3f(-0.0f, 0.3f, 0.0f); float boxSize = 0.5f; float roundness = 0.08f; Point3f boxTmp; boxTmp.x = max(abs(boxPose.x) - boxSize, 0.0f); boxTmp.y = max(abs(boxPose.y) - boxSize, 0.0f); boxTmp.z = max(abs(boxPose.z) - boxSize, 0.0f); float roundBox = (float)cv::norm(boxTmp) - roundness; float sphereRadius = 0.7f; float sphere = (float)cv::norm(boxPose) - sphereRadius; float boxMinusSphere = max(roundBox, -sphere); float sphere2 = (float)cv::norm(p - Point3f(0.3f, 1.f, 0.f)) - 0.1f; float sphere3 = (float)cv::norm(p - Point3f(0.0f, 1.f, 0.f)) - 0.2f; float res = min(min(plane, boxMinusSphere), min(sphere2, sphere3)); return res; } Mat depth(Affine3f pose) override { Mat_<float> frame(frameSize); Reprojector reproj(intr); Range range(0, frame.rows); parallel_for_(range, RenderInvoker<CubeSpheresScene>(frame, pose, reproj, depthFactor)); return std::move(frame); } std::vector<Affine3f> getPoses() override { std::vector<Affine3f> poses; for(int i = 0; i < (int)(framesPerCycle*nCycles); i++) { float angle = (float)(CV_2PI*i/framesPerCycle); Affine3f pose; pose = pose.rotate(startPose.rotation()); pose = pose.rotate(Vec3f(0.f, -1.f, 0.f)*angle); pose = pose.translate(Vec3f(startPose.translation()[0]*sin(angle), startPose.translation()[1], startPose.translation()[2]*cos(angle))); poses.push_back(pose); } return poses; } Size frameSize; Matx33f intr; float depthFactor; }; struct RotatingScene : Scene { const int framesPerCycle = 32; const float nCycles = 0.5f; const Affine3f startPose = Affine3f(Vec3f(-1.f, 0.f, 0.f), Vec3f(1.5f, 2.f, -1.5f)); RotatingScene(Size sz, Matx33f _intr, float _depthFactor) : frameSize(sz), intr(_intr), depthFactor(_depthFactor) { cv::RNG rng(0); rng.fill(randTexture, cv::RNG::UNIFORM, 0.f, 1.f); } static float noise(Point2f pt) { pt.x = abs(pt.x - (int)pt.x); pt.y = abs(pt.y - (int)pt.y); pt *= 256.f; int xi = cvFloor(pt.x), yi = cvFloor(pt.y); const float* row0 = randTexture[(yi+0)%256]; const float* row1 = randTexture[(yi+1)%256]; float v00 = row0[(xi+0)%256]; float v01 = row0[(xi+1)%256]; float v10 = row1[(xi+0)%256]; float v11 = row1[(xi+1)%256]; float tx = pt.x - xi, ty = pt.y - yi; float v0 = v00 + tx*(v01 - v00); float v1 = v10 + tx*(v11 - v10); return v0 + ty*(v1 - v0); } static float map(Point3f p) { const Point3f torPlace(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); Point3f torPos(p - torPlace); const Point2f torusParams(1.f, 0.2f); Point2f torq(std::sqrt(torPos.x*torPos.x + torPos.z*torPos.z) - torusParams.x, torPos.y); float torus = (float)cv::norm(torq) - torusParams.y; const Point3f cylShift(0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f); Point3f cylPos = Point3f(abs(std::fmod(p.x-0.1f, cylShift.x)), p.y, abs(std::fmod(p.z-0.2f, cylShift.z))) - cylShift*0.5f; const Point2f cylParams(0.1f, 0.1f+0.1f*sin(p.x*p.y*5.f /* +std::log(1.f+abs(p.x*0.1f)) */)); Point2f cyld = Point2f(abs(std::sqrt(cylPos.x*cylPos.x + cylPos.z*cylPos.z)), abs(cylPos.y)) - cylParams; float pins = min(max(cyld.x, cyld.y), 0.0f) + (float)cv::norm(Point2f(max(cyld.x, 0.f), max(cyld.y, 0.f))); float terrain = p.y + 0.25f*noise(Point2f(p.x, p.z)*0.01f); float res = min(terrain, max(-pins, torus)); return res; } Mat depth(Affine3f pose) override { Mat_<float> frame(frameSize); Reprojector reproj(intr); Range range(0, frame.rows); parallel_for_(range, RenderInvoker<RotatingScene>(frame, pose, reproj, depthFactor)); return std::move(frame); } std::vector<Affine3f> getPoses() override { std::vector<Affine3f> poses; for(int i = 0; i < framesPerCycle*nCycles; i++) { float angle = (float)(CV_2PI*i/framesPerCycle); Affine3f pose; pose = pose.rotate(startPose.rotation()); pose = pose.rotate(Vec3f(0.f, -1.f, 0.f)*angle); pose = pose.translate(Vec3f(startPose.translation()[0]*sin(angle), startPose.translation()[1], startPose.translation()[2]*cos(angle))); poses.push_back(pose); } return poses; } Size frameSize; Matx33f intr; float depthFactor; static cv::Mat_<float> randTexture; }; Mat_<float> RotatingScene::randTexture(256, 256); Ptr<Scene> Scene::create(int nScene, Size sz, Matx33f _intr, float _depthFactor) { if(nScene == 0) return makePtr<RotatingScene>(sz, _intr, _depthFactor); else return makePtr<CubeSpheresScene>(sz, _intr, _depthFactor); } static const bool display = false; void flyTest(bool hiDense, bool inequal) { Ptr<kinfu::Params> params; if(hiDense) params = kinfu::Params::defaultParams(); else params = kinfu::Params::coarseParams(); if(inequal) { params->volumeDims[0] += 32; params->volumeDims[1] -= 32; } Ptr<Scene> scene = Scene::create(hiDense, params->frameSize, params->intr, params->depthFactor); Ptr<kinfu::KinFu> kf = kinfu::KinFu::create(params); std::vector<Affine3f> poses = scene->getPoses(); Affine3f startPoseGT = poses[0], startPoseKF; Affine3f pose, kfPose; for(size_t i = 0; i < poses.size(); i++) { pose = poses[i]; Mat depth = scene->depth(pose); ASSERT_TRUE(kf->update(depth)); kfPose = kf->getPose(); if(i == 0) startPoseKF = kfPose; pose = ( startPoseGT.inv() * pose )*startPoseKF; if(display) { imshow("depth", depth*(1.f/params->depthFactor/4.f)); Mat rendered; kf->render(rendered); imshow("render", rendered); waitKey(10); } } double rvecThreshold = hiDense ? 0.01 : 0.02; ASSERT_LT(cv::norm(kfPose.rvec() - pose.rvec()), rvecThreshold); double poseThreshold = hiDense ? 0.03 : 0.1; ASSERT_LT(cv::norm(kfPose.translation() - pose.translation()), poseThreshold); } #ifdef OPENCV_ENABLE_NONFREE TEST( KinectFusion, lowDense ) #else TEST(KinectFusion, DISABLED_lowDense) #endif { flyTest(false, false); } #ifdef OPENCV_ENABLE_NONFREE TEST( KinectFusion, highDense ) #else TEST(KinectFusion, DISABLED_highDense) #endif { flyTest(true, false); } #ifdef OPENCV_ENABLE_NONFREE TEST( KinectFusion, inequal ) #else TEST(KinectFusion, DISABLED_inequal) #endif { flyTest(false, true); } #ifdef HAVE_OPENCL #ifdef OPENCV_ENABLE_NONFREE TEST( KinectFusion, OCL ) #else TEST(KinectFusion, DISABLED_OCL) #endif { cv::ocl::setUseOpenCL(false); flyTest(false, false); cv::ocl::setUseOpenCL(true); flyTest(false, false); } #endif }} // namespace