/* * Software License Agreement (BSD License) * * Copyright (c) 2012, Willow Garage, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Willow Garage, Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include "precomp.hpp" #if defined(HAVE_EIGEN) && EIGEN_WORLD_VERSION == 3 #define HAVE_EIGEN3_HERE #include <Eigen/Core> #include <unsupported/Eigen/MatrixFunctions> #include <Eigen/Dense> #endif namespace cv { namespace rgbd { enum { RGBD_ODOMETRY = 1, ICP_ODOMETRY = 2, MERGED_ODOMETRY = RGBD_ODOMETRY + ICP_ODOMETRY }; const int sobelSize = 3; const double sobelScale = 1./8.; int normalWinSize = 5; int normalMethod = RgbdNormals::RGBD_NORMALS_METHOD_FALS; static inline void setDefaultIterCounts(Mat& iterCounts) { iterCounts = Mat(Vec4i(7,7,7,10)); } static inline void setDefaultMinGradientMagnitudes(Mat& minGradientMagnitudes) { minGradientMagnitudes = Mat(Vec4f(10,10,10,10)); } static void buildPyramidCameraMatrix(const Mat& cameraMatrix, int levels, std::vector<Mat>& pyramidCameraMatrix) { pyramidCameraMatrix.resize(levels); Mat cameraMatrix_dbl; cameraMatrix.convertTo(cameraMatrix_dbl, CV_64FC1); for(int i = 0; i < levels; i++) { Mat levelCameraMatrix = i == 0 ? cameraMatrix_dbl : 0.5f * pyramidCameraMatrix[i-1]; levelCameraMatrix.at<double>(2,2) = 1.; pyramidCameraMatrix[i] = levelCameraMatrix; } } static inline void checkImage(const Mat& image) { if(image.empty()) CV_Error(Error::StsBadSize, "Image is empty."); if(image.type() != CV_8UC1) CV_Error(Error::StsBadSize, "Image type has to be CV_8UC1."); } static inline void checkDepth(const Mat& depth, const Size& imageSize) { if(depth.empty()) CV_Error(Error::StsBadSize, "Depth is empty."); if(depth.size() != imageSize) CV_Error(Error::StsBadSize, "Depth has to have the size equal to the image size."); if(depth.type() != CV_32FC1) CV_Error(Error::StsBadSize, "Depth type has to be CV_32FC1."); } static inline void checkMask(const Mat& mask, const Size& imageSize) { if(!mask.empty()) { if(mask.size() != imageSize) CV_Error(Error::StsBadSize, "Mask has to have the size equal to the image size."); if(mask.type() != CV_8UC1) CV_Error(Error::StsBadSize, "Mask type has to be CV_8UC1."); } } static inline void checkNormals(const Mat& normals, const Size& depthSize) { if(normals.size() != depthSize) CV_Error(Error::StsBadSize, "Normals has to have the size equal to the depth size."); if(normals.type() != CV_32FC3) CV_Error(Error::StsBadSize, "Normals type has to be CV_32FC3."); } static void preparePyramidImage(const Mat& image, std::vector<Mat>& pyramidImage, size_t levelCount) { if(!pyramidImage.empty()) { if(pyramidImage.size() < levelCount) CV_Error(Error::StsBadSize, "Levels count of pyramidImage has to be equal or less than size of iterCounts."); CV_Assert(pyramidImage[0].size() == image.size()); for(size_t i = 0; i < pyramidImage.size(); i++) CV_Assert(pyramidImage[i].type() == image.type()); } else buildPyramid(image, pyramidImage, (int)levelCount - 1); } static void preparePyramidDepth(const Mat& depth, std::vector<Mat>& pyramidDepth, size_t levelCount) { if(!pyramidDepth.empty()) { if(pyramidDepth.size() < levelCount) CV_Error(Error::StsBadSize, "Levels count of pyramidDepth has to be equal or less than size of iterCounts."); CV_Assert(pyramidDepth[0].size() == depth.size()); for(size_t i = 0; i < pyramidDepth.size(); i++) CV_Assert(pyramidDepth[i].type() == depth.type()); } else buildPyramid(depth, pyramidDepth, (int)levelCount - 1); } static void preparePyramidMask(const Mat& mask, const std::vector<Mat>& pyramidDepth, float minDepth, float maxDepth, const std::vector<Mat>& pyramidNormal, std::vector<Mat>& pyramidMask) { minDepth = std::max(0.f, minDepth); if(!pyramidMask.empty()) { if(pyramidMask.size() != pyramidDepth.size()) CV_Error(Error::StsBadSize, "Levels count of pyramidMask has to be equal to size of pyramidDepth."); for(size_t i = 0; i < pyramidMask.size(); i++) { CV_Assert(pyramidMask[i].size() == pyramidDepth[i].size()); CV_Assert(pyramidMask[i].type() == CV_8UC1); } } else { Mat validMask; if(mask.empty()) validMask = Mat(pyramidDepth[0].size(), CV_8UC1, Scalar(255)); else validMask = mask.clone(); buildPyramid(validMask, pyramidMask, (int)pyramidDepth.size() - 1); for(size_t i = 0; i < pyramidMask.size(); i++) { Mat levelDepth = pyramidDepth[i].clone(); patchNaNs(levelDepth, 0); Mat& levelMask = pyramidMask[i]; levelMask &= (levelDepth > minDepth) & (levelDepth < maxDepth); if(!pyramidNormal.empty()) { CV_Assert(pyramidNormal[i].type() == CV_32FC3); CV_Assert(pyramidNormal[i].size() == pyramidDepth[i].size()); Mat levelNormal = pyramidNormal[i].clone(); Mat validNormalMask = levelNormal == levelNormal; // otherwise it's Nan CV_Assert(validNormalMask.type() == CV_8UC3); std::vector<Mat> channelMasks; split(validNormalMask, channelMasks); validNormalMask = channelMasks[0] & channelMasks[1] & channelMasks[2]; levelMask &= validNormalMask; } } } } static void preparePyramidCloud(const std::vector<Mat>& pyramidDepth, const Mat& cameraMatrix, std::vector<Mat>& pyramidCloud) { if(!pyramidCloud.empty()) { if(pyramidCloud.size() != pyramidDepth.size()) CV_Error(Error::StsBadSize, "Incorrect size of pyramidCloud."); for(size_t i = 0; i < pyramidDepth.size(); i++) { CV_Assert(pyramidCloud[i].size() == pyramidDepth[i].size()); CV_Assert(pyramidCloud[i].type() == CV_32FC3); } } else { std::vector<Mat> pyramidCameraMatrix; buildPyramidCameraMatrix(cameraMatrix, (int)pyramidDepth.size(), pyramidCameraMatrix); pyramidCloud.resize(pyramidDepth.size()); for(size_t i = 0; i < pyramidDepth.size(); i++) { Mat cloud; depthTo3d(pyramidDepth[i], pyramidCameraMatrix[i], cloud); pyramidCloud[i] = cloud; } } } static void preparePyramidSobel(const std::vector<Mat>& pyramidImage, int dx, int dy, std::vector<Mat>& pyramidSobel) { if(!pyramidSobel.empty()) { if(pyramidSobel.size() != pyramidImage.size()) CV_Error(Error::StsBadSize, "Incorrect size of pyramidSobel."); for(size_t i = 0; i < pyramidSobel.size(); i++) { CV_Assert(pyramidSobel[i].size() == pyramidImage[i].size()); CV_Assert(pyramidSobel[i].type() == CV_16SC1); } } else { pyramidSobel.resize(pyramidImage.size()); for(size_t i = 0; i < pyramidImage.size(); i++) { Sobel(pyramidImage[i], pyramidSobel[i], CV_16S, dx, dy, sobelSize); } } } static void randomSubsetOfMask(Mat& mask, float part) { const int minPointsCount = 1000; // minimum point count (we can process them fast) const int nonzeros = countNonZero(mask); const int needCount = std::max(minPointsCount, int(mask.total() * part)); if(needCount < nonzeros) { RNG rng; Mat subset(mask.size(), CV_8UC1, Scalar(0)); int subsetSize = 0; while(subsetSize < needCount) { int y = rng(mask.rows); int x = rng(mask.cols); if(mask.at<uchar>(y,x)) { subset.at<uchar>(y,x) = 255; mask.at<uchar>(y,x) = 0; subsetSize++; } } mask = subset; } } static void preparePyramidTexturedMask(const std::vector<Mat>& pyramid_dI_dx, const std::vector<Mat>& pyramid_dI_dy, const std::vector<float>& minGradMagnitudes, const std::vector<Mat>& pyramidMask, double maxPointsPart, std::vector<Mat>& pyramidTexturedMask) { if(!pyramidTexturedMask.empty()) { if(pyramidTexturedMask.size() != pyramid_dI_dx.size()) CV_Error(Error::StsBadSize, "Incorrect size of pyramidTexturedMask."); for(size_t i = 0; i < pyramidTexturedMask.size(); i++) { CV_Assert(pyramidTexturedMask[i].size() == pyramid_dI_dx[i].size()); CV_Assert(pyramidTexturedMask[i].type() == CV_8UC1); } } else { const float sobelScale2_inv = 1.f / (float)(sobelScale * sobelScale); pyramidTexturedMask.resize(pyramid_dI_dx.size()); for(size_t i = 0; i < pyramidTexturedMask.size(); i++) { const float minScaledGradMagnitude2 = minGradMagnitudes[i] * minGradMagnitudes[i] * sobelScale2_inv; const Mat& dIdx = pyramid_dI_dx[i]; const Mat& dIdy = pyramid_dI_dy[i]; Mat texturedMask(dIdx.size(), CV_8UC1, Scalar(0)); for(int y = 0; y < dIdx.rows; y++) { const short *dIdx_row = dIdx.ptr<short>(y); const short *dIdy_row = dIdy.ptr<short>(y); uchar *texturedMask_row = texturedMask.ptr<uchar>(y); for(int x = 0; x < dIdx.cols; x++) { float magnitude2 = static_cast<float>(dIdx_row[x] * dIdx_row[x] + dIdy_row[x] * dIdy_row[x]); if(magnitude2 >= minScaledGradMagnitude2) texturedMask_row[x] = 255; } } pyramidTexturedMask[i] = texturedMask & pyramidMask[i]; randomSubsetOfMask(pyramidTexturedMask[i], (float)maxPointsPart); } } } static void preparePyramidNormals(const Mat& normals, const std::vector<Mat>& pyramidDepth, std::vector<Mat>& pyramidNormals) { if(!pyramidNormals.empty()) { if(pyramidNormals.size() != pyramidDepth.size()) CV_Error(Error::StsBadSize, "Incorrect size of pyramidNormals."); for(size_t i = 0; i < pyramidNormals.size(); i++) { CV_Assert(pyramidNormals[i].size() == pyramidDepth[i].size()); CV_Assert(pyramidNormals[i].type() == CV_32FC3); } } else { buildPyramid(normals, pyramidNormals, (int)pyramidDepth.size() - 1); // renormalize normals for(size_t i = 1; i < pyramidNormals.size(); i++) { Mat& currNormals = pyramidNormals[i]; for(int y = 0; y < currNormals.rows; y++) { Point3f* normals_row = currNormals.ptr<Point3f>(y); for(int x = 0; x < currNormals.cols; x++) { double nrm = norm(normals_row[x]); normals_row[x] *= 1./nrm; } } } } } static void preparePyramidNormalsMask(const std::vector<Mat>& pyramidNormals, const std::vector<Mat>& pyramidMask, double maxPointsPart, std::vector<Mat>& pyramidNormalsMask) { if(!pyramidNormalsMask.empty()) { if(pyramidNormalsMask.size() != pyramidMask.size()) CV_Error(Error::StsBadSize, "Incorrect size of pyramidNormalsMask."); for(size_t i = 0; i < pyramidNormalsMask.size(); i++) { CV_Assert(pyramidNormalsMask[i].size() == pyramidMask[i].size()); CV_Assert(pyramidNormalsMask[i].type() == pyramidMask[i].type()); } } else { pyramidNormalsMask.resize(pyramidMask.size()); for(size_t i = 0; i < pyramidNormalsMask.size(); i++) { pyramidNormalsMask[i] = pyramidMask[i].clone(); Mat& normalsMask = pyramidNormalsMask[i]; for(int y = 0; y < normalsMask.rows; y++) { const Vec3f *normals_row = pyramidNormals[i].ptr<Vec3f>(y); uchar *normalsMask_row = pyramidNormalsMask[i].ptr<uchar>(y); for(int x = 0; x < normalsMask.cols; x++) { Vec3f n = normals_row[x]; if(cvIsNaN(n[0])) { CV_DbgAssert(cvIsNaN(n[1]) && cvIsNaN(n[2])); normalsMask_row[x] = 0; } } } randomSubsetOfMask(normalsMask, (float)maxPointsPart); } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void computeProjectiveMatrix(const Mat& ksi, Mat& Rt) { CV_Assert(ksi.size() == Size(1,6) && ksi.type() == CV_64FC1); #ifdef HAVE_EIGEN3_HERE const double* ksi_ptr = ksi.ptr<const double>(); Eigen::Matrix<double,4,4> twist, g; twist << 0., -ksi_ptr[2], ksi_ptr[1], ksi_ptr[3], ksi_ptr[2], 0., -ksi_ptr[0], ksi_ptr[4], -ksi_ptr[1], ksi_ptr[0], 0, ksi_ptr[5], 0., 0., 0., 0.; g = twist.exp(); eigen2cv(g, Rt); #else // TODO: check computeProjectiveMatrix when there is not eigen library, // because it gives less accurate pose of the camera Rt = Mat::eye(4, 4, CV_64FC1); Mat R = Rt(Rect(0,0,3,3)); Mat rvec = ksi.rowRange(0,3); Rodrigues(rvec, R); Rt.at<double>(0,3) = ksi.at<double>(3); Rt.at<double>(1,3) = ksi.at<double>(4); Rt.at<double>(2,3) = ksi.at<double>(5); #endif } static void computeCorresps(const Mat& K, const Mat& K_inv, const Mat& Rt, const Mat& depth0, const Mat& validMask0, const Mat& depth1, const Mat& selectMask1, float maxDepthDiff, Mat& _corresps) { CV_Assert(K.type() == CV_64FC1); CV_Assert(K_inv.type() == CV_64FC1); CV_Assert(Rt.type() == CV_64FC1); Mat corresps(depth1.size(), CV_16SC2, Scalar::all(-1)); Rect r(0, 0, depth1.cols, depth1.rows); Mat Kt = Rt(Rect(3,0,1,3)).clone(); Kt = K * Kt; const double * Kt_ptr = Kt.ptr<const double>(); AutoBuffer<float> buf(3 * (depth1.cols + depth1.rows)); float *KRK_inv0_u1 = buf; float *KRK_inv1_v1_plus_KRK_inv2 = KRK_inv0_u1 + depth1.cols; float *KRK_inv3_u1 = KRK_inv1_v1_plus_KRK_inv2 + depth1.rows; float *KRK_inv4_v1_plus_KRK_inv5 = KRK_inv3_u1 + depth1.cols; float *KRK_inv6_u1 = KRK_inv4_v1_plus_KRK_inv5 + depth1.rows; float *KRK_inv7_v1_plus_KRK_inv8 = KRK_inv6_u1 + depth1.cols; { Mat R = Rt(Rect(0,0,3,3)).clone(); Mat KRK_inv = K * R * K_inv; const double * KRK_inv_ptr = KRK_inv.ptr<const double>(); for(int u1 = 0; u1 < depth1.cols; u1++) { KRK_inv0_u1[u1] = (float)(KRK_inv_ptr[0] * u1); KRK_inv3_u1[u1] = (float)(KRK_inv_ptr[3] * u1); KRK_inv6_u1[u1] = (float)(KRK_inv_ptr[6] * u1); } for(int v1 = 0; v1 < depth1.rows; v1++) { KRK_inv1_v1_plus_KRK_inv2[v1] = (float)(KRK_inv_ptr[1] * v1 + KRK_inv_ptr[2]); KRK_inv4_v1_plus_KRK_inv5[v1] = (float)(KRK_inv_ptr[4] * v1 + KRK_inv_ptr[5]); KRK_inv7_v1_plus_KRK_inv8[v1] = (float)(KRK_inv_ptr[7] * v1 + KRK_inv_ptr[8]); } } int correspCount = 0; for(int v1 = 0; v1 < depth1.rows; v1++) { const float *depth1_row = depth1.ptr<float>(v1); const uchar *mask1_row = selectMask1.ptr<uchar>(v1); for(int u1 = 0; u1 < depth1.cols; u1++) { float d1 = depth1_row[u1]; if(mask1_row[u1]) { CV_DbgAssert(!cvIsNaN(d1)); float transformed_d1 = static_cast<float>(d1 * (KRK_inv6_u1[u1] + KRK_inv7_v1_plus_KRK_inv8[v1]) + Kt_ptr[2]); if(transformed_d1 > 0) { float transformed_d1_inv = 1.f / transformed_d1; int u0 = cvRound(transformed_d1_inv * (d1 * (KRK_inv0_u1[u1] + KRK_inv1_v1_plus_KRK_inv2[v1]) + Kt_ptr[0])); int v0 = cvRound(transformed_d1_inv * (d1 * (KRK_inv3_u1[u1] + KRK_inv4_v1_plus_KRK_inv5[v1]) + Kt_ptr[1])); if(r.contains(Point(u0,v0))) { float d0 = depth0.at<float>(v0,u0); if(validMask0.at<uchar>(v0, u0) && std::abs(transformed_d1 - d0) <= maxDepthDiff) { CV_DbgAssert(!cvIsNaN(d0)); Vec2s& c = corresps.at<Vec2s>(v0,u0); if(c[0] != -1) { int exist_u1 = c[0], exist_v1 = c[1]; float exist_d1 = (float)(depth1.at<float>(exist_v1,exist_u1) * (KRK_inv6_u1[exist_u1] + KRK_inv7_v1_plus_KRK_inv8[exist_v1]) + Kt_ptr[2]); if(transformed_d1 > exist_d1) continue; } else correspCount++; c = Vec2s((short)u1, (short)v1); } } } } } } _corresps.create(correspCount, 1, CV_32SC4); Vec4i * corresps_ptr = _corresps.ptr<Vec4i>(); for(int v0 = 0, i = 0; v0 < corresps.rows; v0++) { const Vec2s* corresps_row = corresps.ptr<Vec2s>(v0); for(int u0 = 0; u0 < corresps.cols; u0++) { const Vec2s& c = corresps_row[u0]; if(c[0] != -1) corresps_ptr[i++] = Vec4i(u0,v0,c[0],c[1]); } } } static inline void calcRgbdEquationCoeffs(double* C, double dIdx, double dIdy, const Point3f& p3d, double fx, double fy) { double invz = 1. / p3d.z, v0 = dIdx * fx * invz, v1 = dIdy * fy * invz, v2 = -(v0 * p3d.x + v1 * p3d.y) * invz; C[0] = -p3d.z * v1 + p3d.y * v2; C[1] = p3d.z * v0 - p3d.x * v2; C[2] = -p3d.y * v0 + p3d.x * v1; C[3] = v0; C[4] = v1; C[5] = v2; } static inline void calcRgbdEquationCoeffsRotation(double* C, double dIdx, double dIdy, const Point3f& p3d, double fx, double fy) { double invz = 1. / p3d.z, v0 = dIdx * fx * invz, v1 = dIdy * fy * invz, v2 = -(v0 * p3d.x + v1 * p3d.y) * invz; C[0] = -p3d.z * v1 + p3d.y * v2; C[1] = p3d.z * v0 - p3d.x * v2; C[2] = -p3d.y * v0 + p3d.x * v1; } static inline void calcRgbdEquationCoeffsTranslation(double* C, double dIdx, double dIdy, const Point3f& p3d, double fx, double fy) { double invz = 1. / p3d.z, v0 = dIdx * fx * invz, v1 = dIdy * fy * invz, v2 = -(v0 * p3d.x + v1 * p3d.y) * invz; C[0] = v0; C[1] = v1; C[2] = v2; } typedef void (*CalcRgbdEquationCoeffsPtr)(double*, double, double, const Point3f&, double, double); static inline void calcICPEquationCoeffs(double* C, const Point3f& p0, const Vec3f& n1) { C[0] = -p0.z * n1[1] + p0.y * n1[2]; C[1] = p0.z * n1[0] - p0.x * n1[2]; C[2] = -p0.y * n1[0] + p0.x * n1[1]; C[3] = n1[0]; C[4] = n1[1]; C[5] = n1[2]; } static inline void calcICPEquationCoeffsRotation(double* C, const Point3f& p0, const Vec3f& n1) { C[0] = -p0.z * n1[1] + p0.y * n1[2]; C[1] = p0.z * n1[0] - p0.x * n1[2]; C[2] = -p0.y * n1[0] + p0.x * n1[1]; } static inline void calcICPEquationCoeffsTranslation(double* C, const Point3f& /*p0*/, const Vec3f& n1) { C[0] = n1[0]; C[1] = n1[1]; C[2] = n1[2]; } typedef void (*CalcICPEquationCoeffsPtr)(double*, const Point3f&, const Vec3f&); static void calcRgbdLsmMatrices(const Mat& image0, const Mat& cloud0, const Mat& Rt, const Mat& image1, const Mat& dI_dx1, const Mat& dI_dy1, const Mat& corresps, double fx, double fy, double sobelScaleIn, Mat& AtA, Mat& AtB, CalcRgbdEquationCoeffsPtr func, int transformDim) { AtA = Mat(transformDim, transformDim, CV_64FC1, Scalar(0)); AtB = Mat(transformDim, 1, CV_64FC1, Scalar(0)); double* AtB_ptr = AtB.ptr<double>(); const int correspsCount = corresps.rows; CV_Assert(Rt.type() == CV_64FC1); const double * Rt_ptr = Rt.ptr<const double>(); AutoBuffer<float> diffs(correspsCount); float* diffs_ptr = diffs; const Vec4i* corresps_ptr = corresps.ptr<Vec4i>(); double sigma = 0; for(int correspIndex = 0; correspIndex < corresps.rows; correspIndex++) { const Vec4i& c = corresps_ptr[correspIndex]; int u0 = c[0], v0 = c[1]; int u1 = c[2], v1 = c[3]; diffs_ptr[correspIndex] = static_cast<float>(static_cast<int>(image0.at<uchar>(v0,u0)) - static_cast<int>(image1.at<uchar>(v1,u1))); sigma += diffs_ptr[correspIndex] * diffs_ptr[correspIndex]; } sigma = std::sqrt(sigma/correspsCount); std::vector<double> A_buf(transformDim); double* A_ptr = &A_buf[0]; for(int correspIndex = 0; correspIndex < corresps.rows; correspIndex++) { const Vec4i& c = corresps_ptr[correspIndex]; int u0 = c[0], v0 = c[1]; int u1 = c[2], v1 = c[3]; double w = sigma + std::abs(diffs_ptr[correspIndex]); w = w > DBL_EPSILON ? 1./w : 1.; double w_sobelScale = w * sobelScaleIn; const Point3f& p0 = cloud0.at<Point3f>(v0,u0); Point3f tp0; tp0.x = (float)(p0.x * Rt_ptr[0] + p0.y * Rt_ptr[1] + p0.z * Rt_ptr[2] + Rt_ptr[3]); tp0.y = (float)(p0.x * Rt_ptr[4] + p0.y * Rt_ptr[5] + p0.z * Rt_ptr[6] + Rt_ptr[7]); tp0.z = (float)(p0.x * Rt_ptr[8] + p0.y * Rt_ptr[9] + p0.z * Rt_ptr[10] + Rt_ptr[11]); func(A_ptr, w_sobelScale * dI_dx1.at<short int>(v1,u1), w_sobelScale * dI_dy1.at<short int>(v1,u1), tp0, fx, fy); for(int y = 0; y < transformDim; y++) { double* AtA_ptr = AtA.ptr<double>(y); for(int x = y; x < transformDim; x++) AtA_ptr[x] += A_ptr[y] * A_ptr[x]; AtB_ptr[y] += A_ptr[y] * w * diffs_ptr[correspIndex]; } } for(int y = 0; y < transformDim; y++) for(int x = y+1; x < transformDim; x++) AtA.at<double>(x,y) = AtA.at<double>(y,x); } static void calcICPLsmMatrices(const Mat& cloud0, const Mat& Rt, const Mat& cloud1, const Mat& normals1, const Mat& corresps, Mat& AtA, Mat& AtB, CalcICPEquationCoeffsPtr func, int transformDim) { AtA = Mat(transformDim, transformDim, CV_64FC1, Scalar(0)); AtB = Mat(transformDim, 1, CV_64FC1, Scalar(0)); double* AtB_ptr = AtB.ptr<double>(); const int correspsCount = corresps.rows; CV_Assert(Rt.type() == CV_64FC1); const double * Rt_ptr = Rt.ptr<const double>(); AutoBuffer<float> diffs(correspsCount); float * diffs_ptr = diffs; AutoBuffer<Point3f> transformedPoints0(correspsCount); Point3f * tps0_ptr = transformedPoints0; const Vec4i* corresps_ptr = corresps.ptr<Vec4i>(); double sigma = 0; for(int correspIndex = 0; correspIndex < corresps.rows; correspIndex++) { const Vec4i& c = corresps_ptr[correspIndex]; int u0 = c[0], v0 = c[1]; int u1 = c[2], v1 = c[3]; const Point3f& p0 = cloud0.at<Point3f>(v0,u0); Point3f tp0; tp0.x = (float)(p0.x * Rt_ptr[0] + p0.y * Rt_ptr[1] + p0.z * Rt_ptr[2] + Rt_ptr[3]); tp0.y = (float)(p0.x * Rt_ptr[4] + p0.y * Rt_ptr[5] + p0.z * Rt_ptr[6] + Rt_ptr[7]); tp0.z = (float)(p0.x * Rt_ptr[8] + p0.y * Rt_ptr[9] + p0.z * Rt_ptr[10] + Rt_ptr[11]); Vec3f n1 = normals1.at<Vec3f>(v1, u1); Point3f v = cloud1.at<Point3f>(v1,u1) - tp0; tps0_ptr[correspIndex] = tp0; diffs_ptr[correspIndex] = n1[0] * v.x + n1[1] * v.y + n1[2] * v.z; sigma += diffs_ptr[correspIndex] * diffs_ptr[correspIndex]; } sigma = std::sqrt(sigma/correspsCount); std::vector<double> A_buf(transformDim); double* A_ptr = &A_buf[0]; for(int correspIndex = 0; correspIndex < corresps.rows; correspIndex++) { const Vec4i& c = corresps_ptr[correspIndex]; int u1 = c[2], v1 = c[3]; double w = sigma + std::abs(diffs_ptr[correspIndex]); w = w > DBL_EPSILON ? 1./w : 1.; func(A_ptr, tps0_ptr[correspIndex], normals1.at<Vec3f>(v1, u1) * w); for(int y = 0; y < transformDim; y++) { double* AtA_ptr = AtA.ptr<double>(y); for(int x = y; x < transformDim; x++) AtA_ptr[x] += A_ptr[y] * A_ptr[x]; AtB_ptr[y] += A_ptr[y] * w * diffs_ptr[correspIndex]; } } for(int y = 0; y < transformDim; y++) for(int x = y+1; x < transformDim; x++) AtA.at<double>(x,y) = AtA.at<double>(y,x); } static bool solveSystem(const Mat& AtA, const Mat& AtB, double detThreshold, Mat& x) { double det = determinant(AtA); if(fabs (det) < detThreshold || cvIsNaN(det) || cvIsInf(det)) return false; solve(AtA, AtB, x, DECOMP_CHOLESKY); return true; } static bool testDeltaTransformation(const Mat& deltaRt, double maxTranslation, double maxRotation) { double translation = norm(deltaRt(Rect(3, 0, 1, 3))); Mat rvec; Rodrigues(deltaRt(Rect(0,0,3,3)), rvec); double rotation = norm(rvec) * 180. / CV_PI; return translation <= maxTranslation && rotation <= maxRotation; } static bool RGBDICPOdometryImpl(Mat& Rt, const Mat& initRt, const Ptr<OdometryFrame>& srcFrame, const Ptr<OdometryFrame>& dstFrame, const Mat& cameraMatrix, float maxDepthDiff, const std::vector<int>& iterCounts, double maxTranslation, double maxRotation, int method, int transfromType) { int transformDim = -1; CalcRgbdEquationCoeffsPtr rgbdEquationFuncPtr = 0; CalcICPEquationCoeffsPtr icpEquationFuncPtr = 0; switch(transfromType) { case Odometry::RIGID_BODY_MOTION: transformDim = 6; rgbdEquationFuncPtr = calcRgbdEquationCoeffs; icpEquationFuncPtr = calcICPEquationCoeffs; break; case Odometry::ROTATION: transformDim = 3; rgbdEquationFuncPtr = calcRgbdEquationCoeffsRotation; icpEquationFuncPtr = calcICPEquationCoeffsRotation; break; case Odometry::TRANSLATION: transformDim = 3; rgbdEquationFuncPtr = calcRgbdEquationCoeffsTranslation; icpEquationFuncPtr = calcICPEquationCoeffsTranslation; break; default: CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "Incorrect transformation type"); } const int minOverdetermScale = 20; const int minCorrespsCount = minOverdetermScale * transformDim; std::vector<Mat> pyramidCameraMatrix; buildPyramidCameraMatrix(cameraMatrix, (int)iterCounts.size(), pyramidCameraMatrix); Mat resultRt = initRt.empty() ? Mat::eye(4,4,CV_64FC1) : initRt.clone(); Mat currRt, ksi; bool isOk = false; for(int level = (int)iterCounts.size() - 1; level >= 0; level--) { const Mat& levelCameraMatrix = pyramidCameraMatrix[level]; const Mat& levelCameraMatrix_inv = levelCameraMatrix.inv(DECOMP_SVD); const Mat& srcLevelDepth = srcFrame->pyramidDepth[level]; const Mat& dstLevelDepth = dstFrame->pyramidDepth[level]; const double fx = levelCameraMatrix.at<double>(0,0); const double fy = levelCameraMatrix.at<double>(1,1); const double determinantThreshold = 1e-6; Mat AtA_rgbd, AtB_rgbd, AtA_icp, AtB_icp; Mat corresps_rgbd, corresps_icp; // Run transformation search on current level iteratively. for(int iter = 0; iter < iterCounts[level]; iter ++) { Mat resultRt_inv = resultRt.inv(DECOMP_SVD); if(method & RGBD_ODOMETRY) computeCorresps(levelCameraMatrix, levelCameraMatrix_inv, resultRt_inv, srcLevelDepth, srcFrame->pyramidMask[level], dstLevelDepth, dstFrame->pyramidTexturedMask[level], maxDepthDiff, corresps_rgbd); if(method & ICP_ODOMETRY) computeCorresps(levelCameraMatrix, levelCameraMatrix_inv, resultRt_inv, srcLevelDepth, srcFrame->pyramidMask[level], dstLevelDepth, dstFrame->pyramidNormalsMask[level], maxDepthDiff, corresps_icp); if(corresps_rgbd.rows < minCorrespsCount && corresps_icp.rows < minCorrespsCount) break; Mat AtA(transformDim, transformDim, CV_64FC1, Scalar(0)), AtB(transformDim, 1, CV_64FC1, Scalar(0)); if(corresps_rgbd.rows >= minCorrespsCount) { calcRgbdLsmMatrices(srcFrame->pyramidImage[level], srcFrame->pyramidCloud[level], resultRt, dstFrame->pyramidImage[level], dstFrame->pyramid_dI_dx[level], dstFrame->pyramid_dI_dy[level], corresps_rgbd, fx, fy, sobelScale, AtA_rgbd, AtB_rgbd, rgbdEquationFuncPtr, transformDim); AtA += AtA_rgbd; AtB += AtB_rgbd; } if(corresps_icp.rows >= minCorrespsCount) { calcICPLsmMatrices(srcFrame->pyramidCloud[level], resultRt, dstFrame->pyramidCloud[level], dstFrame->pyramidNormals[level], corresps_icp, AtA_icp, AtB_icp, icpEquationFuncPtr, transformDim); AtA += AtA_icp; AtB += AtB_icp; } bool solutionExist = solveSystem(AtA, AtB, determinantThreshold, ksi); if(!solutionExist) break; if(transfromType == Odometry::ROTATION) { Mat tmp(6, 1, CV_64FC1, Scalar(0)); ksi.copyTo(tmp.rowRange(0,3)); ksi = tmp; } else if(transfromType == Odometry::TRANSLATION) { Mat tmp(6, 1, CV_64FC1, Scalar(0)); ksi.copyTo(tmp.rowRange(3,6)); ksi = tmp; } computeProjectiveMatrix(ksi, currRt); resultRt = currRt * resultRt; isOk = true; } } Rt = resultRt; if(isOk) { Mat deltaRt; if(initRt.empty()) deltaRt = resultRt; else deltaRt = resultRt * initRt.inv(DECOMP_SVD); isOk = testDeltaTransformation(deltaRt, maxTranslation, maxRotation); } return isOk; } template<class ImageElemType> static void warpFrameImpl(const Mat& image, const Mat& depth, const Mat& mask, const Mat& Rt, const Mat& cameraMatrix, const Mat& distCoeff, OutputArray _warpedImage, OutputArray warpedDepth, OutputArray warpedMask) { CV_Assert(image.size() == depth.size()); Mat cloud; depthTo3d(depth, cameraMatrix, cloud); std::vector<Point2f> points2d; Mat transformedCloud; perspectiveTransform(cloud, transformedCloud, Rt); projectPoints(transformedCloud.reshape(3, 1), Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_64FC1), Mat::zeros(3, 1, CV_64FC1), cameraMatrix, distCoeff, points2d); _warpedImage.create(image.size(), image.type()); Mat warpedImage = _warpedImage.getMat(); Mat zBuffer(image.size(), CV_32FC1, std::numeric_limits<float>::max()); const Rect rect = Rect(0, 0, image.cols, image.rows); for (int y = 0; y < image.rows; y++) { //const Point3f* cloud_row = cloud.ptr<Point3f>(y); const Point3f* transformedCloud_row = transformedCloud.ptr<Point3f>(y); const Point2f* points2d_row = &points2d[y*image.cols]; const ImageElemType* image_row = image.ptr<ImageElemType>(y); const uchar* mask_row = mask.empty() ? 0 : mask.ptr<uchar>(y); for (int x = 0; x < image.cols; x++) { const float transformed_z = transformedCloud_row[x].z; const Point2i p2d = points2d_row[x]; if((!mask_row || mask_row[x]) && transformed_z > 0 && rect.contains(p2d) && /*!cvIsNaN(cloud_row[x].z) && */zBuffer.at<float>(p2d) > transformed_z) { warpedImage.at<ImageElemType>(p2d) = image_row[x]; zBuffer.at<float>(p2d) = transformed_z; } } } if(warpedMask.needed()) Mat(zBuffer != std::numeric_limits<float>::max()).copyTo(warpedMask); if(warpedDepth.needed()) { zBuffer.setTo(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(), zBuffer == std::numeric_limits<float>::max()); zBuffer.copyTo(warpedDepth); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RgbdFrame::RgbdFrame() : ID(-1) {} RgbdFrame::RgbdFrame(const Mat& image_in, const Mat& depth_in, const Mat& mask_in, const Mat& normals_in, int ID_in) : ID(ID_in), image(image_in), depth(depth_in), mask(mask_in), normals(normals_in) {} RgbdFrame::~RgbdFrame() {} void RgbdFrame::release() { ID = -1; image.release(); depth.release(); mask.release(); normals.release(); } OdometryFrame::OdometryFrame() : RgbdFrame() {} OdometryFrame::OdometryFrame(const Mat& image_in, const Mat& depth_in, const Mat& mask_in, const Mat& normals_in, int ID_in) : RgbdFrame(image_in, depth_in, mask_in, normals_in, ID_in) {} void OdometryFrame::release() { RgbdFrame::release(); releasePyramids(); } void OdometryFrame::releasePyramids() { pyramidImage.clear(); pyramidDepth.clear(); pyramidMask.clear(); pyramidCloud.clear(); pyramid_dI_dx.clear(); pyramid_dI_dy.clear(); pyramidTexturedMask.clear(); pyramidNormals.clear(); pyramidNormalsMask.clear(); } bool Odometry::compute(const Mat& srcImage, const Mat& srcDepth, const Mat& srcMask, const Mat& dstImage, const Mat& dstDepth, const Mat& dstMask, Mat& Rt, const Mat& initRt) const { Ptr<OdometryFrame> srcFrame(new OdometryFrame(srcImage, srcDepth, srcMask)); Ptr<OdometryFrame> dstFrame(new OdometryFrame(dstImage, dstDepth, dstMask)); return compute(srcFrame, dstFrame, Rt, initRt); } bool Odometry::compute(Ptr<OdometryFrame>& srcFrame, Ptr<OdometryFrame>& dstFrame, Mat& Rt, const Mat& initRt) const { checkParams(); Size srcSize = prepareFrameCache(srcFrame, OdometryFrame::CACHE_SRC); Size dstSize = prepareFrameCache(dstFrame, OdometryFrame::CACHE_DST); if(srcSize != dstSize) CV_Error(Error::StsBadSize, "srcFrame and dstFrame have to have the same size (resolution)."); return computeImpl(srcFrame, dstFrame, Rt, initRt); } Size Odometry::prepareFrameCache(Ptr<OdometryFrame> &frame, int /*cacheType*/) const { if(frame == 0) CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "Null frame pointer.\n"); return Size(); } Ptr<Odometry> Odometry::create(const String & odometryType) { if (odometryType == "RgbdOdometry") return makePtr<RgbdOdometry>(); else if (odometryType == "ICPOdometry") return makePtr<ICPOdometry>(); else if (odometryType == "RgbdICPOdometry") return makePtr<RgbdICPOdometry>(); return Ptr<Odometry>(); } // RgbdOdometry::RgbdOdometry() : minDepth(DEFAULT_MIN_DEPTH()), maxDepth(DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH()), maxDepthDiff(DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH_DIFF()), maxPointsPart(DEFAULT_MAX_POINTS_PART()), transformType(Odometry::RIGID_BODY_MOTION), maxTranslation(DEFAULT_MAX_TRANSLATION()), maxRotation(DEFAULT_MAX_ROTATION()) { setDefaultIterCounts(iterCounts); setDefaultMinGradientMagnitudes(minGradientMagnitudes); } RgbdOdometry::RgbdOdometry(const Mat& _cameraMatrix, float _minDepth, float _maxDepth, float _maxDepthDiff, const std::vector<int>& _iterCounts, const std::vector<float>& _minGradientMagnitudes, float _maxPointsPart, int _transformType) : minDepth(_minDepth), maxDepth(_maxDepth), maxDepthDiff(_maxDepthDiff), iterCounts(Mat(_iterCounts).clone()), minGradientMagnitudes(Mat(_minGradientMagnitudes).clone()), maxPointsPart(_maxPointsPart), cameraMatrix(_cameraMatrix), transformType(_transformType), maxTranslation(DEFAULT_MAX_TRANSLATION()), maxRotation(DEFAULT_MAX_ROTATION()) { if(iterCounts.empty() || minGradientMagnitudes.empty()) { setDefaultIterCounts(iterCounts); setDefaultMinGradientMagnitudes(minGradientMagnitudes); } } Size RgbdOdometry::prepareFrameCache(Ptr<OdometryFrame>& frame, int cacheType) const { Odometry::prepareFrameCache(frame, cacheType); if(frame->image.empty()) { if(!frame->pyramidImage.empty()) frame->image = frame->pyramidImage[0]; else CV_Error(Error::StsBadSize, "Image or pyramidImage have to be set."); } checkImage(frame->image); if(frame->depth.empty()) { if(!frame->pyramidDepth.empty()) frame->depth = frame->pyramidDepth[0]; else if(!frame->pyramidCloud.empty()) { Mat cloud = frame->pyramidCloud[0]; std::vector<Mat> xyz; split(cloud, xyz); frame->depth = xyz[2]; } else CV_Error(Error::StsBadSize, "Depth or pyramidDepth or pyramidCloud have to be set."); } checkDepth(frame->depth, frame->image.size()); if(frame->mask.empty() && !frame->pyramidMask.empty()) frame->mask = frame->pyramidMask[0]; checkMask(frame->mask, frame->image.size()); preparePyramidImage(frame->image, frame->pyramidImage, iterCounts.total()); preparePyramidDepth(frame->depth, frame->pyramidDepth, iterCounts.total()); preparePyramidMask(frame->mask, frame->pyramidDepth, (float)minDepth, (float)maxDepth, frame->pyramidNormals, frame->pyramidMask); if(cacheType & OdometryFrame::CACHE_SRC) preparePyramidCloud(frame->pyramidDepth, cameraMatrix, frame->pyramidCloud); if(cacheType & OdometryFrame::CACHE_DST) { preparePyramidSobel(frame->pyramidImage, 1, 0, frame->pyramid_dI_dx); preparePyramidSobel(frame->pyramidImage, 0, 1, frame->pyramid_dI_dy); preparePyramidTexturedMask(frame->pyramid_dI_dx, frame->pyramid_dI_dy, minGradientMagnitudes, frame->pyramidMask, maxPointsPart, frame->pyramidTexturedMask); } return frame->image.size(); } void RgbdOdometry::checkParams() const { CV_Assert(maxPointsPart > 0. && maxPointsPart <= 1.); CV_Assert(cameraMatrix.size() == Size(3,3) && (cameraMatrix.type() == CV_32FC1 || cameraMatrix.type() == CV_64FC1)); CV_Assert(minGradientMagnitudes.size() == iterCounts.size() || minGradientMagnitudes.size() == iterCounts.t().size()); } bool RgbdOdometry::computeImpl(const Ptr<OdometryFrame>& srcFrame, const Ptr<OdometryFrame>& dstFrame, Mat& Rt, const Mat& initRt) const { return RGBDICPOdometryImpl(Rt, initRt, srcFrame, dstFrame, cameraMatrix, (float)maxDepthDiff, iterCounts, maxTranslation, maxRotation, RGBD_ODOMETRY, transformType); } // ICPOdometry::ICPOdometry() : minDepth(DEFAULT_MIN_DEPTH()), maxDepth(DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH()), maxDepthDiff(DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH_DIFF()), maxPointsPart(DEFAULT_MAX_POINTS_PART()), transformType(Odometry::RIGID_BODY_MOTION), maxTranslation(DEFAULT_MAX_TRANSLATION()), maxRotation(DEFAULT_MAX_ROTATION()) { setDefaultIterCounts(iterCounts); } ICPOdometry::ICPOdometry(const Mat& _cameraMatrix, float _minDepth, float _maxDepth, float _maxDepthDiff, float _maxPointsPart, const std::vector<int>& _iterCounts, int _transformType) : minDepth(_minDepth), maxDepth(_maxDepth), maxDepthDiff(_maxDepthDiff), maxPointsPart(_maxPointsPart), iterCounts(Mat(_iterCounts).clone()), cameraMatrix(_cameraMatrix), transformType(_transformType), maxTranslation(DEFAULT_MAX_TRANSLATION()), maxRotation(DEFAULT_MAX_ROTATION()) { if(iterCounts.empty()) setDefaultIterCounts(iterCounts); } Size ICPOdometry::prepareFrameCache(Ptr<OdometryFrame>& frame, int cacheType) const { Odometry::prepareFrameCache(frame, cacheType); if(frame->depth.empty()) { if(!frame->pyramidDepth.empty()) frame->depth = frame->pyramidDepth[0]; else if(!frame->pyramidCloud.empty()) { Mat cloud = frame->pyramidCloud[0]; std::vector<Mat> xyz; split(cloud, xyz); frame->depth = xyz[2]; } else CV_Error(Error::StsBadSize, "Depth or pyramidDepth or pyramidCloud have to be set."); } checkDepth(frame->depth, frame->depth.size()); if(frame->mask.empty() && !frame->pyramidMask.empty()) frame->mask = frame->pyramidMask[0]; checkMask(frame->mask, frame->depth.size()); preparePyramidDepth(frame->depth, frame->pyramidDepth, iterCounts.total()); preparePyramidCloud(frame->pyramidDepth, cameraMatrix, frame->pyramidCloud); if(cacheType & OdometryFrame::CACHE_DST) { if(frame->normals.empty()) { if(!frame->pyramidNormals.empty()) frame->normals = frame->pyramidNormals[0]; else { if(normalsComputer.empty() || normalsComputer->getRows() != frame->depth.rows || normalsComputer->getCols() != frame->depth.cols || norm(normalsComputer->getK(), cameraMatrix) > FLT_EPSILON) normalsComputer = makePtr<RgbdNormals>(frame->depth.rows, frame->depth.cols, frame->depth.depth(), cameraMatrix, normalWinSize, normalMethod); (*normalsComputer)(frame->pyramidCloud[0], frame->normals); } } checkNormals(frame->normals, frame->depth.size()); preparePyramidNormals(frame->normals, frame->pyramidDepth, frame->pyramidNormals); preparePyramidMask(frame->mask, frame->pyramidDepth, (float)minDepth, (float)maxDepth, frame->pyramidNormals, frame->pyramidMask); preparePyramidNormalsMask(frame->pyramidNormals, frame->pyramidMask, maxPointsPart, frame->pyramidNormalsMask); } else preparePyramidMask(frame->mask, frame->pyramidDepth, (float)minDepth, (float)maxDepth, frame->pyramidNormals, frame->pyramidMask); return frame->depth.size(); } void ICPOdometry::checkParams() const { CV_Assert(maxPointsPart > 0. && maxPointsPart <= 1.); CV_Assert(cameraMatrix.size() == Size(3,3) && (cameraMatrix.type() == CV_32FC1 || cameraMatrix.type() == CV_64FC1)); } bool ICPOdometry::computeImpl(const Ptr<OdometryFrame>& srcFrame, const Ptr<OdometryFrame>& dstFrame, Mat& Rt, const Mat& initRt) const { return RGBDICPOdometryImpl(Rt, initRt, srcFrame, dstFrame, cameraMatrix, (float)maxDepthDiff, iterCounts, maxTranslation, maxRotation, ICP_ODOMETRY, transformType); } // RgbdICPOdometry::RgbdICPOdometry() : minDepth(DEFAULT_MIN_DEPTH()), maxDepth(DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH()), maxDepthDiff(DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH_DIFF()), maxPointsPart(DEFAULT_MAX_POINTS_PART()), transformType(Odometry::RIGID_BODY_MOTION), maxTranslation(DEFAULT_MAX_TRANSLATION()), maxRotation(DEFAULT_MAX_ROTATION()) { setDefaultIterCounts(iterCounts); setDefaultMinGradientMagnitudes(minGradientMagnitudes); } RgbdICPOdometry::RgbdICPOdometry(const Mat& _cameraMatrix, float _minDepth, float _maxDepth, float _maxDepthDiff, float _maxPointsPart, const std::vector<int>& _iterCounts, const std::vector<float>& _minGradientMagnitudes, int _transformType) : minDepth(_minDepth), maxDepth(_maxDepth), maxDepthDiff(_maxDepthDiff), maxPointsPart(_maxPointsPart), iterCounts(Mat(_iterCounts).clone()), minGradientMagnitudes(Mat(_minGradientMagnitudes).clone()), cameraMatrix(_cameraMatrix), transformType(_transformType), maxTranslation(DEFAULT_MAX_TRANSLATION()), maxRotation(DEFAULT_MAX_ROTATION()) { if(iterCounts.empty() || minGradientMagnitudes.empty()) { setDefaultIterCounts(iterCounts); setDefaultMinGradientMagnitudes(minGradientMagnitudes); } } Size RgbdICPOdometry::prepareFrameCache(Ptr<OdometryFrame>& frame, int cacheType) const { if(frame->image.empty()) { if(!frame->pyramidImage.empty()) frame->image = frame->pyramidImage[0]; else CV_Error(Error::StsBadSize, "Image or pyramidImage have to be set."); } checkImage(frame->image); if(frame->depth.empty()) { if(!frame->pyramidDepth.empty()) frame->depth = frame->pyramidDepth[0]; else if(!frame->pyramidCloud.empty()) { Mat cloud = frame->pyramidCloud[0]; std::vector<Mat> xyz; split(cloud, xyz); frame->depth = xyz[2]; } else CV_Error(Error::StsBadSize, "Depth or pyramidDepth or pyramidCloud have to be set."); } checkDepth(frame->depth, frame->image.size()); if(frame->mask.empty() && !frame->pyramidMask.empty()) frame->mask = frame->pyramidMask[0]; checkMask(frame->mask, frame->image.size()); preparePyramidImage(frame->image, frame->pyramidImage, iterCounts.total()); preparePyramidDepth(frame->depth, frame->pyramidDepth, iterCounts.total()); preparePyramidCloud(frame->pyramidDepth, cameraMatrix, frame->pyramidCloud); if(cacheType & OdometryFrame::CACHE_DST) { if(frame->normals.empty()) { if(!frame->pyramidNormals.empty()) frame->normals = frame->pyramidNormals[0]; else { if(normalsComputer.empty() || normalsComputer->getRows() != frame->depth.rows || normalsComputer->getCols() != frame->depth.cols || norm(normalsComputer->getK(), cameraMatrix) > FLT_EPSILON) normalsComputer = makePtr<RgbdNormals>(frame->depth.rows, frame->depth.cols, frame->depth.depth(), cameraMatrix, normalWinSize, normalMethod); (*normalsComputer)(frame->pyramidCloud[0], frame->normals); } } checkNormals(frame->normals, frame->depth.size()); preparePyramidNormals(frame->normals, frame->pyramidDepth, frame->pyramidNormals); preparePyramidMask(frame->mask, frame->pyramidDepth, (float)minDepth, (float)maxDepth, frame->pyramidNormals, frame->pyramidMask); preparePyramidSobel(frame->pyramidImage, 1, 0, frame->pyramid_dI_dx); preparePyramidSobel(frame->pyramidImage, 0, 1, frame->pyramid_dI_dy); preparePyramidTexturedMask(frame->pyramid_dI_dx, frame->pyramid_dI_dy, minGradientMagnitudes, frame->pyramidMask, maxPointsPart, frame->pyramidTexturedMask); preparePyramidNormalsMask(frame->pyramidNormals, frame->pyramidMask, maxPointsPart, frame->pyramidNormalsMask); } else preparePyramidMask(frame->mask, frame->pyramidDepth, (float)minDepth, (float)maxDepth, frame->pyramidNormals, frame->pyramidMask); return frame->image.size(); } void RgbdICPOdometry::checkParams() const { CV_Assert(maxPointsPart > 0. && maxPointsPart <= 1.); CV_Assert(cameraMatrix.size() == Size(3,3) && (cameraMatrix.type() == CV_32FC1 || cameraMatrix.type() == CV_64FC1)); CV_Assert(minGradientMagnitudes.size() == iterCounts.size() || minGradientMagnitudes.size() == iterCounts.t().size()); } bool RgbdICPOdometry::computeImpl(const Ptr<OdometryFrame>& srcFrame, const Ptr<OdometryFrame>& dstFrame, Mat& Rt, const Mat& initRt) const { return RGBDICPOdometryImpl(Rt, initRt, srcFrame, dstFrame, cameraMatrix, (float)maxDepthDiff, iterCounts, maxTranslation, maxRotation, MERGED_ODOMETRY, transformType); } // void warpFrame(const Mat& image, const Mat& depth, const Mat& mask, const Mat& Rt, const Mat& cameraMatrix, const Mat& distCoeff, OutputArray warpedImage, OutputArray warpedDepth, OutputArray warpedMask) { if(image.type() == CV_8UC1) warpFrameImpl<uchar>(image, depth, mask, Rt, cameraMatrix, distCoeff, warpedImage, warpedDepth, warpedMask); else if(image.type() == CV_8UC3) warpFrameImpl<Point3_<uchar> >(image, depth, mask, Rt, cameraMatrix, distCoeff, warpedImage, warpedDepth, warpedMask); else CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "Image has to be type of CV_8UC1 or CV_8UC3"); } } } // namespace cv