// This file is part of OpenCV project. // It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory // of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html // This code is also subject to the license terms in the LICENSE_WillowGarage.md file found in this module's directory #include "precomp.hpp" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace cv { namespace rgbd { class DepthCleanerImpl { public: DepthCleanerImpl(int window_size, int depth, DepthCleaner::DEPTH_CLEANER_METHOD method) : depth_(depth), window_size_(window_size), method_(method) { } virtual ~DepthCleanerImpl() { } virtual void cache()=0; bool validate(int depth, int window_size, int method) const { return (window_size == window_size_) && (depth == depth_) && (method == method_); } protected: int depth_; int window_size_; DepthCleaner::DEPTH_CLEANER_METHOD method_; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Given a depth image, compute the normals as detailed in the LINEMOD paper * ``Gradient Response Maps for Real-Time Detection of Texture-Less Objects`` * by S. Hinterstoisser, C. Cagniart, S. Ilic, P. Sturm, N. Navab, P. Fua, and V. Lepetit */ template<typename T> class NIL: public DepthCleanerImpl { public: typedef Vec<T, 3> Vec3T; typedef Matx<T, 3, 3> Mat33T; NIL(int window_size, int depth, DepthCleaner::DEPTH_CLEANER_METHOD method) : DepthCleanerImpl(window_size, depth, method) { } /** Compute cached data */ virtual void cache() CV_OVERRIDE { } /** Compute the normals * @param r * @return */ void compute(const Mat& depth_in, Mat& depth_out) const { switch (depth_in.depth()) { case CV_16U: { const Mat_<unsigned short> &depth(depth_in); Mat depth_out_tmp; computeImpl<unsigned short, float>(depth, depth_out_tmp, 0.001f); depth_out_tmp.convertTo(depth_out, CV_16U); break; } case CV_32F: { const Mat_<float> &depth(depth_in); computeImpl<float, float>(depth, depth_out, 1); break; } case CV_64F: { const Mat_<double> &depth(depth_in); computeImpl<double, double>(depth, depth_out, 1); break; } } } private: /** Compute the normals * @param r * @return */ template<typename DepthDepth, typename ContainerDepth> void computeImpl(const Mat_<DepthDepth> &depth_in, Mat & depth_out, ContainerDepth scale) const { const ContainerDepth theta_mean = (float)(30. * CV_PI / 180); int rows = depth_in.rows; int cols = depth_in.cols; // Precompute some data const ContainerDepth sigma_L = (float)(0.8 + 0.035 * theta_mean / (CV_PI / 2 - theta_mean)); Mat_<ContainerDepth> sigma_z(rows, cols); for (int y = 0; y < rows; ++y) for (int x = 0; x < cols; ++x) sigma_z(y, x) = (float)(0.0012 + 0.0019 * (depth_in(y, x) * scale - 0.4) * (depth_in(y, x) * scale - 0.4)); ContainerDepth difference_threshold = 10; Mat_<ContainerDepth> Dw_sum = Mat_<ContainerDepth>::zeros(rows, cols), w_sum = Mat_<ContainerDepth>::zeros(rows, cols); for (int y = 0; y < rows - 1; ++y) { // Every pixel has had the contribution of previous pixels (in a row-major way) for (int x = 1; x < cols - 1; ++x) { for (int j = 0; j <= 1; ++j) for (int i = -1; i <= 1; ++i) { if ((j == 0) && (i == -1)) continue; ContainerDepth delta_u = sqrt( ContainerDepth(j) * ContainerDepth(j) + ContainerDepth(i) * ContainerDepth(i)); ContainerDepth delta_z; if (depth_in(y, x) > depth_in(y + j, x + i)) delta_z = (float)(depth_in(y, x) - depth_in(y + j, x + i)); else delta_z = (float)(depth_in(y + j, x + i) - depth_in(y, x)); if (delta_z < difference_threshold) { delta_z *= scale; ContainerDepth w = exp( -delta_u * delta_u / 2 / sigma_L / sigma_L - delta_z * delta_z / 2 / sigma_z(y, x) / sigma_z(y, x)); w_sum(y, x) += w; Dw_sum(y, x) += depth_in(y + j, x + i) * w; if ((j != 0) || (i != 0)) { w = exp( -delta_u * delta_u / 2 / sigma_L / sigma_L - delta_z * delta_z / 2 / sigma_z(y + j, x + i) / sigma_z(y + j, x + i)); w_sum(y + j, x + i) += w; Dw_sum(y + j, x + i) += depth_in(y, x) * w; } } } } } Mat(Dw_sum / w_sum).copyTo(depth_out); } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Default constructor of the Algorithm class that computes normals */ DepthCleaner::DepthCleaner(int depth, int window_size, int method_in) : depth_(depth), window_size_(window_size), method_(method_in), depth_cleaner_impl_(0) { CV_Assert(depth == CV_16U || depth == CV_32F || depth == CV_64F); } /** Destructor */ DepthCleaner::~DepthCleaner() { if (depth_cleaner_impl_ == 0) return; switch (method_) { case DEPTH_CLEANER_NIL: { switch (depth_) { case CV_16U: delete reinterpret_cast<const NIL<unsigned short> *>(depth_cleaner_impl_); break; case CV_32F: delete reinterpret_cast<const NIL<float> *>(depth_cleaner_impl_); break; case CV_64F: delete reinterpret_cast<const NIL<double> *>(depth_cleaner_impl_); break; } break; } } } void DepthCleaner::initialize_cleaner_impl() const { CV_Assert(depth_ == CV_16U || depth_ == CV_32F || depth_ == CV_64F); CV_Assert(window_size_ == 1 || window_size_ == 3 || window_size_ == 5 || window_size_ == 7); CV_Assert( method_ == DEPTH_CLEANER_NIL); switch (method_) { case (DEPTH_CLEANER_NIL): { switch (depth_) { case CV_16U: depth_cleaner_impl_ = new NIL<unsigned short>(window_size_, depth_, DEPTH_CLEANER_NIL); break; case CV_32F: depth_cleaner_impl_ = new NIL<float>(window_size_, depth_, DEPTH_CLEANER_NIL); break; case CV_64F: depth_cleaner_impl_ = new NIL<double>(window_size_, depth_, DEPTH_CLEANER_NIL); break; } break; } } reinterpret_cast<DepthCleanerImpl *>(depth_cleaner_impl_)->cache(); } /** Initializes some data that is cached for later computation * If that function is not called, it will be called the first time normals are computed */ void DepthCleaner::initialize() const { if (depth_cleaner_impl_ == 0) initialize_cleaner_impl(); else if (!reinterpret_cast<DepthCleanerImpl *>(depth_cleaner_impl_)->validate(depth_, window_size_, method_)) initialize_cleaner_impl(); } /** Given a set of 3d points in a depth image, compute the normals at each point * using the SRI method described in * ``Fast and Accurate Computation of Surface Normals from Range Images`` * by H. Badino, D. Huber, Y. Park and T. Kanade * @param depth depth a float depth image. Or it can be rows x cols x 3 is they are 3d points * @param window_size the window size on which to compute the derivatives * @return normals a rows x cols x 3 matrix */ void DepthCleaner::operator()(InputArray depth_in_array, OutputArray depth_out_array) const { Mat depth_in = depth_in_array.getMat(); CV_Assert(depth_in.dims == 2); CV_Assert(depth_in.channels() == 1); depth_out_array.create(depth_in.size(), depth_); Mat depth_out = depth_out_array.getMat(); // Initialize the pimpl initialize(); // Clean the depth switch (method_) { case (DEPTH_CLEANER_NIL): { switch (depth_) { case CV_16U: reinterpret_cast<const NIL<unsigned short> *>(depth_cleaner_impl_)->compute(depth_in, depth_out); break; case CV_32F: reinterpret_cast<const NIL<float> *>(depth_cleaner_impl_)->compute(depth_in, depth_out); break; case CV_64F: reinterpret_cast<const NIL<double> *>(depth_cleaner_impl_)->compute(depth_in, depth_out); break; } break; } } } } }