#include <QGraphicsObject>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QPointF>
#include <QRectF>
#include <QStyleOptionGraphicsItem>
#include <QWidget>
#include <QGraphicsScene>

#include "opencv2/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/features2d.hpp"

#include "keypointsettings.hpp"
#include "../zoomableimage.hpp"

namespace cvv
namespace qtutil

class KeyPointSettings;

 * @brief this class represents a Keypoint which is displayed
 *  a Matchscene.
class CVVKeyPoint : public QGraphicsObject,public cv::KeyPoint
	 * @brief the construor
	 * @param key the keypoint with the image point
	 * @param image the zoomable image
	CVVKeyPoint(const cv::KeyPoint &key,
		    qtutil::ZoomableImage *image = nullptr,
		    QPen pen = QPen{ Qt::red },
		    QBrush brush = QBrush{ Qt::red },
		    QGraphicsItem *parent = nullptr);

	 * @brief this method maps the imagepoint to the scene
	 * @return maps the imagepoint to the scene
	QPointF imPointInScene() const
		{return imagePointInScene_;}

	 * @brief boundingRect
	 * @return the boundingRect
    QRectF boundingRect() const CV_OVERRIDE;

	 * @brief returns the keypoint
	 * @return the keypoint
	cv::KeyPoint keyPoint() const
		{return *this;}

	 * @brief the paint function.
	void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *,
           QWidget *) CV_OVERRIDE;

	 * @brief returns true if this keypoint is in the visble area of its
	 * image
	 * @return true if this keypoint is in the visble area of its image
	bool imagePointisVisible()
		{return image_->visibleArea().contains(pt.x, pt.y);	}

	 * @brief if show is true this keypoint will be visible if it is the
	 * visibleArea
	 * @return the show Value
	bool isShown() const
		{return show_;}

	bool operator==(const cv::KeyPoint &o);

	QPen getPen() const
		{return pen_;}

	QBrush getBrush() const
		{return brush_;	}

	 * @brief this signal will be emited when the imagepoint in the scene
	 * has changed
	 * @param visible it is true if this keypoint is in the visibleArea
	void updatePoint(bool visible);

	 * @brief updates the settings of this KeyPoint
	 * @param settings the object which has new settings for this keypoint
	void updateSettings(KeyPointSettings &settings);

	void setPen(const QPen &pen);

	 * @brief updates the brush of this KeyPoint
	 * @param brush a new brush
	void setBrush(const QBrush &brush);

	 * @brief if show is true this keypoint will be visible if it is the
	 * visibleArea
	 * @param b the new show Value
	void setShow(bool b);

	 * @brief updates the coordinates and visibleState of this KeyPoint
	 * @param visibleArea the visibleArea of the ZoomableImage
	 * @param zoom the zoomfactor
	void updateImageSet(const QRectF &, const qreal &zoom);

	 * @brief this method sets and connects this keypoint which the given
	 * ZoomableImage.
	 * the ZoomableImage should be in a QGraphicScene and should have same
	 * parent
	 * @param image the image
	void setZoomableImage(ZoomableImage *image);

	qtutil::ZoomableImage *image_=nullptr;

	QPen pen_;
	QBrush brush_;
	qreal zoom_;
	bool show_;

	QPointF imagePointInScene_;