/********************************************************************* * Software License Agreement (BSD License) * * SLIC, SLICO Copyright (c) 2013 * Radhakrishna Achanta * email : Radhakrishna [dot] Achanta [at] epfl [dot] ch * web : http://ivrl.epfl.ch/people/achanta * * MSLIC Copyright (c) 2016 * Yong-Jin Liu * email : liuyongjin [at] tsinghua [dot] edu [dot] cn * web : http://cg.cs.tsinghua.edu.cn/people/~Yongjin/yongjin.htm * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *********************************************************************/ /* "SLIC Superpixels Compared to State-of-the-art Superpixel Methods" Radhakrishna Achanta, Appu Shaji, Kevin Smith, Aurelien Lucchi, Pascal Fua, and Sabine Susstrunk, IEEE TPAMI, Volume 34, Issue 11, Pages 2274-2282, November 2012. "SLIC Superpixels" Radhakrishna Achanta, Appu Shaji, Kevin Smith, Aurelien Lucchi, Pascal Fua, and Sabine Süsstrunk, EPFL Technical Report no. 149300, June 2010. "Manifold SLIC: A Fast Method to Compute Content-Sensitive Superpixels" Yong-Jin Liu, Cheng-Chi Yu, Min-Jing Yu, Ying He, The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2016, pp. 651-659. OpenCV port by: Cristian Balint <cristian dot balint at gmail dot com> */ #include "precomp.hpp" using namespace std; namespace cv { namespace ximgproc { class SuperpixelSLICImpl : public SuperpixelSLIC { public: SuperpixelSLICImpl( InputArray image, int algorithm, int region_size, float ruler ); virtual ~SuperpixelSLICImpl(); // perform amount of iteration virtual void iterate( int num_iterations = 10 ); // get amount of superpixels virtual int getNumberOfSuperpixels() const; // get image with labels virtual void getLabels( OutputArray labels_out ) const; // get mask image with contour virtual void getLabelContourMask( OutputArray image, bool thick_line = true ) const; // enforce connectivity over labels virtual void enforceLabelConnectivity( int min_element_size = 25 ); protected: // image width int m_width; // image width int m_height; // image channels int m_nr_channels; // algorithm int m_algorithm; // region size int m_region_size; // compactness float m_ruler; // ratio (MSLIC) float m_ratio; // split (MSLIC) float m_split; // current iter int m_cur_iter; // current iter int m_iterations; private: // labels no int m_numlabels; // stacked channels // of original image vector<Mat> m_chvec; // seeds on x vector<float> m_kseedsx; // seeds on y vector<float> m_kseedsy; // labels storage Mat m_klabels; // seeds storage vector< vector<float> > m_kseeds; // adaptive k (MSLIC) vector<float> m_adaptk; // merge threshold (MSLIC) float m_merge; // initialization inline void initialize(); // detect edges over all channels inline void DetectChEdges( Mat& edgemag ); // random perturb seeds inline void PerturbSeeds( const Mat& edgemag ); // fetch seeds inline void GetChSeedsS(); // fetch seeds inline void GetChSeedsK(); // SLIC inline void PerformSLIC( const int& num_iterations ); // SLICO inline void PerformSLICO( const int& num_iterations ); // MSLIC inline void PerformMSLIC( const int& num_iterations ); // MSLIC inline void SuperpixelSplit(); }; CV_EXPORTS Ptr<SuperpixelSLIC> createSuperpixelSLIC( InputArray image, int algorithm, int region_size, float ruler ) { return makePtr<SuperpixelSLICImpl>( image, algorithm, region_size, ruler ); } SuperpixelSLICImpl::SuperpixelSLICImpl( InputArray _image, int _algorithm, int _region_size, float _ruler ) : m_algorithm(_algorithm), m_region_size(_region_size), m_ruler(_ruler) { if ( _image.isMat() ) { Mat image = _image.getMat(); // image should be valid CV_Assert( !image.empty() ); // initialize sizes m_width = image.size().width; m_height = image.size().height; m_nr_channels = image.channels(); // intialize channels split( image, m_chvec ); } else if ( _image.isMatVector() ) { _image.getMatVector( m_chvec ); // array should be valid CV_Assert( !m_chvec.empty() ); // initialize sizes m_width = m_chvec[0].size().width; m_height = m_chvec[0].size().height; m_nr_channels = (int) m_chvec.size(); } else CV_Error( Error::StsInternal, "Invalid InputArray." ); // init initialize(); } SuperpixelSLICImpl::~SuperpixelSLICImpl() { m_chvec.clear(); m_kseeds.clear(); m_kseedsx.clear(); m_kseedsy.clear(); m_klabels.release(); } int SuperpixelSLICImpl::getNumberOfSuperpixels() const { return m_numlabels; } void SuperpixelSLICImpl::initialize() { // total amount of superpixels given its size as input m_numlabels = int(float(m_width * m_height) / float(m_region_size * m_region_size)); // initialize seed storage m_kseeds.resize( m_nr_channels ); // intitialize label storage m_klabels = Mat( m_height, m_width, CV_32S, Scalar::all(0) ); // storage for edge magnitudes Mat edgemag = Mat( m_height, m_width, CV_32F, Scalar::all(0) ); // perturb seeds is not absolutely necessary, // one can set this flag to false bool perturbseeds = true; if ( perturbseeds ) DetectChEdges( edgemag ); if( m_algorithm == SLICO ) GetChSeedsK(); else if( ( m_algorithm == SLIC ) || ( m_algorithm == MSLIC ) ) GetChSeedsS(); else CV_Error( Error::StsInternal, "No such algorithm" ); // update amount of labels now m_numlabels = (int)m_kseeds[0].size(); // perturb seeds given edges if ( perturbseeds ) PerturbSeeds( edgemag ); if( m_algorithm == MSLIC ) { m_merge = 4.0f; m_adaptk.resize( m_numlabels, 1.0f ); } } void SuperpixelSLICImpl::iterate( int num_iterations ) { if( m_algorithm == SLICO ) PerformSLICO( num_iterations ); else if( m_algorithm == SLIC ) PerformSLIC( num_iterations ); else if( m_algorithm == MSLIC ) PerformMSLIC( num_iterations ); else CV_Error( Error::StsInternal, "No such algorithm" ); // re-update amount of labels m_numlabels = (int)m_kseeds[0].size(); } void SuperpixelSLICImpl::getLabels(OutputArray labels_out) const { labels_out.assign( m_klabels ); } void SuperpixelSLICImpl::getLabelContourMask(OutputArray _mask, bool _thick_line) const { // default width int line_width = 2; if ( !_thick_line ) line_width = 1; _mask.create( m_height, m_width, CV_8UC1 ); Mat mask = _mask.getMat(); mask.setTo(0); const int dx8[8] = { -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1 }; const int dy8[8] = { 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1 }; int sz = m_width*m_height; vector<bool> istaken(sz, false); int mainindex = 0; for( int j = 0; j < m_height; j++ ) { for( int k = 0; k < m_width; k++ ) { int np = 0; for( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { int x = k + dx8[i]; int y = j + dy8[i]; if( (x >= 0 && x < m_width) && (y >= 0 && y < m_height) ) { int index = y*m_width + x; if( false == istaken[index] ) { if( m_klabels.at<int>(j,k) != m_klabels.at<int>(y,x) ) np++; } } } if( np > line_width ) { mask.at<char>(j,k) = (uchar)255; istaken[mainindex] = true; } mainindex++; } } } /* * EnforceLabelConnectivity * * 1. finding an adjacent label for each new component at the start * 2. if a certain component is too small, assigning the previously found * adjacent label to this component, and not incrementing the label. * */ void SuperpixelSLICImpl::enforceLabelConnectivity( int min_element_size ) { if ( min_element_size == 0 ) return; CV_Assert( min_element_size >= 0 && min_element_size <= 100 ); vector<float> adaptk( m_numlabels, 1.0f ); if( m_algorithm == MSLIC ) { adaptk.clear(); } const int dx4[4] = { -1, 0, 1, 0 }; const int dy4[4] = { 0, -1, 0, 1 }; const int sz = m_width * m_height; const int supsz = sz / m_numlabels; int div = int(100.0f/(float)min_element_size + 0.5f); int min_sp_sz = max(3, supsz / div); Mat nlabels( m_height, m_width, CV_32S, Scalar(INT_MAX) ); int label = 0; vector<int> xvec(sz); vector<int> yvec(sz); // MSLIC int currentlabel; float diffch = 0.0f; vector<float> adjch; vector<float> curch; map<int,int> hashtable; if( m_algorithm == MSLIC ) { hashtable[-1] = 0; adjch.resize( m_nr_channels, 0 ); curch.resize( m_nr_channels, 0 ); } //adjacent label int adjlabel = 0; for( int j = 0; j < m_height; j++ ) { for( int k = 0; k < m_width; k++ ) { if( nlabels.at<int>(j,k) == INT_MAX ) { nlabels.at<int>(j,k) = label; //-------------------- // Start a new segment //-------------------- xvec[0] = k; yvec[0] = j; currentlabel = m_klabels.at<int>(j,k); //------------------------------------------------------- // Quickly find an adjacent label for use later if needed //------------------------------------------------------- for( int n = 0; n < 4; n++ ) { int x = xvec[0] + dx4[n]; int y = yvec[0] + dy4[n]; if( (x >= 0 && x < m_width) && (y >= 0 && y < m_height) ) { if( nlabels.at<int>(y,x) != INT_MAX ) { adjlabel = nlabels.at<int>(y,x); if( m_algorithm == MSLIC ) { for( int b = 0; b < m_nr_channels; b++ ) { adjch[b] = m_kseeds[b][m_klabels.at<int>(y,x)]; } } } } } if( m_algorithm == MSLIC ) { float ssumch = 0.0f; for( int b = 0; b < m_nr_channels; b++ ) { curch[b] = m_kseeds[b][m_klabels.at<int>(j,k)]; // squared distance float diff = curch[b] - adjch[b]; ssumch += diff * diff; } // L2 distance with adj diffch = sqrt( ssumch ); adaptk.push_back( m_adaptk[currentlabel] ); } int count(1); for( int c = 0; c < count; c++ ) { for( int n = 0; n < 4; n++ ) { int x = xvec[c] + dx4[n]; int y = yvec[c] + dy4[n]; if( (x >= 0 && x < m_width) && (y >= 0 && y < m_height) ) { if( INT_MAX == nlabels.at<int>(y,x) && m_klabels.at<int>(j,k) == m_klabels.at<int>(y,x) ) { xvec[count] = x; yvec[count] = y; nlabels.at<int>(y,x) = label; count++; } } } } // MSLIC only if( m_algorithm == MSLIC ) { if ( m_cur_iter < m_iterations - 1 ) { hashtable[label] = count; //------------------------------------------------------- // If segment size is less then a limit, or is very similar // to it's neighbour assign adjacent label found before, // and decrement label count. //------------------------------------------------------- if( ( count <= min_sp_sz ) || ( ( diffch < m_merge ) && ( hashtable[adjlabel] + hashtable[(int)adaptk.size()-1] <= 3 * m_region_size * m_region_size ) ) ) { if( ( diffch < m_merge) && ( hashtable[adjlabel] + hashtable[(int)adaptk.size()-1] <= 3 * m_region_size * m_region_size ) ) { adaptk[adjlabel] = min( 2.0f, float(adaptk[adjlabel] + adaptk[(int)adaptk.size()-1]) ); hashtable[adjlabel] += hashtable[(int)adaptk.size()-1]; } for( int c = 0; c < count; c++ ) { nlabels.at<int>(yvec[c],xvec[c]) = adjlabel; } label--; adaptk.pop_back(); } } else { //------------------------------------------------------- // If segment size is less then a limit, assign an // adjacent label found before, and decrement label count. //------------------------------------------------------- if( count <= min_sp_sz ) { for( int c = 0; c < count; c++ ) { nlabels.at<int>(yvec[c],xvec[c]) = adjlabel; } label--; } } // SLIC or SLICO } else { //------------------------------------------------------- // If segment size is less then a limit, assign an // adjacent label found before, and decrement label count. //------------------------------------------------------- if( count <= min_sp_sz ) { for( int c = 0; c < count; c++ ) { nlabels.at<int>(yvec[c],xvec[c]) = adjlabel; } label--; } } label++; } } } // replace old m_klabels = nlabels; m_numlabels = label; m_adaptk.clear(); m_adaptk = adaptk; } /* * DetectChEdges */ inline void SuperpixelSLICImpl::DetectChEdges( Mat &edgemag ) { Mat dx, dy; Mat S_dx, S_dy; for (int c = 0; c < m_nr_channels; c++) { // derivate Sobel( m_chvec[c], dx, CV_32F, 1, 0, 1, 1.0f, 0.0f, BORDER_DEFAULT ); Sobel( m_chvec[c], dy, CV_32F, 0, 1, 1, 1.0f, 0.0f, BORDER_DEFAULT ); // acumulate ^2 derivate S_dx = S_dx + dx.mul(dx); S_dy = S_dy + dy.mul(dy); } // total magnitude edgemag += S_dx + S_dy; } /* * PerturbSeeds */ inline void SuperpixelSLICImpl::PerturbSeeds( const Mat& edgemag ) { const int dx8[8] = { -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1 }; const int dy8[8] = { 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1 }; for( int n = 0; n < m_numlabels; n++ ) { int ox = (int)m_kseedsx[n]; //original x int oy = (int)m_kseedsy[n]; //original y int storex = ox; int storey = oy; for( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { int nx = ox + dx8[i]; //new x int ny = oy + dy8[i]; //new y if( nx >= 0 && nx < m_width && ny >= 0 && ny < m_height) { if( edgemag.at<float>(ny,nx) < edgemag.at<float>(storey,storex) ) { storex = nx; storey = ny; } } } if( storex != ox && storey != oy ) { m_kseedsx[n] = (float)storex; m_kseedsy[n] = (float)storey; switch ( m_chvec[0].depth() ) { case CV_8U: for( int b = 0; b < m_nr_channels; b++ ) m_kseeds[b][n] = m_chvec[b].at<uchar>( storey, storex ); break; case CV_8S: for( int b = 0; b < m_nr_channels; b++ ) m_kseeds[b][n] = m_chvec[b].at<char>( storey, storex ); break; case CV_16U: for( int b = 0; b < m_nr_channels; b++ ) m_kseeds[b][n] = m_chvec[b].at<ushort>( storey, storex ); break; case CV_16S: for( int b = 0; b < m_nr_channels; b++ ) m_kseeds[b][n] = m_chvec[b].at<short>( storey, storex ); break; case CV_32S: for( int b = 0; b < m_nr_channels; b++ ) m_kseeds[b][n] = (float) m_chvec[b].at<int>( storey, storex ); break; case CV_32F: for( int b = 0; b < m_nr_channels; b++ ) m_kseeds[b][n] = m_chvec[b].at<float>( storey, storex ); break; case CV_64F: for( int b = 0; b < m_nr_channels; b++ ) m_kseeds[b][n] = (float) m_chvec[b].at<double>( storey, storex ); break; default: CV_Error( Error::StsInternal, "Invalid matrix depth" ); break; } } } } /* * GetChannelsSeeds_ForGivenStepSize * * The k seed values are * taken as uniform spatial * pixel samples. * */ inline void SuperpixelSLICImpl::GetChSeedsS() { int n = 0; int numseeds = 0; int xstrips = int(0.5f + float(m_width) / float(m_region_size) ); int ystrips = int(0.5f + float(m_height) / float(m_region_size) ); int xerr = m_width - m_region_size*xstrips; int yerr = m_height - m_region_size*ystrips; float xerrperstrip = float(xerr) / float(xstrips); float yerrperstrip = float(yerr) / float(ystrips); int xoff = m_region_size / 2; int yoff = m_region_size / 2; numseeds = xstrips*ystrips; for ( int b = 0; b < m_nr_channels; b++ ) m_kseeds[b].resize(numseeds); m_kseedsx.resize(numseeds); m_kseedsy.resize(numseeds); for( int y = 0; y < ystrips; y++ ) { int ye = y * (int)yerrperstrip; int Y = y*m_region_size + yoff+ye; if( Y > m_height-1 ) continue; for( int x = 0; x < xstrips; x++ ) { int xe = x * (int)xerrperstrip; int X = x*m_region_size + xoff+xe; if( X > m_width-1 ) continue; switch ( m_chvec[0].depth() ) { case CV_8U: for( int b = 0; b < m_nr_channels; b++ ) m_kseeds[b][n] = m_chvec[b].at<uchar>(Y,X); break; case CV_8S: for( int b = 0; b < m_nr_channels; b++ ) m_kseeds[b][n] = m_chvec[b].at<char>(Y,X); break; case CV_16U: for( int b = 0; b < m_nr_channels; b++ ) m_kseeds[b][n] = m_chvec[b].at<ushort>(Y,X); break; case CV_16S: for( int b = 0; b < m_nr_channels; b++ ) m_kseeds[b][n] = m_chvec[b].at<short>(Y,X); break; case CV_32S: for( int b = 0; b < m_nr_channels; b++ ) m_kseeds[b][n] = (float) m_chvec[b].at<int>(Y,X); break; case CV_32F: for( int b = 0; b < m_nr_channels; b++ ) m_kseeds[b][n] = m_chvec[b].at<float>(Y,X); break; case CV_64F: for( int b = 0; b < m_nr_channels; b++ ) m_kseeds[b][n] = (float) m_chvec[b].at<double>(Y,X); break; default: CV_Error( Error::StsInternal, "Invalid matrix depth" ); break; } m_kseedsx[n] = (float)X; m_kseedsy[n] = (float)Y; n++; } } } /* * GetChannlesSeeds_ForGivenK * * The k seed values are * taken as uniform spatial * pixel samples. * */ inline void SuperpixelSLICImpl::GetChSeedsK() { int xoff = m_region_size / 2; int yoff = m_region_size / 2; int n = 0; int r = 0; for( int y = 0; y < m_height; y++ ) { int Y = y*m_region_size + yoff; if( Y > m_height-1 ) continue; for( int x = 0; x < m_width; x++ ) { // hex grid int X = x*m_region_size + ( xoff<<( r & 0x1) ); if( X > m_width-1 ) continue; switch ( m_chvec[0].depth() ) { case CV_8U: for( int b = 0; b < m_nr_channels; b++ ) m_kseeds[b].push_back( m_chvec[b].at<uchar>(Y,X) ); break; case CV_8S: for( int b = 0; b < m_nr_channels; b++ ) m_kseeds[b].push_back( m_chvec[b].at<char>(Y,X) ); break; case CV_16U: for( int b = 0; b < m_nr_channels; b++ ) m_kseeds[b].push_back( m_chvec[b].at<ushort>(Y,X) ); break; case CV_16S: for( int b = 0; b < m_nr_channels; b++ ) m_kseeds[b].push_back( m_chvec[b].at<short>(Y,X) ); break; case CV_32S: for( int b = 0; b < m_nr_channels; b++ ) m_kseeds[b].push_back( (float) m_chvec[b].at<int>(Y,X) ); break; case CV_32F: for( int b = 0; b < m_nr_channels; b++ ) m_kseeds[b].push_back( m_chvec[b].at<float>(Y,X) ); break; case CV_64F: for( int b = 0; b < m_nr_channels; b++ ) m_kseeds[b].push_back( (float) m_chvec[b].at<double>(Y,X) ); break; default: CV_Error( Error::StsInternal, "Invalid matrix depth" ); break; } m_kseedsx.push_back((float)X); m_kseedsy.push_back((float)Y); n++; } r++; } } struct SeedNormInvoker : ParallelLoopBody { SeedNormInvoker( vector< vector<float> >* _kseeds, vector< vector<float> >* _sigma, vector<int>* _clustersize, vector<float>* _sigmax, vector<float>* _sigmay, vector<float>* _kseedsx, vector<float>* _kseedsy, int _nr_channels ) { sigma = _sigma; kseeds = _kseeds; sigmax = _sigmax; sigmay = _sigmay; kseedsx = _kseedsx; kseedsy = _kseedsy; nr_channels = _nr_channels; clustersize = _clustersize; } void operator ()(const cv::Range& range) const { for (int k = range.start; k < range.end; ++k) { if( clustersize->at(k) <= 0 ) clustersize->at(k) = 1; for ( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) kseeds->at(b)[k] = sigma->at(b)[k] / float(clustersize->at(k)); kseedsx->at(k) = sigmax->at(k) / float(clustersize->at(k)); kseedsy->at(k) = sigmay->at(k) / float(clustersize->at(k)); } // end for k } vector<float>* sigmax; vector<float>* sigmay; vector<float>* kseedsx; vector<float>* kseedsy; vector<int>* clustersize; vector< vector<float> >* sigma; vector< vector<float> >* kseeds; int nr_channels; }; struct SeedsCenters { SeedsCenters( const vector<Mat>& _chvec, const Mat& _klabels, const int _numlabels, const int _nr_channels ) { chvec = _chvec; klabels = _klabels; numlabels = _numlabels; nr_channels = _nr_channels; // allocate and init arrays sigma.resize(nr_channels); for( int b =0 ; b < nr_channels ; b++ ) sigma[b].assign(numlabels, 0); sigmax.assign(numlabels, 0); sigmay.assign(numlabels, 0); clustersize.assign(numlabels, 0); } SeedsCenters( const SeedsCenters& counter, Split ) { *this = counter; // refill with zero all arrays for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) fill(sigma[b].begin(), sigma[b].end(), 0.0f); fill(sigmax.begin(), sigmax.end(), 0.0f); fill(sigmay.begin(), sigmay.end(), 0.0f); fill(clustersize.begin(), clustersize.end(), 0); } void operator()( const BlockedRange& range ) { // previous block state vector<float> tmp_sigmax = sigmax; vector<float> tmp_sigmay = sigmay; vector<vector <float> > tmp_sigma = sigma; vector<int> tmp_clustersize = clustersize; for ( int x = range.begin(); x != range.end(); x++ ) { for( int y = 0; y < chvec[0].rows; y++ ) { int idx = klabels.at<int>(y,x); switch ( chvec[0].depth() ) { case CV_8U: for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) tmp_sigma[b][idx] += chvec[b].at<uchar>(y,x); break; case CV_8S: for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) tmp_sigma[b][idx] += chvec[b].at<char>(y,x); break; case CV_16U: for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) tmp_sigma[b][idx] += chvec[b].at<ushort>(y,x); break; case CV_16S: for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) tmp_sigma[b][idx] += chvec[b].at<short>(y,x); break; case CV_32S: for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) tmp_sigma[b][idx] += chvec[b].at<int>(y,x); break; case CV_32F: for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) tmp_sigma[b][idx] += chvec[b].at<float>(y,x); break; case CV_64F: for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) tmp_sigma[b][idx] += (float) chvec[b].at<double>(y,x); break; default: CV_Error( Error::StsInternal, "Invalid matrix depth" ); break; } tmp_sigmax[idx] += x; tmp_sigmay[idx] += y; tmp_clustersize[idx]++; } } sigma = tmp_sigma; sigmax = tmp_sigmax; sigmay = tmp_sigmay; clustersize = tmp_clustersize; } void join( SeedsCenters& sc ) { for (int l = 0; l < numlabels; l++) { sigmax[l] += sc.sigmax[l]; sigmay[l] += sc.sigmay[l]; for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) sigma[b][l] += sc.sigma[b][l]; clustersize[l] += sc.clustersize[l]; } } Mat klabels; int numlabels; int nr_channels; vector<Mat> chvec; vector<float> sigmax; vector<float> sigmay; vector<int> clustersize; vector< vector<float> > sigma; }; struct SLICOGrowInvoker : ParallelLoopBody { SLICOGrowInvoker( vector<Mat>* _chvec, Mat* _distchans, Mat* _distxy, Mat* _distvec, Mat* _klabels, float _kseedsxn, float _kseedsyn, float _xywt, float _maxchansn, vector< vector<float> > *_kseeds, int _x1, int _x2, int _nr_channels, int _n ) { chvec = _chvec; distchans = _distchans; distxy = _distxy; distvec = _distvec; kseedsxn = _kseedsxn; kseedsyn = _kseedsyn; klabels = _klabels; maxchansn = _maxchansn; kseeds = _kseeds; x1 = _x1; x2 = _x2; n = _n; xywt = _xywt; nr_channels = _nr_channels; } void operator ()(const cv::Range& range) const { int cols = klabels->cols; int rows = klabels->rows; for (int y = range.start; y < range.end; ++y) { for( int x = x1; x < x2; x++ ) { CV_Assert( y < rows && x < cols && y >= 0 && x >= 0 ); distchans->at<float>(y,x) = 0; switch ( chvec->at(0).depth() ) { case CV_8U: for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) { float diff = chvec->at(b).at<uchar>(y,x) - kseeds->at(b)[n]; distchans->at<float>(y,x) += diff * diff; } break; case CV_8S: for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) { float diff = chvec->at(b).at<char>(y,x) - kseeds->at(b)[n]; distchans->at<float>(y,x) += diff * diff; } break; case CV_16U: for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) { float diff = chvec->at(b).at<ushort>(y,x) - kseeds->at(b)[n]; distchans->at<float>(y,x) += diff * diff; } break; case CV_16S: for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) { float diff = chvec->at(b).at<short>(y,x) - kseeds->at(b)[n]; distchans->at<float>(y,x) += diff * diff; } break; case CV_32S: for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) { float diff = chvec->at(b).at<int>(y,x) - kseeds->at(b)[n]; distchans->at<float>(y,x) += diff * diff; } break; case CV_32F: for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) { float diff = chvec->at(b).at<float>(y,x) - kseeds->at(b)[n]; distchans->at<float>(y,x) += diff * diff; } break; case CV_64F: for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) { float diff = float(chvec->at(b).at<double>(y,x) - kseeds->at(b)[n]); distchans->at<float>(y,x) += diff * diff; } break; default: CV_Error( Error::StsInternal, "Invalid matrix depth" ); break; } float difx = x - kseedsxn; float dify = y - kseedsyn; distxy->at<float>(y,x) = difx*difx + dify*dify; // only varying m, prettier superpixels float dist = distchans->at<float>(y,x) / maxchansn + distxy->at<float>(y,x)/xywt; if( dist < distvec->at<float>(y,x) ) { distvec->at<float>(y,x) = dist; klabels->at<int>(y,x) = n; } } // end for x } // end for y } Mat* klabels; vector< vector<float> > *kseeds; float maxchansn, xywt; vector<Mat>* chvec; Mat *distchans, *distxy, *distvec; float kseedsxn, kseedsyn; int x1, x2, nr_channels, n; }; /* * * Magic SLIC - no parameters * * Performs k mean segmentation. It is fast because it looks locally, not * over the entire image. * This function picks the maximum value of color distance as compact factor * M and maximum pixel distance as grid step size S from each cluster (13 April 2011). * So no need to input a constant value of M and S. There are two clear * advantages: * * [1] The algorithm now better handles both textured and non-textured regions * [2] There is not need to set any parameters!!! * * SLICO (or SLIC Zero) dynamically varies only the compactness factor S, * not the step size S. * */ inline void SuperpixelSLICImpl::PerformSLICO( const int& itrnum ) { Mat distxy( m_height, m_width, CV_32F, Scalar::all(FLT_MAX) ); Mat distvec( m_height, m_width, CV_32F, Scalar::all(FLT_MAX) ); Mat distchans( m_height, m_width, CV_32F, Scalar::all(FLT_MAX) ); // this is the variable value of M, just start with 10 vector<float> maxchans( m_numlabels, FLT_MIN ); // this is the variable value of M, just start with 10 vector<float> maxxy( m_numlabels, FLT_MIN ); // note: this is different from how usual SLIC/LKM works const float xywt = float(m_region_size*m_region_size); for( int itr = 0; itr < itrnum; itr++ ) { distvec.setTo(FLT_MAX); for( int n = 0; n < m_numlabels; n++ ) { int y1 = max(0, (int) m_kseedsy[n] - m_region_size); int y2 = min(m_height, (int) m_kseedsy[n] + m_region_size); int x1 = max(0, (int) m_kseedsx[n] - m_region_size); int x2 = min((int) m_width,(int) m_kseedsx[n] + m_region_size); parallel_for_( Range(y1, y2), SLICOGrowInvoker( &m_chvec, &distchans, &distxy, &distvec, &m_klabels, m_kseedsx[n], m_kseedsy[n], xywt, maxchans[n], &m_kseeds, x1, x2, m_nr_channels, n ) ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Assign the max color distance for a cluster //----------------------------------------------------------------- if( itr == 0 ) { maxchans.assign(m_numlabels,FLT_MIN); maxxy.assign(m_numlabels,FLT_MIN); } for( int x = 0; x < m_width; x++ ) { for( int y = 0; y < m_height; y++ ) { int idx = m_klabels.at<int>(y,x); if( maxchans[idx] < distchans.at<float>(y,x) ) maxchans[idx] = distchans.at<float>(y,x); if( maxxy[idx] < distxy.at<float>(y,x) ) maxxy[idx] = distxy.at<float>(y,x); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Recalculate the centroid and store in the seed values //----------------------------------------------------------------- // parallel reduce structure SeedsCenters sc( m_chvec, m_klabels, m_numlabels, m_nr_channels ); // accumulate center distances parallel_reduce( BlockedRange(0, m_width), sc ); // normalize centers parallel_for_( Range(0, m_numlabels), SeedNormInvoker( &m_kseeds, &sc.sigma, &sc.clustersize, &sc.sigmax, &sc.sigmay, &m_kseedsx, &m_kseedsy, m_nr_channels ) ); } } struct SLICGrowInvoker : ParallelLoopBody { SLICGrowInvoker( vector<Mat>* _chvec, Mat* _distvec, Mat* _klabels, float _kseedsxn, float _kseedsyn, float _xywt, vector< vector<float> > *_kseeds, int _x1, int _x2, int _nr_channels, int _n ) { chvec = _chvec; distvec = _distvec; kseedsxn = _kseedsxn; kseedsyn = _kseedsyn; klabels = _klabels; kseeds = _kseeds; x1 = _x1; x2 = _x2; n = _n; xywt = _xywt; nr_channels = _nr_channels; } void operator ()(const cv::Range& range) const { for (int y = range.start; y < range.end; ++y) { for( int x = x1; x < x2; x++ ) { float dist = 0; switch ( chvec->at(0).depth() ) { case CV_8U: for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) { float diff = chvec->at(b).at<uchar>(y,x) - kseeds->at(b)[n]; dist += diff * diff; } break; case CV_8S: for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) { float diff = chvec->at(b).at<char>(y,x) - kseeds->at(b)[n]; dist += diff * diff; } break; case CV_16U: for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) { float diff = chvec->at(b).at<ushort>(y,x) - kseeds->at(b)[n]; dist += diff * diff; } break; case CV_16S: for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) { float diff = chvec->at(b).at<short>(y,x) - kseeds->at(b)[n]; dist += diff * diff; } break; case CV_32S: for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) { float diff = chvec->at(b).at<int>(y,x) - kseeds->at(b)[n]; dist += diff * diff; } break; case CV_32F: for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) { float diff = chvec->at(b).at<float>(y,x) - kseeds->at(b)[n]; dist += diff * diff; } break; case CV_64F: for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) { float diff = float(chvec->at(b).at<double>(y,x) - kseeds->at(b)[n]); dist += diff * diff; } break; default: CV_Error( Error::StsInternal, "Invalid matrix depth" ); break; } float difx = x - kseedsxn; float dify = y - kseedsyn; float distxy = difx*difx + dify*dify; dist += distxy / xywt; //this would be more exact but expensive //dist = sqrt(dist) + sqrt(distxy/xywt); if( dist < distvec->at<float>(y,x) ) { distvec->at<float>(y,x) = dist; klabels->at<int>(y,x) = n; } } //end for x } // end for y } Mat* klabels; vector< vector<float> > *kseeds; float xywt; vector<Mat>* chvec; Mat *distvec; float kseedsxn, kseedsyn; int x1, x2, nr_channels, n; }; /* * PerformSuperpixelSLIC * * Performs k mean segmentation. It is fast because it looks locally, not * over the entire image. * */ inline void SuperpixelSLICImpl::PerformSLIC( const int& itrnum ) { Mat distvec( m_height, m_width, CV_32F ); const float xywt = (m_region_size/m_ruler)*(m_region_size/m_ruler); for( int itr = 0; itr < itrnum; itr++ ) { distvec.setTo(FLT_MAX); for( int n = 0; n < m_numlabels; n++ ) { int y1 = max(0, (int) m_kseedsy[n] - m_region_size); int y2 = min(m_height, (int) m_kseedsy[n] + m_region_size); int x1 = max(0, (int) m_kseedsx[n] - m_region_size); int x2 = min((int) m_width,(int) m_kseedsx[n] + m_region_size); parallel_for_( Range(y1, y2), SLICGrowInvoker( &m_chvec, &distvec, &m_klabels, m_kseedsx[n], m_kseedsy[n], xywt, &m_kseeds, x1, x2, m_nr_channels, n ) ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Recalculate the centroid and store in the seed values //----------------------------------------------------------------- // instead of reassigning memory on each iteration, just reset. // parallel reduce structure SeedsCenters sc( m_chvec, m_klabels, m_numlabels, m_nr_channels ); // accumulate center distances parallel_reduce( BlockedRange(0, m_width), sc ); // normalize centers parallel_for_( Range(0, m_numlabels), SeedNormInvoker( &m_kseeds, &sc.sigma, &sc.clustersize, &sc.sigmax, &sc.sigmay, &m_kseedsx, &m_kseedsy, m_nr_channels ) ); } } /* * PerformSuperpixelMSLIC * * */ inline void SuperpixelSLICImpl::PerformMSLIC( const int& itrnum ) { vector< vector<float> > sigma(m_nr_channels); for( int b = 0; b < m_nr_channels; b++ ) sigma[b].resize(m_numlabels, 0); vector<float> sigmax(m_numlabels, 0); vector<float> sigmay(m_numlabels, 0); vector<int> clustersize(m_numlabels, 0); Mat distvec( m_height, m_width, CV_32F ); const float xywt = (m_region_size/m_ruler)*(m_region_size/m_ruler); int offset = m_region_size; // from paper m_split = 4.0f; m_ratio = 5.0f; for( int itr = 0; itr < itrnum; itr++ ) { m_cur_iter = itr; distvec.setTo(FLT_MAX); for( int n = 0; n < m_numlabels; n++ ) { if ( m_adaptk[n] < 1.0f ) offset = int(m_region_size * m_adaptk[n]); else offset = int(m_region_size * m_adaptk[n]); int y1 = max(0, (int) m_kseedsy[n] - offset); int y2 = min(m_height, (int) m_kseedsy[n] + offset); int x1 = max(0, (int) m_kseedsx[n] - offset); int x2 = min(m_width, (int) m_kseedsx[n] + offset); parallel_for_( Range(y1, y2), SLICGrowInvoker( &m_chvec, &distvec, &m_klabels, m_kseedsx[n], m_kseedsy[n], xywt, &m_kseeds, x1, x2, m_nr_channels, n ) ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Recalculate the centroid and store in the seed values //----------------------------------------------------------------- // instead of reassigning memory on each iteration, just reset. // parallel reduce structure SeedsCenters sc( m_chvec, m_klabels, m_numlabels, m_nr_channels ); // accumulate center distances parallel_reduce( BlockedRange(0, m_width), sc ); // normalize centers parallel_for_( Range(0, m_numlabels), SeedNormInvoker( &m_kseeds, &sc.sigma, &sc.clustersize, &sc.sigmax, &sc.sigmay, &m_kseedsx, &m_kseedsy, m_nr_channels ) ); // 13% as in original paper enforceLabelConnectivity( 13 ); SuperpixelSplit(); } } inline void SuperpixelSLICImpl::SuperpixelSplit() { Mat klabels = m_klabels.clone(); // parallel reduce structure SeedsCenters msc( m_chvec, m_klabels, m_numlabels, m_nr_channels ); // accumulate center distances parallel_reduce( BlockedRange(0, m_width), msc ); const float invwt = 1.0f / ( (m_region_size/m_ruler)*(m_region_size/m_ruler) ); const float sqrt_invwt = sqrt(invwt); if ( m_cur_iter < m_iterations - 2 ) { vector<float> avglabs( m_numlabels, 0 ); for( int y = 0; y < m_height - 1; y++ ) { for( int x = 0; x < m_width - 1; x++ ) { if ( klabels.at<int>( y, x ) == klabels.at<int>( y+1, x ) && klabels.at<int>( y, x ) == klabels.at<int>( y, x+1 ) ) { float x1 = 1, y1 = 0; float x2 = 0, y2 = 1; vector<float> ch1(m_nr_channels); vector<float> ch2(m_nr_channels); switch ( m_chvec.at(0).depth() ) { case CV_8U: for( int c = 0; c < m_nr_channels; c++ ) { ch1[c] = float( m_chvec[c].at<uchar>( y+1, x ) - m_chvec[c].at<uchar>( y, x ) ); ch2[c] = float( m_chvec[c].at<uchar>( y, x+1 ) - m_chvec[c].at<uchar>( y, x ) ); ch1[c] /= sqrt_invwt; ch2[c] /= sqrt_invwt; } break; case CV_8S: for( int c = 0; c < m_nr_channels; c++ ) { ch1[c] = float( m_chvec[c].at<char>( y+1, x ) - m_chvec[c].at<char>( y, x ) ); ch2[c] = float( m_chvec[c].at<char>( y, x+1 ) - m_chvec[c].at<char>( y, x ) ); ch1[c] /= sqrt_invwt; ch2[c] /= sqrt_invwt; } break; case CV_16U: for( int c = 0; c < m_nr_channels; c++ ) { ch1[c] = float( m_chvec[c].at<ushort>( y+1, x ) - m_chvec[c].at<ushort>( y, x ) ); ch2[c] = float( m_chvec[c].at<ushort>( y, x+1 ) - m_chvec[c].at<ushort>( y, x ) ); ch1[c] /= sqrt_invwt; ch2[c] /= sqrt_invwt; } break; case CV_16S: for( int c = 0; c < m_nr_channels; c++ ) { ch1[c] = float( m_chvec[c].at<short>( y+1, x ) - m_chvec[c].at<short>( y, x ) ); ch2[c] = float( m_chvec[c].at<short>( y, x+1 ) - m_chvec[c].at<short>( y, x ) ); ch1[c] /= sqrt_invwt; ch2[c] /= sqrt_invwt; } break; case CV_32S: for( int c = 0; c < m_nr_channels; c++ ) { ch1[c] = float( m_chvec[c].at<int>( y+1, x ) - m_chvec[c].at<int>( y, x ) ); ch2[c] = float( m_chvec[c].at<int>( y, x+1 ) - m_chvec[c].at<int>( y, x ) ); ch1[c] /= sqrt_invwt; ch2[c] /= sqrt_invwt; } break; case CV_32F: for( int c = 0; c < m_nr_channels; c++ ) { ch1[c] = m_chvec[c].at<float>( y+1, x ) - m_chvec[c].at<float>( y, x ); ch2[c] = m_chvec[c].at<float>( y, x+1 ) - m_chvec[c].at<float>( y, x ); ch1[c] /= sqrt_invwt; ch2[c] /= sqrt_invwt; } break; case CV_64F: for( int c = 0; c < m_nr_channels; c++ ) { ch1[c] = float( m_chvec[c].at<double>( y+1, x ) - m_chvec[c].at<double>( y, x ) ); ch2[c] = float( m_chvec[c].at<double>( y, x+1 ) - m_chvec[c].at<double>( y, x ) ); ch1[c] /= sqrt_invwt; ch2[c] /= sqrt_invwt; } break; default: CV_Error( Error::StsInternal, "Invalid matrix depth" ); break; } float ch11sqsum = 0.0f; float ch12sqsum = 0.0f; float ch22sqsum = 0.0f; for( int c = 0; c < m_nr_channels; c++ ) { ch11sqsum += ch1[c]*ch1[c]; ch12sqsum += ch1[c]*ch2[c]; ch22sqsum += ch2[c]*ch2[c]; } // adjacent metric for N channels avglabs[ klabels.at<int>(y,x) ] += sqrt( (x1*x1 + y1*y1 + ch11sqsum) * (x2*x2 + y2*y2 + ch22sqsum) - (x1*x2 + y1*y2 + ch12sqsum) * (x1*x2 + y1*y2 + ch12sqsum) ); } } } for ( int i = 0; i < m_numlabels; i++ ) { avglabs[i] /= m_region_size * m_region_size; } m_kseedsx.clear(); m_kseedsy.clear(); m_kseedsx.resize( m_numlabels, 0 ); m_kseedsy.resize( m_numlabels, 0 ); for( int c = 0; c < m_nr_channels; c++ ) { m_kseeds[c].clear(); m_kseeds[c].resize( m_numlabels, 0 ); } for( int k = 0; k < m_numlabels; k++ ) { m_kseedsx[k] = msc.sigmax[k] / msc.clustersize[k]; m_kseedsy[k] = msc.sigmay[k] / msc.clustersize[k]; for( int c = 0; c < m_nr_channels; c++ ) m_kseeds[c][k] = msc.sigma[c][k] / msc.clustersize[k]; } for( int k = 0; k < m_numlabels; k++ ) { int xindex = 0, yindex = 0; if ( ( m_adaptk[k] <= 0.5f ) || ( avglabs[k] < (m_split * m_ratio) ) ) { m_kseedsx[k] = msc.sigmax[k] / msc.clustersize[k]; m_kseedsy[k] = msc.sigmay[k] / msc.clustersize[k]; for( int c = 0; c < m_nr_channels; c++ ) m_kseeds[c][k] = msc.sigma[c][k] / msc.clustersize[k]; m_adaptk[k] = sqrt( m_ratio / avglabs[k] ); m_adaptk[k] = max( 0.5f, m_adaptk[k] ); m_adaptk[k] = min( 2.0f, m_adaptk[k] ); } // if segment size is too large // split it and calculate four new seeds else { xindex = (int)( msc.sigmax[k] / msc.clustersize[k] ); yindex = (int)( msc.sigmay[k] / msc.clustersize[k] ); m_adaptk[k] = max( 0.5f, m_adaptk[k] / 2 ); const float minadaptk = min( 1.0f, m_adaptk[k] ) * m_region_size / 2; int x1 = (int)( xindex - minadaptk ); int x2 = (int)( xindex + minadaptk ); int x3 = (int)( xindex - minadaptk ); int x4 = (int)( xindex + minadaptk ); int y1 = (int)( yindex + minadaptk ); int y2 = (int)( yindex + minadaptk ); int y3 = (int)( yindex - minadaptk ); int y4 = (int)( yindex - minadaptk ); if ( x1 < 0 ) x1 = 0; if ( x2 >= m_width ) x2 = m_width - 1; if ( x3 < 0 ) x3 = 0; if ( x4 >= m_width ) x4 = m_width - 1; if ( y1 >= m_height ) y1 = m_height - 1; if ( y2 >= m_height ) y2 = m_height - 1; if ( y3 < 0 ) y3 = 0; if ( y4 < 0 ) y4 = 0; m_kseedsx[k] = (float)x1; m_kseedsy[k] = (float)y1; for( int c = 0; c < m_nr_channels; c++ ) { switch ( m_chvec[c].depth() ) { case CV_8U: m_kseeds[c][k] = m_chvec[c].at<uchar>(y1,x1); break; case CV_8S: m_kseeds[c][k] = m_chvec[c].at<char>(y1,x1); break; case CV_16U: m_kseeds[c][k] = m_chvec[c].at<ushort>(y1,x1); break; case CV_16S: m_kseeds[c][k] = m_chvec[c].at<short>(y1,x1); break; case CV_32S: m_kseeds[c][k] = float(m_chvec[c].at<int>(y1,x1)); break; case CV_32F: m_kseeds[c][k] = m_chvec[c].at<float>(y1,x1); break; case CV_64F: m_kseeds[c][k] = float(m_chvec[c].at<double>(y1,x1)); break; default: CV_Error( Error::StsInternal, "Invalid matrix depth" ); break; } } m_kseedsx.push_back( (float)x2 ); m_kseedsx.push_back( (float)x3 ); m_kseedsx.push_back( (float)x4 ); m_kseedsy.push_back( (float)y2 ); m_kseedsy.push_back( (float)y3 ); m_kseedsy.push_back( (float)y4 ); for( int c = 0; c < m_nr_channels; c++ ) { switch ( m_chvec[c].depth() ) { case CV_8U: m_kseeds[c].push_back( m_chvec[c].at<uchar>(y2,x2) ); m_kseeds[c].push_back( m_chvec[c].at<uchar>(y3,x3) ); m_kseeds[c].push_back( m_chvec[c].at<uchar>(y4,x4) ); break; case CV_8S: m_kseeds[c].push_back( m_chvec[c].at<char>(y2,x2) ); m_kseeds[c].push_back( m_chvec[c].at<char>(y3,x3) ); m_kseeds[c].push_back( m_chvec[c].at<char>(y4,x4) ); break; case CV_16U: m_kseeds[c].push_back( m_chvec[c].at<ushort>(y2,x2) ); m_kseeds[c].push_back( m_chvec[c].at<ushort>(y3,x3) ); m_kseeds[c].push_back( m_chvec[c].at<ushort>(y4,x4) ); break; case CV_16S: m_kseeds[c].push_back( m_chvec[c].at<short>(y2,x2) ); m_kseeds[c].push_back( m_chvec[c].at<short>(y3,x3) ); m_kseeds[c].push_back( m_chvec[c].at<short>(y4,x4) ); break; case CV_32S: m_kseeds[c].push_back( float(m_chvec[c].at<int>(y2,x2)) ); m_kseeds[c].push_back( float(m_chvec[c].at<int>(y3,x3)) ); m_kseeds[c].push_back( float(m_chvec[c].at<int>(y4,x4)) ); break; case CV_32F: m_kseeds[c].push_back( m_chvec[c].at<float>(y2,x2) ); m_kseeds[c].push_back( m_chvec[c].at<float>(y3,x3) ); m_kseeds[c].push_back( m_chvec[c].at<float>(y4,x4) ); break; case CV_64F: m_kseeds[c].push_back( float(m_chvec[c].at<double>(y2,x2)) ); m_kseeds[c].push_back( float(m_chvec[c].at<double>(y3,x3)) ); m_kseeds[c].push_back( float(m_chvec[c].at<double>(y4,x4)) ); break; default: CV_Error( Error::StsInternal, "Invalid matrix depth" ); break; } } m_adaptk.push_back( m_adaptk[k] ); m_adaptk.push_back( m_adaptk[k] ); m_adaptk.push_back( m_adaptk[k] ); msc.clustersize.push_back( 1 ); msc.clustersize.push_back( 1 ); msc.clustersize.push_back( 1 ); } } } else { m_kseedsx.clear(); m_kseedsy.clear(); m_kseedsx.resize( m_numlabels, 0 ); m_kseedsy.resize( m_numlabels, 0 ); for( int c = 0; c < m_nr_channels; c++ ) { m_kseeds[c].clear(); m_kseeds[c].resize( m_numlabels, 0 ); } for( int k = 0; k < m_numlabels; k++ ) { m_kseedsx[k] = msc.sigmax[k] / msc.clustersize[k]; m_kseedsy[k] = msc.sigmay[k] / msc.clustersize[k]; for( int c = 0; c < m_nr_channels; c++ ) m_kseeds[c][k] = msc.sigma[c][k] / msc.clustersize[k]; } } m_klabels.release(); m_klabels = klabels.clone(); // re-update amount of labels m_numlabels = (int)m_kseeds[0].size(); } } // namespace ximgproc } // namespace cv