/********************************************************************* * Software License Agreement (BSD License) * * Copyright (c) 2014, 2015 * Zhengqin Li <li-zq12 at mails dot tsinghua dot edu dot cn> * Jiansheng Chen <jschenthu at mail dot tsinghua dot edu dot cn> * Tsinghua University * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *********************************************************************/ /* "Superpixel Segmentation using Linear Spectral Clustering" Zhengqin Li, Jiansheng Chen, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Jun. 2015 OpenCV port by: Cristian Balint <cristian dot balint at gmail dot com> */ #include <map> #include <queue> #include "precomp.hpp" using namespace std; namespace cv { namespace ximgproc { class SuperpixelLSCImpl : public SuperpixelLSC { public: SuperpixelLSCImpl( InputArray image, int region_size, float ratio ); virtual ~SuperpixelLSCImpl(); // perform amount of iteration virtual void iterate( int num_iterations = 10 ); // get amount of superpixels virtual int getNumberOfSuperpixels() const; // get image with labels virtual void getLabels( OutputArray labels_out ) const; // get mask image with contour virtual void getLabelContourMask( OutputArray image, bool thick_line = true ) const; // enforce connectivity over labels virtual void enforceLabelConnectivity( int min_element_size ); protected: // image width int m_width; // image width int m_height; // seeds stepx int m_stepx; // seeds stepy int m_stepy; // image channels int m_nr_channels; // region size int m_region_size; // ratio float m_ratio; private: // labels no int m_numlabels; // color coefficient float m_color_coeff; // dist coefficient float m_dist_coeff; // threshold coeff int m_threshold_coeff; // max value from // image channels float m_chvec_max; // stacked channels // of original image vector<Mat> m_chvec; // seeds on x vector<float> m_kseedsx; // seeds on y vector<float> m_kseedsy; // W Mat m_W; // labels storage Mat m_klabels; // initialization inline void initialize(); // fetch seeds inline void GetChSeeds(); // precompute vector space inline void GetFeatureSpace(); // LSC inline void PerformLSC( const int& num_iterations ); // pre-enforce connectivity over labels inline void PreEnforceLabelConnectivity( int min_element_size ); // enforce connectivity over labels inline void PostEnforceLabelConnectivity( int threshold ); // re-count superpixles inline void countSuperpixels(); }; class Superpixel { public: int Label, Size; vector<int> Neighbor, xLoc, yLoc; Superpixel( int L = 0, int S = 0 ) : Label(L), Size(S) { } friend bool operator == ( Superpixel& S, int L ) { return S.Label == L; } friend bool operator == ( int L, Superpixel& S ) { return S.Label == L; } }; CV_EXPORTS Ptr<SuperpixelLSC> createSuperpixelLSC( InputArray image, int region_size, float ratio ) { return makePtr<SuperpixelLSCImpl>( image, region_size, ratio ); } SuperpixelLSCImpl::SuperpixelLSCImpl( InputArray _image, int _region_size, float _ratio ) : m_region_size(_region_size), m_ratio(_ratio) { if ( _image.isMat() ) { Mat image = _image.getMat(); // image should be valid CV_Assert( !image.empty() ); // initialize sizes m_width = image.size().width; m_height = image.size().height; m_nr_channels = image.channels(); // intialize channels split( image, m_chvec ); } else if ( _image.isMatVector() ) { _image.getMatVector( m_chvec ); // array should be valid CV_Assert( !m_chvec.empty() ); // initialize sizes m_width = m_chvec[0].size().width; m_height = m_chvec[0].size().height; m_nr_channels = (int) m_chvec.size(); } else CV_Error( Error::StsInternal, "Invalid InputArray." ); // init initialize(); // feature space GetFeatureSpace(); } SuperpixelLSCImpl::~SuperpixelLSCImpl() { } int SuperpixelLSCImpl::getNumberOfSuperpixels() const { return m_numlabels; } void SuperpixelLSCImpl::initialize() { // basic coeffs m_color_coeff = 20.0f; m_threshold_coeff = 4; m_dist_coeff = m_color_coeff * m_ratio; // total amount of superpixels given region size m_numlabels = int(float(m_width * m_height) / float(m_region_size * m_region_size)); // max intensity m_chvec_max = 0.0f; for( int b = 0; b < m_nr_channels; b++ ) { double chmin, chmax; minMaxIdx( m_chvec[b], &chmin, &chmax ); if ( m_chvec_max < chmax ) m_chvec_max = (float) chmax; } // intitialize label storage m_klabels = Mat( m_height, m_width, CV_32S, Scalar::all(0) ); // init seeds GetChSeeds(); } void SuperpixelLSCImpl::iterate( int num_iterations ) { PerformLSC( num_iterations ); } void SuperpixelLSCImpl::getLabels(OutputArray labels_out) const { labels_out.assign( m_klabels ); } void SuperpixelLSCImpl::getLabelContourMask(OutputArray _mask, bool _thick_line) const { // default width int line_width = 2; if ( !_thick_line ) line_width = 1; _mask.create( m_height, m_width, CV_8UC1 ); Mat mask = _mask.getMat(); mask.setTo(0); const int dx8[8] = { -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1 }; const int dy8[8] = { 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1 }; int sz = m_width*m_height; vector<bool> istaken(sz, false); int mainindex = 0; for( int j = 0; j < m_height; j++ ) { for( int k = 0; k < m_width; k++ ) { int np = 0; for( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { int x = k + dx8[i]; int y = j + dy8[i]; if( (x >= 0 && x < m_width) && (y >= 0 && y < m_height) ) { int index = y*m_width + x; if( false == istaken[index] ) { if( m_klabels.at<int>(j,k) != m_klabels.at<int>(y,x) ) np++; } } } if( np > line_width ) { mask.at<char>(j,k) = (uchar)255; istaken[mainindex] = true; } mainindex++; } } } /* * enforceLabelConnectivity * * 1. finding an adjacent label for each new component at the start * 2. if a certain component is too small, assigning the previously found * adjacent label to this component, and not incrementing the label. * */ void SuperpixelLSCImpl::enforceLabelConnectivity( int min_element_size ) { int threshold = (m_width * m_height) / (m_numlabels * m_threshold_coeff); PreEnforceLabelConnectivity( min_element_size ); PostEnforceLabelConnectivity( threshold ); countSuperpixels(); } /* * countSuperpixels() * * 1. count unique superpixels * 2. relabel all superpixels * */ inline void SuperpixelLSCImpl::countSuperpixels() { std::map<int,int> labels; int labelNum = 0; int prev_label = -1; int mark_label = 0; for( int x = 0; x < m_width; x++ ) { for( int y = 0; y < m_height; y++ ) { int curr_label = m_klabels.at<int>(y,x); // relax, just do relabel if ( curr_label == prev_label ) { m_klabels.at<int>(y,x) = mark_label; continue; } // on label change do map lookup map<int,int>::iterator it = labels.find( curr_label ); // if new label seen if ( it == labels.end() ) { mark_label = labelNum; labelNum++; labels.insert( pair<int,int>( curr_label, mark_label ) ); m_klabels.at<int>(y,x) = mark_label; } else { mark_label = it->second; m_klabels.at<int>(y,x) = mark_label; } prev_label = curr_label; } } m_numlabels = (int) labels.size(); } /* * PreEnforceLabelConnectivity * * 1. finding an adjacent label for each new component at the start * 2. if a certain component is too small, assigning the previously found * adjacent label to this component, and not incrementing the label. * */ inline void SuperpixelLSCImpl::PreEnforceLabelConnectivity( int min_element_size ) { const int dx8[8] = { -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1 }; const int dy8[8] = { 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1 }; int adj = 0; vector<int> xLoc, yLoc; cv::Mat mask( m_height, m_width, CV_8U , Scalar::all(0) ); for( int i = 0; i < m_width; i++ ) { for( int j = 0; j < m_height; j++) { if( mask.at<uchar>(j,i) == 0 ) { int L = m_klabels.at<int>(j,i); for( int k = 0; k < 8; k++ ) { int x = i + dx8[k]; int y = j + dy8[k]; if ( x >= 0 && x <= m_width -1 && y >= 0 && y <= m_height-1) { if ( mask.at<uchar>(y,x) == 1 && m_klabels.at<int>(y,x) != L ) adj = m_klabels.at<int>(y,x); break; } } mask.at<uchar>(j,i) = 1; xLoc.insert( xLoc.end(), i ); yLoc.insert( yLoc.end(), j ); size_t indexMarker = 0; while( indexMarker < xLoc.size() ) { int x = xLoc[indexMarker]; int y = yLoc[indexMarker]; indexMarker++; int minX = ( x-1 <= 0 ) ? 0 : x-1; int minY = ( y-1 <= 0 ) ? 0 : y-1; int maxX = ( x+1 >= m_width -1 ) ? m_width -1 : x+1; int maxY = ( y+1 >= m_height-1 ) ? m_height-1 : y+1; for( int m = minX; m <= maxX; m++ ) { for( int n = minY; n <= maxY; n++ ) { if ( mask.at<uchar>(n,m) == 0 && m_klabels.at<int>(n,m) == L ) { mask.at<uchar>(n,m) = 1; xLoc.insert( xLoc.end(), m ); yLoc.insert( yLoc.end(), n ); } } } } if ( indexMarker < (size_t) min_element_size ) { for( size_t k = 0; k < xLoc.size(); k++ ) { int x = xLoc[k]; int y = yLoc[k]; m_klabels.at<int>(y,x) = adj; } } xLoc.clear(); yLoc.clear(); } } } } /* * PostEnforceLabelConnectivity * */ inline void SuperpixelLSCImpl::PostEnforceLabelConnectivity( int threshold ) { float PI2 = float(CV_PI / 2.0f); vector<float> centerW; queue <int> xLoc, yLoc; vector<float> centerX1, centerX2; vector<float> centerY1, centerY2; vector<int> strayX, strayY, Size; vector< vector<float> > centerC1( m_nr_channels ); vector< vector<float> > centerC2( m_nr_channels ); cv::Mat mask( m_height, m_width, CV_8U, Scalar::all(0) ); int L; int sLabel = -1; for( int i = 0; i < m_width; i++ ) { for( int j = 0; j < m_height; j++ ) { if( mask.at<uchar>(j,i) == 0 ) { sLabel++; int count = 1; centerW.insert( centerW.end(), 0 ); for ( int b = 0; b < m_nr_channels; b++ ) { centerC1[b].insert( centerC1[b].end(), 0 ); centerC2[b].insert( centerC2[b].end(), 0 ); } centerX1.insert( centerX1.end(), 0 ); centerX2.insert( centerX2.end(), 0 ); centerY1.insert( centerY1.end(), 0 ); centerY2.insert( centerY2.end(), 0 ); strayX.insert( strayX.end(), i ); strayY.insert( strayY.end(), j ); float Weight = m_W.at<float>(j,i); // accumulate dists centerW[sLabel] += Weight; for ( int b = 0; b < m_nr_channels; b++ ) { float thetaC = 0.0f; switch ( m_chvec[b].depth() ) { case CV_8U: thetaC = ( (float) m_chvec[b].at<uchar>(j,i) / m_chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_8S: thetaC = ( (float) m_chvec[b].at<char>(j,i) / m_chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_16U: thetaC = ( (float) m_chvec[b].at<ushort>(j,i) / m_chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_16S: thetaC = ( (float) m_chvec[b].at<short>(j,i) / m_chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_32S: thetaC = ( (float) m_chvec[b].at<int>(j,i) / m_chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_32F: thetaC = ( (float) m_chvec[b].at<float>(j,i) / m_chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_64F: thetaC = ( (float) m_chvec[b].at<double>(j,i) / m_chvec_max ) * PI2; break; default: CV_Error( Error::StsInternal, "Invalid matrix depth" ); break; } // we do not store pre-computed C1[b], C2[b] float C1 = m_color_coeff * cos(thetaC) / m_nr_channels; float C2 = m_color_coeff * sin(thetaC) / m_nr_channels; centerC1[b][sLabel] += C1; centerC2[b][sLabel] += C2; } float thetaX = ( (float) i / (float) m_stepx ) * PI2; // we do not store pre-computed x1, x2 float X1 = m_dist_coeff * cos(thetaX); float X2 = m_dist_coeff * sin(thetaX); float thetaY = ( (float) j / (float) m_stepy ) * PI2; // we do not store pre-computed y1, y2 float Y1 = m_dist_coeff * cos(thetaY); float Y2 = m_dist_coeff * sin(thetaY); centerX1[sLabel] += X1; centerX2[sLabel] += X2; centerY1[sLabel] += Y1; centerY2[sLabel] += Y2; L = m_klabels.at<int>(j,i); m_klabels.at<int>(j,i) = sLabel; mask.at<uchar>(j,i) = 1; xLoc.push( i ); yLoc.push( j ); while( !xLoc.empty() ) { int x = xLoc.front(); xLoc.pop(); int y = yLoc.front(); yLoc.pop(); int minX = ( x-1 <=0 ) ? 0 : x-1; int minY = ( y-1 <=0 ) ? 0 : y-1; int maxX = ( x+1 >= m_width -1 ) ? m_width -1 : x+1; int maxY = ( y+1 >= m_height-1 ) ? m_height-1 : y+1; for( int m = minX; m <= maxX; m++ ) { for( int n = minY; n <= maxY; n++ ) { if( mask.at<uchar>(n,m) == 0 && m_klabels.at<int>(n,m) == L ) { count++; xLoc.push(m); yLoc.push(n); mask.at<uchar>(n,m) = 1; m_klabels.at<int>(n,m) = sLabel; Weight = m_W.at<float>(n,m); centerW[sLabel] += Weight; for ( int b = 0; b < m_nr_channels; b++ ) { float thetaC = 0.0f; switch ( m_chvec[b].depth() ) { case CV_8U: thetaC = ( (float) m_chvec[b].at<uchar>(j,i) / m_chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_8S: thetaC = ( (float) m_chvec[b].at<char>(j,i) / m_chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_16U: thetaC = ( (float) m_chvec[b].at<ushort>(j,i) / m_chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_16S: thetaC = ( (float) m_chvec[b].at<short>(j,i) / m_chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_32S: thetaC = ( (float) m_chvec[b].at<int>(j,i) / m_chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_32F: thetaC = ( (float) m_chvec[b].at<float>(j,i) / m_chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_64F: thetaC = ( (float) m_chvec[b].at<double>(j,i) / m_chvec_max ) * PI2; break; default: CV_Error( Error::StsInternal, "Invalid matrix depth" ); break; } // we do not store pre-computed C1[b], C2[b] float C1 = m_color_coeff * cos(thetaC) / m_nr_channels; float C2 = m_color_coeff * sin(thetaC) / m_nr_channels; centerC1[b][sLabel] += C1; centerC2[b][sLabel] += C2; } thetaX = ( (float) m / (float) m_stepx ) * PI2; // we do not store pre-computed x1, x2 X1 = m_dist_coeff * cos(thetaX); X2 = m_dist_coeff * sin(thetaX); thetaY = ( (float) n / (float) m_stepy ) * PI2; // we do not store pre-computed y1, y2 Y1 = m_dist_coeff * cos(thetaY); Y2 = m_dist_coeff * sin(thetaY); centerX1[sLabel] += X1; centerX2[sLabel] += X2; centerY1[sLabel] += Y1; centerY2[sLabel] += Y2; } } } } Size.insert( Size.end(), count ); for ( int b = 0; b < m_nr_channels; b++ ) { centerC1[b][sLabel] /= centerW[sLabel]; centerC2[b][sLabel] /= centerW[sLabel]; } centerX1[sLabel] /= centerW[sLabel]; centerX2[sLabel] /= centerW[sLabel]; centerY1[sLabel] /= centerW[sLabel]; centerY2[sLabel] /= centerW[sLabel]; } } } sLabel++; vector<Superpixel> Sarray; vector<int>::iterator Pointer; for( int i = 0; i < sLabel; i++) { if( Size[i] < threshold ) { int x = strayX[i]; int y = strayY[i]; L = m_klabels.at<int>(y,x); mask.at<uchar>(y,x) = 0; size_t indexMark = 0; Superpixel S( L, Size[i] ); S.xLoc.insert( S.xLoc.end(),x ); S.yLoc.insert( S.yLoc.end(),y ); while( indexMark < S.xLoc.size() ) { x = S.xLoc[indexMark]; y = S.yLoc[indexMark]; indexMark++; int minX = ( x-1 <= 0 ) ? 0 : x-1; int minY = ( y-1 <= 0 ) ? 0 : y-1; int maxX = ( x+1 >= m_width -1 ) ? m_width -1 : x+1; int maxY = ( y+1 >= m_height-1 ) ? m_height-1 : y+1; for( int m = minX; m <= maxX; m++ ) { for( int n = minY; n <= maxY; n++ ) { if( mask.at<uchar>(n,m) == 1 && m_klabels.at<int>(n,m) == L ) { mask.at<uchar>(n,m) = 0; S.xLoc.insert( S.xLoc.end(), m ); S.yLoc.insert( S.yLoc.end(), n ); } else if( m_klabels.at<int>(n,m) != L ) { int NewLabel = m_klabels.at<int>(n,m); Pointer = find( S.Neighbor.begin(), S.Neighbor.end(), NewLabel ); if ( Pointer == S.Neighbor.end() ) { S.Neighbor.insert( S.Neighbor.begin(), NewLabel ); } } } } } Sarray.insert(Sarray.end(),S); } } vector<int>::iterator I, I2; vector<Superpixel>::iterator S; S = Sarray.begin(); while( S != Sarray.end() ) { int Label1 = (*S).Label; int Label2 = -1; double MinDist = DBL_MAX; for ( I = (*S).Neighbor.begin(); I != (*S).Neighbor.end(); I++ ) { double D = 0.0f; for ( int b = 0; b < m_nr_channels; b++ ) { float diffcenterC1 = centerC1[b][Label1] - centerC1[b][*I]; float diffcenterC2 = centerC2[b][Label1] - centerC2[b][*I]; D += (diffcenterC1 * diffcenterC1) + (diffcenterC2 * diffcenterC2); } float diffcenterX1 = centerX1[Label1] - centerX1[*I]; float diffcenterX2 = centerX2[Label1] - centerX2[*I]; float diffcenterY1 = centerY1[Label1] - centerY1[*I]; float diffcenterY2 = centerY2[Label1] - centerY2[*I]; D += (diffcenterX1 * diffcenterX1) + (diffcenterX2 * diffcenterX2) + (diffcenterY1 * diffcenterY1) + (diffcenterY2 * diffcenterY2); // if within dist if ( D < MinDist ) { MinDist = D; Label2 = (*I); } } double W1 = centerW[Label1]; double W2 = centerW[Label2]; double W = W1 + W2; for ( int b = 0; b < m_nr_channels; b++ ) { centerC1[b][Label2] = float((W2*centerC1[b][Label2] + W1*centerC1[b][Label1]) / W); centerC2[b][Label2] = float((W2*centerC2[b][Label2] + W1*centerC2[b][Label1]) / W); } centerX1[Label2] = float((W2*centerX1[Label2] + W1*centerX1[Label1]) / W); centerX2[Label2] = float((W2*centerX2[Label2] + W1*centerX2[Label1]) / W); centerY1[Label2] = float((W2*centerY1[Label2] + W1*centerY1[Label1]) / W); centerY2[Label2] = float((W2*centerY2[Label2] + W1*centerY2[Label1]) / W); centerW[Label2] = (float)W; for( size_t i = 0; i < (*S).xLoc.size(); i++ ) { int x = (*S).xLoc[i]; int y = (*S).yLoc[i]; m_klabels.at<int>(y,x) = Label2; } vector<Superpixel>::iterator Stmp; Stmp = find( Sarray.begin(), Sarray.end(), Label2 ); if( Stmp != Sarray.end() ) { Size[Label2] = Size[Label1] + Size[Label2]; if( Size[Label2] >= threshold ) { Sarray.erase( S ); Sarray.erase( Stmp ); } else { (*Stmp).xLoc.insert( (*Stmp).xLoc.end(), (*S).xLoc.begin(), (*S).xLoc.end() ); (*Stmp).yLoc.insert( (*Stmp).yLoc.end(), (*S).yLoc.begin(), (*S).yLoc.end() ); (*Stmp).Neighbor.insert( (*Stmp).Neighbor.end(), (*S).Neighbor.begin(), (*S).Neighbor.end() ); sort( (*Stmp).Neighbor.begin(), (*Stmp).Neighbor.end() ); I = unique( (*Stmp).Neighbor.begin(), (*Stmp).Neighbor.end() ); (*Stmp).Neighbor.erase( I, (*Stmp).Neighbor.end() ); I = find ( (*Stmp).Neighbor.begin(), (*Stmp).Neighbor.end(), Label1 ); (*Stmp).Neighbor.erase( I ); I = find ( (*Stmp).Neighbor.begin(), (*Stmp).Neighbor.end(), Label2 ); (*Stmp).Neighbor.erase( I ); Sarray.erase( S ); } } else Sarray.erase( S ); for( size_t i = 0; i < Sarray.size(); i++ ) { I = find( Sarray[i].Neighbor.begin(), Sarray[i].Neighbor.end(), Label1 ); I2 = find( Sarray[i].Neighbor.begin(), Sarray[i].Neighbor.end(), Label2 ); if ( I != Sarray[i].Neighbor.end() && I2 != Sarray[i].Neighbor.end() ) { Sarray[i].Neighbor.erase( I ); } else if ( I != Sarray[i].Neighbor.end() && I2 == Sarray[i].Neighbor.end() ) { (*I) = Label2; } } S = Sarray.begin(); } } /* * GetChannelsSeeds_ForGivenStepSize * * The k seed values are * taken as uniform spatial * pixel samples. * */ inline void SuperpixelLSCImpl::GetChSeeds() { int ColNum = (int) sqrt( (double) m_numlabels * ((double)m_width / (double)m_height) ); int RowNum = m_numlabels / ColNum; m_stepx = m_width / ColNum; m_stepy = m_height / RowNum; int Col_remain = m_width - (m_stepx*ColNum); int Row_remain = m_height - (m_stepy*RowNum); int count = 0; int t1 = 1, t2 = 1; int centerx, centery; for( int x = 0; x < ColNum; x++ ) { t2 = 1; centerx = int((x*m_stepx) + (0.5f*m_stepx) + t1); if ( centerx >= m_width -1 ) centerx = m_width -1; for( int y = 0; y < RowNum; y++ ) { centery = int((y*m_stepy) + (0.5f*m_stepy) + t2); if ( t2 < Row_remain ) t2++; if ( centery >= m_height-1 ) centery = m_height-1; m_kseedsx.push_back( (float)centerx ); m_kseedsy.push_back( (float)centery ); count++; } if ( t1 < Col_remain ) t1++; } // update amount m_numlabels = count; } struct FeatureSpaceSigmas { FeatureSpaceSigmas( const vector< Mat >& _chvec, const int _nr_channels, const float _chvec_max, const float _dist_coeff, const float _color_coeff, const int _stepx, const int _stepy ) { chvec = _chvec; stepx = _stepx; stepy = _stepy; chvec_max = _chvec_max; dist_coeff = _dist_coeff; nr_channels = _nr_channels; color_coeff = _color_coeff; PI2 = float(CV_PI / 2.0f); sigmaX1 = 0; sigmaX2 = 0; sigmaY1 = 0; sigmaY2 = 0; sigmaC1.resize( nr_channels ); sigmaC2.resize( nr_channels ); fill( sigmaC1.begin(), sigmaC1.end(), 0 ); fill( sigmaC2.begin(), sigmaC2.end(), 0 ); } FeatureSpaceSigmas( const FeatureSpaceSigmas& counter, Split ) { *this = counter; sigmaX1 = 0; sigmaX2 = 0; sigmaY1 = 0; sigmaY2 = 0; sigmaC1.resize( nr_channels ); sigmaC2.resize( nr_channels ); fill( sigmaC1.begin(), sigmaC1.end(), 0 ); fill( sigmaC2.begin(), sigmaC2.end(), 0 ); } void operator()( const BlockedRange& range ) { // previous block state double tmp_sigmaX1 = sigmaX1; double tmp_sigmaX2 = sigmaX2; double tmp_sigmaY1 = sigmaY1; double tmp_sigmaY2 = sigmaY2; vector<double> tmp_sigmaC1( nr_channels ); vector<double> tmp_sigmaC2( nr_channels ); for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) { tmp_sigmaC1[b] = sigmaC1[b]; tmp_sigmaC2[b] = sigmaC2[b]; } for ( int x = range.begin(); x != range.end(); x++ ) { float thetaX = ( (float) x / (float) stepx ) * PI2; // we do not store pre-computed x1, x2 float x1 = dist_coeff * cos(thetaX); float x2 = dist_coeff * sin(thetaX); for( int y = 0; y < chvec[0].rows; y++ ) { float thetaY = ( (float) y / (float) stepy ) * PI2; // we do not store pre-computed y1, y2 float y1 = dist_coeff * cos(thetaY); float y2 = dist_coeff * sin(thetaY); // accumulate distance sigmas tmp_sigmaX1 += x1; tmp_sigmaX2 += x2; tmp_sigmaY1 += y1; tmp_sigmaY2 += y2; for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) { float thetaC = 0.0f; switch ( chvec[b].depth() ) { case CV_8U: thetaC = ( (float) chvec[b].at<uchar>(y,x) / chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_8S: thetaC = ( (float) chvec[b].at<char>(y,x) / chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_16U: thetaC = ( (float) chvec[b].at<ushort>(y,x) / chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_16S: thetaC = ( (float) chvec[b].at<short>(y,x) / chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_32S: thetaC = ( (float) chvec[b].at<int>(y,x) / chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_32F: thetaC = ( (float) chvec[b].at<float>(y,x) / chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_64F: thetaC = ( (float) chvec[b].at<double>(y,x) / chvec_max ) * PI2; break; default: CV_Error( Error::StsInternal, "Invalid matrix depth" ); break; } // we do not store pre-computed C1[b], C2[b] float C1 = color_coeff * cos(thetaC) / nr_channels; float C2 = color_coeff * sin(thetaC) / nr_channels; // accumulate sigmas per channels tmp_sigmaC1[b] += C1; tmp_sigmaC2[b] += C2; } } } sigmaX1 = tmp_sigmaX1; sigmaX2 = tmp_sigmaX2; sigmaY1 = tmp_sigmaY1; sigmaY2 = tmp_sigmaY2; for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) { sigmaC1[b] = tmp_sigmaC1[b]; sigmaC2[b] = tmp_sigmaC2[b]; } } void join( FeatureSpaceSigmas& fsc ) { sigmaX1 += fsc.sigmaX1; sigmaX2 += fsc.sigmaX2; sigmaY1 += fsc.sigmaY1; sigmaY2 += fsc.sigmaY2; for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) { sigmaC1[b] += fsc.sigmaC1[b]; sigmaC2[b] += fsc.sigmaC2[b]; } } float PI2; int nr_channels; int stepx, stepy; double sigmaX1, sigmaX2; double sigmaY1, sigmaY2; float chvec_max; float dist_coeff; float color_coeff; vector<Mat> chvec; vector<double> sigmaC1; vector<double> sigmaC2; }; struct FeatureSpaceWeights : ParallelLoopBody { FeatureSpaceWeights( const vector< Mat >& _chvec, Mat* _W, const double _sigmaX1, const double _sigmaX2, const double _sigmaY1, const double _sigmaY2, vector<double>& _sigmaC1, vector<double>& _sigmaC2, const int _nr_channels, const float _chvec_max, const float _dist_coeff, const float _color_coeff, const int _stepx, const int _stepy ) { W = _W; chvec = _chvec; stepx = _stepx; stepy = _stepy; chvec_max = _chvec_max; dist_coeff = _dist_coeff; nr_channels = _nr_channels; color_coeff = _color_coeff; PI2 = float(CV_PI / 2.0f); sigmaX1 = _sigmaX1; sigmaX2 = _sigmaX2; sigmaY1 = _sigmaY1; sigmaY2 = _sigmaY2; sigmaC1 = _sigmaC1; sigmaC2 = _sigmaC2; } void operator()( const Range& range ) const { for( int x = range.start; x < range.end; x++ ) { float thetaX = ( (float) x / (float) stepx ) * PI2; for( int y = 0; y < chvec[0].rows; y++ ) { float thetaY = ( (float) y / (float) stepy ) * PI2; // accumulate distance channels weighted by sigmas W->at<float>(y,x) += float((dist_coeff * cos(thetaX)) * sigmaX1); W->at<float>(y,x) += float((dist_coeff * sin(thetaX)) * sigmaX2); W->at<float>(y,x) += float((dist_coeff * cos(thetaY)) * sigmaY1); W->at<float>(y,x) += float((dist_coeff * sin(thetaY)) * sigmaY2); for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) { float thetaC = 0.0f; switch ( chvec[b].depth() ) { case CV_8U: thetaC = ( (float) chvec[b].at<uchar>(y,x) / chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_8S: thetaC = ( (float) chvec[b].at<char>(y,x) / chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_16U: thetaC = ( (float) chvec[b].at<ushort>(y,x) / chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_16S: thetaC = ( (float) chvec[b].at<short>(y,x) / chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_32S: thetaC = ( (float) chvec[b].at<int>(y,x) / chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_32F: thetaC = ( (float) chvec[b].at<float>(y,x) / chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_64F: thetaC = ( (float) chvec[b].at<double>(y,x) / chvec_max ) * PI2; break; default: CV_Error( Error::StsInternal, "Invalid matrix depth" ); break; } // accumulate color channels weighted by sigmas W->at<float>(y,x) += float((color_coeff * cos(thetaC) / nr_channels) * sigmaC1[b]); W->at<float>(y,x) += float((color_coeff * sin(thetaC) / nr_channels) * sigmaC2[b]); } } } } Mat* W; float PI2; int nr_channels; int stepx, stepy; double sigmaX1, sigmaX2; double sigmaY1, sigmaY2; float chvec_max; float dist_coeff; float color_coeff; vector<Mat> chvec; vector<double> sigmaC1; vector<double> sigmaC2; }; /* * Compute Feature Space * * */ inline void SuperpixelLSCImpl::GetFeatureSpace() { double sigmaX1 = 0.0f, sigmaX2 = 0.0f; double sigmaY1 = 0.0f, sigmaY2 = 0.0f; vector<double> sigmaC1( m_nr_channels , 0.0f ); vector<double> sigmaC2( m_nr_channels , 0.0f ); // compute feature space accumulation sigmas FeatureSpaceSigmas fss( m_chvec, m_nr_channels, m_chvec_max, m_dist_coeff, m_color_coeff, m_stepx, m_stepy ); parallel_reduce( BlockedRange(0, m_width), fss ); sigmaX1 = fss.sigmaX1; sigmaX2 = fss.sigmaX2; sigmaY1 = fss.sigmaY1; sigmaY2 = fss.sigmaY2; for( int b = 0; b < m_nr_channels; b++ ) { sigmaC1[b] = fss.sigmaC1[b]; sigmaC2[b] = fss.sigmaC2[b]; } // normalize sigmas sigmaY1 /= m_width*m_height; sigmaY2 /= m_width*m_height; sigmaX1 /= m_width*m_height; sigmaX2 /= m_width*m_height; for( int b = 0; b < m_nr_channels; b++ ) { sigmaC1[b] /= m_width*m_height; sigmaC2[b] /= m_width*m_height; } // compute m_W normalization array m_W = Mat( m_height, m_width, CV_32F ); parallel_for_( Range(0, m_width), FeatureSpaceWeights( m_chvec, &m_W, sigmaX1, sigmaX2, sigmaY1, sigmaY2, sigmaC1, sigmaC2, m_nr_channels, m_chvec_max, m_dist_coeff, m_color_coeff, m_stepx, m_stepy ) ); } struct FeatureSpaceCenters : ParallelLoopBody { FeatureSpaceCenters( const vector< Mat >& _chvec, const Mat& _W, const vector<float>& _kseedsx, const vector<float>& _kseedsy, vector<float>* _centerX1, vector<float>* _centerX2, vector<float>* _centerY1, vector<float>* _centerY2, vector< vector<float> >* _centerC1, vector< vector<float> >* _centerC2, const int _nr_channels, const float _chvec_max, const float _dist_coeff, const float _color_coeff, const int _stepx, const int _stepy ) { W = _W; chvec = _chvec; stepx = _stepx; stepy = _stepy; chvec_max = _chvec_max; dist_coeff = _dist_coeff; nr_channels = _nr_channels; color_coeff = _color_coeff; PI2 = float(CV_PI / 2.0f); kseedsx = _kseedsx; kseedsy = _kseedsy; width = chvec[0].cols; height = chvec[0].rows; centerX1 = _centerX1; centerX2 = _centerX2; centerY1 = _centerY1; centerY2 = _centerY2; centerC1 = _centerC1; centerC2 = _centerC2; } void operator()( const Range& range ) const { for( int i = range.start; i < range.end; i++ ) { centerX1->at(i) = 0.0f; centerX2->at(i) = 0.0f; centerY1->at(i) = 0.0f; centerY2->at(i) = 0.0f; for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) { centerC1->at(b)[i] = 0.0f; centerC2->at(b)[i] = 0.0f; } int X = (int)kseedsx[i]; int Y = (int)kseedsy[i]; int minX = (X-stepx/4 <= 0) ? 0 : X-stepx/4; int minY = (Y-stepy/4 <= 0) ? 0 : Y-stepy/4; int maxX = (X+stepx/4 >= width -1) ? width -1 : X+stepx/4; int maxY = (Y+stepy/4 >= height-1) ? height-1 : Y+stepy/4; int count = 0; for( int x = minX; x <= maxX; x++ ) { float thetaX = ( (float) x / (float) stepx ) * PI2; float tx1 = dist_coeff * cos(thetaX); float tx2 = dist_coeff * sin(thetaX); for( int y = minY; y <= maxY; y++ ) { count++; float thetaY = ( (float) y / (float) stepy ) * PI2; // we do not store pre-computed x1, x2 float x1 = tx1 / W.at<float>(y,x); float x2 = tx2 / W.at<float>(y,x); // we do not store pre-computed y1, y2 float y1 = (dist_coeff * cos(thetaY)) / W.at<float>(y,x); float y2 = (dist_coeff * sin(thetaY)) / W.at<float>(y,x); centerX1->at(i) += x1; centerX2->at(i) += x2; centerY1->at(i) += y1; centerY2->at(i) += y2; for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) { float thetaC = 0.0f; switch ( chvec[b].depth() ) { case CV_8U: thetaC = ( (float) chvec[b].at<uchar>(y,x) / chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_8S: thetaC = ( (float) chvec[b].at<char>(y,x) / chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_16U: thetaC = ( (float) chvec[b].at<ushort>(y,x) / chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_16S: thetaC = ( (float) chvec[b].at<short>(y,x) / chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_32S: thetaC = ( (float) chvec[b].at<int>(y,x) / chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_32F: thetaC = ( (float) chvec[b].at<float>(y,x) / chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_64F: thetaC = ( (float) chvec[b].at<double>(y,x) / chvec_max ) * PI2; break; default: CV_Error( Error::StsInternal, "Invalid matrix depth" ); break; } // we do not store pre-computed C1[b], C2[b] float C1 = (color_coeff * cos(thetaC) / nr_channels) / W.at<float>(y,x); float C2 = (color_coeff * sin(thetaC) / nr_channels) / W.at<float>(y,x); centerC1->at(b)[i] += C1; centerC2->at(b)[i] += C2; } } } // normalize centerX1->at(i) /= count; centerX2->at(i) /= count; centerY1->at(i) /= count; centerY2->at(i) /= count; for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) { centerC1->at(b)[i] /= count; centerC2->at(b)[i] /= count; } } } Mat W; float PI2; int nr_channels; int stepx, stepy; int width, height; float chvec_max; float dist_coeff; float color_coeff; vector<Mat> chvec; vector<float> kseedsx, kseedsy; vector< vector<float> >* centerC1; vector< vector<float> >* centerC2; vector<float> *centerX1, *centerX2; vector<float> *centerY1, *centerY2; }; struct FeatureSpaceKmeans : ParallelLoopBody { FeatureSpaceKmeans( Mat* _klabels, Mat* _dist, const vector< Mat >& _chvec, const Mat& _W, const vector<float>& _kseedsx, const vector<float>& _kseedsy, vector<float>& _centerX1, vector<float>& _centerX2, vector<float>& _centerY1, vector<float>& _centerY2, vector< vector<float> >& _centerC1, vector< vector<float> >& _centerC2, const int _nr_channels, const float _chvec_max, const float _dist_coeff, const float _color_coeff, const int _stepx, const int _stepy ) { W = _W; dist = _dist; chvec = _chvec; stepx = _stepx; stepy = _stepy; klabels = _klabels; chvec_max = _chvec_max; dist_coeff = _dist_coeff; nr_channels = _nr_channels; color_coeff = _color_coeff; PI2 = float(CV_PI / 2.0f); kseedsx = _kseedsx; kseedsy = _kseedsy; width = chvec[0].cols; height = chvec[0].rows; centerX1 = _centerX1; centerX2 = _centerX2; centerY1 = _centerY1; centerY2 = _centerY2; centerC1 = _centerC1; centerC2 = _centerC2; } void operator()( const Range& range ) const { for( int i = range.start; i < range.end; i++ ) { int X = (int)kseedsx[i]; int Y = (int)kseedsy[i]; int minX = (X-(stepx) <= 0) ? 0 : X-stepx; int minY = (Y-(stepy) <= 0) ? 0 : Y-stepy; int maxX = (X+(stepx) >= width -1) ? width -1 : X+stepx; int maxY = (Y+(stepy) >= height-1) ? height-1 : Y+stepy; for( int x = minX; x <= maxX; x++ ) { float thetaX = ( (float) x / (float) stepx ) * PI2; float tx1 = dist_coeff * cos(thetaX); float tx2 = dist_coeff * sin(thetaX); for( int y = minY; y <= maxY; y++ ) { float thetaY = ( (float) y / (float) stepy ) * PI2; // we do not store pre-computed x1, x2 float x1 = tx1 / W.at<float>(y,x); float x2 = tx2 / W.at<float>(y,x); // we do not store pre-computed y1, y2 float y1 = (dist_coeff * cos(thetaY)) / W.at<float>(y,x); float y2 = (dist_coeff * sin(thetaY)) / W.at<float>(y,x); float diffx1 = x1 - centerX1[i]; float diffx2 = x2 - centerX2[i]; float diffy1 = y1 - centerY1[i]; float diffy2 = y2 - centerY2[i]; // compute distance given distance terms double D = (diffx1 * diffx1) + (diffx2 * diffx2) + (diffy1 * diffy1) + (diffy2 * diffy2); // compute distance given channels terms for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) { float thetaC = 0.0f; switch ( chvec[b].depth() ) { case CV_8U: thetaC = ( (float) chvec[b].at<uchar>(y,x) / chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_8S: thetaC = ( (float) chvec[b].at<char>(y,x) / chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_16U: thetaC = ( (float) chvec[b].at<ushort>(y,x) / chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_16S: thetaC = ( (float) chvec[b].at<short>(y,x) / chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_32S: thetaC = ( (float) chvec[b].at<int>(y,x) / chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_32F: thetaC = ( (float) chvec[b].at<float>(y,x) / chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_64F: thetaC = ( (float) chvec[b].at<double>(y,x) / chvec_max ) * PI2; break; default: CV_Error( Error::StsInternal, "Invalid matrix depth" ); break; } // we do not store pre-computed C1[b], C2[b] float C1 = (color_coeff * cos(thetaC) / nr_channels) / W.at<float>(y,x); float C2 = (color_coeff * sin(thetaC) / nr_channels) / W.at<float>(y,x); float diffC1 = C1 - centerC1[b][i]; float diffC2 = C2 - centerC2[b][i]; D += (diffC1 * diffC1) + (diffC2 * diffC2); } // assign label if within D if ( D < dist->at<float>(y,x) ) { dist->at<float>(y,x) = (float)D; klabels->at<int>(y,x) = i; } } } } } Mat W; float PI2; int nr_channels; int stepx, stepy; int width, height; float chvec_max; float dist_coeff; float color_coeff; Mat* dist; Mat* klabels; vector<Mat> chvec; vector<float> kseedsx, kseedsy; vector<float> centerX1, centerX2; vector<float> centerY1, centerY2; vector< vector<float> > centerC1; vector< vector<float> > centerC2; }; struct FeatureCenterDists { FeatureCenterDists( const vector< Mat >& _chvec, const Mat& _W, const Mat& _klabels, const int _nr_channels, const float _chvec_max, const float _dist_coeff, const float _color_coeff, const int _stepx, const int _stepy, const int _numlabels ) { W = _W; chvec = _chvec; stepx = _stepx; stepy = _stepy; klabels = _klabels; numlabels = _numlabels; chvec_max = _chvec_max; dist_coeff = _dist_coeff; nr_channels = _nr_channels; color_coeff = _color_coeff; PI2 = float(CV_PI / 2.0f); Wsum.resize(numlabels); kseedsx.resize(numlabels); kseedsy.resize(numlabels); centerX1.resize(numlabels); centerX2.resize(numlabels); centerY1.resize(numlabels); centerY2.resize(numlabels); centerC1.resize(nr_channels); centerC2.resize(nr_channels); clusterSize.resize(numlabels); for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) { centerC1[b].resize(numlabels); centerC2[b].resize(numlabels); } // refill with zero all arrays fill(centerX1.begin(), centerX1.end(), 0.0f); fill(centerX2.begin(), centerX2.end(), 0.0f); fill(centerY1.begin(), centerY1.end(), 0.0f); fill(centerY2.begin(), centerY2.end(), 0.0f); for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) { fill(centerC1[b].begin(), centerC1[b].end(), 0.0f); fill(centerC2[b].begin(), centerC2[b].end(), 0.0f); } fill(Wsum.begin(), Wsum.end(), 0.0f); fill(kseedsx.begin(), kseedsx.end(), 0.0f); fill(kseedsy.begin(), kseedsy.end(), 0.0f); fill(clusterSize.begin(), clusterSize.end(), 0); } FeatureCenterDists( const FeatureCenterDists& counter, Split ) { *this = counter; // refill with zero all arrays fill(centerX1.begin(), centerX1.end(), 0.0f); fill(centerX2.begin(), centerX2.end(), 0.0f); fill(centerY1.begin(), centerY1.end(), 0.0f); fill(centerY2.begin(), centerY2.end(), 0.0f); for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) { fill(centerC1[b].begin(), centerC1[b].end(), 0.0f); fill(centerC2[b].begin(), centerC2[b].end(), 0.0f); } fill(Wsum.begin(), Wsum.end(), 0.0f); fill(kseedsx.begin(), kseedsx.end(), 0.0f); fill(kseedsy.begin(), kseedsy.end(), 0.0f); fill(clusterSize.begin(), clusterSize.end(), 0); } void operator()( const BlockedRange& range ) { // previous block state vector<float> tmp_Wsum = Wsum; vector<float> tmp_kseedsx = kseedsx; vector<float> tmp_kseedsy = kseedsy; vector<float> tmp_centerX1 = centerX1; vector<float> tmp_centerX2 = centerX2; vector<float> tmp_centerY1 = centerY1; vector<float> tmp_centerY2 = centerY2; vector< vector<float> > tmp_centerC1 = centerC1; vector< vector<float> > tmp_centerC2 = centerC2; vector<int> tmp_clusterSize = clusterSize; for ( int x = range.begin(); x != range.end(); x++ ) { float thetaX = ( (float) x / (float) stepx ) * PI2; // we do not store pre-computed x1, x2 float x1 = (dist_coeff * cos(thetaX)); float x2 = (dist_coeff * sin(thetaX)); for( int y = 0; y < chvec[0].rows; y++ ) { float thetaY = ( (float) y / (float) stepy ) * PI2; // we do not store pre-computed y1, y2 float y1 = (dist_coeff * cos(thetaY)); float y2 = (dist_coeff * sin(thetaY)); int L = klabels.at<int>(y,x); tmp_centerX1[L] += x1; tmp_centerX2[L] += x2; tmp_centerY1[L] += y1; tmp_centerY2[L] += y2; // compute distance given channels terms for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) { float thetaC = 0.0f; switch ( chvec[b].depth() ) { case CV_8U: thetaC = ( (float) chvec[b].at<uchar>(y,x) / chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_8S: thetaC = ( (float) chvec[b].at<char>(y,x) / chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_16U: thetaC = ( (float) chvec[b].at<ushort>(y,x) / chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_16S: thetaC = ( (float) chvec[b].at<short>(y,x) / chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_32S: thetaC = ( (float) chvec[b].at<int>(y,x) / chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_32F: thetaC = ( (float) chvec[b].at<float>(y,x) / chvec_max ) * PI2; break; case CV_64F: thetaC = ( (float) chvec[b].at<double>(y,x) / chvec_max ) * PI2; break; default: CV_Error( Error::StsInternal, "Invalid matrix depth" ); break; } // we do not store pre-computed C1[b], C2[b] float C1 = (color_coeff * cos(thetaC) / nr_channels); float C2 = (color_coeff * sin(thetaC) / nr_channels); tmp_centerC1[b][L] += C1; tmp_centerC2[b][L] += C2; } tmp_clusterSize[L]++; tmp_Wsum[L] += W.at<float>(y,x); tmp_kseedsx[L] += x; tmp_kseedsy[L] += y; } } Wsum = tmp_Wsum; kseedsx = tmp_kseedsx; kseedsy = tmp_kseedsy; clusterSize = tmp_clusterSize; centerX1 = tmp_centerX1; centerX2 = tmp_centerX2; centerY1 = tmp_centerY1; centerY2 = tmp_centerY2; centerC1 = tmp_centerC1; centerC2 = tmp_centerC2; } void join( FeatureCenterDists& fcd ) { for (int l = 0; l < numlabels; l++) { Wsum[l] += fcd.Wsum[l]; kseedsx[l] += fcd.kseedsx[l]; kseedsy[l] += fcd.kseedsy[l]; centerX1[l] += fcd.centerX1[l]; centerX2[l] += fcd.centerX2[l]; centerY1[l] += fcd.centerY1[l]; centerY2[l] += fcd.centerY2[l]; clusterSize[l] += fcd.clusterSize[l]; for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) { centerC1[b][l] += fcd.centerC1[b][l]; centerC2[b][l] += fcd.centerC2[b][l]; } } } Mat W; float PI2; int numlabels; int nr_channels; int stepx, stepy; float chvec_max; float dist_coeff; float color_coeff; Mat klabels; vector<Mat> chvec; vector<float> Wsum; vector<int> clusterSize; vector<float> kseedsx, kseedsy; vector<float> centerX1, centerX2; vector<float> centerY1, centerY2; vector< vector<float> > centerC1, centerC2; }; struct FeatureNormals : ParallelLoopBody { FeatureNormals( const vector<float>& _Wsum, const vector<int>& _clusterSize, vector<float>* _kseedsx, vector<float>* _kseedsy, vector<float>* _centerX1, vector<float>* _centerX2, vector<float>* _centerY1, vector<float>* _centerY2, vector< vector<float> >* _centerC1, vector< vector<float> >* _centerC2, const int _numlabels, const int _nr_channels ) { Wsum = _Wsum; numlabels = _numlabels; clusterSize = _clusterSize; nr_channels = _nr_channels; kseedsx = _kseedsx; kseedsy = _kseedsy; centerX1 = _centerX1; centerX2 = _centerX2; centerY1 = _centerY1; centerY2 = _centerY2; centerC1 = _centerC1; centerC2 = _centerC2; } void operator()( const Range& range ) const { for( int i = range.start; i < range.end; i++ ) { if ( Wsum[i] != 0 ) { centerX1->at(i) /= Wsum[i]; centerX2->at(i) /= Wsum[i]; centerY1->at(i) /= Wsum[i]; centerY2->at(i) /= Wsum[i]; for( int b = 0; b < nr_channels; b++ ) { centerC1->at(b)[i] /= Wsum[i]; centerC2->at(b)[i] /= Wsum[i]; } } if ( clusterSize[i] != 0 ) { kseedsx->at(i) /= clusterSize[i]; kseedsy->at(i) /= clusterSize[i]; } } } int numlabels; vector<float> Wsum; vector<int> clusterSize; int nr_channels; vector<float> *kseedsx, *kseedsy; vector<float> *centerX1, *centerX2; vector<float> *centerY1, *centerY2; vector< vector<float> > *centerC1; vector< vector<float> > *centerC2; }; /* * PerformSuperpixelLSC * * Performs weighted kmeans segmentation * in (4 + 2*m_nr_channels) dimensional space * */ inline void SuperpixelLSCImpl::PerformLSC( const int& itrnum ) { // allocate initial workspaces cv::Mat dist( m_height, m_width, CV_32F ); vector<float> centerX1( m_numlabels ); vector<float> centerX2( m_numlabels ); vector<float> centerY1( m_numlabels ); vector<float> centerY2( m_numlabels ); vector< vector<float> > centerC1( m_nr_channels ); vector< vector<float> > centerC2( m_nr_channels ); for( int b = 0; b < m_nr_channels; b++ ) { centerC1[b].resize( m_numlabels ); centerC2[b].resize( m_numlabels ); } vector<float> Wsum( m_numlabels ); vector<int> clusterSize( m_numlabels ); // compute weighted distance centers parallel_for_( Range(0, m_numlabels), FeatureSpaceCenters( m_chvec, m_W, m_kseedsx, m_kseedsy, ¢erX1, ¢erX2, ¢erY1, ¢erY2, ¢erC1, ¢erC2, m_nr_channels, m_chvec_max, m_dist_coeff, m_color_coeff, m_stepx, m_stepy ) ); // parallel reduce structure FeatureCenterDists fcd( m_chvec, m_W, m_klabels, m_nr_channels, m_chvec_max, m_dist_coeff, m_color_coeff, m_stepx, m_stepy, m_numlabels ); // K-Means for( int itr = 0; itr < itrnum; itr++ ) { dist.setTo( FLT_MAX ); // k-mean parallel_for_( Range(0, m_numlabels), FeatureSpaceKmeans( &m_klabels, &dist, m_chvec, m_W, m_kseedsx, m_kseedsy, centerX1, centerX2, centerY1, centerY2, centerC1, centerC2, m_nr_channels, m_chvec_max, m_dist_coeff, m_color_coeff, m_stepx, m_stepy ) ); // accumulate center distances parallel_reduce( BlockedRange(0, m_width), fcd ); // featch out the results Wsum = fcd.Wsum; clusterSize = fcd.clusterSize; m_kseedsx = fcd.kseedsx; m_kseedsy = fcd.kseedsy; centerX1 = fcd.centerX1; centerX2 = fcd.centerX2; centerY1 = fcd.centerY1; centerY2 = fcd.centerY2; centerC1 = fcd.centerC1; centerC2 = fcd.centerC2; // normalize accumulated distances parallel_for_( Range(0, m_numlabels), FeatureNormals( Wsum, clusterSize, &m_kseedsx, &m_kseedsy, ¢erX1, ¢erX2, ¢erY1, ¢erY2, ¢erC1, ¢erC2, m_numlabels, m_nr_channels ) ); } } } // namespace ximgproc } // namespace cv