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argv[1] : "../../../samples/data/building.jpg"; img = imread(filename, 0); if (img.empty()) { cout << "Failed to load image from '" << filename << "'" << endl; return false; } houghDepth = argc >= 3 ? atoi(argv[2]) : CV_32S; houghAngleRange = argc >= 4 ? atoi(argv[3]) : 6;//ARO_315_135 houghOperator = argc >= 5 ? atoi(argv[4]) : 2;//FHT_ADD houghSkew = argc >= 6 ? atoi(argv[5]) : 1;//HDO_DESKEW return true; } static bool getEdges(const Mat &src, Mat &dst) { Mat ucharSingleSrc; src.convertTo(ucharSingleSrc, CV_8UC1); Canny(ucharSingleSrc, dst, 50, 200, 3); return true; } static bool fht(const Mat &src, Mat &dst, int dstDepth, int angleRange, int op, int skew) { clock_t clocks = clock(); FastHoughTransform(src, dst, dstDepth, angleRange, op, skew); clocks = clock() - clocks; double secs = (double)clocks / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; cout << std::setprecision(2) << "FastHoughTransform finished in " << secs << " seconds" << endl; return true; } template<typename T> bool rel(pair<T, Point> const &a, pair<T, Point> const &b) { return a.first > b.first; } template<typename T> bool incIfGreater(const T& a, const T& b, int *value) { if (!value || a < b) return false; if (a > b) ++(*value); return true; } static const int MAX_LEN = 10000; template<typename T> bool getLocalExtr(vector<Vec4i> &lines, const Mat &src, const Mat &fht, float minWeight, int maxCount) { vector<pair<T, Point> > weightedPoints; for (int y = 0; y < fht.rows; ++y) { if (weightedPoints.size() > MAX_LEN) break; T const *pLine = (T *)fht.ptr(max(y - 1, 0)); T const *cLine = (T *)fht.ptr(y); T const *nLine = (T *)fht.ptr(min(y + 1, fht.rows - 1)); for (int x = 0; x < fht.cols; ++x) { if (weightedPoints.size() > MAX_LEN) break; T const value = cLine[x]; if (value >= minWeight) { int isLocalMax = 0; for (int xx = max(x - 1, 0); xx <= min(x + 1, fht.cols - 1); ++xx) { if (!incIfGreater(value, pLine[xx], &isLocalMax) || !incIfGreater(value, cLine[xx], &isLocalMax) || !incIfGreater(value, nLine[xx], &isLocalMax)) { isLocalMax = 0; break; } } if (isLocalMax > 0) weightedPoints.push_back(make_pair(value, Point(x, y))); } } } if (weightedPoints.empty()) return true; sort(weightedPoints.begin(), weightedPoints.end(), &rel<T>); weightedPoints.resize(min(static_cast<int>(weightedPoints.size()), maxCount)); for (size_t i = 0; i < weightedPoints.size(); ++i) { lines.push_back(HoughPoint2Line(weightedPoints[i].second, src)); } return true; } static bool getLocalExtr(vector<Vec4i> &lines, const Mat &src, const Mat &fht, float minWeight, int maxCount) { int const depth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(fht.type()); switch (depth) { case 0: return getLocalExtr<uchar>(lines, src, fht, minWeight, maxCount); case 1: return getLocalExtr<schar>(lines, src, fht, minWeight, maxCount); case 2: return getLocalExtr<ushort>(lines, src, fht, minWeight, maxCount); case 3: return getLocalExtr<short>(lines, src, fht, minWeight, maxCount); case 4: return getLocalExtr<int>(lines, src, fht, minWeight, maxCount); case 5: return getLocalExtr<float>(lines, src, fht, minWeight, maxCount); case 6: return getLocalExtr<double>(lines, src, fht, minWeight, maxCount); default: return false; } } static void rescale(Mat const &src, Mat &dst, int const maxHeight=500, int const maxWidth = 1000) { double scale = min(min(static_cast<double>(maxWidth) / src.cols, static_cast<double>(maxHeight) / src.rows), 1.0); resize(src, dst, Size(), scale, scale, INTER_LINEAR); } static void showHumanReadableImg(string const &name, Mat const &img) { Mat ucharImg; img.convertTo(ucharImg, CV_MAKETYPE(CV_8U, img.channels())); rescale(ucharImg, ucharImg); imshow(name, ucharImg); } static void showFht(Mat const &fht) { double minv(0), maxv(0); minMaxLoc(fht, &minv, &maxv); Mat ucharFht; fht.convertTo(ucharFht, CV_MAKETYPE(CV_8U, fht.channels()), 255.0 / (maxv + minv), minv / (maxv + minv)); rescale(ucharFht, ucharFht); imshow("fast hough transform", ucharFht); } static void showLines(Mat const &src, vector<Vec4i> const &lines) { Mat bgrSrc; cvtColor(src, bgrSrc, COLOR_GRAY2BGR); for (size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i) { Vec4i const &l = lines[i]; line(bgrSrc, Point(l[0], l[1]), Point(l[2], l[3]), Scalar(0, 0, 255), 1, LINE_AA); } rescale(bgrSrc, bgrSrc); imshow("lines", bgrSrc); } int main(int argc, const char **argv) { Mat src; int depth(0); int angleRange(0); int op(0); int skew(0); if (!parseArgs(argc, argv, src, depth, angleRange, op, skew)) { help(); return -1; } showHumanReadableImg("src", src); Mat canny; if (!getEdges(src, canny)) { cout << "Failed to select canny edges"; return -2; } showHumanReadableImg("canny", canny); Mat hough; if (!fht(canny, hough, depth, angleRange, op, skew)) { cout << "Failed to compute Fast Hough Transform"; return -2; } showFht(hough); vector<Vec4i> lines; if (!getLocalExtr(lines, canny, hough, static_cast<float>(255 * 0.3 * min(src.rows, src.cols)), 50)) { cout << "Failed to find local maximums on FHT image"; return -2; } showLines(canny, lines); waitKey(); return 0; }