//  By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you agree to this license.
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//                          License Agreement
//                For Open Source Computer Vision Library
// Copyright (C) 2014, OpenCV Foundation, all rights reserved.
// Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
// are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
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// This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and
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// the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
// Author: Tolga Birdal <tbirdal AT gmail.com>

#include "precomp.hpp"

namespace cv
namespace ppf_match_3d

typedef cv::flann::L2<float> Distance_32F;
typedef cv::flann::GenericIndex< Distance_32F > FlannIndex;

void shuffle(int *array, size_t n);
Mat genRandomMat(int rows, int cols, double mean, double stddev, int type);
void getRandQuat(double q[4]);
void getRandomRotation(double R[9]);
void meanCovLocalPC(const float* pc, const int ws, const int point_count, double CovMat[3][3], double Mean[4]);
void meanCovLocalPCInd(const float* pc, const int* Indices, const int ws, const int point_count, double CovMat[3][3], double Mean[4]);

Mat loadPLYSimple(const char* fileName, int withNormals)
  Mat cloud;
  int numVertices=0;

  std::ifstream ifs(fileName);

  if (!ifs.is_open())
    printf("Cannot open file...\n");
    return Mat();

  std::string str;
  while (str.substr(0, 10) !="end_header")
    std::string entry = str.substr(0, 14);
    if (entry == "element vertex")
      numVertices = atoi(str.substr(15, str.size()-15).c_str());
    std::getline(ifs, str);

  if (withNormals)
    cloud=Mat(numVertices, 6, CV_32FC1);
    cloud=Mat(numVertices, 3, CV_32FC1);

  for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
    float* data = cloud.ptr<float>(i);
    if (withNormals)
      ifs >> data[0] >> data[1] >> data[2] >> data[3] >> data[4] >> data[5];

      // normalize to unit norm
      double norm = sqrt(data[3]*data[3] + data[4]*data[4] + data[5]*data[5]);
      if (norm>0.00001)
      ifs >> data[0] >> data[1] >> data[2];

  //cloud *= 5.0f;
  return cloud;

void writePLY(Mat PC, const char* FileName)
  std::ofstream outFile( FileName );

  if ( !outFile )
    //cerr << "Error opening output file: " << FileName << "!" << endl;
    printf("Error opening output file: %s!\n", FileName);
    exit( 1 );

  // Header

  const int pointNum = ( int ) PC.rows;
  const int vertNum  = ( int ) PC.cols;

  outFile << "ply" << std::endl;
  outFile << "format ascii 1.0" << std::endl;
  outFile << "element vertex " << pointNum << std::endl;
  outFile << "property float x" << std::endl;
  outFile << "property float y" << std::endl;
  outFile << "property float z" << std::endl;
  if (vertNum==6)
    outFile << "property float nx" << std::endl;
    outFile << "property float ny" << std::endl;
    outFile << "property float nz" << std::endl;
  outFile << "end_header" << std::endl;

  // Points

  for ( int pi = 0; pi < pointNum; ++pi )
    const float* point = PC.ptr<float>(pi);

    outFile << point[0] << " "<<point[1]<<" "<<point[2];

    if (vertNum==6)
      outFile<<" " << point[3] << " "<<point[4]<<" "<<point[5];

    outFile << std::endl;


void writePLYVisibleNormals(Mat PC, const char* FileName)
  std::ofstream outFile(FileName);

  if (!outFile)
    //cerr << "Error opening output file: " << FileName << "!" << endl;
    printf("Error opening output file: %s!\n", FileName);

  // Header

  const int pointNum = (int)PC.rows;
  const int vertNum = (int)PC.cols;
  const bool hasNormals = vertNum == 6;

  outFile << "ply" << std::endl;
  outFile << "format ascii 1.0" << std::endl;
  outFile << "element vertex " << (hasNormals? 2*pointNum:pointNum) << std::endl;
  outFile << "property float x" << std::endl;
  outFile << "property float y" << std::endl;
  outFile << "property float z" << std::endl;
  if (hasNormals)
    outFile << "property uchar red" << std::endl;
    outFile << "property uchar green" << std::endl;
    outFile << "property uchar blue" << std::endl;
  outFile << "end_header" << std::endl;

  // Points

  for (int pi = 0; pi < pointNum; ++pi)
    const float* point = PC.ptr<float>(pi);

    outFile << point[0] << " " << point[1] << " " << point[2];

    if (hasNormals)
      outFile << " 127 127 127" << std::endl;
      outFile << point[0]+point[3] << " " << point[1]+point[4] << " " << point[2]+point[5];
      outFile << " 255 0 0";

    outFile << std::endl;


Mat samplePCUniform(Mat PC, int sampleStep)
  int numRows = PC.rows/sampleStep;
  Mat sampledPC = Mat(numRows, PC.cols, PC.type());

  int c=0;
  for (int i=0; i<PC.rows && c<numRows; i+=sampleStep)

  return sampledPC;

Mat samplePCUniformInd(Mat PC, int sampleStep, std::vector<int> &indices)
  int numRows = cvRound((double)PC.rows/(double)sampleStep);
  Mat sampledPC = Mat(numRows, PC.cols, PC.type());

  int c=0;
  for (int i=0; i<PC.rows && c<numRows; i+=sampleStep)
    indices[c] = i;

  return sampledPC;

void* indexPCFlann(Mat pc)
  Mat dest_32f;
  return new FlannIndex(dest_32f, cvflann::KDTreeSingleIndexParams(8));

void destroyFlann(void* flannIndex)
  delete ((FlannIndex*)flannIndex);

// For speed purposes this function assumes that PC, Indices and Distances are created with continuous structures
void queryPCFlann(void* flannIndex, Mat& pc, Mat& indices, Mat& distances)
  queryPCFlann(flannIndex, pc, indices, distances, 1);

void queryPCFlann(void* flannIndex, Mat& pc, Mat& indices, Mat& distances, const int numNeighbors)
  Mat obj_32f;
  pc.colRange(0, 3).copyTo(obj_32f);
  ((FlannIndex*)flannIndex)->knnSearch(obj_32f, indices, distances, numNeighbors, cvflann::SearchParams(32));

// uses a volume instead of an octree
// TODO: Right now normals are required.
// This is much faster than sample_pc_octree
Mat samplePCByQuantization(Mat pc, float xrange[2], float yrange[2], float zrange[2], float sampleStep, int weightByCenter)
  std::vector< std::vector<int> > map;

  int numSamplesDim = (int)(1.0/sampleStep);

  float xr = xrange[1] - xrange[0];
  float yr = yrange[1] - yrange[0];
  float zr = zrange[1] - zrange[0];

  int numPoints = 0;


  // OpenMP might seem like a good idea, but it didn't speed this up for me
  //#pragma omp parallel for
  for (int i=0; i<pc.rows; i++)
    const float* point = pc.ptr<float>(i);

    // quantize a point
    const int xCell =(int) ((float)numSamplesDim*(point[0]-xrange[0])/xr);
    const int yCell =(int) ((float)numSamplesDim*(point[1]-yrange[0])/yr);
    const int zCell =(int) ((float)numSamplesDim*(point[2]-zrange[0])/zr);
    const int index = xCell*numSamplesDim*numSamplesDim+yCell*numSamplesDim+zCell;

    /*#pragma omp critical
    //  }

  for (unsigned int i=0; i<map.size(); i++)
    numPoints += (map[i].size()>0);

  Mat pcSampled = Mat(numPoints, pc.cols, CV_32F);
  int c = 0;

  for (unsigned int i=0; i<map.size(); i++)
    double px=0, py=0, pz=0;
    double nx=0, ny=0, nz=0;

    std::vector<int> curCell = map[i];
    int cn = (int)curCell.size();
    if (cn>0)
      if (weightByCenter)
        int xCell, yCell, zCell;
        double xc, yc, zc;
        double weightSum = 0 ;
        zCell = i % numSamplesDim;
        yCell = ((i-zCell)/numSamplesDim) % numSamplesDim;
        xCell = ((i-zCell-yCell*numSamplesDim)/(numSamplesDim*numSamplesDim));

        xc = ((double)xCell+0.5) * (double)xr/numSamplesDim + (double)xrange[0];
        yc = ((double)yCell+0.5) * (double)yr/numSamplesDim + (double)yrange[0];
        zc = ((double)zCell+0.5) * (double)zr/numSamplesDim + (double)zrange[0];

        for (int j=0; j<cn; j++)
          const int ptInd = curCell[j];
          float* point = pc.ptr<float>(ptInd);
          const double dx = point[0]-xc;
          const double dy = point[1]-yc;
          const double dz = point[2]-zc;
          const double d = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz);
          double w = 0;

          if (d>EPS)
            // it is possible to use different weighting schemes.
            // inverse weigthing was just good for me
            // exp( - (distance/h)**2 )
            //const double w = exp(-d*d);
            w = 1.0/d;

          //float weights[3]={1,1,1};
          px += w*(double)point[0];
          py += w*(double)point[1];
          pz += w*(double)point[2];
          nx += w*(double)point[3];
          ny += w*(double)point[4];
          nz += w*(double)point[5];

        for (int j=0; j<cn; j++)
          const int ptInd = curCell[j];
          float* point = pc.ptr<float>(ptInd);

          px += (double)point[0];
          py += (double)point[1];
          pz += (double)point[2];
          nx += (double)point[3];
          ny += (double)point[4];
          nz += (double)point[5];



      float *pcData = pcSampled.ptr<float>(c);

      // normalize the normals
      double norm = sqrt(nx*nx+ny*ny+nz*nz);

      if (norm>EPS)
      //#pragma omp atomic


  return pcSampled;

void shuffle(int *array, size_t n)
  size_t i;
  for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
    size_t j = i + rand() / (RAND_MAX / (n - i) + 1);
    int t = array[j];
    array[j] = array[i];
    array[i] = t;

// compute the standard bounding box
void computeBboxStd(Mat pc, float xRange[2], float yRange[2], float zRange[2])
  Mat pcPts = pc.colRange(0, 3);
  int num = pcPts.rows;

  float* points = (float*)pcPts.data;

  xRange[0] = points[0];
  xRange[1] = points[0];
  yRange[0] = points[1];
  yRange[1] = points[1];
  zRange[0] = points[2];
  zRange[1] = points[2];

  for  ( int  ind = 0; ind < num; ind++ )
    const float* row = (float*)(pcPts.data + (ind * pcPts.step));
    const float x = row[0];
    const float y = row[1];
    const float z = row[2];

    if (x<xRange[0])
    if (x>xRange[1])

    if (y<yRange[0])
    if (y>yRange[1])

    if (z<zRange[0])
    if (z>zRange[1])

Mat normalizePCCoeff(Mat pc, float scale, float* Cx, float* Cy, float* Cz, float* MinVal, float* MaxVal)
  double minVal=0, maxVal=0;

  Mat x,y,z, pcn;

  float cx = (float) cv::mean(x).val[0];
  float cy = (float) cv::mean(y).val[0];
  float cz = (float) cv::mean(z).val[0];

  cv::minMaxIdx(pc, &minVal, &maxVal);

  pcn.create(pc.rows, 3, CV_32FC1);

  cv::minMaxIdx(pcn, &minVal, &maxVal);


  return pcn;

Mat transPCCoeff(Mat pc, float scale, float Cx, float Cy, float Cz, float MinVal, float MaxVal)
  Mat x,y,z, pcn;

  pcn.create(pc.rows, 3, CV_32FC1);


  return pcn;

Mat transformPCPose(Mat pc, const double Pose[16])
  Mat pct = Mat(pc.rows, pc.cols, CV_32F);

  double R[9], t[3];
  poseToRT(Pose, R, t);

#if defined _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for
  for (int i=0; i<pc.rows; i++)
    const float *pcData = pc.ptr<float>(i);
    float *pcDataT = pct.ptr<float>(i);
    const float *n1 = &pcData[3];
    float *nT = &pcDataT[3];

    double p[4] = {(double)pcData[0], (double)pcData[1], (double)pcData[2], 1};
    double p2[4];

    matrixProduct441(Pose, p, p2);

    // p2[3] should normally be 1
    if (fabs(p2[3])>EPS)
      pcDataT[0] = (float)(p2[0]/p2[3]);
      pcDataT[1] = (float)(p2[1]/p2[3]);
      pcDataT[2] = (float)(p2[2]/p2[3]);

    // If the point cloud has normals,
    // then rotate them as well
    if (pc.cols == 6)
      double n[3] = { (double)n1[0], (double)n1[1], (double)n1[2] }, n2[3];

      matrixProduct331(R, n, n2);
      double nNorm = sqrt(n2[0]*n2[0]+n2[1]*n2[1]+n2[2]*n2[2]);

      if (nNorm>EPS)

  return pct;

Mat genRandomMat(int rows, int cols, double mean, double stddev, int type)
  Mat meanMat = mean*Mat::ones(1,1,type);
  Mat sigmaMat= stddev*Mat::ones(1,1,type);
  RNG rng(time(0));
  Mat matr(rows, cols,type);
  rng.fill(matr, RNG::NORMAL, meanMat, sigmaMat);

  return matr;

void getRandQuat(double q[4])
  q[0] = (float)rand()/(float)(RAND_MAX);
  q[1] = (float)rand()/(float)(RAND_MAX);
  q[2] = (float)rand()/(float)(RAND_MAX);
  q[3] = (float)rand()/(float)(RAND_MAX);

  double n = sqrt(q[0]*q[0]+q[1]*q[1]+q[2]*q[2]+q[3]*q[3]);


void getRandomRotation(double R[9])
  double q[4];
  quatToDCM(q, R);

void getRandomPose(double Pose[16])
  double R[9], t[3];

  srand((unsigned int)time(0));

  t[0] = (float)rand()/(float)(RAND_MAX);
  t[1] = (float)rand()/(float)(RAND_MAX);
  t[2] = (float)rand()/(float)(RAND_MAX);


Mat addNoisePC(Mat pc, double scale)
  Mat randT = genRandomMat(pc.rows,pc.cols,0,scale,CV_32FC1);
  return randT + pc;

The routines below use the eigenvectors of the local covariance matrix
to compute the normals of a point cloud.
The algorithm uses FLANN and Joachim Kopp's fast 3x3 eigenvector computations
to improve accuracy and increase speed
Also, view point flipping as in point cloud library is implemented

void meanCovLocalPC(const float* pc, const int ws, const int point_count, double CovMat[3][3], double Mean[4])
  int i;
  double accu[16]={0};

  // For each point in the cloud
  for (i = 0; i < point_count; ++i)
    const float* cloud = &pc[i*ws];
    accu [0] += cloud[0] * cloud[0];
    accu [1] += cloud[0] * cloud[1];
    accu [2] += cloud[0] * cloud[2];
    accu [3] += cloud[1] * cloud[1]; // 4
    accu [4] += cloud[1] * cloud[2]; // 5
    accu [5] += cloud[2] * cloud[2]; // 8
    accu [6] += cloud[0];
    accu [7] += cloud[1];
    accu [8] += cloud[2];

  for (i = 0; i < 9; ++i)

  Mean[0] = accu[6];
  Mean[1] = accu[7];
  Mean[2] = accu[8];
  Mean[3] = 0;
  CovMat[0][0] = accu [0] - accu [6] * accu [6];
  CovMat[0][1] = accu [1] - accu [6] * accu [7];
  CovMat[0][2] = accu [2] - accu [6] * accu [8];
  CovMat[1][1] = accu [3] - accu [7] * accu [7];
  CovMat[1][2] = accu [4] - accu [7] * accu [8];
  CovMat[2][2] = accu [5] - accu [8] * accu [8];
  CovMat[1][0] = CovMat[0][1];
  CovMat[2][0] = CovMat[0][2];
  CovMat[2][1] = CovMat[1][2];


void meanCovLocalPCInd(const float* pc, const int* Indices, const int ws, const int point_count, double CovMat[3][3], double Mean[4])
  int i;
  double accu[16]={0};

  for (i = 0; i < point_count; ++i)
    const float* cloud = &pc[ Indices[i] * ws ];
    accu [0] += cloud[0] * cloud[0];
    accu [1] += cloud[0] * cloud[1];
    accu [2] += cloud[0] * cloud[2];
    accu [3] += cloud[1] * cloud[1]; // 4
    accu [4] += cloud[1] * cloud[2]; // 5
    accu [5] += cloud[2] * cloud[2]; // 8
    accu [6] += cloud[0];
    accu [7] += cloud[1];
    accu [8] += cloud[2];

  for (i = 0; i < 9; ++i)

  Mean[0] = accu[6];
  Mean[1] = accu[7];
  Mean[2] = accu[8];
  Mean[3] = 0;
  CovMat[0][0] = accu [0] - accu [6] * accu [6];
  CovMat[0][1] = accu [1] - accu [6] * accu [7];
  CovMat[0][2] = accu [2] - accu [6] * accu [8];
  CovMat[1][1] = accu [3] - accu [7] * accu [7];
  CovMat[1][2] = accu [4] - accu [7] * accu [8];
  CovMat[2][2] = accu [5] - accu [8] * accu [8];
  CovMat[1][0] = CovMat[0][1];
  CovMat[2][0] = CovMat[0][2];
  CovMat[2][1] = CovMat[1][2];


CV_EXPORTS int computeNormalsPC3d(const Mat& PC, Mat& PCNormals, const int NumNeighbors, const bool FlipViewpoint, const Vec3d& viewpoint)
  int i;

  if (PC.cols!=3 && PC.cols!=6) // 3d data is expected
    //return -1;
    CV_Error(cv::Error::BadImageSize, "PC should have 3 or 6 elements in its columns");

  int sizes[2] = {PC.rows, 3};
  int sizesResult[2] = {PC.rows, NumNeighbors};
  float* dataset = new float[PC.rows*3];
  float* distances = new float[PC.rows*NumNeighbors];
  int* indices = new int[PC.rows*NumNeighbors];

  for (i=0; i<PC.rows; i++)
    const float* src = PC.ptr<float>(i);
    float* dst = (float*)(&dataset[i*3]);

    dst[0] = src[0];
    dst[1] = src[1];
    dst[2] = src[2];

  Mat PCInput(2, sizes, CV_32F, dataset, 0);

  void* flannIndex = indexPCFlann(PCInput);

  Mat Indices(2, sizesResult, CV_32S, indices, 0);
  Mat Distances(2, sizesResult, CV_32F, distances, 0);

  queryPCFlann(flannIndex, PCInput, Indices, Distances, NumNeighbors);
  flannIndex = 0;

  PCNormals = Mat(PC.rows, 6, CV_32F);

  for (i=0; i<PC.rows; i++)
    double C[3][3], mu[4];
    const float* pci = &dataset[i*3];
    float* pcr = PCNormals.ptr<float>(i);
    double nr[3];

    int* indLocal = &indices[i*NumNeighbors];

    // compute covariance matrix
    meanCovLocalPCInd(dataset, indLocal, 3, NumNeighbors, C, mu);

    // eigenvectors of covariance matrix
    Mat cov(3, 3, CV_64F), eigVect, eigVal;
    double* covData = (double*)cov.data;
    covData[0] = C[0][0];
    covData[1] = C[0][1];
    covData[2] = C[0][2];
    covData[3] = C[1][0];
    covData[4] = C[1][1];
    covData[5] = C[1][2];
    covData[6] = C[2][0];
    covData[7] = C[2][1];
    covData[8] = C[2][2];
    eigen(cov, eigVal, eigVect);
    Mat lowestEigVec;
    //the eigenvector for the lowest eigenvalue is in the last row
    eigVect.row(eigVect.rows - 1).copyTo(lowestEigVec);
    double* eigData = (double*)lowestEigVec.data;
    nr[0] = eigData[0];
    nr[1] = eigData[1];
    nr[2] = eigData[2];

    pcr[0] = pci[0];
    pcr[1] = pci[1];
    pcr[2] = pci[2];

    if (FlipViewpoint)
      flipNormalViewpoint(pci, viewpoint[0], viewpoint[1], viewpoint[2], &nr[0], &nr[1], &nr[2]);

    pcr[3] = (float)nr[0];
    pcr[4] = (float)nr[1];
    pcr[5] = (float)nr[2];

  delete[] indices;
  delete[] distances;
  delete[] dataset;

  return 1;

} // namespace ppf_match_3d

} // namespace cv