/*#****************************************************************************** ** IMPORTANT: READ BEFORE DOWNLOADING, COPYING, INSTALLING OR USING. ** ** By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you agree to this license. ** If you do not agree to this license, do not download, install, ** copy or use the software. ** ** ** bioinspired : interfaces allowing OpenCV users to integrate Human Vision System models. Presented models originate from Jeanny Herault's original research and have been reused and adapted by the author&collaborators for computed vision applications since his thesis with Alice Caplier at Gipsa-Lab. ** Use: extract still images & image sequences features, from contours details to motion spatio-temporal features, etc. for high level visual scene analysis. Also contribute to image enhancement/compression such as tone mapping. ** ** Maintainers : Listic lab (code author current affiliation & applications) and Gipsa Lab (original research origins & applications) ** ** Creation - enhancement process 2007-2011 ** Author: Alexandre Benoit (benoit.alexandre.vision@gmail.com), LISTIC lab, Annecy le vieux, France ** ** Theses algorithm have been developped by Alexandre BENOIT since his thesis with Alice Caplier at Gipsa-Lab (www.gipsa-lab.inpg.fr) and the research he pursues at LISTIC Lab (www.listic.univ-savoie.fr). ** Refer to the following research paper for more information: ** Benoit A., Caplier A., Durette B., Herault, J., "USING HUMAN VISUAL SYSTEM MODELING FOR BIO-INSPIRED LOW LEVEL IMAGE PROCESSING", Elsevier, Computer Vision and Image Understanding 114 (2010), pp. 758-773, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cviu.2010.01.011 ** This work have been carried out thanks to Jeanny Herault who's research and great discussions are the basis of all this work, please take a look at his book: ** Vision: Images, Signals and Neural Networks: Models of Neural Processing in Visual Perception (Progress in Neural Processing),By: Jeanny Herault, ISBN: 9814273686. WAPI (Tower ID): 113266891. ** ** The retina filter includes the research contributions of phd/research collegues from which code has been redrawn by the author : ** _take a look at the retinacolor.hpp module to discover Brice Chaix de Lavarene color mosaicing/demosaicing and the reference paper: ** ====> B. Chaix de Lavarene, D. Alleysson, B. Durette, J. Herault (2007). "Efficient demosaicing through recursive filtering", IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP 2007 ** _take a look at imagelogpolprojection.hpp to discover retina spatial log sampling which originates from Barthelemy Durette phd with Jeanny Herault. A Retina / V1 cortex projection is also proposed and originates from Jeanny's discussions. ** ====> more informations in the above cited Jeanny Heraults's book. ** ** License Agreement ** For Open Source Computer Vision Library ** ** Copyright (C) 2000-2008, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved. ** Copyright (C) 2008-2011, Willow Garage Inc., all rights reserved. ** ** For Human Visual System tools (bioinspired) ** Copyright (C) 2007-2011, LISTIC Lab, Annecy le Vieux and GIPSA Lab, Grenoble, France, all rights reserved. ** ** Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, ** are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ** ** * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, ** this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** ** * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, ** this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation ** and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** ** * The name of the copyright holders may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and ** any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied ** warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. ** In no event shall the Intel Corporation or contributors be liable for any direct, ** indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages ** (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; ** loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused ** and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, ** or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of ** the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. *******************************************************************************/ #ifndef __TEMPLATEBUFFER_HPP__ #define __TEMPLATEBUFFER_HPP__ #include <valarray> #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <cmath> //#define __TEMPLATEBUFFERDEBUG //define TEMPLATEBUFFERDEBUG in order to display debug information namespace cv { namespace bioinspired { //// If a parallelization method is available then, you should define MAKE_PARALLEL, in the other case, the classical serial code will be used #define MAKE_PARALLEL // ==> then include required includes #ifdef MAKE_PARALLEL // ==> declare usefull generic tools template <class type> class Parallel_clipBufferValues: public cv::ParallelLoopBody { private: type *bufferToClip; type minValue, maxValue; public: Parallel_clipBufferValues(type* bufferToProcess, const type min, const type max) : bufferToClip(bufferToProcess), minValue(min), maxValue(max) { } virtual void operator()( const cv::Range &r ) const { register type *inputOutputBufferPTR=bufferToClip+r.start; for (register int jf = r.start; jf != r.end; ++jf, ++inputOutputBufferPTR) { if (*inputOutputBufferPTR>maxValue) *inputOutputBufferPTR=maxValue; else if (*inputOutputBufferPTR<minValue) *inputOutputBufferPTR=minValue; } } }; #endif /** * @class TemplateBuffer * @brief this class is a simple template memory buffer which contains basic functions to get information on or normalize the buffer content * note that thanks to the parent STL template class "valarray", it is possible to perform easily operations on the full array such as addition, product etc. * @author Alexandre BENOIT (benoit.alexandre.vision@gmail.com), helped by Gelu IONESCU (gelu.ionescu@lis.inpg.fr) * creation date: september 2007 */ template <class type> class TemplateBuffer : public std::valarray<type> { public: /** * constructor for monodimensional array * @param dim: the size of the vector */ TemplateBuffer(const size_t dim=0) : std::valarray<type>((type)0, dim) { _NBrows=1; _NBcolumns=dim; _NBdepths=1; _NBpixels=dim; _doubleNBpixels=2*dim; } /** * constructor by copy for monodimensional array * @param pVal: the pointer to a buffer to copy * @param dim: the size of the vector */ TemplateBuffer(const type* pVal, const size_t dim) : std::valarray<type>(pVal, dim) { _NBrows=1; _NBcolumns=dim; _NBdepths=1; _NBpixels=dim; _doubleNBpixels=2*dim; } /** * constructor for bidimensional array * @param dimRows: the size of the vector * @param dimColumns: the size of the vector * @param depth: the number of layers of the buffer in its third dimension (3 of color images, 1 for gray images. */ TemplateBuffer(const size_t dimRows, const size_t dimColumns, const size_t depth=1) : std::valarray<type>((type)0, dimRows*dimColumns*depth) { #ifdef TEMPLATEBUFFERDEBUG std::cout<<"TemplateBuffer::TemplateBuffer: new buffer, size="<<dimRows<<", "<<dimColumns<<", "<<depth<<"valarraySize="<<this->size()<<std::endl; #endif _NBrows=dimRows; _NBcolumns=dimColumns; _NBdepths=depth; _NBpixels=dimRows*dimColumns; _doubleNBpixels=2*dimRows*dimColumns; //_createTableIndex(); #ifdef TEMPLATEBUFFERDEBUG std::cout<<"TemplateBuffer::TemplateBuffer: construction successful"<<std::endl; #endif } /** * copy constructor * @param toCopy * @return thenconstructed instance *emplateBuffer(const TemplateBuffer &toCopy) :_NBrows(toCopy.getNBrows()),_NBcolumns(toCopy.getNBcolumns()),_NBdepths(toCopy.getNBdephs()), _NBpixels(toCopy.getNBpixels()), _doubleNBpixels(toCopy.getNBpixels()*2) //std::valarray<type>(toCopy) { memcpy(Buffer(), toCopy.Buffer(), this->size()); }*/ /** * destructor */ virtual ~TemplateBuffer() { #ifdef TEMPLATEBUFFERDEBUG std::cout<<"~TemplateBuffer"<<std::endl; #endif } /** * delete the buffer content (set zeros) */ inline void setZero() { std::valarray<type>::operator=(0); } //memset(Buffer(), 0, sizeof(type)*_NBpixels); } /** * @return the numbers of rows (height) of the images used by the object */ inline unsigned int getNBrows() { return (unsigned int)_NBrows; } /** * @return the numbers of columns (width) of the images used by the object */ inline unsigned int getNBcolumns() { return (unsigned int)_NBcolumns; } /** * @return the numbers of pixels (width*height) of the images used by the object */ inline unsigned int getNBpixels() { return (unsigned int)_NBpixels; } /** * @return the numbers of pixels (width*height) of the images used by the object */ inline unsigned int getDoubleNBpixels() { return (unsigned int)_doubleNBpixels; } /** * @return the numbers of depths (3rd dimension: 1 for gray images, 3 for rgb images) of the images used by the object */ inline unsigned int getDepthSize() { return (unsigned int)_NBdepths; } /** * resize the buffer and recompute table index etc. */ void resizeBuffer(const size_t dimRows, const size_t dimColumns, const size_t depth=1) { this->resize(dimRows*dimColumns*depth); _NBrows=dimRows; _NBcolumns=dimColumns; _NBdepths=depth; _NBpixels=dimRows*dimColumns; _doubleNBpixels=2*dimRows*dimColumns; } inline TemplateBuffer<type> & operator=(const std::valarray<type> &b) { //std::cout<<"TemplateBuffer<type> & operator= affect vector: "<<std::endl; std::valarray<type>::operator=(b); return *this; } inline TemplateBuffer<type> & operator=(const type &b) { //std::cout<<"TemplateBuffer<type> & operator= affect value: "<<b<<std::endl; std::valarray<type>::operator=(b); return *this; } /* inline const type &operator[](const unsigned int &b) { return (*this)[b]; } */ /** * @return the buffer adress in non const mode */ inline type* Buffer() { return &(*this)[0]; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Standard Image manipulation functions /** * standard 0 to 255 image normalization function * @param inputOutputBuffer: the image to be normalized (rewrites the input), if no parameter, then, the built in buffer reachable by getOutput() function is normalized * @param nbPixels: specifies the number of pixel on which the normalization should be performed, if 0, then all pixels specified in the constructor are processed * @param maxOutputValue: the maximum output value */ static void normalizeGrayOutput_0_maxOutputValue(type *inputOutputBuffer, const size_t nbPixels, const type maxOutputValue=(type)255.0); /** * standard 0 to 255 image normalization function * @param inputOutputBuffer: the image to be normalized (rewrites the input), if no parameter, then, the built in buffer reachable by getOutput() function is normalized * @param nbPixels: specifies the number of pixel on which the normalization should be performed, if 0, then all pixels specified in the constructor are processed * @param maxOutputValue: the maximum output value */ void normalizeGrayOutput_0_maxOutputValue(const type maxOutputValue=(type)255.0) { normalizeGrayOutput_0_maxOutputValue(this->Buffer(), this->size(), maxOutputValue); } /** * sigmoide image normalization function (saturates min and max values) * @param meanValue: specifies the mean value of th pixels to be processed * @param sensitivity: strenght of the sigmoide * @param inputPicture: the image to be normalized if no parameter, then, the built in buffer reachable by getOutput() function is normalized * @param outputBuffer: the ouput buffer on which the result is writed, if no parameter, then, the built in buffer reachable by getOutput() function is normalized * @param maxOutputValue: the maximum output value */ static void normalizeGrayOutputCentredSigmoide(const type meanValue, const type sensitivity, const type maxOutputValue, type *inputPicture, type *outputBuffer, const unsigned int nbPixels); /** * sigmoide image normalization function on the current buffer (saturates min and max values) * @param meanValue: specifies the mean value of th pixels to be processed * @param sensitivity: strenght of the sigmoide * @param maxOutputValue: the maximum output value */ inline void normalizeGrayOutputCentredSigmoide(const type meanValue=(type)0.0, const type sensitivity=(type)2.0, const type maxOutputValue=(type)255.0) { (void)maxOutputValue; normalizeGrayOutputCentredSigmoide(meanValue, sensitivity, 255.0, this->Buffer(), this->Buffer(), this->getNBpixels()); } /** * sigmoide image normalization function (saturates min and max values), in this function, the sigmoide is centered on low values (high saturation of the medium and high values * @param inputPicture: the image to be normalized if no parameter, then, the built in buffer reachable by getOutput() function is normalized * @param outputBuffer: the ouput buffer on which the result is writed, if no parameter, then, the built in buffer reachable by getOutput() function is normalized * @param sensitivity: strenght of the sigmoide * @param maxOutputValue: the maximum output value */ void normalizeGrayOutputNearZeroCentreredSigmoide(type *inputPicture=(type*)NULL, type *outputBuffer=(type*)NULL, const type sensitivity=(type)40, const type maxOutputValue=(type)255.0); /** * center and reduct the image (image-mean)/std * @param inputOutputBuffer: the image to be normalized if no parameter, the result is rewrited on it */ void centerReductImageLuminance(type *inputOutputBuffer=(type*)NULL); /** * @return standard deviation of the buffer */ double getStandardDeviation() { double standardDeviation=0; double meanValue=getMean(); type *bufferPTR=Buffer(); for (unsigned int i=0;i<this->size();++i) { double diff=(*(bufferPTR++)-meanValue); standardDeviation+=diff*diff; } return std::sqrt(standardDeviation/this->size()); } /** * Clip buffer histogram * @param minRatio: the minimum ratio of the lower pixel values, range=[0,1] and lower than maxRatio * @param maxRatio: the aximum ratio of the higher pixel values, range=[0,1] and higher than minRatio */ void clipHistogram(double minRatio, double maxRatio, double maxOutputValue) { if (minRatio>=maxRatio) { std::cerr<<"TemplateBuffer::clipHistogram: minRatio must be inferior to maxRatio, buffer unchanged"<<std::endl; return; } /* minRatio=min(max(minRatio, 1.0),0.0); maxRatio=max(max(maxRatio, 0.0),1.0); */ // find the pixel value just above the threshold const double maxThreshold=this->max()*maxRatio; const double minThreshold=(this->max()-this->min())*minRatio+this->min(); type *bufferPTR=this->Buffer(); double deltaH=maxThreshold; double deltaL=maxThreshold; double updatedHighValue=maxThreshold; double updatedLowValue=maxThreshold; for (unsigned int i=0;i<this->size();++i) { double curentValue=(double)*(bufferPTR++); // updating "closest to the high threshold" pixel value double highValueTest=maxThreshold-curentValue; if (highValueTest>0) { if (deltaH>highValueTest) { deltaH=highValueTest; updatedHighValue=curentValue; } } // updating "closest to the low threshold" pixel value double lowValueTest=curentValue-minThreshold; if (lowValueTest>0) { if (deltaL>lowValueTest) { deltaL=lowValueTest; updatedLowValue=curentValue; } } } std::cout<<"Tdebug"<<std::endl; std::cout<<"deltaL="<<deltaL<<", deltaH="<<deltaH<<std::endl; std::cout<<"this->max()"<<this->max()<<"maxThreshold="<<maxThreshold<<"updatedHighValue="<<updatedHighValue<<std::endl; std::cout<<"this->min()"<<this->min()<<"minThreshold="<<minThreshold<<"updatedLowValue="<<updatedLowValue<<std::endl; // clipping values outside than the updated thresholds bufferPTR=this->Buffer(); #ifdef MAKE_PARALLEL // call the TemplateBuffer multitreaded clipping method parallel_for_(cv::Range(0,this->size()), Parallel_clipBufferValues<type>(bufferPTR, updatedLowValue, updatedHighValue)); #else for (unsigned int i=0;i<this->size();++i, ++bufferPTR) { if (*bufferPTR<updatedLowValue) *bufferPTR=updatedLowValue; else if (*bufferPTR>updatedHighValue) *bufferPTR=updatedHighValue; } #endif normalizeGrayOutput_0_maxOutputValue(this->Buffer(), this->size(), maxOutputValue); } /** * @return the mean value of the vector */ inline double getMean() { return this->sum()/this->size(); } protected: size_t _NBrows; size_t _NBcolumns; size_t _NBdepths; size_t _NBpixels; size_t _doubleNBpixels; // utilities static type _abs(const type x); }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// normalize output between 0 and 255, can be applied on images of different size that the declared size if nbPixels parameters is setted up; template <class type> void TemplateBuffer<type>::normalizeGrayOutput_0_maxOutputValue(type *inputOutputBuffer, const size_t processedPixels, const type maxOutputValue) { type maxValue=inputOutputBuffer[0], minValue=inputOutputBuffer[0]; // get the min and max value register type *inputOutputBufferPTR=inputOutputBuffer; for (register size_t j = 0; j<processedPixels; ++j) { type pixValue = *(inputOutputBufferPTR++); if (maxValue < pixValue) maxValue = pixValue; else if (minValue > pixValue) minValue = pixValue; } // change the range of the data to 0->255 type factor = maxOutputValue/(maxValue-minValue); type offset = (type)(-minValue*factor); inputOutputBufferPTR=inputOutputBuffer; for (register size_t j = 0; j < processedPixels; ++j, ++inputOutputBufferPTR) *inputOutputBufferPTR=*(inputOutputBufferPTR)*factor+offset; } // normalize data with a sigmoide close to 0 (saturates values for those superior to 0) template <class type> void TemplateBuffer<type>::normalizeGrayOutputNearZeroCentreredSigmoide(type *inputBuffer, type *outputBuffer, const type sensitivity, const type maxOutputValue) { if (inputBuffer==NULL) inputBuffer=Buffer(); if (outputBuffer==NULL) outputBuffer=Buffer(); type X0cube=sensitivity*sensitivity*sensitivity; register type *inputBufferPTR=inputBuffer; register type *outputBufferPTR=outputBuffer; for (register size_t j = 0; j < _NBpixels; ++j, ++inputBufferPTR) { type currentCubeLuminance=*inputBufferPTR**inputBufferPTR**inputBufferPTR; *(outputBufferPTR++)=maxOutputValue*currentCubeLuminance/(currentCubeLuminance+X0cube); } } // normalize and adjust luminance with a centered to 128 sigmode template <class type> void TemplateBuffer<type>::normalizeGrayOutputCentredSigmoide(const type meanValue, const type sensitivity, const type maxOutputValue, type *inputBuffer, type *outputBuffer, const unsigned int nbPixels) { if (sensitivity==1.0) { std::cerr<<"TemplateBuffer::TemplateBuffer<type>::normalizeGrayOutputCentredSigmoide error: 2nd parameter (sensitivity) must not equal 0, copying original data..."<<std::endl; memcpy(outputBuffer, inputBuffer, sizeof(type)*nbPixels); return; } type X0=maxOutputValue/(sensitivity-(type)1.0); register type *inputBufferPTR=inputBuffer; register type *outputBufferPTR=outputBuffer; for (register size_t j = 0; j < nbPixels; ++j, ++inputBufferPTR) *(outputBufferPTR++)=(meanValue+(meanValue+X0)*(*(inputBufferPTR)-meanValue)/(_abs(*(inputBufferPTR)-meanValue)+X0)); } // center and reduct the image (image-mean)/std template <class type> void TemplateBuffer<type>::centerReductImageLuminance(type *inputOutputBuffer) { // if outputBuffer unsassigned, the rewrite the buffer if (inputOutputBuffer==NULL) inputOutputBuffer=Buffer(); type meanValue=0, stdValue=0; // compute mean value for (register size_t j = 0; j < _NBpixels; ++j) meanValue+=inputOutputBuffer[j]; meanValue/=((type)_NBpixels); // compute std value register type *inputOutputBufferPTR=inputOutputBuffer; for (size_t index=0;index<_NBpixels;++index) { type inputMinusMean=*(inputOutputBufferPTR++)-meanValue; stdValue+=inputMinusMean*inputMinusMean; } stdValue=std::sqrt(stdValue/((type)_NBpixels)); // adjust luminance in regard of mean and std value; inputOutputBufferPTR=inputOutputBuffer; for (size_t index=0;index<_NBpixels;++index, ++inputOutputBufferPTR) *inputOutputBufferPTR=(*(inputOutputBufferPTR)-meanValue)/stdValue; } template <class type> type TemplateBuffer<type>::_abs(const type x) { if (x>0) return x; else return -x; } template < > inline int TemplateBuffer<int>::_abs(const int x) { return std::abs(x); } template < > inline double TemplateBuffer<double>::_abs(const double x) { return std::fabs(x); } template < > inline float TemplateBuffer<float>::_abs(const float x) { return std::fabs(x); } }// end of namespace bioinspired }// end of namespace cv #endif