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//                For Open Source Computer Vision Library
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#include "test_precomp.hpp"

namespace opencv_test { namespace {

class CV_RgbdDepthRegistrationTest: public cvtest::BaseTest

      // Test all three input types for no-op registrations (where a depth image is registered to itself)

      int code = noOpRandomRegistrationTest<unsigned short>(100, 2500);
      if( code != cvtest::TS::OK )

      code = noOpRandomRegistrationTest<float>(0.1f, 2.5f);
      if( code != cvtest::TS::OK )

      code = noOpRandomRegistrationTest<double>(0.1, 2.5);
      if( code != cvtest::TS::OK )

      // Test sentinel value handling, occlusion, and dilation

          // K from a VGA Kinect
          Mat K = (Mat_<float>(3, 3) << 525., 0., 319.5, 0., 525., 239.5, 0., 0., 1.);

          int width = 640, height = 480;

          // All elements are zero except for first two along the diagonal
          Mat_<unsigned short> vgaDepth(height, width, (unsigned short)0);
          vgaDepth(0,0) = 1001;
          vgaDepth(1,1) = 1000;

          Mat_<unsigned short> registeredDepth;
          registerDepth(K, K, Mat(), Matx44f::eye(), vgaDepth, Size(width, height), registeredDepth, true);

          // We expect the closer depth of 1000 to occlude the more distant depth and occupy the
          // upper four left pixels in the depth image because of dilation
          Mat_<unsigned short> expectedResult(height, width, (unsigned short)0);
          expectedResult(0,0) = 1000;
          expectedResult(0,1) = 1000;
          expectedResult(1,0) = 1000;
          expectedResult(1,1) = 1000;

          int cmpResult =  cvtest::cmpEps2( ts, registeredDepth, expectedResult, 0, true, "Dilation and occlusion");

          if( cmpResult != cvtest::TS::OK )




    template <class DepthDepth>
    int noOpRandomRegistrationTest(DepthDepth minDepth, DepthDepth maxDepth)

        // K from a VGA Kinect
        Mat K = (Mat_<float>(3, 3) << 525., 0., 319.5, 0., 525., 239.5, 0., 0., 1.);

        // Create a random depth image
        RNG rng;
        Mat_<DepthDepth> randomVGADepth(480, 640);
        rng.fill(randomVGADepth, RNG::UNIFORM, minDepth, maxDepth);

        Mat registeredDepth;
        registerDepth(K, K, Mat(), Matx44f::eye(), randomVGADepth, Size(640, 480), registeredDepth);

        // See if registeredDepth == depth
        return cvtest::cmpEps2( ts, registeredDepth, randomVGADepth, 1e-5, true, "No-op registration");



TEST(Rgbd_DepthRegistration, compute)
  CV_RgbdDepthRegistrationTest test;

}} // namespace