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This file was part of GSoC Project: Facemark API for OpenCV
Final report: https://gist.github.com/kurnianggoro/74de9121e122ad0bd825176751d47ecc
Student: Laksono Kurnianggoro
Mentor: Delia Passalacqua

#include "precomp.hpp"
#include "opencv2/face.hpp"
namespace cv {
namespace face {

* Parameters
    model_filename = "";
    m = 200;
    n = 10;
    n_iter = 50;
    verbose = true;
    save_model = true;
    max_m = 550;
    max_n = 136;
    texture_max_m = 145;

FacemarkAAM::Config::Config(Mat rot, Point2f trans, float scaling,int scale_id){
    R = rot.clone();
    t = trans;
    scale = scaling;
    model_scale_idx = scale_id;

void FacemarkAAM::Params::read( const cv::FileNode& fn ){
    *this = FacemarkAAM::Params();

    if (!fn["model_filename"].empty()) fn["model_filename"] >> model_filename;

    if (!fn["m"].empty()) fn["m"] >> m;
    if (!fn["n"].empty()) fn["n"] >> m;
    if (!fn["n_iter"].empty()) fn["n_iter"] >> m;
    if (!fn["verbose"].empty()) fn["verbose"] >> m;
    if (!fn["max_m"].empty()) fn["max_m"] >> m;
    if (!fn["max_n"].empty()) fn["max_n"] >> m;
    if (!fn["texture_max_m"].empty()) fn["texture_max_m"] >> m;
    if (!fn["scales"].empty()) fn["scales"] >> m;

void FacemarkAAM::Params::write( cv::FileStorage& fs ) const{
    fs << "model_filename" << model_filename;
    fs << "m" << m;
    fs << "n" << n;
    fs << "n_iter" << n_iter;
    fs << "verbose" << verbose;
    fs << "max_m" << verbose;
    fs << "max_n" << verbose;
    fs << "texture_max_m" << verbose;
    fs << "scales" << verbose;

class FacemarkAAMImpl : public FacemarkAAM {
    FacemarkAAMImpl( const FacemarkAAM::Params &parameters = FacemarkAAM::Params() );
    void read( const FileNode& /*fn*/ ) CV_OVERRIDE;
    void write( FileStorage& /*fs*/ ) const CV_OVERRIDE;

    void saveModel(String fs);
    void loadModel(String fs) CV_OVERRIDE;

    bool setFaceDetector(bool(*f)(InputArray , OutputArray, void * ), void* userData) CV_OVERRIDE;
    bool getFaces(InputArray image, OutputArray faces) CV_OVERRIDE;

    bool getData(void * items) CV_OVERRIDE;

    bool fitConfig( InputArray image, InputArray roi, OutputArrayOfArrays _landmarks, const std::vector<Config> &runtime_params ) CV_OVERRIDE;


    bool fit( InputArray image, InputArray faces, OutputArrayOfArrays landmarks ) CV_OVERRIDE;
    bool fitImpl( const Mat image, std::vector<Point2f>& landmarks,const  Mat R,const  Point2f T,const  float scale, const int sclIdx=0 );

    bool addTrainingSample(InputArray image, InputArray landmarks) CV_OVERRIDE;
    void training(void* parameters) CV_OVERRIDE;

    Mat procrustes(std::vector<Point2f> , std::vector<Point2f> , Mat & , Scalar & , float & );
    void calcMeanShape(std::vector<std::vector<Point2f> > ,std::vector<Point2f> & );
    void procrustesAnalysis(std::vector<std::vector<Point2f> > , std::vector<std::vector<Point2f> > & , std::vector<Point2f> & );

    inline Mat linearize(Mat );
    inline Mat linearize(std::vector<Point2f> );
    void getProjection(const Mat , Mat &, int );
    void calcSimilarityEig(std::vector<Point2f> ,Mat , Mat & , Mat & );
    Mat orthonormal(Mat );
    void delaunay(std::vector<Point2f> , std::vector<Vec3i> & );
    Mat createMask(std::vector<Point2f> , Rect );
    Mat createTextureBase(std::vector<Point2f> , std::vector<Vec3i> , Rect , std::vector<std::vector<Point> > & );
    Mat warpImage(const Mat ,const  std::vector<Point2f> ,const  std::vector<Point2f> ,
                  const std::vector<Vec3i> , const Rect , const  std::vector<std::vector<Point> > );
    template <class T>
    Mat getFeature(const Mat , std::vector<int> map);
    void createMaskMapping(const Mat mask, const Mat mask2,  std::vector<int> & , std::vector<int> &, std::vector<int> &);

    void warpUpdate(std::vector<Point2f> & shape, Mat delta, std::vector<Point2f> s0, Mat S, Mat Q, std::vector<Vec3i> triangles,std::vector<std::vector<int> > Tp);
    Mat computeWarpParts(std::vector<Point2f> curr_shape,std::vector<Point2f> s0, Mat ds0, std::vector<Vec3i> triangles,std::vector<std::vector<int> > Tp);
    void image_jacobian(const Mat gx, const Mat gy, const Mat Jx, const Mat Jy, Mat & G);
    void gradient(const Mat M, Mat & gx, Mat & gy);
    void createWarpJacobian(Mat S, Mat Q,  std::vector<Vec3i> , Model::Texture & T, Mat & Wx_dp, Mat & Wy_dp, std::vector<std::vector<int> > & Tp);

    std::vector<Mat> images;
    std::vector<std::vector<Point2f> > facePoints;
    FacemarkAAM::Params params;
    FacemarkAAM::Model AAM;
    FN_FaceDetector faceDetector;
    void* faceDetectorData;

    bool isModelTrained;

* Constructor
Ptr<FacemarkAAM> FacemarkAAM::create(const FacemarkAAM::Params &parameters){
    return Ptr<FacemarkAAMImpl>(new FacemarkAAMImpl(parameters));

* Constructor
Ptr<Facemark> createFacemarkAAM(){
    FacemarkAAM::Params parameters;
    return Ptr<FacemarkAAMImpl>(new FacemarkAAMImpl(parameters));

FacemarkAAMImpl::FacemarkAAMImpl( const FacemarkAAM::Params &parameters ) :
    params( parameters ),
    faceDetector(NULL), faceDetectorData(NULL)
    isModelTrained = false;

void FacemarkAAMImpl::read( const cv::FileNode& fn ){
    params.read( fn );

void FacemarkAAMImpl::write( cv::FileStorage& fs ) const {
    params.write( fs );

bool FacemarkAAMImpl::setFaceDetector(bool(*f)(InputArray , OutputArray, void *), void* userData){
    faceDetector = f;
    faceDetectorData = userData;
    return true;

bool FacemarkAAMImpl::getFaces(InputArray image, OutputArray faces)
    if (!faceDetector)
        return false;
    return faceDetector(image, faces, faceDetectorData);

bool FacemarkAAMImpl::getData(void * items){

    Data* data = (Data*)items;
    data->s0 = AAM.s0;
    return true;

bool FacemarkAAMImpl::addTrainingSample(InputArray image, InputArray landmarks){
    // FIXIT
    std::vector<Point2f> & _landmarks = *(std::vector<Point2f>*)landmarks.getObj();


    return true;

void FacemarkAAMImpl::training(void* parameters){
    if(parameters!=0){/*do nothing*/}
    if (images.size()<1) {
        CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "Training data is not provided. Consider to add using addTrainingSample() function!");

    if(strcmp(params.model_filename.c_str(),"")==0 && params.save_model){
        CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "The model_filename parameter should be set!");

    std::vector<std::vector<Point2f> > normalized;
    Mat erode_kernel = getStructuringElement(MORPH_RECT, Size(3,3), Point(1,1));
    Mat image;

    int param_max_m = params.max_m;//550;
    int param_max_n = params.max_n;//136;

    AAM.scales = params.scales;

    /*-------------- A. Load the training data---------*/
    procrustesAnalysis(facePoints, normalized,AAM.s0);

    /*-------------- B. Create the shape model---------*/
    Mat s0_lin = linearize(AAM.s0).t() ;
    // linearize all shapes  data, all x and then all y for each shape
    Mat M;
    for(unsigned i=0;i<normalized.size();i++){

    /* get PCA Projection vectors */
    Mat S;
    /* Create similarity eig*/
    Mat shape_S,shape_Q;

    /* ----------C. Create the coordinate frame ------------*/

    for(size_t scale=0; scale<AAM.scales.size();scale++){
        AAM.textures[scale].max_m = params.texture_max_m;//145;
        if(params.verbose) printf("Training for scale %f ...\n", AAM.scales[scale]);
        Mat s0_scaled_m = Mat(AAM.s0)/AAM.scales[scale]; // scale the shape
        std::vector<Point2f> s0_scaled = s0_scaled_m.reshape(2); //convert to points

        /*get the min and max of x and y coordinate*/
        double min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y;
        s0_scaled_m = s0_scaled_m.reshape(1);
        Mat s0_scaled_x = s0_scaled_m.col(0);
        Mat s0_scaled_y = s0_scaled_m.col(1);
        minMaxIdx(s0_scaled_x, &min_x, &max_x);
        minMaxIdx(s0_scaled_y, &min_y, &max_y);

        std::vector<Point2f> base_shape = Mat(Mat(s0_scaled)-Scalar(min_x-2.0,min_y-2.0)).reshape(2);
        AAM.textures[scale].base_shape = base_shape;
        AAM.textures[scale].resolution = Rect(0,0,(int)ceil(max_x-min_x+3),(int)ceil(max_y-min_y+3));

        Mat base_texture = createTextureBase(base_shape, AAM.triangles, AAM.textures[scale].resolution, AAM.textures[scale].textureIdx);

        Mat mask1 = base_texture>0;
        Mat mask2;
        erode(mask1, mask1, erode_kernel);
        erode(mask1, mask2, erode_kernel);

        Mat warped;
        std::vector<int> fe_map;
        createMaskMapping(mask1,mask2, AAM.textures[scale].ind1, AAM.textures[scale].ind2,fe_map);//ok

        /* ------------ Part D. Get textures -------------*/
        Mat texture_feats, feat;
        if(params.verbose) printf("(1/4) Feature extraction ...\n");
        for(size_t i=0; i<images.size();i++){
            if(params.verbose) printf("extract features from image #%i/%i\n", (int)(i+1), (int)images.size());
            warped = warpImage(images[i],base_shape, facePoints[i], AAM.triangles, AAM.textures[scale].resolution,AAM.textures[scale].textureIdx);
            feat = getFeature<uchar>(warped, AAM.textures[scale].ind1);
        Mat T= texture_feats.t();

        /* -------------- E. Create the texture model -----------------*/
        reduce(T,AAM.textures[scale].A0,1, REDUCE_AVG);

        if(params.verbose) printf("(2/4) Compute the feature average ...\n");
        Mat A0_mtx = repeat(AAM.textures[scale].A0,1,T.cols);
        Mat textures_normalized = T - A0_mtx;

        if(params.verbose) printf("(3/4) Projecting the features ...\n");
        getProjection(textures_normalized, AAM.textures[scale].A ,param_max_m);
        AAM.textures[scale].AA0 = getFeature<float>(AAM.textures[scale].A0, fe_map);

        if(params.verbose) printf("(4/4) Extraction of the eroded face features ...\n");
        Mat U_data, ud;
        for(int i =0;i<AAM.textures[scale].A.cols;i++){
            Mat c = AAM.textures[scale].A.col(i);
            ud = getFeature<float>(c,fe_map);
        Mat U = U_data.t();
        AAM.textures[scale].AA = orthonormal(U);
    } // scale

        if(params.verbose) printf("Saving the model\n");
    isModelTrained = true;
    if(params.verbose) printf("Training is completed\n");

 * @brief Copy the contents of a corners vector to an OutputArray, settings its size.
static void _copyVector2Output(std::vector< std::vector< Point2f > > &vec, OutputArrayOfArrays out)
    out.create((int)vec.size(), 1, CV_32FC2);

    if (out.isMatVector()) {
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) {
            out.create(68, 1, CV_32FC2, i);
            Mat &m = out.getMatRef(i);
    else if (out.isUMatVector()) {
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) {
            out.create(68, 1, CV_32FC2, i);
            UMat &m = out.getUMatRef(i);
    else if (out.kind() == _OutputArray::STD_VECTOR_VECTOR) {
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) {
            out.create(68, 1, CV_32FC2, i);
            Mat m = out.getMat(i);
    else {
            "Only Mat vector, UMat vector, and vector<vector> OutputArrays are currently supported.");

bool FacemarkAAMImpl::fit( InputArray image, InputArray roi, OutputArrayOfArrays _landmarks )
    std::vector<Config> config; // empty
    return fitConfig(image, roi, _landmarks, config);

bool FacemarkAAMImpl::fitConfig( InputArray image, InputArray roi, OutputArrayOfArrays _landmarks, const std::vector<Config> &configs )
    Mat roimat = roi.getMat();
    std::vector<Rect> faces = roimat.reshape(4, roimat.rows);
    if(faces.size()<1) return false;

    std::vector<std::vector<Point2f> > landmarks;

    Mat img = image.getMat();
    if (! configs.empty()){

        if (configs.size()!=faces.size()) {
            CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "Number of faces and extra_parameters are different!");
        for(size_t i=0; i<configs.size();i++){
            fitImpl(img, landmarks[i], configs[i].R,configs[i].t, configs[i].scale, configs[i].model_scale_idx);
        Mat R =  Mat::eye(2, 2, CV_32F);
        Point2f t = Point2f((float)(img.cols/2.0),(float)(img.rows/2.0));
        float scale = 1.0;

        for(unsigned i=0; i<faces.size();i++){
            fitImpl(img, landmarks[i], R,t, scale);
    _copyVector2Output(landmarks, _landmarks);

    return true;

bool FacemarkAAMImpl::fitImpl( const Mat image, std::vector<Point2f>& landmarks, const Mat R, const Point2f T, const  float scale, int _scl){
    if (landmarks.size()>0)


    int param_n = params.n, param_m = params.m;
    int scl = _scl<(int)AAM.scales.size()?_scl:(int)AAM.scales.size();

    std::vector<Point2f> s0 = Mat(Mat(AAM.s0)/AAM.scales[scl]).reshape(2);

    Mat S = Mat(AAM.S, Range::all(), Range(0,param_n>AAM.S.cols?AAM.S.cols:param_n)).clone(); // chop the shape data
    std::vector<std::vector<int> > Tp;
    Mat Wx_dp, Wy_dp;
    createWarpJacobian(S, AAM.Q, AAM.triangles, AAM.textures[scl],Wx_dp, Wy_dp, Tp);

    std::vector<Point2f> s0_init = Mat(Mat(R*scale*AAM.scales[scl]*Mat(Mat(s0).reshape(1)).t()).t()).reshape(2);
    std::vector<Point2f> curr_shape =  Mat(Mat(s0_init)+Scalar(T.x,T.y));
    curr_shape = Mat(1.0/scale*Mat(curr_shape)).reshape(2);

    Mat imgray;
    Mat img;
        imgray = image;

    resize(imgray,img,Size(int(image.cols/scale),int(image.rows/scale)), 0, 0, INTER_LINEAR_EXACT);// matlab use bicubic interpolation, the result is float numbers

    /*chop the textures model*/
    int maxCol = param_m;
    if(AAM.textures[scl].A.cols<param_m)maxCol = AAM.textures[scl].A.cols;
    if(AAM.textures[scl].AA.cols<maxCol)maxCol = AAM.textures[scl].AA.cols;

    Mat A = Mat(AAM.textures[scl].A,Range(0,AAM.textures[scl].A.rows), Range(0,maxCol)).clone();
    Mat AA = Mat(AAM.textures[scl].AA,Range(0,AAM.textures[scl].AA.rows), Range(0,maxCol)).clone();

    /*iteratively update the fitting*/
    Mat I, II, warped, c, gx, gy, Irec, Irec_feat, dc;
    Mat refI, refII, refWarped, ref_c, ref_gx, ref_gy, refIrec, refIrec_feat, ref_dc ;
    for(int t=0;t<params.n_iter;t++){
        warped = warpImage(img,AAM.textures[scl].base_shape, curr_shape,
                           AAM.textures[scl].resolution ,

        I = getFeature<uchar>(warped, AAM.textures[scl].ind1);
        II = getFeature<uchar>(warped, AAM.textures[scl].ind2);

            c = A.t()*(I-AAM.textures[scl].A0); //little bit different to matlab, probably due to datatype
            c = c+dc;

        Irec_feat = (AAM.textures[scl].A0+A*c);
        Irec = Mat::zeros(AAM.textures[scl].resolution.width, AAM.textures[scl].resolution.height, CV_32FC1);

        for(int j=0;j<(int)AAM.textures[scl].ind1.size();j++){
            Irec.at<float>(AAM.textures[scl].ind1[j]) = Irec_feat.at<float>(j);
        Mat irec = Irec.t();

        gradient(irec, gx, gy);

        Mat Jc;
        image_jacobian(Mat(gx.t()).reshape(0,1).t(),Mat(gy.t()).reshape(0,1).t(),Wx_dp, Wy_dp,Jc);

        Mat J;
        std::vector<float> Irec_vec;
        for(size_t j=0;j<AAM.textures[scl].ind2.size();j++){

        /*compute Jfsic and Hfsic*/
        Mat Jfsic = J - AA*(AA.t()*J);
        Mat Hfsic = Jfsic.t()*Jfsic;
        Mat iHfsic;
        invert(Hfsic, iHfsic);

        /*compute dp dq and dc*/
        Mat dqp = iHfsic*Jfsic.t()*(II-AAM.textures[scl].AA0);
        dc = AA.t()*(II-Mat(Irec_vec)-J*dqp);
        warpUpdate(curr_shape, dqp, s0,S, AAM.Q, AAM.triangles,Tp);
    landmarks = Mat(scale*Mat(curr_shape)).reshape(2);
    return true;

void FacemarkAAMImpl::saveModel(String s){
    FileStorage fs(s.c_str(),FileStorage::WRITE_BASE64);
    fs << "AAM_tri" << AAM.triangles;
    fs << "scales" << AAM.scales;
    fs << "s0" << AAM.s0;
    fs << "S" << AAM.S;
    fs << "Q" << AAM.Q;

    String x;
    for(int i=0;i< (int)AAM.scales.size();i++){
        x = cv::format("scale%i_max_m",i);
        fs << x << AAM.textures[i].max_m;

        x = cv::format("scale%i_resolution",i);
        fs << x << AAM.textures[i].resolution;

        x = cv::format("scale%i_textureIdx",i);
        fs << x << AAM.textures[i].textureIdx;

        x = cv::format("scale%i_base_shape",i);
        fs << x << AAM.textures[i].base_shape;

        x = cv::format("scale%i_A",i);
        fs << x << AAM.textures[i].A;

        x = cv::format("scale%i_A0",i);
        fs << x << AAM.textures[i].A0;

        x = cv::format("scale%i_AA",i);
        fs << x << AAM.textures[i].AA;

        x = cv::format("scale%i_AA0",i);
        fs << x << AAM.textures[i].AA0;

        x = cv::format("scale%i_ind1",i);
        fs << x << AAM.textures[i].ind1;

        x = cv::format("scale%i_ind2",i);
        fs << x << AAM.textures[i].ind2;

    if(params.verbose) printf("The model is successfully saved! \n");

void FacemarkAAMImpl::loadModel(String s){
    FileStorage fs(s.c_str(),FileStorage::READ);
    String x;
    fs["AAM_tri"] >> AAM.triangles;
    fs["scales"] >> AAM.scales;
    fs["s0"] >> AAM.s0;
    fs["S"] >> AAM.S;
    fs["Q"] >> AAM.Q;

    for(int i=0;i< (int)AAM.scales.size();i++){
        x = cv::format("scale%i_max_m",i);
        fs[x] >> AAM.textures[i].max_m;

        x = cv::format("scale%i_resolution",i);
        fs[x] >> AAM.textures[i].resolution;

        x = cv::format("scale%i_textureIdx",i);
        fs[x] >> AAM.textures[i].textureIdx;

        x = cv::format("scale%i_base_shape",i);
        fs[x] >> AAM.textures[i].base_shape;

        x = cv::format("scale%i_A",i);
        fs[x] >> AAM.textures[i].A;

        x = cv::format("scale%i_A0",i);
        fs[x] >> AAM.textures[i].A0;

        x = cv::format("scale%i_AA",i);
        fs[x] >> AAM.textures[i].AA;

        x = cv::format("scale%i_AA0",i);
        fs[x] >> AAM.textures[i].AA0;

        x = cv::format("scale%i_ind1",i);
        fs[x] >> AAM.textures[i].ind1;

        x = cv::format("scale%i_ind2",i);
        fs[x] >> AAM.textures[i].ind2;

    isModelTrained = true;
    if(params.verbose) printf("the model has been loaded\n");

Mat FacemarkAAMImpl::procrustes(std::vector<Point2f> P, std::vector<Point2f> Q, Mat & rot, Scalar & trans, float & scale){

    // calculate average
    Scalar mx = mean(P);
    Scalar my = mean(Q);

    // zero centered data
    Mat X0 = Mat(P) - mx;
    Mat Y0 = Mat(Q) - my;

    // calculate magnitude
    Mat Xs, Ys;

    // calculate the sum
    Mat sumXs, sumYs;
    reduce(Xs,sumXs, 0, REDUCE_SUM);
    reduce(Ys,sumYs, 0, REDUCE_SUM);

    //calculate the normrnd
    double normX = sqrt(Mat(sumXs.reshape(1)).at<float>(0)+Mat(sumXs.reshape(1)).at<float>(1));
    double normY = sqrt(Mat(sumYs.reshape(1)).at<float>(0)+Mat(sumYs.reshape(1)).at<float>(1));

    X0 = X0/normX;
    Y0 = Y0/normY;

    //reshape, convert to 2D Matrix
    Mat Xn=X0.reshape(1);
    Mat Yn=Y0.reshape(1);

    //calculate the covariance matrix
    Mat M = Xn.t()*Yn;

    // decompose
    Mat U,S,Vt;
    SVD::compute(M, S, U, Vt);

    // extract the transformations
    scale = (S.at<float>(0)+S.at<float>(1))*(float)normX/(float)normY;
    rot = Vt.t()*U.t();

    Mat muX(mx),mX; muX.pop_back();muX.pop_back();
    Mat muY(my),mY; muY.pop_back();muY.pop_back();

    Mat t = mX.t()-scale*mY.t()*rot;
    trans[0] = t.at<float>(0);
    trans[1] = t.at<float>(1);

    // calculate the recovered form
    Mat Qmat = Mat(Q).reshape(1);

    return Mat(scale*Qmat*rot+trans).clone();

void FacemarkAAMImpl::procrustesAnalysis(std::vector<std::vector<Point2f> > shapes, std::vector<std::vector<Point2f> > & normalized, std::vector<Point2f> & new_mean){

    std::vector<Scalar> mean_every_shape;

    Point2f temp;

    // calculate the mean of every shape
    for(size_t i=0; i< shapes.size();i++){
        mean_every_shape[i] = mean(shapes[i]);

    //normalize every shapes
    Mat tShape;
    for(size_t i=0; i< shapes.size();i++){
        normalized.push_back((Mat)(Mat(shapes[i]) - mean_every_shape[i]));

    // calculate the mean shape
    std::vector<Point2f> mean_shape;
    calcMeanShape(normalized, mean_shape);

    // update the mean shape and normalized shapes iteratively
    int maxIter = 100;
    Mat R;
    Scalar t;
    float s;
    Mat aligned;
    for(int i=0;i<maxIter;i++){
        // align
        for(unsigned k=0;k< normalized.size();k++){
            aligned=procrustes(mean_shape, normalized[k], R, t, s);

        //calc new mean
        calcMeanShape(normalized, new_mean);
        // align the new mean
        aligned=procrustes(mean_shape, new_mean, R, t, s);
        // update

void FacemarkAAMImpl::calcMeanShape(std::vector<std::vector<Point2f> > shapes,std::vector<Point2f> & mean){
    Point2f tmp;
    for(unsigned i=0;i<shapes[0].size();i++){
        for(unsigned k=0;k< shapes.size();k++){
            tmp.x+= shapes[k][i].x;
            tmp.y+= shapes[k][i].y;
        mean[i] = tmp;

void FacemarkAAMImpl::getProjection(const Mat M, Mat & P,  int n){
    Mat U,S,Vt,S1, Ut;
    int k;
    if(M.rows < M.cols){
        // SVD::compute(M*M.t(), S, U, Vt);
        eigen(M*M.t(), S, Ut); U=Ut.t();

        // find the minimum between number of non-zero eigval,
        // compressed dim, row, and column
        // threshold(S,S1,0.00001,1,THRESH_BINARY);
        k= S.rows; //countNonZero(S1);

        // cut the column of eigen vector
        // SVD::compute(M.t()*M, S, U, Vt);
        eigen(M.t()*M, S, Ut);U=Ut.t();

        // threshold(S,S1,0.00001,1,THRESH_BINARY);
        k= S.rows; //countNonZero(S1);

        // cut the eigen values to k-amount
        Mat D = Mat::zeros(k,k,CV_32FC1);
        Mat diag = D.diag();
        Mat s; pow(S,-0.5,s);
        s(Range(0,k), Range::all()).copyTo(diag);

        // cut the eigen vector to k-column,
        P = Mat(M*U.colRange(0,k)*D).clone();


Mat FacemarkAAMImpl::orthonormal(Mat Mo){
    Mat M;

    // TODO: float precission is only 1e-7, but MATLAB version use thresh=2.2204e-16
    float thresh = (float)2.2204e-6;

    Mat O = Mat::zeros(M.rows, M.cols, CV_32FC1);

    int k = 0; //storing index

    Mat w,nv;
    float n;
    for(int i=0;i<M.cols;i++){
        Mat v = M.col(i); // processed column to orthogonalize

        // subtract projection over previous vectors
        for(int j=0;j<k;j++){
            Mat o=O.col(j);
            w = v-o*(o.t()*v);

        // only keep non zero vector
        n = (float)norm(v);
            Mat ok=O.col(k);
            // nv=v/n;


    return O.colRange(0,k).clone();

void FacemarkAAMImpl::calcSimilarityEig(std::vector<Point2f> s0,Mat S, Mat & Q_orth, Mat & S_orth){
    int npts = (int)s0.size();

    Mat Q = Mat::zeros(2*npts,4,CV_32FC1);
    Mat c0 = Q.col(0);
    Mat c1 = Q.col(1);
    Mat c2 = Q.col(2);
    Mat c3 = Q.col(3);

    /*c0 = s0(:)*/
    Mat w = linearize(s0);
    // w.convertTo(w, CV_64FC1);

    /*c1 = [-s0(npts:2*npts); s0(0:npts-1)]*/
    Mat s0_mat = Mat(s0).reshape(1);
    // s0_mat.convertTo(s0_mat, CV_64FC1);
    Mat swapper = Mat::zeros(2,npts,CV_32FC1);
    Mat s00 = s0_mat.col(0);
    Mat s01 = s0_mat.col(1);
    Mat sw0 = swapper.row(0);
    Mat sw1 = swapper.row(1);
    s01 = -s01;


    /*c2 - [ones(npts); zeros(npts)]*/
    Mat ones = Mat::ones(1,npts,CV_32FC1);
    Mat c2_mat = Mat::zeros(2,npts,CV_32FC1);
    Mat c20 = c2_mat.row(0);

    /*c3 - [zeros(npts); ones(npts)]*/
    Mat c3_mat = Mat::zeros(2,npts,CV_32FC1);
    Mat c31 = c3_mat.row(1);

    Mat Qo = orthonormal(Q);

    Mat all = Qo.t();

    Mat allOrth = orthonormal(all.t());
    Q_orth =  allOrth.colRange(0,4).clone();
    S_orth =  allOrth.colRange(4,allOrth.cols).clone();


inline Mat FacemarkAAMImpl::linearize(Mat s){ // all x values and then all y values
    return Mat(s.reshape(1).t()).reshape(1,2*s.rows);
inline Mat FacemarkAAMImpl::linearize(std::vector<Point2f> s){ // all x values and then all y values
    return linearize(Mat(s));

void FacemarkAAMImpl::delaunay(std::vector<Point2f> s, std::vector<Vec3i> & triangles)

    std::vector<Vec6f> tp;

    double min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y;
    Mat S = Mat(s).reshape(1);
    Mat s_x = S.col(0);
    Mat s_y = S.col(1);
    minMaxIdx(s_x, &min_x, &max_x);
    minMaxIdx(s_y, &min_y, &max_y);

    // TODO FIXIT Some triangles are lost
    //Subdiv2D subdiv(Rect(cvFloor(min_x), cvFloor(min_y), cvCeil(max_x) - cvFloor(min_x), cvCeil(max_y) - cvFloor(min_y)));
    Subdiv2D subdiv(Rect(cvFloor(min_x) - 10, cvFloor(min_y) - 10, cvCeil(max_x) - cvFloor(min_x) + 20, cvCeil(max_y) - cvFloor(min_y) + 20));

    // map subdiv_verter -> original point (or the first alias)
    std::vector<int> idx(s.size() + 4);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i)
        int vertex = subdiv.insert(s[i]);
        if (idx.size() <= (size_t)vertex)
            idx.resize(vertex + 1);
        idx[vertex] = (int)i;


    for (size_t i = 0; i < tp.size(); i++)
        const Vec6f& t = tp[i];

        //accept only vertex point
            t[0]>=min_x && t[0]<=max_x && t[1]>=min_y && t[1]<=max_y &&
            t[2]>=min_x && t[2]<=max_x && t[3]>=min_y && t[3]<=max_y &&
            t[4]>=min_x && t[4]<=max_x && t[5]>=min_y && t[5]<=max_y

        int tmp = 0, v1 = 0, v2 = 0, v3 = 0;
        subdiv.locate(Point2f(t[0], t[1]), tmp, v1);
        subdiv.locate(Point2f(t[2], t[3]), tmp, v2);
        subdiv.locate(Point2f(t[4], t[5]), tmp, v3);
        triangles.push_back(Vec3i(idx[v1], idx[v2], idx[v3]));
    } // for

Mat FacemarkAAMImpl::createMask(std::vector<Point2f> base_shape,  Rect res){
    Mat mask = Mat::zeros(res.height, res.width, CV_8U);
    std::vector<Point> hull;
    std::vector<Point> shape;
    Mat(base_shape).convertTo(shape, CV_32S);
    fillConvexPoly(mask, &hull[0], (int)hull.size(), 255, 8 ,0);
    return mask.clone();

Mat FacemarkAAMImpl::createTextureBase(std::vector<Point2f> shape, std::vector<Vec3i> triangles, Rect res, std::vector<std::vector<Point> > & textureIdx){
    // max supported amount of triangles only 255
    Mat mask = Mat::zeros(res.height, res.width, CV_8U);

    std::vector<Point2f> p(3);
    for(size_t i=0;i<triangles.size();i++){
        p[0] = shape[triangles[i][0]];
        p[1] = shape[triangles[i][1]];
        p[2] = shape[triangles[i][2]];

        std::vector<Point> polygon;
        approxPolyDP(p,polygon, 1.0, true);
        fillConvexPoly(mask, &polygon[0], (int)polygon.size(), (double)i+1,8,0 );

        std::vector<Point> list;
        for(int y=0;y<res.height;y++){
            for(int x=0;x<res.width;x++){


    return mask.clone();

Mat FacemarkAAMImpl::warpImage(
    const Mat img, const std::vector<Point2f> target_shape,
    const std::vector<Point2f> curr_shape, const std::vector<Vec3i> triangles,
    const Rect res, const std::vector<std::vector<Point> > textureIdx)
    // TODO: this part can be optimized, collect tranformation pair form all triangles first, then do one time remapping
    Mat warped = Mat::zeros(res.height, res.width, CV_8U);
    Mat warped2 = Mat::zeros(res.height, res.width, CV_8U);
    Mat image,part, warped_part;

        image = img;

    Mat A,R,t;
    A = Mat::zeros(2,3,CV_64F);
    std::vector<Point2f> target(3),source(3);
    std::vector<Point> polygon;
    for(size_t i=0;i<triangles.size();i++){
        target[0] = target_shape[triangles[i][0]];
        target[1] = target_shape[triangles[i][1]];
        target[2] = target_shape[triangles[i][2]];

        source[0] = curr_shape[triangles[i][0]];
        source[1] = curr_shape[triangles[i][1]];
        source[2] = curr_shape[triangles[i][2]];

        Mat target_mtx = Mat(target).reshape(1)-1.0;
        Mat source_mtx = Mat(source).reshape(1)-1.0;
        Mat U = target_mtx.col(0);
        Mat V = target_mtx.col(1);
        Mat X = source_mtx.col(0);
        Mat Y = source_mtx.col(1);

        double denominator = (target[1].x-target[0].x)*(target[2].y-target[0].y)-
        // denominator = 1.0/denominator;

        A.at<double>(0) = ((target[2].y-target[0].y)*(source[1].x-source[0].x)-
        A.at<double>(1) = ((target[1].x-target[0].x)*(source[2].x-source[0].x)-
        A.at<double>(2) =X.at<float>(0) + ((V.at<float>(0) * (U.at<float>(2) - U.at<float>(0)) - U.at<float>(0)*(V.at<float>(2) - V.at<float>(0))) * (X.at<float>(1) - X.at<float>(0)) + (U.at<float>(0) * (V.at<float>(1) - V.at<float>(0)) - V.at<float>(0)*(U.at<float>(1) - U.at<float>(0))) * (X.at<float>(2) - X.at<float>(0))) / denominator;
        A.at<double>(3) =((V.at<float>(2) - V.at<float>(0)) * (Y.at<float>(1) - Y.at<float>(0)) - (V.at<float>(1) - V.at<float>(0)) * (Y.at<float>(2) - Y.at<float>(0))) / denominator;
        A.at<double>(4) = ((U.at<float>(1) - U.at<float>(0)) * (Y.at<float>(2) - Y.at<float>(0)) - (U.at<float>(2) - U.at<float>(0)) * (Y.at<float>(1) - Y.at<float>(0))) / denominator;
        A.at<double>(5) = Y.at<float>(0) + ((V.at<float>(0) * (U.at<float>(2) - U.at<float>(0)) - U.at<float>(0) * (V.at<float>(2) - V.at<float>(0))) * (Y.at<float>(1) - Y.at<float>(0)) + (U.at<float>(0) * (V.at<float>(1) - V.at<float>(0)) - V.at<float>(0)*(U.at<float>(1) - U.at<float>(0))) * (Y.at<float>(2) - Y.at<float>(0))) / denominator;

        // A = getAffineTransform(target,source);


        Mat pts_ori = Mat(textureIdx[i]).reshape(1);
        Mat pts = pts_ori.t(); //matlab
        Mat bx = pts_ori.col(0);
        Mat by = pts_ori.col(1);

        Mat base_ind = (by-1)*res.width+bx;

        Mat pts_f;

        Mat trans = (A*pts_f).t();

        Mat T; trans.convertTo(T, CV_32S); // this rounding make the result a little bit different to matlab
        Mat mx = T.col(0);
        Mat my = T.col(1);

        Mat ind = (my-1)*image.cols+mx;
        int maxIdx = image.rows*image.cols;
        int idx;

        for(int k=0;k<ind.rows;k++){
            if(idx>=0 && idx<maxIdx){
                warped.at<uchar>(base_ind.at<int>(k)) = (uchar)(image.at<uchar>(idx));


    return warped2.clone();

template <class T>
Mat FacemarkAAMImpl::getFeature(const Mat m, std::vector<int> map){
    std::vector<float> feat;
    Mat M = m.t();//matlab
    for(size_t i=0;i<map.size();i++){
    return Mat(feat).clone();

void FacemarkAAMImpl::createMaskMapping(const Mat m1, const Mat m2, std::vector<int> & ind1, std::vector<int> & ind2, std::vector<int> & ind3){

    int cnt = 0, idx=0;


    Mat mask = m1.t();//matlab
    Mat mask2 = m2.t();//matlab

    for(int i=0;i<mask.rows;i++){
        for(int j=0;j<mask.cols;j++){


                cnt +=1;
        } // j
    } // i


void FacemarkAAMImpl::image_jacobian(const Mat gx, const Mat gy, const Mat Jx, const Mat Jy, Mat & G){

    Mat Gx = repeat(gx,1,Jx.cols);
    Mat Gy = repeat(gy,1,Jx.cols);

    Mat G1,G2;


void FacemarkAAMImpl::warpUpdate(std::vector<Point2f> & shape, Mat delta, std::vector<Point2f> s0, Mat S, Mat Q, std::vector<Vec3i> triangles,std::vector<std::vector<int> > Tp){
    std::vector<Point2f> new_shape;
    int nSimEig = 4;

    /*get dr, dp and compute ds0*/
    Mat dr = -Mat(delta, Range(0,nSimEig));
    Mat dp = -Mat(delta, Range(nSimEig, delta.rows));

    Mat ds0 = S*dp + Q*dr;
    Mat ds0_mat = Mat::zeros((int)s0.size(),2, CV_32FC1);
    Mat c0 = ds0_mat.col(0);
    Mat c1 = ds0_mat.col(1);
    Mat(ds0, Range(0,(int)s0.size())).copyTo(c0);
    Mat(ds0, Range((int)s0.size(),(int)s0.size()*2)).copyTo(c1);

    Mat s_new = computeWarpParts(shape,s0,ds0_mat, triangles, Tp);

    Mat diff =linearize(Mat(s_new - Mat(s0).reshape(1)));

    Mat r = Q.t()*diff;
    Mat p = S.t()*diff;

    Mat s = linearize(s0)  +S*p + Q*r;

Mat FacemarkAAMImpl::computeWarpParts(std::vector<Point2f> curr_shape,std::vector<Point2f> s0, Mat ds0, std::vector<Vec3i> triangles,std::vector<std::vector<int> > Tp){

    std::vector<Point2f> new_shape;
    std::vector<Point2f> ds = ds0.reshape(2);

    float mx,my;
    Mat A;
    std::vector<Point2f> target(3),source(3);
    std::vector<double> p(3);
    p[2] = 1;
    for(size_t i=0;i<s0.size();i++){
        p[0] = s0[i].x + ds[i].x;
        p[1] = s0[i].y + ds[i].y;

        std::vector<Point2f> v;
        std::vector<float>vx, vy;
        for(size_t j=0;j<Tp[i].size();j++){
            int idx = Tp[i][j];
            target[0] = s0[triangles[idx][0]];
            target[1] = s0[triangles[idx][1]];
            target[2] = s0[triangles[idx][2]];

            source[0] = curr_shape[triangles[idx][0]];
            source[1] = curr_shape[triangles[idx][1]];
            source[2] = curr_shape[triangles[idx][2]];

            A = getAffineTransform(target,source);

        }// j

        /*find the median*/
        size_t n = vx.size()/2;
        nth_element(vx.begin(), vx.begin()+n, vx.end());
        mx = vx[n];
        nth_element(vy.begin(), vy.begin()+n, vy.end());
        my = vy[n];

    } // s0.size()

    return Mat(new_shape).reshape(1).clone();

void FacemarkAAMImpl::gradient(const Mat M, Mat & gx, Mat & gy){
    gx = Mat::zeros(M.size(),CV_32FC1);
    gy = Mat::zeros(M.size(),CV_32FC1);

    for(int i=0;i<M.rows;i++){
        for(int j=0;j<M.cols;j++){
            if(j>0 && j<M.cols-1){
                gx.at<float>(i,j) = ((float)0.5)*(M.at<float>(i,j+1)-M.at<float>(i,j-1));
            }else if (j==0){
                gx.at<float>(i,j) = M.at<float>(i,j+1)-M.at<float>(i,j);
                gx.at<float>(i,j) = M.at<float>(i,j)-M.at<float>(i,j-1);


    for(int i=0;i<M.rows;i++){
        for(int j=0;j<M.cols;j++){
            if(i>0 && i<M.rows-1){
                gy.at<float>(i,j) = ((float)0.5)*(M.at<float>(i+1,j)-M.at<float>(i-1,j));
            }else if (i==0){
                gy.at<float>(i,j) = M.at<float>(i+1,j)-M.at<float>(i,j);
                gy.at<float>(i,j) = M.at<float>(i,j)-M.at<float>(i-1,j);



void FacemarkAAMImpl::createWarpJacobian(Mat S, Mat Q, std::vector<Vec3i> triangles, Model::Texture & T, Mat & Wx_dp, Mat & Wy_dp, std::vector<std::vector<int> > & Tp){

    std::vector<Point2f> base_shape = T.base_shape;
    Rect resolution = T.resolution;

    std::vector<std::vector<int> >triangles_on_a_point;

    int npts = (int)base_shape.size();

    Mat dW_dxdyt ;
    /*get triangles for each point*/
    std::vector<int> trianglesIdx;
    for(int i=0;i<(int)triangles.size();i++){
    Tp = triangles_on_a_point;

    /*calculate dW_dxdy*/
    float v0x,v0y,v1x,v1y,v2x,v2y, denominator;
    for(int k=0;k<npts;k++){
        Mat acc = Mat::zeros(resolution.height, resolution.width, CV_32F);

        /*for each triangle on k-th point*/
        for(size_t i=0;i<triangles_on_a_point[k].size();i++){
            int tId = triangles_on_a_point[k][i];

            Vec3i v;
            if(triangles[tId][0]==k ){
            }else if(triangles[tId][1]==k){

            v0x = base_shape[v[0]].x;
            v0y = base_shape[v[0]].y;
            v1x = base_shape[v[1]].x;
            v1y = base_shape[v[1]].y;
            v2x = base_shape[v[2]].x;
            v2y = base_shape[v[2]].y;

            denominator = (v1x-v0x)*(v2y-v0y)-(v1y-v0y)*(v2x-v0x);

            Mat pixels = Mat(T.textureIdx[tId]).reshape(1); // same, just different order
            Mat p;

            pixels.convertTo(p,CV_32F, 1.0,1.0); //matlab use offset
            Mat x = p.col(0);
            Mat y = p.col(1);

            Mat alpha = (x-v0x)*(v2y-v0y)-(y-v0y)*(v2x-v0x);
            Mat beta = (v1x-v0x)*(y-v0y)-(v1y-v0y)*(x-v0x);

            Mat res = 1.0 - alpha/denominator - beta/denominator; // same just different order

            /*remap to image form*/
            Mat dx = Mat::zeros(resolution.height, resolution.width, CV_32F);
            for(int j=0;j<res.rows;j++){
                dx.at<float>((int)(y.at<float>(j)-1.0), (int)(x.at<float>(j)-1.0)) = res.at<float>(j); // matlab use offset

            acc = acc+dx;

        Mat vectorized = Mat(acc.t()).reshape(0,1);

    }// k

    Mat dx_dp;
    hconcat(Q, S, dx_dp);

    Mat dW_dxdy = dW_dxdyt.t();
    Wx_dp = dW_dxdy* Mat(dx_dp,Range(0,npts));
    Wy_dp = dW_dxdy* Mat(dx_dp,Range(npts,2*npts));

} //createWarpJacobian

} /* namespace face */
} /* namespace cv */