#include "opencv2/core.hpp" #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace cv; using namespace std; int main(int argc,const char ** argv){ CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv, "{ help h usage ? | | give the following arguments in following format }" "{ filename f |. | (required) path to file which you want to create as config file [example - /data/config.xml] }" "{ cascade_depth cd | 10 | (required) This stores the depth of cascade of regressors used for training.}" "{ tree_depth td | 4 | (required) This stores the depth of trees created as weak learners during gradient boosting.}" "{ num_trees_per_cascade_level| 500 | (required) This stores number of trees required per cascade level.}" "{ learning_rate | 0.1 | (required) This stores the learning rate for gradient boosting.}" "{ oversampling_amount | 20 | (required) This stores the oversampling amount for the samples.}" "{ num_test_coordinates | 400 | (required) This stores number of test coordinates required for making the split.}" "{ lambda | 0.1 | (required) This stores the value used for calculating the probabilty.}" "{ num_test_splits | 20 | (required) This stores the number of test splits to be generated before making the best split.}" ); // Read in the input arguments if (parser.has("help")){ parser.printMessage(); cerr << "TIP: Use absolute paths to avoid any problems with the software!" << endl; return 0; } //These variables have been initialised as defined in the research paper "One millisecond face alignment" CVPR 2014 int cascade_depth = 15; int tree_depth = 4; int num_trees_per_cascade_level = 500; float learning_rate = float(0.1); int oversampling_amount = 20; int num_test_coordinates = 400; float lambda = float(0.1); int num_test_splits = 20; cascade_depth = parser.get<int>("cascade_depth"); tree_depth = parser.get<int>("tree_depth"); num_trees_per_cascade_level = parser.get<int>("num_trees_per_cascade_level"); learning_rate = parser.get<float>("learning_rate"); oversampling_amount = parser.get<int>("oversampling_amount"); num_test_coordinates = parser.get<int>("num_test_coordinates"); lambda = parser.get<float>("lambda"); num_test_splits = parser.get<int>("num_test_splits"); string filename(parser.get<string>("filename")); FileStorage fs(filename, FileStorage::WRITE); if (!fs.isOpened()) { cerr << "Failed to open " << filename << endl; parser.printMessage(); return -1; } fs << "cascade_depth" << cascade_depth; fs << "tree_depth"<< tree_depth; fs << "num_trees_per_cascade_level" << num_trees_per_cascade_level; fs << "learning_rate" << learning_rate; fs << "oversampling_amount" << oversampling_amount; fs << "num_test_coordinates" << num_test_coordinates; fs << "lambda" << lambda ; fs << "num_test_splits"<< num_test_splits; fs.release(); cout << "Write Done." << endl; return 0; }