#include <QWidget>
#include <QGraphicsScene>
#include <QGraphicsView>
#include <QGraphicsTextItem>
#include <QRectF>
#include <QGraphicsPixmapItem>
#include <QWheelEvent>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QScrollBar>

#include "opencv2/core.hpp"

#include "util.hpp"
#include "../util/util.hpp"
#include "../util/observer_ptr.hpp"

namespace cvv
namespace qtutil
namespace structures
 * @brief A graphics view with overwritten event handlers.
class ZoomableImageGraphicsView : public QGraphicsView
	 * @brief Constructor
	ZoomableImageGraphicsView() : QGraphicsView{}

	 * @brief Ignores the wheel event if ctrl is pressed.
	 * @param event The event.
	virtual void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) override;

	 * @brief Ignores the mouse move event.
	 * @param event The event.
	virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent * event) override

 * @brief The ZoomableImage class shows an image and adds zoom functionality.
class ZoomableImage : public QWidget
	 * @brief Constructor
	 * @param mat The image to display
	 * @param parent The parent widget.
	ZoomableImage(const cv::Mat &mat = cv::Mat{},
		      QWidget *parent = nullptr);

	 * @brief Destructor
		//disconnect everything from custom signals
		QObject::disconnect(this, SIGNAL(updateArea(QRectF,qreal)), 0, 0);
		QObject::disconnect(this, SIGNAL(updateConversionResult(cv::Mat,ImageConversionResult)), 0, 0);
		QObject::disconnect(this, SIGNAL(updateMouseHover(QPointF,QString,bool)), 0, 0);

		//disconnect all slots
				 &QScrollBar::valueChanged, this,
				 &QScrollBar::valueChanged, this,

		//stop timer from being activated

	 * @brief Returns the current image.
	 * @return The current image.
	const cv::Mat &mat() const
		return mat_;

	 * @brief Returns the current image.
	 * @return The current image.
	cv::Mat &mat()
		return mat_;

	 * @brief Returns the visible area of the image.
	 * @return The visible area of the image.
	QRectF visibleArea() const;

	 * @brief Returns the zoom factor.
	 * @return The zoom factor.
	qreal zoom() const
		return zoom_;

	QPointF mapImagePointToParent(QPointF) const;

	 * @brief Returns the threshold that determines wheather the pixelvalues
	 * are shown.
	 * @return
	qreal threshold() const
		return threshold_;

	 * @brief The overridden resize event (from QWidget).
	virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) override

	 * @brief Returns the width of the image.
	 * @return The width of the image.
	int imageWidth() const
		return mat_.cols;

	 * @brief Returns the height of the image.
	 * @return The height of the image.
	int imageHeight() const
		return mat_.rows;

	 * @brief Returns weather pixel values are shown depending on threshold.
	 * @return Weather pixel values are shown depending on threshold.
	bool autoShowValues() const
		return autoShowValues_;

	 * @brief Returns the current scroll factor for CTRL+scroll.
	 * @return The current scroll factor for CTRL+scroll.
	qreal scrollFactorCTRL() const
		return scrollFactorCTRL_;

	 * @brief Returns the current scroll factor for CTRL+shift+scroll.
	 * @return The current scroll factor for CTRL+shift+scroll.
	qreal scrollFactorCTRLShift() const
		return scrollFactorCTRLShift_;

	 * @brief Returns the image managed by this item.
	 * @return The image managed by this item.
	QPixmap fullImage() const
		return pixmap_->pixmap();

	 * @brief Returns the currently visible area as an pixmap.
	 * @return The currently visible area as an pixmap.
	QPixmap visibleImage() const
		return QPixmap::grabWidget(view_->viewport());

	 * @brief Returns the last image conversion result.
	 * @return The last image conversion result.
	ImageConversionResult lastConversionResult() const
		return lastConversionResult_;

	 * @brief Emmited whenever the image is updated. It passes the
	 * conversion result
	 * and the image.
	void updateConversionResult(const cv::Mat &,
				    ImageConversionResult) const;

	 *@brief Emitted whenever the visible area changes. Passes the visible
	 *area and zoom factor.
	void updateArea(QRectF, qreal) const;

	 * @brief Updates information at mouse position (position, channel values of the pixel, whether the position is in the image)
	void updateMouseHover(QPointF,QString,bool);

	 * @brief Sets the curent visible area (the center) and zoom factor.
	 * @param rect The area.
	 * @param zoom The zoom.
	void setArea(QRectF rect, qreal zoom);

	 * @brief Updates the image to display.
	 * @param mat The new image to display.
	void setMatR(cv::Mat &mat)

	 * @brief Updates the image to display.
	 * @param mat The new image to display.

	void setMat(cv::Mat mat);

	 * @brief Updates the zoom factor.
	 * @param factor The zoom factor.
	void setZoom(qreal factor = 1);

	 * @brief Sets weather pixel values are shown depending on threshold.
	 * @param enable If true pixel values are shown depending on threshold.
	void setAutoShowValues(bool enable = true)
		autoShowValues_ = enable;

	 * @brief Sets the threshold that determines wheather the pixelvalues
	 * are shown.
	 * @param threshold The threshold.
	void setThreshold(qreal threshold = 60)
		threshold_ = threshold;

	 * @brief Resizes the image so it is fully visible.
	void showFullImage();

	 * @brief Returns the current CTRL+scroll zoom factor.
	 * @return The current scroll factor.
	void setCTRLZoomFactor(qreal factor = 1.025)
		scrollFactorCTRL_ = factor;

	 * @brief Returns the current CTRL+ shift+scroll zoom factor.
	 * @return The current scroll factor.
	void setCTRLShiftZoomFactor(qreal factor = 1.01)
		scrollFactorCTRLShift_ = factor;

	 * @brief The overridden wheel event (from QWidget).
	 * @param event The event.
	virtual void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) override;

	 * @brief Sets the new delay between two updateArea signals.
	 * (if 0 the signal will be emitted as soon as all the events in the window system's event queue have been processed)
	 * @param i The new delay. (ignored if <0)
	void setUpdateAreaDelay(int i)

	 * @brief The mouse move event will output informations regarding the pixelvalue and the position in the image with updateMouseHover().
	 * @param event The event
	virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent * event) override;

	 * @brief Called when the graphic view is scrolled.
	void viewScrolled()

	 * @brief Draws the pixel value for all visible pixels.
	void drawValues();

	 * @brief On right click a menu to save the current visible image or the full image will appear.
	 * @param pos The position of the right click.
	void rightClick(const QPoint &pos);

	 * @brief This function will emit updateArea() and set updateAreaQueued_ = false.
	 * It will be called by updateAreaTimer_.
	void emitUpdateArea();

	 * @brief This function will start the timer updateAreaTimer_ with the delay updateAreaDelay_ and set updateAreaQueued_ = true.
	 * If updateAreaQueued_ was already set this function will do nothing.
	void queueUpdateArea();

	 * @brief The image to display.
	cv::Mat mat_;

	 * @brief The pixmap containing the converted image.
	util::ObserverPtr<QGraphicsPixmapItem> pixmap_;
	 * @brief The graphics view showing the scene.
	util::ObserverPtr<structures::ZoomableImageGraphicsView> view_;
	 * @brief The scene containing the pixmap.
	util::ObserverPtr<QGraphicsScene> scene_;
	 * @brief The current zoom factor.
	qreal zoom_;

	 * @brief The current threshold.
	qreal threshold_;
	 * @brief Weather pixel values are shown depending on threshold.
	bool autoShowValues_;
	 * @brief The values on the graphics scene.
	std::vector<QGraphicsTextItem *> values_;
	 * @brief The factor multiplied to the number of scrolled pixels.
	qreal scrollFactorCTRL_;

	 * @brief The factor multiplied to the number of scrolled pixels.
	qreal scrollFactorCTRLShift_;

	 * @brief Will call emitUpdateArea() on timeout.
	QTimer updateAreaTimer_;

	 * @brief Whether updateAreaTimer_ is running.
	bool updateAreaQueued_;

	 * @brief The delay for updateAreaTimer_.
	int updateAreaDelay_;

	 * @brief The last image conversion result.
	ImageConversionResult lastConversionResult_;