// This file is part of OpenCV project. // It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory // of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html #include "test_precomp.hpp" namespace opencv_test { namespace { namespace testUtil { cv::RNG rng(/*std::time(0)*/0); const float sigma = 1.f; const float pointsMaxX = 500.f; const float pointsMaxY = 500.f; const int testRun = 5000; void generatePoints(cv::Mat points); void addNoise(cv::Mat points); cv::Mat generateTransform(const cv::videostab::MotionModel model); double performTest(const cv::videostab::MotionModel model, int size); } void testUtil::generatePoints(cv::Mat points) { CV_Assert(!points.empty()); for(int i = 0; i < points.cols; ++i) { points.at<float>(0, i) = rng.uniform(0.f, pointsMaxX); points.at<float>(1, i) = rng.uniform(0.f, pointsMaxY); points.at<float>(2, i) = 1.f; } } void testUtil::addNoise(cv::Mat points) { CV_Assert(!points.empty()); for(int i = 0; i < points.cols; i++) { points.at<float>(0, i) += static_cast<float>(rng.gaussian(sigma)); points.at<float>(1, i) += static_cast<float>(rng.gaussian(sigma)); } } cv::Mat testUtil::generateTransform(const cv::videostab::MotionModel model) { /*----------Params----------*/ const float minAngle = 0.f, maxAngle = static_cast<float>(CV_PI); const float minScale = 0.5f, maxScale = 2.f; const float maxTranslation = 100.f; const float affineCoeff = 3.f; /*----------Params----------*/ cv::Mat transform = cv::Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_32F); if(model != cv::videostab::MM_ROTATION) { transform.at<float>(0,2) = rng.uniform(-maxTranslation, maxTranslation); transform.at<float>(1,2) = rng.uniform(-maxTranslation, maxTranslation); } if(model != cv::videostab::MM_AFFINE) { if(model != cv::videostab::MM_TRANSLATION_AND_SCALE && model != cv::videostab::MM_TRANSLATION) { const float angle = rng.uniform(minAngle, maxAngle); transform.at<float>(1,1) = transform.at<float>(0,0) = std::cos(angle); transform.at<float>(0,1) = std::sin(angle); transform.at<float>(1,0) = -transform.at<float>(0,1); } if(model == cv::videostab::MM_TRANSLATION_AND_SCALE || model == cv::videostab::MM_SIMILARITY) { const float scale = rng.uniform(minScale, maxScale); transform.at<float>(0,0) *= scale; transform.at<float>(1,1) *= scale; } } else { transform.at<float>(0,0) = rng.uniform(-affineCoeff, affineCoeff); transform.at<float>(0,1) = rng.uniform(-affineCoeff, affineCoeff); transform.at<float>(1,0) = rng.uniform(-affineCoeff, affineCoeff); transform.at<float>(1,1) = rng.uniform(-affineCoeff, affineCoeff); } return transform; } double testUtil::performTest(const cv::videostab::MotionModel model, int size) { cv::Ptr<cv::videostab::MotionEstimatorRansacL2> estimator = cv::makePtr<cv::videostab::MotionEstimatorRansacL2>(model); estimator->setRansacParams(cv::videostab::RansacParams(size, 3.f*testUtil::sigma /*3 sigma rule*/, 0.5f, 0.5f)); double disparity = 0.; for(int attempt = 0; attempt < testUtil::testRun; attempt++) { const cv::Mat transform = testUtil::generateTransform(model); const int pointsNumber = testUtil::rng.uniform(10, 100); cv::Mat points(3, pointsNumber, CV_32F); testUtil::generatePoints(points); cv::Mat transformedPoints = transform * points; testUtil::addNoise(transformedPoints); const cv::Mat src = points.rowRange(0,2).t(); const cv::Mat dst = transformedPoints.rowRange(0,2).t(); bool isOK = false; const cv::Mat estTransform = estimator->estimate(src.reshape(2), dst.reshape(2), &isOK); CV_Assert(isOK); const cv::Mat testPoints = estTransform * points; const double norm = cv::norm(testPoints, transformedPoints, cv::NORM_INF); disparity = std::max(disparity, norm); } return disparity; } TEST(Regression, MM_TRANSLATION) { EXPECT_LT(testUtil::performTest(cv::videostab::MM_TRANSLATION, 2), 7.f); } TEST(Regression, MM_TRANSLATION_AND_SCALE) { EXPECT_LT(testUtil::performTest(cv::videostab::MM_TRANSLATION_AND_SCALE, 3), 7.f); } TEST(Regression, MM_ROTATION) { EXPECT_LT(testUtil::performTest(cv::videostab::MM_ROTATION, 2), 7.f); } TEST(Regression, MM_RIGID) { EXPECT_LT(testUtil::performTest(cv::videostab::MM_RIGID, 3), 7.f); } TEST(Regression, MM_SIMILARITY) { EXPECT_LT(testUtil::performTest(cv::videostab::MM_SIMILARITY, 4), 7.f); } TEST(Regression, MM_AFFINE) { EXPECT_LT(testUtil::performTest(cv::videostab::MM_AFFINE, 6), 9.f); } }} // namespace