/* * Software License Agreement (BSD License) * * Copyright (c) 2009, Willow Garage, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Willow Garage, Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include <opencv2/rgbd.hpp> #include <limits> #include "depth_to_3d.h" #include "utils.h" namespace { /** * @param K * @param depth the depth image * @param mask the mask of the points to consider (can be empty) * @param points3d the resulting 3d points, a 3-channel matrix */ void depthTo3d_from_uvz(const cv::Mat& in_K, const cv::Mat& u_mat, const cv::Mat& v_mat, const cv::Mat& z_mat, cv::Mat& points3d) { CV_Assert((u_mat.size() == z_mat.size()) && (v_mat.size() == z_mat.size())); if (u_mat.empty()) return; CV_Assert((u_mat.type() == z_mat.type()) && (v_mat.type() == z_mat.type())); //grab camera params cv::Mat_<float> K; if (in_K.depth() == CV_32F) K = in_K; else in_K.convertTo(K, CV_32F); float fx = K(0, 0); float fy = K(1, 1); float s = K(0, 1); float cx = K(0, 2); float cy = K(1, 2); std::vector<cv::Mat> coordinates(3); coordinates[0] = (u_mat - cx) / fx; if (s != 0) coordinates[0] = coordinates[0] + (-(s / fy) * v_mat + cy * s / fy) / fx; coordinates[0] = coordinates[0].mul(z_mat); coordinates[1] = (v_mat - cy).mul(z_mat) * (1. / fy); coordinates[2] = z_mat; cv::merge(coordinates, points3d); } /** * @param K * @param depth the depth image * @param mask the mask of the points to consider (can be empty) * @param points3d the resulting 3d points */ void depthTo3dMask(const cv::Mat& depth, const cv::Mat& K, const cv::Mat& mask, cv::Mat& points3d) { // Create 3D points in one go. cv::Mat_<float> u_mat, v_mat, z_mat; cv::Mat_<uchar> uchar_mask = mask; if (mask.depth() != (CV_8U)) mask.convertTo(uchar_mask, CV_8U); // Figure out the interesting indices size_t n_points; if (depth.depth() == CV_16U) n_points = convertDepthToFloat<uint16_t>(depth, mask, 1.0 / 1000.0f, u_mat, v_mat, z_mat); else if (depth.depth() == CV_16S) n_points = convertDepthToFloat<int16_t>(depth, mask, 1.0 / 1000.0f, u_mat, v_mat, z_mat); else { CV_Assert(depth.type() == CV_32F); n_points = convertDepthToFloat<float>(depth, mask, 1.0f, u_mat, v_mat, z_mat); } if (n_points == 0) return; u_mat.resize(n_points); v_mat.resize(n_points); z_mat.resize(n_points); depthTo3d_from_uvz(K, u_mat, v_mat, z_mat, points3d); points3d = points3d.reshape(3, 1); } /** * @param K * @param depth the depth image * @param points3d the resulting 3d points */ template<typename T> void depthTo3dNoMask(const cv::Mat& in_depth, const cv::Mat_<T>& K, cv::Mat& points3d) { const T inv_fx = T(1) / K(0, 0); const T inv_fy = T(1) / K(1, 1); const T ox = K(0, 2); const T oy = K(1, 2); // Build z cv::Mat_<T> z_mat; if (z_mat.depth() == in_depth.depth()) z_mat = in_depth; else rescaleDepthTemplated<T>(in_depth, z_mat); // Pre-compute some constants cv::Mat_<T> x_cache(1, in_depth.cols), y_cache(in_depth.rows, 1); T* x_cache_ptr = x_cache[0], *y_cache_ptr = y_cache[0]; for (int x = 0; x < in_depth.cols; ++x, ++x_cache_ptr) *x_cache_ptr = (x - ox) * inv_fx; for (int y = 0; y < in_depth.rows; ++y, ++y_cache_ptr) *y_cache_ptr = (y - oy) * inv_fy; y_cache_ptr = y_cache[0]; for (int y = 0; y < in_depth.rows; ++y, ++y_cache_ptr) { cv::Vec<T, 3>* point = points3d.ptr<cv::Vec<T, 3> >(y); const T* x_cache_ptr_end = x_cache[0] + in_depth.cols; const T* depth = z_mat[y]; for (x_cache_ptr = x_cache[0]; x_cache_ptr != x_cache_ptr_end; ++x_cache_ptr, ++point, ++depth) { T z = *depth; (*point)[0] = (*x_cache_ptr) * z; (*point)[1] = (*y_cache_ptr) * z; (*point)[2] = z; } } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace cv { /** * @param K * @param depth the depth image * @param u_mat the list of x coordinates * @param v_mat the list of matching y coordinates * @param points3d the resulting 3d points */ void depthTo3dSparse(InputArray depth_in, InputArray K_in, InputArray points_in, OutputArray points3d_out) { // Make sure we use foat types cv::Mat points = points_in.getMat(); cv::Mat depth = depth_in.getMat(); cv::Mat points_float; if (points.depth() != CV_32F) points.convertTo(points_float, CV_32FC2); else points_float = points; // Fill the depth matrix cv::Mat_<float> z_mat; if (depth.depth() == CV_16U) convertDepthToFloat<uint16_t>(depth, 1.0 / 1000.0f, points_float, z_mat); else if (depth.depth() == CV_16U) convertDepthToFloat<int16_t>(depth, 1.0 / 1000.0f, points_float, z_mat); else { CV_Assert(depth.type() == CV_32F); convertDepthToFloat<float>(depth, 1.0f, points_float, z_mat); } std::vector<cv::Mat> channels(2); cv::split(points_float, channels); points3d_out.create(channels[0].rows, channels[0].cols, CV_32FC3); cv::Mat points3d = points3d_out.getMat(); depthTo3d_from_uvz(K_in.getMat(), channels[0], channels[1], z_mat, points3d); } /** * @param depth the depth image (if given as short int CV_U, it is assumed to be the depth in millimeters * (as done with the Microsoft Kinect), otherwise, if given as CV_32F, it is assumed in meters) * @param K The calibration matrix * @param points3d the resulting 3d points. They are of depth the same as `depth` if it is CV_32F or CV_64F, and the * depth of `K` if `depth` is of depth CV_U * @param mask the mask of the points to consider (can be empty) */ void depthTo3d(InputArray depth_in, InputArray K_in, OutputArray points3d_out, InputArray mask_in) { cv::Mat depth = depth_in.getMat(); cv::Mat K = K_in.getMat(); cv::Mat mask = mask_in.getMat(); CV_Assert(K.cols == 3 && K.rows == 3 && (K.depth() == CV_64F || K.depth()==CV_32F)); CV_Assert( depth.type() == CV_64FC1 || depth.type() == CV_32FC1 || depth.type() == CV_16UC1 || depth.type() == CV_16SC1); CV_Assert(mask.empty() || mask.channels() == 1); // TODO figure out what to do when types are different: convert or reject ? cv::Mat K_new; if ((depth.depth() == CV_32F || depth.depth() == CV_64F) && depth.depth() != K.depth()) { K.convertTo(K_new, depth.depth()); } else K_new = K; // Create 3D points in one go. if (!mask.empty()) { cv::Mat points3d; depthTo3dMask(depth, K_new, mask, points3d); points3d_out.create(points3d.size(), CV_MAKETYPE(K_new.depth(), 3)); points3d.copyTo(points3d_out.getMat()); } else { points3d_out.create(depth.size(), CV_MAKETYPE(K_new.depth(), 3)); cv::Mat points3d = points3d_out.getMat(); if (K_new.depth() == CV_64F) depthTo3dNoMask<double>(depth, K_new, points3d); else depthTo3dNoMask<float>(depth, K_new, points3d); } } }