// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.
#include "test_precomp.hpp"

namespace opencv_test { namespace {

CV_ENUM(SrcTypes, CV_8UC1, CV_8UC3, CV_16UC1, CV_16UC3);
typedef tuple<Size, SrcTypes> L0SmoothParams;
typedef TestWithParam<L0SmoothParams> L0SmoothTest;

TEST(L0SmoothTest, SplatSurfaceAccuracy)
    RNG rnd(0);

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        Size sz(rnd.uniform(512, 1024), rnd.uniform(512, 1024));

        Scalar surfaceValue;
        int srcCn = 3;
        rnd.fill(surfaceValue, RNG::UNIFORM, 0, 255);
        Mat src(sz, CV_MAKE_TYPE(CV_8U, srcCn), surfaceValue);

        double lambda = rnd.uniform(0.01, 0.05);
        double kappa  = rnd.uniform(1.5, 5.0);

        Mat res;
        l0Smooth(src, res, lambda, kappa);

        // When filtering a constant image we should get the same image:
        double normL1 = cvtest::norm(src, res, NORM_L1)/src.total()/src.channels();
        EXPECT_LE(normL1, 1.0/64);

TEST_P(L0SmoothTest, MultiThreadReproducibility)
    if (cv::getNumberOfCPUs() == 1)

    double MAX_DIF = 10.0;
    double MAX_MEAN_DIF = 1.0 / 8.0;
    int loopsCount = 2;
    RNG rng(0);

    L0SmoothParams params = GetParam();
    Size size     = get<0>(params);
    int srcType   = get<1>(params);

    Mat src(size,srcType);
        randu(src, 0, 255);
    else if(src.depth()==CV_16U)
        randu(src, 0, 65535);
        randu(src, -100000.0f, 100000.0f);

    int nThreads = cv::getNumThreads();
    if (nThreads == 1)
        throw SkipTestException("Single thread environment");
    for (int iter = 0; iter <= loopsCount; iter++)
        double lambda = rng.uniform(0.01, 0.05);
        double kappa  = rng.uniform(1.5, 5.0);

        Mat resMultiThread;
        l0Smooth(src, resMultiThread, lambda, kappa);

        Mat resSingleThread;
        l0Smooth(src, resSingleThread, lambda, kappa);

        EXPECT_LE(cv::norm(resSingleThread, resMultiThread, NORM_INF), MAX_DIF);
        EXPECT_LE(cv::norm(resSingleThread, resMultiThread, NORM_L1), MAX_MEAN_DIF*src.total()*src.channels());
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(FullSet, L0SmoothTest,Combine(Values(szODD, szQVGA), SrcTypes::all()));

}} // namespace