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return saturate_cast<T>(rng.uniform(int(std::max(MinPos<T>::get(), _min)), int(std::min(Max<T>::get(), _max)))); } }; template <> struct Rand <float> { static float get(float _min = MinPos<float>::get(), float _max = Max<float>::get()) { RNG& rng = TS::ptr()->get_rng(); return rng.uniform(std::max(MinPos<float>::get(), _min), std::min(Max<float>::get(), _max)); } }; template <> struct Rand <double> { static double get(double _min = MinPos<double>::get(), double _max = Max<double>::get()) { RNG& rng = TS::ptr()->get_rng(); return rng.uniform(std::max(MinPos<double>::get(), _min), std::min(Max<double>::get(), _max)); } }; template <typename T> struct Eq { static bool get(T a, T b) { return a < b ? b - a < Eps<T>::get() : a - b < Eps<T>::get(); } }; //----------------------TestFHT------------------------------------------------- class TestFHT { public: TestFHT() : ts(TS::ptr()) {} void run_n_tests(int depth, int channels, int pts_count, int n_per_test); private: template <typename T> int run_n_tests_t(int depth, int channels, int pts_count, int n_per_test); template <typename T> int run_test(int depth, int channels, int pts_count); template <typename T> int put_random_points(Mat &img, int count, vector<Point> &pts); int run_func(Mat const&src, Mat& fht); template <typename T> int validate_test_results(Mat const &fht, Mat const &src, vector<Point> const& pts); template <typename T> int validate_sum(Mat const& src, Mat const& fht); int validate_point(Mat const& fht, vector<Point> const &pts); int validate_line(Mat const& fht, Mat const& src, vector<Point> const& pts); private: TS *ts; }; template <typename T> int TestFHT::put_random_points(Mat &img, int count, vector<Point> &pts) { int code = TS::OK; pts.resize(count, Point(-1, -1)); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { RNG rng = ts->get_rng(); Point const pt(rng.uniform(0, img.cols), rng.uniform(0, img.rows)); pts[i] = pt; for (int c = 0; c < img.channels(); ++c) { T color = Rand<T>::get(MinPos<T>::get(), T(Max<T>::get() / count)); T *img_line = (T*)(img.data + img.step * pt.y); img_line[pt.x * img.channels() + c] = color; } } return code; } template <typename T> int TestFHT::validate_sum(Mat const& src, Mat const& fht) { int const channels = src.channels(); if (fht.channels() != channels) return TS::FAIL_BAD_ARG_CHECK; vector<Mat> src_channels(channels); split(src, src_channels); vector<Mat> fht_channels(channels); split(fht, fht_channels); for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) { T const src_sum = saturate_cast<T>(sum(src_channels[c]).val[0]); for (int y = 0; y < fht.rows; ++y) { T const fht_sum = saturate_cast<T>(sum(fht_channels[c].row(y)).val[0]); if (!Eq<T>::get(src_sum, fht_sum)) { ts->printf(TS::LOG, "The sum of column #%d of channel #%d of the fast " "hough transform result and the sum of source image" " mismatch (=%g, should be =%g)\n", y, c, (float)fht_sum, (float)src_sum); return TS::FAIL_BAD_ACCURACY; } } } return TS::OK; } int TestFHT::validate_point(Mat const& fht, vector<Point> const &pts) { if (pts.empty()) return TS::OK; for (size_t i = 1; i < pts.size(); ++i) { if (pts[0] != pts[i]) return TS::OK; } int const channels = fht.channels(); vector<Mat> fht_channels(channels); split(fht, fht_channels); for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) { for (int y = 0; y < fht.rows; ++y) { int cnt = countNonZero(fht_channels[c].row(y)); if (cnt != 1) { ts->printf(TS::LOG, "The incorrect count of non-zero values in column " "#%d, channel #%d of FastHoughTransform result " "image (=%d, should be %d)\n", y, c, cnt, 1); return TS::FAIL_BAD_ACCURACY; } } } return TS::OK; } static const double MAX_LDIST = 2.0; int TestFHT::validate_line(Mat const& fht, Mat const& src, vector<Point> const& pts) { size_t const size = (int)pts.size(); if (size < 2) return TS::OK; size_t first_pt_i = 0, second_pt_i = 1; for (size_t i = first_pt_i + 1; i < size; ++i) { if (pts[i] != pts[first_pt_i]) { second_pt_i = first_pt_i; break; } } if (pts[second_pt_i] == pts[first_pt_i]) return TS::OK; for (size_t i = second_pt_i + 1; i < size; ++i) { if (pts[i] != pts[second_pt_i]) return TS::OK; } const Point &f = pts[first_pt_i]; const Point &s = pts[second_pt_i]; int const channels = fht.channels(); vector<Mat> fht_channels(channels); split(fht, fht_channels); for (int ch = 0; ch < channels; ++ch) { Point fht_max(-1, -1); minMaxLoc(fht_channels[ch], 0, 0, 0, &fht_max); Vec4i src_line = HoughPoint2Line(fht_max, src, ARO_315_135, HDO_DESKEW, RO_STRICT); double const a = src_line[1] - src_line[3]; double const b = src_line[2] - src_line[0]; double const c = - (a * src_line[0] + b * src_line[1]); double const fd = abs(f.x * a + f.y * b + c) / sqrt(a * a + b * b); double const sd = abs(s.x * a + s.y * b + c) / sqrt(a * a + b * b); double const dist = std::max(fd, sd); if (dist > MAX_LDIST) { ts->printf(TS::LOG, "Failed to detect max line in channels %d (distance " "between point and line correspoinding of maximum in " "FastHoughTransform space is #%g)\n", ch, dist); return TS::FAIL_BAD_ACCURACY; } } return TS::OK; } template <typename T> int TestFHT::validate_test_results(Mat const &fht, Mat const &src, vector<Point> const& pts) { int code = validate_sum<T>(src, fht); if (code == TS::OK) code = validate_point(fht, pts); if (code == TS::OK) code = validate_line(fht, src, pts); return code; } int TestFHT::run_func(Mat const&src, Mat& fht) { int code = TS::OK; FastHoughTransform(src, fht, src.depth()); return code; } static Size random_size(int const max_size_log, int const elem_size) { RNG& rng = TS::ptr()->get_rng(); return randomSize(rng, std::max(1, max_size_log - cvRound(log(double(elem_size))))); } static const int FHT_MAX_SIZE_LOG = 9; template <typename T> int TestFHT::run_test(int depth, int channels, int pts_count) { int code = TS::OK; Size size = random_size(FHT_MAX_SIZE_LOG, CV_ELEM_SIZE(CV_MAKE_TYPE(depth, channels))); Mat src = Mat::zeros(size, CV_MAKETYPE(depth, channels)); vector<Point> pts; code = put_random_points<T>(src, pts_count, pts); if (code != TS::OK) return code; Mat fht; code = run_func(src, fht); if (code != TS::OK) return code; code = validate_test_results<T>(fht, src, pts); return code; } void TestFHT::run_n_tests(int depth, int channels, int pts_count, int n) { try { int code = TS::OK; switch (depth) { case CV_8U: code = run_n_tests_t<uchar>(depth, channels, pts_count, n); break; case CV_8S: code = run_n_tests_t<schar>(depth, channels, pts_count, n); break; case CV_16U: code = run_n_tests_t<ushort>(depth, channels, pts_count, n); break; case CV_16S: code = run_n_tests_t<short>(depth, channels, pts_count, n); break; case CV_32S: code = run_n_tests_t<int>(depth, channels, pts_count, n); break; case CV_32F: code = run_n_tests_t<float>(depth, channels, pts_count, n); break; case CV_64F: code = run_n_tests_t<double>(depth, channels, pts_count, n); break; default: code = TS::FAIL_BAD_ARG_CHECK; ts->printf(TS::LOG, "Unknown depth %d\n", depth); break; } if (code != TS::OK) throw TS::FailureCode(code); } catch (const TS::FailureCode& fc) { std::string errorStr = TS::str_from_code(fc); ts->printf(TS::LOG, "General failure:\n\t%s (%d)\n", errorStr.c_str(), fc); ts->set_failed_test_info(fc); } catch(...) { ts->printf(TS::LOG, "Unknown failure\n"); ts->set_failed_test_info(TS::FAIL_EXCEPTION); } } template <typename T> int TestFHT::run_n_tests_t(int depth, int channels, int pts_count, int n) { int code = TS::OK; for (int iTest = 0; iTest < n; ++iTest) { code = run_test<T>(depth, channels, pts_count); if (code != TS::OK) { ts->printf(TS::LOG, "Test %d failed with code %d\n", iTest, code); break; } } return code; } //----------------------TEST_P-------------------------------------------------- typedef std::tr1::tuple<int, int, int, int> Depth_Channels_PtsC_nPerTest; typedef TestWithParam<Depth_Channels_PtsC_nPerTest> FastHoughTransformTest; TEST_P(FastHoughTransformTest, accuracy) { int const depth = get<0>(GetParam()); int const channels = get<1>(GetParam()); int const pts_count = get<2>(GetParam()); int const n_per_test = get<3>(GetParam()); TestFHT testFht; testFht.run_n_tests(depth, channels, pts_count, n_per_test); } #define FHT_ALL_DEPTHS CV_8U, CV_16U, CV_32S, CV_32F, CV_64F #define FHT_ALL_CHANNELS 1, 3, 4 INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(FullSet, FastHoughTransformTest, Combine(Values(FHT_ALL_DEPTHS), Values(FHT_ALL_CHANNELS), Values(1, 2), Values(5))); #undef FHT_ALL_DEPTHS #undef FHT_ALL_CHANNELS } // namespace cvtest