/*M/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // IMPORTANT: READ BEFORE DOWNLOADING, COPYING, INSTALLING OR USING. // // By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you agree to this license. // If you do not agree to this license, do not download, install, // copy or use the software. // // // License Agreement // For Open Source Computer Vision Library // // Copyright (C) 2015, OpenCV Foundation, all rights reserved. // Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, // are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistribution's of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // // * Redistribution's in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // * The name of the copyright holders may not be used to endorse or promote products // derived from this software without specific prior written permission. // // This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and // any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied // warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. // In no event shall the Intel Corporation or contributors be liable for any direct, // indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages // (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; 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} enum calibrationPattern{ CHESSBOARD, CIRCLES_GRID, ASYMETRIC_CIRCLES_GRID }; struct Settings { Settings(); int patternType; Size patternSize; Size subpixelSize; Size imageSize; float squareSize; int nbrOfFrames; }; void loadSettings( String path, Settings &sttngs ); void createObjectPoints( vector<Point3f> &patternCorners, Size patternSize, float squareSize, int patternType ); void createProjectorObjectPoints( vector<Point2f> &patternCorners, Size patternSize, float squareSize, int patternType ); double calibrate( vector< vector<Point3f> > objPoints, vector< vector<Point2f> > imgPoints, Mat &cameraMatrix, Mat &distCoeffs, vector<Mat> &r, vector<Mat> &t, Size imgSize ); void fromCamToWorld( Mat cameraMatrix, vector<Mat> rV, vector<Mat> tV, vector< vector<Point2f> > imgPoints, vector< vector<Point3f> > &worldPoints ); void saveCalibrationResults( String path, Mat camK, Mat camDistCoeffs, Mat projK, Mat projDistCoeffs, Mat fundamental ); void saveCalibrationData( String path, vector<Mat> T1, vector<Mat> T2, vector<Mat> ptsProjCam, vector<Mat> ptsProjProj, vector<Mat> ptsProjCamN, vector<Mat> ptsProjProjN); void normalize(const Mat &pts, const int& dim, Mat& normpts, Mat &T); void fromVectorToMat( vector<Point2f> v, Mat &pts); void fromMatToVector( Mat pts, vector<Point2f> &v ); int main( int argc, char **argv ) { VideoCapture cap(CAP_PVAPI); Mat frame; int nbrOfValidFrames = 0; vector< vector<Point2f> > imagePointsCam, imagePointsProj, PointsInProj, imagePointsProjN, pointsInProjN; vector< vector<Point3f> > objectPointsCam, worldPointsProj; vector<Point3f> tempCam; vector<Point2f> tempProj; vector<Mat> T1, T2; vector<Mat> projInProj, projInCam; vector<Mat> projInProjN, projInCamN; vector<Mat> rVecs, tVecs, projectorRVecs, projectorTVecs; Mat cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, projectorMatrix, projectorDistCoeffs; Mat pattern; vector<Mat> images; Settings camSettings, projSettings; CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv, keys); String camSettingsPath = parser.get<String>(0); String projSettingsPath = parser.get<String>(1); String patternPath = parser.get<String>(2); String outputName = parser.get<String>(3); if( camSettingsPath.empty() || projSettingsPath.empty() || patternPath.empty() || outputName.empty() ){ help(); return -1; } pattern = imread(patternPath); loadSettings(camSettingsPath, camSettings); loadSettings(projSettingsPath, projSettings); projSettings.imageSize = Size(pattern.rows, pattern.cols); createObjectPoints(tempCam, camSettings.patternSize, camSettings.squareSize, camSettings.patternType); createProjectorObjectPoints(tempProj, projSettings.patternSize, projSettings.squareSize, projSettings.patternType); if(!cap.isOpened()) { cout << "Camera could not be opened" << endl; return -1; } cap.set(CAP_PROP_PVAPI_PIXELFORMAT, CAP_PVAPI_PIXELFORMAT_BAYER8); namedWindow("pattern", WINDOW_NORMAL); setWindowProperty("pattern", WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, WINDOW_FULLSCREEN); namedWindow("camera view", WINDOW_NORMAL); imshow("pattern", pattern); cout << "Press any key when ready" << endl; waitKey(0); while( nbrOfValidFrames < camSettings.nbrOfFrames ) { cap >> frame; if( frame.data ) { Mat color; cvtColor(frame, color, COLOR_BayerBG2BGR); if( camSettings.imageSize.height == 0 || camSettings.imageSize.width == 0 ) { camSettings.imageSize = Size(frame.rows, frame.cols); } bool foundProj, foundCam; vector<Point2f> projPointBuf; vector<Point2f> camPointBuf; imshow("camera view", color); if( camSettings.patternType == CHESSBOARD && projSettings.patternType == CHESSBOARD ) { int calibFlags = CALIB_CB_ADAPTIVE_THRESH; foundCam = findChessboardCorners(color, camSettings.patternSize, camPointBuf, calibFlags); foundProj = findChessboardCorners(color, projSettings.patternSize, projPointBuf, calibFlags); if( foundCam && foundProj ) { Mat gray; cvtColor(color, gray, COLOR_BGR2GRAY); cout << "found pattern" << endl; Mat projCorners, camCorners; cornerSubPix(gray, camPointBuf, camSettings.subpixelSize, Size(-1, -1), TermCriteria(TermCriteria::COUNT + TermCriteria::EPS, 30, 0.1)); cornerSubPix(gray, projPointBuf, projSettings.subpixelSize, Size(-1, -1), TermCriteria(TermCriteria::COUNT + TermCriteria::EPS, 30, 0.1)); drawChessboardCorners(gray, camSettings.patternSize, camPointBuf, foundCam); drawChessboardCorners(gray, projSettings.patternSize, projPointBuf, foundProj); imshow("camera view", gray); char c = (char)waitKey(0); if( c == 10 ) { cout << "saving pattern #" << nbrOfValidFrames << " for calibration" << endl; ostringstream name; name << nbrOfValidFrames; nbrOfValidFrames += 1; imagePointsCam.push_back(camPointBuf); imagePointsProj.push_back(projPointBuf); objectPointsCam.push_back(tempCam); PointsInProj.push_back(tempProj); images.push_back(frame); Mat ptsProjProj, ptsProjCam; Mat ptsProjProjN, ptsProjCamN; Mat TProjProj, TProjCam; vector<Point2f> ptsProjProjVec; vector<Point2f> ptsProjCamVec; fromVectorToMat(tempProj, ptsProjProj); normalize(ptsProjProj, 2, ptsProjProjN, TProjProj); fromMatToVector(ptsProjProjN, ptsProjProjVec); pointsInProjN.push_back(ptsProjProjVec); T2.push_back(TProjProj); projInProj.push_back(ptsProjProj); projInProjN.push_back(ptsProjProjN); fromVectorToMat(projPointBuf, ptsProjCam); normalize(ptsProjCam, 2, ptsProjCamN, TProjCam); fromMatToVector(ptsProjCamN, ptsProjCamVec); imagePointsProjN.push_back(ptsProjCamVec); T1.push_back(TProjCam); projInCam.push_back(ptsProjCam); projInCamN.push_back(ptsProjCamN); } else if( c == 32 ) { cout << "capture discarded" << endl; } else if( c == 27 ) { cout << "closing program" << endl; return -1; } } else { cout << "no pattern found, move board and press any key" << endl; imshow("camera view", frame); waitKey(0); } } } } saveCalibrationData(outputName + "_points.yml", T1, T2, projInCam, projInProj, projInCamN, projInProjN); double rms = calibrate(objectPointsCam, imagePointsCam, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, rVecs, tVecs, camSettings.imageSize); cout << "rms = " << rms << endl; cout << "camera matrix = \n" << cameraMatrix << endl; cout << "dist coeffs = \n" << distCoeffs << endl; fromCamToWorld(cameraMatrix, rVecs, tVecs, imagePointsProj, worldPointsProj); rms = calibrate(worldPointsProj, PointsInProj, projectorMatrix, projectorDistCoeffs, projectorRVecs, projectorTVecs, projSettings.imageSize); cout << "rms = " << rms << endl; cout << "projector matrix = \n" << projectorMatrix << endl; cout << "projector dist coeffs = \n" << distCoeffs << endl; Mat stereoR, stereoT, essential, fundamental; Mat RCam, RProj, PCam, PProj, Q; rms = stereoCalibrate(worldPointsProj, imagePointsProj, PointsInProj, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, projectorMatrix, projectorDistCoeffs, camSettings.imageSize, stereoR, stereoT, essential, fundamental); cout << "stereo calibrate: \n" << fundamental << endl; saveCalibrationResults(outputName, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, projectorMatrix, projectorDistCoeffs, fundamental ); return 0; } Settings::Settings(){ patternType = CHESSBOARD; patternSize = Size(13, 9); subpixelSize = Size(11, 11); squareSize = 50; nbrOfFrames = 25; } void loadSettings( String path, Settings &sttngs ) { FileStorage fsInput(path, FileStorage::READ); fsInput["PatternWidth"] >> sttngs.patternSize.width; fsInput["PatternHeight"] >> sttngs.patternSize.height; fsInput["SubPixelWidth"] >> sttngs.subpixelSize.width; fsInput["SubPixelHeight"] >> sttngs.subpixelSize.height; fsInput["SquareSize"] >> sttngs.squareSize; fsInput["NbrOfFrames"] >> sttngs.nbrOfFrames; fsInput["PatternType"] >> sttngs.patternType; fsInput.release(); } double calibrate( vector< vector<Point3f> > objPoints, vector< vector<Point2f> > imgPoints, Mat &cameraMatrix, Mat &distCoeffs, vector<Mat> &r, vector<Mat> &t, Size imgSize ) { int calibFlags = 0; double rms = calibrateCamera(objPoints, imgPoints, imgSize, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, r, t, calibFlags); return rms; } void createObjectPoints( vector<Point3f> &patternCorners, Size patternSize, float squareSize, int patternType ) { switch( patternType ) { case CHESSBOARD: case CIRCLES_GRID: for( int i = 0; i < patternSize.height; ++i ) { for( int j = 0; j < patternSize.width; ++j ) { patternCorners.push_back(Point3f(float(i*squareSize), float(j*squareSize), 0)); } } break; case ASYMETRIC_CIRCLES_GRID: break; } } void createProjectorObjectPoints( vector<Point2f> &patternCorners, Size patternSize, float squareSize, int patternType ) { switch( patternType ) { case CHESSBOARD: case CIRCLES_GRID: for( int i = 1; i <= patternSize.height; ++i ) { for( int j = 1; j <= patternSize.width; ++j ) { patternCorners.push_back(Point2f(float(j*squareSize), float(i*squareSize))); } } break; case ASYMETRIC_CIRCLES_GRID: break; } } void fromCamToWorld( Mat cameraMatrix, vector<Mat> rV, vector<Mat> tV, vector< vector<Point2f> > imgPoints, vector< vector<Point3f> > &worldPoints ) { int s = (int) rV.size(); Mat invK64, invK; invK64 = cameraMatrix.inv(); invK64.convertTo(invK, CV_32F); for(int i = 0; i < s; ++i) { Mat r, t, rMat; rV[i].convertTo(r, CV_32F); tV[i].convertTo(t, CV_32F); Rodrigues(r, rMat); Mat transPlaneToCam = rMat.inv()*t; vector<Point3f> wpTemp; int s2 = (int) imgPoints[i].size(); for(int j = 0; j < s2; ++j){ Mat coords(3, 1, CV_32F); coords.at<float>(0, 0) = imgPoints[i][j].x; coords.at<float>(1, 0) = imgPoints[i][j].y; coords.at<float>(2, 0) = 1.0f; Mat worldPtCam = invK*coords; Mat worldPtPlane = rMat.inv()*worldPtCam; float scale = transPlaneToCam.at<float>(2)/worldPtPlane.at<float>(2); Mat worldPtPlaneReproject = scale*worldPtPlane - transPlaneToCam; Point3f pt; pt.x = worldPtPlaneReproject.at<float>(0); pt.y = worldPtPlaneReproject.at<float>(1); pt.z = 0; wpTemp.push_back(pt); } worldPoints.push_back(wpTemp); } } void saveCalibrationResults( String path, Mat camK, Mat camDistCoeffs, Mat projK, Mat projDistCoeffs, Mat fundamental ) { FileStorage fs(path + ".yml", FileStorage::WRITE); fs << "camIntrinsics" << camK; fs << "camDistCoeffs" << camDistCoeffs; fs << "projIntrinsics" << projK; fs << "projDistCoeffs" << projDistCoeffs; fs << "fundamental" << fundamental; fs.release(); } void saveCalibrationData( String path, vector<Mat> T1, vector<Mat> T2, vector<Mat> ptsProjCam, vector<Mat> ptsProjProj, vector<Mat> ptsProjCamN, vector<Mat> ptsProjProjN ) { FileStorage fs(path + ".yml", FileStorage::WRITE); int size = (int) T1.size(); fs << "size" << size; for( int i = 0; i < (int)T1.size(); ++i ) { ostringstream nbr; nbr << i; fs << "TprojCam" + nbr.str() << T1[i]; fs << "TProjProj" + nbr.str() << T2[i]; fs << "ptsProjCam" + nbr.str() << ptsProjCam[i]; fs << "ptsProjProj" + nbr.str() << ptsProjProj[i]; fs << "ptsProjCamN" + nbr.str() << ptsProjCamN[i]; fs << "ptsProjProjN" + nbr.str() << ptsProjProjN[i]; } fs.release(); } void normalize( const Mat &pts, const int& dim, Mat& normpts, Mat &T ) { float averagedist = 0; float scale = 0; //centroid Mat centroid(dim,1,CV_32F); Scalar tmp; if( normpts.empty() ) { normpts= Mat(pts.rows,pts.cols,CV_32F); } for( int i = 0 ; i < dim ; ++i ) { tmp = mean(pts.row(i)); centroid.at<float>(i,0) = (float)tmp[0]; subtract(pts.row(i), centroid.at<float>(i, 0), normpts.row(i)); } //average distance Mat ptstmp; for( int i = 0 ; i < normpts.cols; ++i ) { ptstmp = normpts.col(i); averagedist = averagedist+(float)norm(ptstmp); } averagedist = averagedist / normpts.cols; scale = (float)(sqrt(static_cast<float>(dim)) / averagedist); normpts = normpts * scale; T=cv::Mat::eye(dim+1,dim+1,CV_32F); for( int i = 0; i < dim; ++i ) { T.at<float>(i, i) = scale; T.at<float>(i, dim) = -scale*centroid.at<float>(i, 0); } } void fromVectorToMat( vector<Point2f> v, Mat &pts ) { int nbrOfPoints = (int) v.size(); if( pts.empty() ) pts.create(2, nbrOfPoints, CV_32F); for( int i = 0; i < nbrOfPoints; ++i ) { pts.at<float>(0, i) = v[i].x; pts.at<float>(1, i) = v[i].y; } } void fromMatToVector( Mat pts, vector<Point2f> &v ) { int nbrOfPoints = pts.cols; for( int i = 0; i < nbrOfPoints; ++i ) { Point2f temp; temp.x = pts.at<float>(0, i); temp.y = pts.at<float>(1, i); v.push_back(temp); } }