// This file is part of OpenCV project. // It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory // of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html. #include "precomp.hpp" using namespace cv; using namespace cv::img_hash; using namespace std; namespace { enum { imgWidth = 256, imgHeight = 256, blockWidth = 16, blockHeigth = 16, blockPerCol = imgHeight / blockHeigth, blockPerRow = imgWidth / blockWidth, rowSize = imgHeight - blockHeigth, colSize = imgWidth - blockWidth }; class BlockMeanHashImpl : public ImgHashBase::ImgHashImpl { public: BlockMeanHashImpl(int mode) { setMode(mode); } ~BlockMeanHashImpl() {} virtual void compute(cv::InputArray inputArr, cv::OutputArray outputArr) { cv::Mat const input = inputArr.getMat(); CV_Assert(input.type() == CV_8UC4 || input.type() == CV_8UC3 || input.type() == CV_8U); cv::resize(input, resizeImg_, cv::Size(imgWidth,imgHeight)); if(input.type() == CV_8UC3) { cv::cvtColor(resizeImg_, grayImg_, CV_BGR2GRAY); } else if(input.type() == CV_8UC4) { cv::cvtColor(resizeImg_, grayImg_, CV_BGRA2GRAY); } else { grayImg_ = resizeImg_; } int pixColStep = blockWidth; int pixRowStep = blockHeigth; int numOfBlocks = 0; switch(mode_) { case BLOCK_MEAN_HASH_MODE_0: { numOfBlocks = blockPerCol * blockPerRow; break; } case BLOCK_MEAN_HASH_MODE_1: { pixColStep /= 2; pixRowStep /= 2; numOfBlocks = (blockPerCol*2-1) * (blockPerRow*2-1); break; } default: break; } mean_.resize(numOfBlocks); findMean(pixRowStep, pixColStep); outputArr.create(1, numOfBlocks/8 + numOfBlocks % 8, CV_8U); cv::Mat hash = outputArr.getMat(); createHash(hash); } virtual double compare(cv::InputArray hashOne, cv::InputArray hashTwo) const { return norm(hashOne, hashTwo, NORM_HAMMING); } void setMode(int mode) { CV_Assert(mode == BLOCK_MEAN_HASH_MODE_0 || mode == BLOCK_MEAN_HASH_MODE_1); mode_ = mode; } void createHash(cv::Mat &hash) { double const median = cv::mean(grayImg_)[0]; uchar *hashPtr = hash.ptr<uchar>(0); std::bitset<8> bits = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < mean_.size(); ++i) { size_t const residual = i%8; bits[residual] = mean_[i] < median ? 0 : 1; if(residual == 7) { *hashPtr = static_cast<uchar>(bits.to_ulong()); ++hashPtr; }else if(i == mean_.size() - 1) { *hashPtr = bits[residual]; } } } void findMean(int pixRowStep, int pixColStep) { size_t blockIdx = 0; for(int row = 0; row <= rowSize; row += pixRowStep) { for(int col = 0; col <= colSize; col += pixColStep) { mean_[blockIdx++] = cv::mean(grayImg_(cv::Rect(col, row, blockWidth, blockHeigth)))[0]; } } } cv::Mat grayImg_; std::vector<double> mean_; int mode_; cv::Mat resizeImg_; }; inline BlockMeanHashImpl *getLocalImpl(ImgHashBase::ImgHashImpl *ptr) { BlockMeanHashImpl * impl = static_cast<BlockMeanHashImpl*>(ptr); CV_Assert(impl); return impl; } } //================================================================================================== namespace cv { namespace img_hash { Ptr<BlockMeanHash> BlockMeanHash::create(int mode) { Ptr<BlockMeanHash> res(new BlockMeanHash); res->pImpl = makePtr<BlockMeanHashImpl>(mode); return res; } void BlockMeanHash::setMode(int mode) { getLocalImpl(pImpl)->setMode(mode); } std::vector<double> BlockMeanHash::getMean() const { return getLocalImpl(pImpl)->mean_; } void blockMeanHash(cv::InputArray inputArr, cv::OutputArray outputArr, int mode) { BlockMeanHashImpl(mode).compute(inputArr, outputArr); } }} // cv::img_hash::