// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.

#include "test_precomp.hpp"

namespace opencv_test { namespace {
using namespace cv::img_hash;

 *The expected results of this test case are come from the phash library,
 *I use it as golden model
class CV_RadialVarianceHashTest : public cvtest::BaseTest
    void run(int /* idx */);

    //this test case do not use the original "golden data"
    //of pHash library, I add a small value to nb_pixels in
    //the function "ph_feature_vector" to avoid NaN value
    void testComputeHash();
    void testFeatures();
    //void testHash();  // TODO unused
    void testPixPerLine();
    void testProjection();

    cv::Mat input;
    Ptr<cv::img_hash::RadialVarianceHash> rvh;

    input.create(8, 8, CV_8U);
    uchar *inPtr = input.ptr<uchar>(0);
    for(size_t i = 0; i != input.total(); ++i)
        inPtr[i] = static_cast<uchar>(i);
    rvh = RadialVarianceHash::create(1, 10);

void CV_RadialVarianceHashTest::testComputeHash()
    cv::Mat hashOne(1, 40, CV_8U);
    uchar buffer[] =
      52,  41,  49,  64,  40,  67,  76,  71,  69,
      55,  58,  68,  72,  78,  63,  73,  66,  77,
      60,  57,  48,  59,  62,  74,  70,  47,  46,
      51,  45,  44,  42,  61,  54,  75,  50,  79,
      65,  43,  53,  56
    cv::Mat hashTwo(1, 40, CV_8U, buffer);
    for(uchar i = 0; i != 40; ++i)
      hashOne.at<uchar>(0, i) = i;

    double const actual = rvh->compare(hashOne, hashTwo);
    ASSERT_NEAR(0.481051, actual, 0.0001);

void CV_RadialVarianceHashTest::testFeatures()
    std::vector<double> const &features = rvh->getFeatures();
    double const expectResult[] =
    for(size_t i = 0; i != features.size(); ++i)
        ASSERT_NEAR(features[i], expectResult[i], 0.0001);

#if 0 // unused
void CV_RadialVarianceHashTest::testHash()
    cv::Mat const hash = rvh->getHash();
    uchar const expectResult[] =
        127,  92,   0, 158, 101,
         88,  14, 136, 227, 160,
        127,  94,  27, 118, 240,
        166, 153,  96, 254, 162,
        127, 162, 255,  96, 153,
        166, 240, 118,  27,  94,
        127, 160, 227, 136,  14,
         88, 101, 158,   0,  92
    for(int i = 0; i != hash.cols; ++i)
        EXPECT_EQ(hash.at<uchar>(0, i), expectResult[i]);

void CV_RadialVarianceHashTest::testPixPerLine()
  cv::Mat const pixPerLine = rvh->getPixPerLine(input);
  uchar const expectResult[] =
  bool const equal =
          std::equal(expectResult, expectResult + pixPerLine.total(),
  if(equal == false)
    ts->printf(cvtest::TS::LOG, "Wrong pixel per line value \n");

void CV_RadialVarianceHashTest::testProjection()
    cv::Mat const proj = rvh->getProjection();
    uchar const expectResult[] =
      32,  33,  34,  35,  36,  37,  38,  39,
      16,  17,  18,  27,  36,  37,  46,  47,
       0,   9,  18,  19,  36,  45,  46,  55,
       0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
       2,  10,  18,  27,  36,  44,  53,  61,
       4,  59,  51,  44,  36,  29,  22,  14,
       0,  58,  51,  43,  36,  30,  22,  15,
       0,   0,  58,  43,  36,  21,   6,   0,
      56,  49,  42,  43,  36,  21,  22,  15,
      40,  41,  42,  35,  36,  29,  22,  23
    bool const equal =
            std::equal(expectResult, expectResult + proj.total(),
    if(equal == false)
      ts->printf(cvtest::TS::LOG, "Wrong projection value \n");

void CV_RadialVarianceHashTest::run(int)

TEST(radial_variance_hash_test, accuracy) { CV_RadialVarianceHashTest test; test.safe_run(); }

}} // namespace