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//                For Open Source Computer Vision Library
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#include "opencv2/opencv_modules.hpp"
#include "gtrTracker.hpp"

namespace cv


void TrackerGOTURN::Params::read(const cv::FileNode& /*fn*/){}

void TrackerGOTURN::Params::write(cv::FileStorage& /*fs*/) const {}

Ptr<TrackerGOTURN> TrackerGOTURN::create(const TrackerGOTURN::Params &parameters)
    return Ptr<gtr::TrackerGOTURNImpl>(new gtr::TrackerGOTURNImpl(parameters));
    CV_ErrorNoReturn(cv::Error::StsNotImplemented , "to use GOTURN, the tracking module needs to be built with opencv_dnn !");
Ptr<TrackerGOTURN> TrackerGOTURN::create()
    return TrackerGOTURN::create(TrackerGOTURN::Params());

namespace gtr

class TrackerGOTURNModel : public TrackerModel{
    Rect2d getBoundingBox(){ return boundingBox_; }
    void setBoudingBox(Rect2d boundingBox){ boundingBox_ = boundingBox; }
    Mat getImage(){ return image_; }
    void setImage(const Mat& image){ image.copyTo(image_); }
    Rect2d boundingBox_;
    Mat image_;
    void modelEstimationImpl(const std::vector<Mat>&) CV_OVERRIDE {}
    void modelUpdateImpl() CV_OVERRIDE {}

TrackerGOTURNImpl::TrackerGOTURNImpl(const TrackerGOTURN::Params &parameters) :
    isInit = false;

void TrackerGOTURNImpl::read(const cv::FileNode& fn)

void TrackerGOTURNImpl::write(cv::FileStorage& fs) const

bool TrackerGOTURNImpl::initImpl(const Mat& image, const Rect2d& boundingBox)
    //Make a simple model from frame and bounding box
    model = Ptr<TrackerGOTURNModel>(new TrackerGOTURNModel(params));

    //Load GOTURN architecture from *.prototxt and pretrained weights from *.caffemodel
    String modelTxt = "goturn.prototxt";
    String modelBin = "goturn.caffemodel";
    net = dnn::readNetFromCaffe(modelTxt, modelBin);
    return true;

bool TrackerGOTURNImpl::updateImpl(const Mat& image, Rect2d& boundingBox)
    int INPUT_SIZE = 227;
    //Using prevFrame & prevBB from model and curFrame GOTURN calculating curBB
    Mat curFrame = image.clone();
    Mat prevFrame = ((TrackerGOTURNModel*)static_cast<TrackerModel*>(model))->getImage();
    Rect2d prevBB = ((TrackerGOTURNModel*)static_cast<TrackerModel*>(model))->getBoundingBox();
    Rect2d curBB;

    float padTargetPatch = 2.0;
    Rect2f searchPatchRect, targetPatchRect;
    Point2f currCenter, prevCenter;
    Mat prevFramePadded, curFramePadded;
    Mat searchPatch, targetPatch;

    prevCenter.x = (float)(prevBB.x + prevBB.width / 2);
    prevCenter.y = (float)(prevBB.y + prevBB.height / 2);

    targetPatchRect.width = (float)(prevBB.width*padTargetPatch);
    targetPatchRect.height = (float)(prevBB.height*padTargetPatch);
    targetPatchRect.x = (float)(prevCenter.x - prevBB.width*padTargetPatch / 2.0 + targetPatchRect.width);
    targetPatchRect.y = (float)(prevCenter.y - prevBB.height*padTargetPatch / 2.0 + targetPatchRect.height);

    copyMakeBorder(prevFrame, prevFramePadded, (int)targetPatchRect.height, (int)targetPatchRect.height, (int)targetPatchRect.width, (int)targetPatchRect.width, BORDER_REPLICATE);
    targetPatch = prevFramePadded(targetPatchRect).clone();

    copyMakeBorder(curFrame, curFramePadded, (int)targetPatchRect.height, (int)targetPatchRect.height, (int)targetPatchRect.width, (int)targetPatchRect.width, BORDER_REPLICATE);
    searchPatch = curFramePadded(targetPatchRect).clone();

    resize(targetPatch, targetPatch, Size(INPUT_SIZE, INPUT_SIZE), 0, 0, INTER_LINEAR_EXACT);
    resize(searchPatch, searchPatch, Size(INPUT_SIZE, INPUT_SIZE), 0, 0, INTER_LINEAR_EXACT);

    //Convert to Float type and subtract mean
    Mat targetBlob = dnn::blobFromImage(targetPatch, 1.0f, Size(), Scalar::all(128), false);
    Mat searchBlob = dnn::blobFromImage(searchPatch, 1.0f, Size(), Scalar::all(128), false);

    net.setInput(targetBlob, "data1");
    net.setInput(searchBlob, "data2");

    Mat resMat = net.forward("scale").reshape(1, 1);

    curBB.x = targetPatchRect.x + (resMat.at<float>(0) * targetPatchRect.width / INPUT_SIZE) - targetPatchRect.width;
    curBB.y = targetPatchRect.y + (resMat.at<float>(1) * targetPatchRect.height / INPUT_SIZE) - targetPatchRect.height;
    curBB.width = (resMat.at<float>(2) - resMat.at<float>(0)) * targetPatchRect.width / INPUT_SIZE;
    curBB.height = (resMat.at<float>(3) - resMat.at<float>(1)) * targetPatchRect.height / INPUT_SIZE;

    //Predicted BB
    boundingBox = curBB;

    //Set new model image and BB from current frame

    return true;

