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Viz3d viz("show_cloud_random_color"); viz.setBackgroundMeshLab(); viz.showWidget("coosys", WCoordinateSystem()); viz.showWidget("dragon", WCloud(dragon_cloud, colors), pose); viz.showWidget("text2d", WText("Random color cloud", Point(20, 20), 20, Color::green())); viz.spin(); } TEST(Viz, show_cloud_masked) { Mat dragon_cloud = readCloud(get_dragon_ply_file_path()); Vec3f qnan = Vec3f::all(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN()); for(int i = 0; i < (int)dragon_cloud.total(); ++i) if (i % 15 != 0) dragon_cloud.at<Vec3f>(i) = qnan; Affine3d pose = Affine3d().rotate(Vec3d(0, 0.8, 0)); Viz3d viz("show_cloud_masked"); viz.showWidget("coosys", WCoordinateSystem()); viz.showWidget("dragon", WCloud(dragon_cloud), pose); viz.showWidget("text2d", WText("Nan masked cloud", Point(20, 20), 20, Color::green())); viz.spin(); } TEST(Viz, show_cloud_collection) { Mat cloud = readCloud(get_dragon_ply_file_path()); WCloudCollection ccol; ccol.addCloud(cloud, Color::white(), Affine3d().translate(Vec3d(0, 0, 0)).rotate(Vec3d(CV_PI/2, 0, 0))); ccol.addCloud(cloud, Color::blue(), Affine3d().translate(Vec3d(1, 0, 0))); ccol.addCloud(cloud, Color::red(), Affine3d().translate(Vec3d(2, 0, 0))); ccol.finalize(); Viz3d viz("show_cloud_collection"); viz.setBackgroundColor(Color::mlab()); viz.showWidget("coosys", WCoordinateSystem()); viz.showWidget("ccol", ccol); viz.showWidget("text2d", WText("Cloud collection", Point(20, 20), 20, Color::green())); viz.spin(); } TEST(Viz, show_painted_clouds) { Mat cloud = readCloud(get_dragon_ply_file_path()); Viz3d viz("show_painted_clouds"); viz.setBackgroundMeshLab(); viz.showWidget("coosys", WCoordinateSystem()); viz.showWidget("cloud1", WPaintedCloud(cloud), Affine3d(Vec3d(0.0, -CV_PI/2, 0.0), Vec3d(-1.5, 0.0, 0.0))); viz.showWidget("cloud2", WPaintedCloud(cloud, Vec3d(0.0, -0.75, -1.0), Vec3d(0.0, 0.75, 0.0)), Affine3d(Vec3d(0.0, CV_PI/2, 0.0), Vec3d(1.5, 0.0, 0.0))); viz.showWidget("cloud3", WPaintedCloud(cloud, Vec3d(0.0, 0.0, -1.0), Vec3d(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), Color::blue(), Color::red())); viz.showWidget("arrow", WArrow(Vec3d(0.0, 1.0, -1.0), Vec3d(0.0, 1.0, 1.0), 0.009, Color::raspberry())); viz.showWidget("text2d", WText("Painted clouds", Point(20, 20), 20, Color::green())); viz.spin(); } TEST(Viz, show_mesh) { Mesh mesh = Mesh::load(get_dragon_ply_file_path()); Affine3d pose = Affine3d().rotate(Vec3d(0, 0.8, 0)); Viz3d viz("show_mesh"); viz.showWidget("coosys", WCoordinateSystem()); viz.showWidget("mesh", WMesh(mesh), pose); viz.showWidget("text2d", WText("Just mesh", Point(20, 20), 20, Color::green())); viz.spin(); } TEST(Viz, show_mesh_random_colors) { Mesh mesh = Mesh::load(get_dragon_ply_file_path()); theRNG().fill(mesh.colors, RNG::UNIFORM, 0, 255); Affine3d pose = Affine3d().rotate(Vec3d(0, 0.8, 0)); Viz3d viz("show_mesh_random_color"); viz.showWidget("coosys", WCoordinateSystem()); viz.showWidget("mesh", WMesh(mesh), pose); viz.setRenderingProperty("mesh", SHADING, SHADING_PHONG); viz.showWidget("text2d", WText("Random color mesh", Point(20, 20), 20, Color::green())); viz.spin(); } TEST(Viz, show_widget_merger) { WWidgetMerger merger; merger.addWidget(WCube(Vec3d::all(0.0), Vec3d::all(1.0), true, Color::gold())); RNG& rng = theRNG(); for(int i = 0; i < 77; ++i) { Vec3b c; rng.fill(c, RNG::NORMAL, Scalar::all(128), Scalar::all(48), true); merger.addWidget(WSphere(Vec3d(c)*(1.0/255.0), 7.0/255.0, 10, Color(c[2], c[1], c[0]))); } merger.finalize(); Viz3d viz("show_mesh_random_color"); viz.showWidget("coo", WCoordinateSystem()); viz.showWidget("merger", merger); viz.showWidget("text2d", WText("Widget merger", Point(20, 20), 20, Color::green())); viz.spin(); } TEST(Viz, show_textured_mesh) { Mat lena = imread(Path::combine(cvtest::TS::ptr()->get_data_path(), "lena.png")); std::vector<Vec3d> points; std::vector<Vec2d> tcoords; std::vector<int> polygons; for(size_t i = 0; i < 64; ++i) { double angle = CV_PI/2 * i/64.0; points.push_back(Vec3d(0.00, cos(angle), sin(angle))*0.75); points.push_back(Vec3d(1.57, cos(angle), sin(angle))*0.75); tcoords.push_back(Vec2d(0.0, i/64.0)); tcoords.push_back(Vec2d(1.0, i/64.0)); } for(int i = 0; i < (int)points.size()/2-1; ++i) { int polys[] = {3, 2*i, 2*i+1, 2*i+2, 3, 2*i+1, 2*i+2, 2*i+3}; polygons.insert(polygons.end(), polys, polys + sizeof(polys)/sizeof(polys[0])); } cv::viz::Mesh mesh; mesh.cloud = Mat(points, true).reshape(3, 1); mesh.tcoords = Mat(tcoords, true).reshape(2, 1); mesh.polygons = Mat(polygons, true).reshape(1, 1); mesh.texture = lena; Viz3d viz("show_textured_mesh"); viz.setBackgroundMeshLab(); viz.showWidget("coosys", WCoordinateSystem()); viz.showWidget("mesh", WMesh(mesh)); viz.setRenderingProperty("mesh", SHADING, SHADING_PHONG); viz.showWidget("text2d", WText("Textured mesh", Point(20, 20), 20, Color::green())); viz.spin(); } TEST(Viz, show_polyline) { const Color palette[] = { Color::red(), Color::green(), Color::blue(), Color::gold(), Color::raspberry(), Color::bluberry(), Color::lime() }; size_t palette_size = sizeof(palette)/sizeof(palette[0]); Mat polyline(1, 32, CV_64FC3), colors(1, 32, CV_8UC3); for(int i = 0; i < (int)polyline.total(); ++i) { polyline.at<Vec3d>(i) = Vec3d(i/16.0, cos(i * CV_PI/6), sin(i * CV_PI/6)); colors.at<Vec3b>(i) = palette[i & palette_size]; } Viz3d viz("show_polyline"); viz.showWidget("polyline", WPolyLine(polyline, colors)); viz.showWidget("coosys", WCoordinateSystem()); viz.showWidget("text2d", WText("Polyline", Point(20, 20), 20, Color::green())); viz.spin(); } TEST(Viz, show_sampled_normals) { Mesh mesh = Mesh::load(get_dragon_ply_file_path()); computeNormals(mesh, mesh.normals); Affine3d pose = Affine3d().rotate(Vec3d(0, 0.8, 0)); Viz3d viz("show_sampled_normals"); viz.showWidget("mesh", WMesh(mesh), pose); viz.showWidget("normals", WCloudNormals(mesh.cloud, mesh.normals, 30, 0.1f, Color::green()), pose); viz.setRenderingProperty("normals", LINE_WIDTH, 2.0); viz.showWidget("text2d", WText("Cloud or mesh normals", Point(20, 20), 20, Color::green())); viz.spin(); } TEST(Viz, show_cloud_shaded_by_normals) { Mesh mesh = Mesh::load(get_dragon_ply_file_path()); computeNormals(mesh, mesh.normals); Affine3d pose = Affine3d().rotate(Vec3d(0, 0.8, 0)); WCloud cloud(mesh.cloud, Color::white(), mesh.normals); cloud.setRenderingProperty(SHADING, SHADING_GOURAUD); Viz3d viz("show_cloud_shaded_by_normals"); viz.showWidget("cloud", cloud, pose); viz.showWidget("text2d", WText("Cloud shaded by normals", Point(20, 20), 20, Color::green())); viz.spin(); } TEST(Viz, show_trajectories) { std::vector<Affine3d> path = generate_test_trajectory<double>(), sub0, sub1, sub2, sub3, sub4, sub5; int size =(int)path.size(); Mat(path).rowRange(0, size/10+1).copyTo(sub0); Mat(path).rowRange(size/10, size/5+1).copyTo(sub1); Mat(path).rowRange(size/5, 11*size/12).copyTo(sub2); Mat(path).rowRange(11*size/12, size).copyTo(sub3); Mat(path).rowRange(3*size/4, 33*size/40).copyTo(sub4); Mat(path).rowRange(33*size/40, 9*size/10).copyTo(sub5); Matx33d K(1024.0, 0.0, 320.0, 0.0, 1024.0, 240.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); Viz3d viz("show_trajectories"); viz.showWidget("coos", WCoordinateSystem()); viz.showWidget("sub0", WTrajectorySpheres(sub0, 0.25, 0.07)); viz.showWidget("sub1", WTrajectory(sub1, WTrajectory::PATH, 0.2, Color::brown())); viz.showWidget("sub2", WTrajectory(sub2, WTrajectory::FRAMES, 0.2)); viz.showWidget("sub3", WTrajectory(sub3, WTrajectory::BOTH, 0.2, Color::green())); viz.showWidget("sub4", WTrajectoryFrustums(sub4, K, 0.3, Color::yellow())); viz.showWidget("sub5", WTrajectoryFrustums(sub5, Vec2d(0.78, 0.78), 0.15)); viz.showWidget("text2d", WText("Different kinds of supported trajectories", Point(20, 20), 20, Color::green())); int i = 0; while(!viz.wasStopped()) { double a = --i % 360; Vec3d pose(sin(a * CV_PI/180), 0.7, cos(a * CV_PI/180)); viz.setViewerPose(makeCameraPose(pose * 7.5, Vec3d(0.0, 0.5, 0.0), Vec3d(0.0, 0.1, 0.0))); viz.spinOnce(20, true); } viz.resetCamera(); viz.spin(); } TEST(Viz, show_trajectory_reposition) { std::vector<Affine3f> path = generate_test_trajectory<float>(); Viz3d viz("show_trajectory_reposition_to_origin"); viz.showWidget("coos", WCoordinateSystem()); viz.showWidget("sub3", WTrajectory(Mat(path).rowRange(0, (int)path.size()/3), WTrajectory::BOTH, 0.2, Color::brown()), path.front().inv()); viz.showWidget("text2d", WText("Trajectory resposition to origin", Point(20, 20), 20, Color::green())); viz.spin(); } TEST(Viz, show_camera_positions) { Matx33d K(1024.0, 0.0, 320.0, 0.0, 1024.0, 240.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); Mat lena = imread(Path::combine(cvtest::TS::ptr()->get_data_path(), "lena.png")); Mat gray = make_gray(lena); Affine3d poses[2]; for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { Vec3d pose = 5 * Vec3d(sin(3.14 + 2.7 + i*60 * CV_PI/180), 0.4 - i*0.3, cos(3.14 + 2.7 + i*60 * CV_PI/180)); poses[i] = makeCameraPose(pose, Vec3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vec3d(0.0, -0.1, 0.0)); } Viz3d viz("show_camera_positions"); viz.showWidget("sphe", WSphere(Point3d(0,0,0), 1.0, 10, Color::orange_red())); viz.showWidget("coos", WCoordinateSystem(1.5)); viz.showWidget("pos1", WCameraPosition(0.75), poses[0]); viz.showWidget("pos2", WCameraPosition(Vec2d(0.78, 0.78), lena, 2.2, Color::green()), poses[0]); viz.showWidget("pos3", WCameraPosition(0.75), poses[1]); viz.showWidget("pos4", WCameraPosition(K, gray, 3, Color::indigo()), poses[1]); viz.showWidget("text2d", WText("Camera positions with images", Point(20, 20), 20, Color::green())); viz.spin(); } TEST(Viz, show_overlay_image) { Mat lena = imread(Path::combine(cvtest::TS::ptr()->get_data_path(), "lena.png")); Mat gray = make_gray(lena); Size2d half_lsize = Size2d(lena.size()) * 0.5; Viz3d viz("show_overlay_image"); viz.setBackgroundMeshLab(); Size vsz = viz.getWindowSize(); viz.showWidget("coos", WCoordinateSystem()); viz.showWidget("cube", WCube()); viz.showWidget("img1", WImageOverlay(lena, Rect(Point(10, 10), half_lsize))); viz.showWidget("img2", WImageOverlay(gray, Rect(Point(vsz.width-10-lena.cols/2, 10), half_lsize))); viz.showWidget("img3", WImageOverlay(gray, Rect(Point(10, vsz.height-10-lena.rows/2), half_lsize))); viz.showWidget("img5", WImageOverlay(lena, Rect(Point(vsz.width-10-lena.cols/2, vsz.height-10-lena.rows/2), half_lsize))); viz.showWidget("text2d", WText("Overlay images", Point(20, 20), 20, Color::green())); int i = 0; while(!viz.wasStopped()) { double a = ++i % 360; Vec3d pose(sin(a * CV_PI/180), 0.7, cos(a * CV_PI/180)); viz.setViewerPose(makeCameraPose(pose * 3, Vec3d(0.0, 0.5, 0.0), Vec3d(0.0, 0.1, 0.0))); viz.getWidget("img1").cast<WImageOverlay>().setImage(lena * pow(sin(i*10*CV_PI/180) * 0.5 + 0.5, 1.0)); viz.spinOnce(1, true); } viz.showWidget("text2d", WText("Overlay images (stopped)", Point(20, 20), 20, Color::green())); viz.spin(); } TEST(Viz, show_image_method) { Mat lena = imread(Path::combine(cvtest::TS::ptr()->get_data_path(), "lena.png")); Viz3d viz("show_image_method"); viz.showImage(lena); viz.spinOnce(1500, true); viz.showImage(lena, lena.size()); viz.spinOnce(1500, true); cv::viz::imshow("show_image_method", make_gray(lena)).spin(); } TEST(Viz, show_image_3d) { Mat lena = imread(Path::combine(cvtest::TS::ptr()->get_data_path(), "lena.png")); Mat gray = make_gray(lena); Viz3d viz("show_image_3d"); viz.setBackgroundMeshLab(); viz.showWidget("coos", WCoordinateSystem()); viz.showWidget("cube", WCube()); viz.showWidget("arr0", WArrow(Vec3d(0.5, 0.0, 0.0), Vec3d(1.5, 0.0, 0.0), 0.009, Color::raspberry())); viz.showWidget("img0", WImage3D(lena, Size2d(1.0, 1.0)), Affine3d(Vec3d(0.0, CV_PI/2, 0.0), Vec3d(.5, 0.0, 0.0))); viz.showWidget("arr1", WArrow(Vec3d(-0.5, -0.5, 0.0), Vec3d(0.2, 0.2, 0.0), 0.009, Color::raspberry())); viz.showWidget("img1", WImage3D(gray, Size2d(1.0, 1.0), Vec3d(-0.5, -0.5, 0.0), Vec3d(1.0, 1.0, 0.0), Vec3d(0.0, 1.0, 0.0))); viz.showWidget("arr3", WArrow(Vec3d::all(-0.5), Vec3d::all(0.5), 0.009, Color::raspberry())); viz.showWidget("text2d", WText("Images in 3D", Point(20, 20), 20, Color::green())); int i = 0; while(!viz.wasStopped()) { viz.getWidget("img0").cast<WImage3D>().setImage(lena * pow(sin(i++*7.5*CV_PI/180) * 0.5 + 0.5, 1.0)); viz.spinOnce(1, true); } viz.showWidget("text2d", WText("Images in 3D (stopped)", Point(20, 20), 20, Color::green())); viz.spin(); } TEST(Viz, show_simple_widgets) { Viz3d viz("show_simple_widgets"); viz.setBackgroundMeshLab(); viz.showWidget("coos", WCoordinateSystem()); viz.showWidget("cube", WCube()); viz.showWidget("cub0", WCube(Vec3d::all(-1.0), Vec3d::all(-0.5), false, Color::indigo())); viz.showWidget("arro", WArrow(Vec3d::all(-0.5), Vec3d::all(0.5), 0.009, Color::raspberry())); viz.showWidget("cir1", WCircle(0.5, 0.01, Color::bluberry())); viz.showWidget("cir2", WCircle(0.5, Point3d(0.5, 0.0, 0.0), Vec3d(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.01, Color::apricot())); viz.showWidget("cyl0", WCylinder(Vec3d(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5), Vec3d(0.5, 0.5, -0.5), 0.125, 30, Color::brown())); viz.showWidget("con0", WCone(0.25, 0.125, 6, Color::azure())); viz.showWidget("con1", WCone(0.125, Point3d(0.5, -0.5, 0.5), Point3d(0.5, -1.0, 0.5), 6, Color::turquoise())); viz.showWidget("text2d", WText("Different simple widgets", Point(20, 20), 20, Color::green())); viz.showWidget("text3d", WText3D("Simple 3D text", Point3d( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5), 0.125, false, Color::green())); viz.showWidget("plane1", WPlane(Size2d(0.25, 0.75))); viz.showWidget("plane2", WPlane(Vec3d(0.5, -0.5, -0.5), Vec3d(0.0, 1.0, 1.0), Vec3d(1.0, 1.0, 0.0), Size2d(1.0, 0.5), Color::gold())); viz.showWidget("grid1", WGrid(Vec2i(7,7), Vec2d::all(0.75), Color::gray()), Affine3d().translate(Vec3d(0.0, 0.0, -1.0))); viz.spin(); viz.getWidget("text2d").cast<WText>().setText("Different simple widgets (updated)"); viz.getWidget("text3d").cast<WText3D>().setText("Updated text 3D"); viz.spin(); } TEST(Viz, show_follower) { Viz3d viz("show_follower"); viz.showWidget("coos", WCoordinateSystem()); viz.showWidget("cube", WCube()); viz.showWidget("t3d_2", WText3D("Simple 3D follower", Point3d(-0.5, -0.5, 0.5), 0.125, true, Color::green())); viz.showWidget("text2d", WText("Follower: text always facing camera", Point(20, 20), 20, Color::green())); viz.setBackgroundMeshLab(); viz.spin(); viz.getWidget("t3d_2").cast<WText3D>().setText("Updated follower 3D"); viz.spin(); } }} // namespace