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//                          License Agreement
//               For Open Source Computer Vision Library
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//Copyright (C) 2010-2013, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., all rights reserved.
//Copyright (C) 2015, OpenCV Foundation, all rights reserved.
//Copyright (C) 2015, Itseez Inc., all rights reserved.
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*                             The file contains the implemented descriptors                                       *
#include "precomp.hpp"

namespace cv
    namespace stereo
        //function that performs the census transform on two images.
        //Two variants of census are offered a sparse version whcih takes every second pixel as well as dense version
        CV_EXPORTS void censusTransform(const Mat &image1, const Mat &image2, int kernelSize, Mat &dist1, Mat &dist2, const int type)
            CV_Assert(image1.size() == image2.size());
            CV_Assert(kernelSize % 2 != 0);
            CV_Assert(image1.type() == CV_8UC1 && image2.type() == CV_8UC1);
            CV_Assert(type != CV_DENSE_CENSUS || type != CV_SPARSE_CENSUS);
            CV_Assert(kernelSize <= ((type == 0) ? 5 : 11));
            int n2 = (kernelSize) / 2;
            uint8_t *images[] = {image1.data, image2.data};
            int *costs[] = {(int *)dist1.data,(int *)dist2.data};
            int stride = (int)image1.step;
            if(type == CV_DENSE_CENSUS)
                parallel_for_(  Range(n2, image1.rows - n2),
                    CombinedDescriptor<1,1,1,2,CensusKernel<2> >(image1.cols, image1.rows,stride,n2,costs,CensusKernel<2>(images),n2));
            else if(type == CV_SPARSE_CENSUS)
                parallel_for_( Range(n2, image1.rows - n2),
                    CombinedDescriptor<2,2,1,2,CensusKernel<2> >(image1.cols, image1.rows, stride,n2,costs,CensusKernel<2>(images),n2));
        //function that performs census on one image
        CV_EXPORTS void censusTransform(const Mat &image1, int kernelSize, Mat &dist1, const int type)
            CV_Assert(image1.size() == dist1.size());
            CV_Assert(kernelSize % 2 != 0);
            CV_Assert(image1.type() == CV_8UC1);
            CV_Assert(type != CV_DENSE_CENSUS || type != CV_SPARSE_CENSUS);
            CV_Assert(kernelSize <= ((type == 0) ? 5 : 11));
            int n2 = (kernelSize) / 2;
            uint8_t *images[] = {image1.data};
            int *costs[] = {(int *)dist1.data};
            int stride = (int)image1.step;
            if(type == CV_DENSE_CENSUS)
                parallel_for_( Range(n2, image1.rows - n2),
                    CombinedDescriptor<1,1,1,1,CensusKernel<1> >(image1.cols, image1.rows,stride,n2,costs,CensusKernel<1>(images),n2));
            else if(type == CV_SPARSE_CENSUS)
                parallel_for_( Range(n2, image1.rows - n2),
                    CombinedDescriptor<2,2,1,1,CensusKernel<1> >(image1.cols, image1.rows,stride,n2,costs,CensusKernel<1>(images),n2));
        //in a 9x9 kernel only certain positions are choosen for comparison
        CV_EXPORTS void starCensusTransform(const Mat &img1, const Mat &img2, int kernelSize, Mat &dist1, Mat &dist2)
            CV_Assert(img1.size() == img2.size());
            CV_Assert(kernelSize % 2 != 0);
            CV_Assert(img1.type() == CV_8UC1 && img2.type() == CV_8UC1);
            CV_Assert(kernelSize >= 7);
            int n2 = (kernelSize) >> 1;
            Mat images[] = {img1, img2};
            int *date[] = { (int *)dist1.data, (int *)dist2.data};
            parallel_for_(Range(n2, img1.rows - n2), StarKernelCensus<2>(images, n2,date));
        //single version of star census
        CV_EXPORTS void starCensusTransform(const Mat &img1, int kernelSize, Mat &dist)
            CV_Assert(img1.size() == dist.size());
            CV_Assert(kernelSize % 2 != 0);
            CV_Assert(img1.type() == CV_8UC1);
            CV_Assert(kernelSize >= 7);
            int n2 = (kernelSize) >> 1;
            Mat images[] = {img1};
            int *date[] = { (int *)dist.data};
            parallel_for_(Range(n2, img1.rows - n2), StarKernelCensus<1>(images, n2,date));
        //Modified census transforms
        //the first one deals with small illumination changes
        //the sencond modified census transform is invariant to noise; i.e.
        //if the current pixel with whom we are dooing the comparison is a noise, this descriptor will provide a better result by comparing with the mean of the window
        //otherwise if the pixel is not noise the information is strengthend
        CV_EXPORTS void modifiedCensusTransform(const Mat &img1, const Mat &img2, int kernelSize, Mat &dist1,Mat &dist2, const int type, int t, const Mat &IntegralImage1, const Mat &IntegralImage2 )
            CV_Assert(img1.size() == img2.size());
            CV_Assert(kernelSize % 2 != 0);
            CV_Assert(img1.type() == CV_8UC1 && img2.type() == CV_8UC1);
            CV_Assert(type != CV_MODIFIED_CENSUS_TRANSFORM || type != CV_MEAN_VARIATION);
            CV_Assert(kernelSize <= 9);
            int n2 = (kernelSize - 1) >> 1;
            uint8_t *images[] = {img1.data, img2.data};
            int *date[] = { (int *)dist1.data, (int *)dist2.data};
            int stride = (int)img1.cols;
            if(type == CV_MODIFIED_CENSUS_TRANSFORM)
                parallel_for_(  Range(n2, img1.rows - n2),
                    CombinedDescriptor<2,4,2, 2,MCTKernel<2> >(img1.cols, img1.rows,stride,n2,date,MCTKernel<2>(images,t),n2));
            else if(type == CV_MEAN_VARIATION)
                int *integral[2];
                integral[0] = (int *)IntegralImage1.data;
                integral[1] = (int *)IntegralImage2.data;
                parallel_for_(  Range(n2, img1.rows - n2),
                    CombinedDescriptor<2,3,2,2, MVKernel<2> >(img1.cols, img1.rows,stride,n2,date,MVKernel<2>(images,integral),n2));
        CV_EXPORTS void modifiedCensusTransform(const Mat &img1, int kernelSize, Mat &dist, const int type, int t , Mat const &IntegralImage)
            CV_Assert(img1.size() == dist.size());
            CV_Assert(kernelSize % 2 != 0);
            CV_Assert(img1.type() == CV_8UC1);
            CV_Assert(type != CV_MODIFIED_CENSUS_TRANSFORM || type != CV_MEAN_VARIATION);
            CV_Assert(kernelSize <= 9);
            int n2 = (kernelSize - 1) >> 1;
            uint8_t *images[] = {img1.data};
            int *date[] = { (int *)dist.data};
            int stride = (int)img1.step;
            if(type == CV_MODIFIED_CENSUS_TRANSFORM)
                parallel_for_(Range(n2, img1.rows - n2),
                    CombinedDescriptor<2,4,2, 1,MCTKernel<1> >(img1.cols, img1.rows,stride,n2,date,MCTKernel<1>(images,t),n2));
            else if(type == CV_MEAN_VARIATION)
                int *integral[] = { (int *)IntegralImage.data};
                parallel_for_(Range(n2, img1.rows - n2),
                    CombinedDescriptor<2,3,2,1, MVKernel<1> >(img1.cols, img1.rows,stride,n2,date,MVKernel<1>(images,integral),n2));
        //different versions of simetric census
        //These variants since they do not compare with the center they are invariant to noise
        CV_EXPORTS void symetricCensusTransform(const Mat &img1, const Mat &img2, int kernelSize, Mat &dist1, Mat &dist2, const int type)
            CV_Assert(img1.size() ==  img2.size());
            CV_Assert(kernelSize % 2 != 0);
            CV_Assert(img1.type() == CV_8UC1 && img2.type() == CV_8UC1);
            CV_Assert(type != CV_CS_CENSUS || type != CV_MODIFIED_CS_CENSUS);
            CV_Assert(kernelSize <= 7);
            int n2 = kernelSize >> 1;
            uint8_t *images[] = {img1.data, img2.data};
            Mat imag[] = {img1, img2};
            int *date[] = { (int *)dist1.data, (int *)dist2.data};
            int stride = (int)img1.step;
            if(type == CV_CS_CENSUS)
                parallel_for_(Range(n2, img1.rows - n2), SymetricCensus<2>(imag, n2,date));
            else if(type == CV_MODIFIED_CS_CENSUS)
                parallel_for_(Range(n2, img1.rows - n2),
                    CombinedDescriptor<1,1,1,2,ModifiedCsCensus<2> >(img1.cols, img1.rows,stride,n2,date,ModifiedCsCensus<2>(images,n2),1));
        CV_EXPORTS void symetricCensusTransform(const Mat &img1, int kernelSize, Mat &dist1, const int type)
            CV_Assert(img1.size() ==  dist1.size());
            CV_Assert(kernelSize % 2 != 0);
            CV_Assert(img1.type() == CV_8UC1);
            CV_Assert(type != CV_MODIFIED_CS_CENSUS || type != CV_CS_CENSUS);
            CV_Assert(kernelSize <= 7);
            int n2 = kernelSize >> 1;
            uint8_t *images[] = {img1.data};
            Mat imag[] = {img1};
            int *date[] = { (int *)dist1.data};
            int stride = (int)img1.step;
            if(type == CV_CS_CENSUS)
                parallel_for_( Range(n2, img1.rows - n2), SymetricCensus<1>(imag, n2,date));
            else if(type == CV_MODIFIED_CS_CENSUS)
                parallel_for_( Range(n2, img1.rows - n2),
                    CombinedDescriptor<1,1,1,1,ModifiedCsCensus<1> >(img1.cols, img1.rows,stride,n2,date,ModifiedCsCensus<1>(images,n2),1));
        //integral image computation used in the Mean Variation Census Transform
        void imageMeanKernelSize(const Mat &image, int windowSize, Mat &cost)
            CV_Assert(image.size > 0);
            CV_Assert(cost.size > 0);
            CV_Assert(windowSize % 2 != 0);
            int win = windowSize / 2;
            float scalling = ((float) 1) / (windowSize * windowSize);
            int height = image.rows;
            int *c = (int *)cost.data;
            parallel_for_(Range(win + 1, height - win - 1),MeanKernelIntegralImage(image,win,scalling,c));