// This file is part of OpenCV project. // It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory // of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html // This code is also subject to the license terms in the LICENSE_WillowGarage.md file found in this module's directory #include "test_precomp.hpp" namespace opencv_test { namespace { class CV_RgbdDepthTo3dTest: public cvtest::BaseTest { public: CV_RgbdDepthTo3dTest() { } ~CV_RgbdDepthTo3dTest() { } protected: void run(int) { try { // K from a VGA Kinect Mat K = (Mat_<float>(3, 3) << 525., 0., 319.5, 0., 525., 239.5, 0., 0., 1.); // Create a random depth image RNG rng; Mat_<float> depth(480, 640); rng.fill(depth, RNG::UNIFORM, 0, 100); // Create some 3d points on the plane int rows = depth.rows, cols = depth.cols; Mat_<Vec3f> points3d; depthTo3d(depth, K, points3d); // Make sure the points belong to the plane Mat points = points3d.reshape(1, rows*cols); Mat image_points; Mat rvec; Rodrigues(Mat::eye(3,3,CV_32F),rvec); Mat tvec = (Mat_<float>(1,3) << 0, 0, 0); projectPoints(points, rvec, tvec, K, Mat(), image_points); image_points = image_points.reshape(2, rows); float avg_diff = 0; for (int y = 0; y < rows; ++y) for (int x = 0; x < cols; ++x) avg_diff += (float)cv::norm(image_points.at<Vec2f>(y,x) - Vec2f((float)x,(float)y)); // Verify the function works ASSERT_LE(avg_diff/rows/cols, 1e-4) << "Average error for ground truth is: " << (avg_diff / rows / cols); } catch (...) { ts->set_failed_test_info(cvtest::TS::FAIL_MISMATCH); } ts->set_failed_test_info(cvtest::TS::OK); } }; TEST(Rgbd_DepthTo3d, compute) { CV_RgbdDepthTo3dTest test; test.safe_run(); } }} // namespace