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Generate Edge Boxes object proposals in given image(s).
Compute Edge Boxes object proposals as described in:
  C. Lawrence Zitnick and Piotr Dollár
  "Edge Boxes: Locating Object Proposals from Edges", ECCV 2014.
The proposal boxes are fast to compute and give state-of-the-art recall.
OpenCV port by: Leonardo Lontra <lhe dot lontra at gmail dot com>

#include "precomp.hpp"
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

inline int clamp(int v, int min, int max)
  return v < min ? min : v > max ? max : v;

namespace cv
namespace ximgproc

class EdgeBoxesImpl : public EdgeBoxes

  EdgeBoxesImpl(float alpha,
                  float beta,
                  float eta,
                  float minScore,
                  int maxBoxes,
                  float edgeMinMag,
                  float edgeMergeThr,
                  float clusterMinMag,
                  float maxAspectRatio,
                  float minBoxArea,
                  float gamma,
                  float kappa);

    virtual void getBoundingBoxes(InputArray edge_map, InputArray orientation_map, std::vector<Rect> &boxes, OutputArray scores = noArray()) CV_OVERRIDE;

    float getAlpha() const CV_OVERRIDE { return _alpha; }
    void setAlpha(float value) CV_OVERRIDE
      _alpha = value;
      _sxStep = sqrt(1 / _alpha);
      _ayStep = (1 + _alpha) / (2 * _alpha);
      _xyStepRatio = (1 - _alpha) / (1 + _alpha);

    float getBeta() const CV_OVERRIDE { return _beta; }
    void setBeta(float value) CV_OVERRIDE { _beta = value; }

    float getEta() const CV_OVERRIDE { return _eta; }
    void setEta(float value) CV_OVERRIDE { _eta = value; }

    float getMinScore() const CV_OVERRIDE { return _minScore; }
    void setMinScore(float value) CV_OVERRIDE { _minScore = value; }

    int getMaxBoxes() const CV_OVERRIDE { return _maxBoxes; }
    void setMaxBoxes(int value) CV_OVERRIDE { _maxBoxes = value; }

    float getEdgeMinMag() const CV_OVERRIDE { return _edgeMinMag; }
    void setEdgeMinMag(float value) CV_OVERRIDE { _edgeMinMag = value; }

    float getEdgeMergeThr() const CV_OVERRIDE { return _edgeMergeThr; }
    void setEdgeMergeThr(float value) CV_OVERRIDE { _edgeMergeThr = value; }

    float getClusterMinMag() const CV_OVERRIDE { return _clusterMinMag; }
    void setClusterMinMag(float value) CV_OVERRIDE { _clusterMinMag = value; }

    float getMaxAspectRatio() const CV_OVERRIDE { return _maxAspectRatio; }
    void setMaxAspectRatio(float value) CV_OVERRIDE { _maxAspectRatio = value; }

    float getMinBoxArea() const CV_OVERRIDE { return _minBoxArea; }
    void setMinBoxArea(float value) CV_OVERRIDE { _minBoxArea = value; }

    float getGamma() const CV_OVERRIDE { return _gamma; }
    void setGamma(float value) CV_OVERRIDE { _gamma = value; }

    float getKappa() const CV_OVERRIDE { return _kappa; }
    void setKappa(float value) CV_OVERRIDE
      _kappa = value;
      for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) _scaleNorm[i] = pow(1.f / i, _kappa);

    //! the destructor
    virtual ~EdgeBoxesImpl() {}

    float _alpha;
    float _beta;
    float _eta;
    float _minScore;
    int _maxBoxes;
    float _edgeMinMag;
    float _edgeMergeThr;
    float _clusterMinMag;
    float _maxAspectRatio;
    float _minBoxArea;
    float _gamma;
    float _kappa;

    // edge segment information (see clusterEdges)
    int h, w;                         // image dimensions
    int _segCnt;                      // total segment count
    Mat _segIds;                      // segment ids (-1/0 means no segment)
    vector<float> _segMag;            // segment edge magnitude sums
    vector<Point2i> _segP;            // segment lower-right pixel
    vector<vector<float> > _segAff;   // segment affinities
    vector<vector<int> > _segAffIdx;  // segment neighbors

    // data structures for efficiency (see prepDataStructs)
    Mat _segIImg, _magIImg;
    Mat _hIdxImg, _vIdxImg;
    vector<vector<int> > _hIdxs, _vIdxs;
    vector<float> _scaleNorm;
    float _sxStep, _ayStep, _xyStepRatio;

    // data structures for efficiency (see scoreBox)
    Mat _sWts;
    Mat _sDone, _sMap, _sIds;
    int _sId;

    // helper routines
    static bool boxesCompare(const Box &a, const Box &b) { return a.score < b.score; }
    void clusterEdges(Mat &edgeMap, Mat &orientationMap);
    void prepDataStructs(Mat &edgeMap);
    void scoreAllBoxes(Boxes &boxes);
    void scoreBox(Box &box);
    void refineBox(Box &box);
    float boxesOverlap(Box &a, Box &b);
    void boxesNms(Boxes &boxes, float thr, float eta, int maxBoxes);

EdgeBoxesImpl::EdgeBoxesImpl(float alpha,
                             float beta,
                             float eta,
                             float minScore,
                             int maxBoxes,
                             float edgeMinMag,
                             float edgeMergeThr,
                             float clusterMinMag,
                             float maxAspectRatio,
                             float minBoxArea,
                             float gamma,
                             float kappa)
    : _alpha(alpha),

  // initialize step sizes
  _sxStep = sqrt(1 / _alpha);
  _ayStep = (1 + _alpha) / (2 * _alpha);
  _xyStepRatio = (1 - _alpha) / (1 + _alpha);

  // create _scaleNorm
  for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) _scaleNorm[i] = pow(1.f / i, _kappa);


void EdgeBoxesImpl::clusterEdges(Mat &edgeMap, Mat &orientationMap)
    int x, y, xd, yd, i, j;

    // greedily merge connected edge pixels into clusters (create _segIds)
    _segIds = Mat::zeros(w, h, DataType<int>::type);
    _segCnt = 1;
    for (x = 0; x < w; x++)
        const float *e_ptr = edgeMap.ptr<float>(x);
        int *s_ptr = _segIds.ptr<int>(x);
        for (y = 0; y < h; y++)
            if (x == 0 || y == 0 || x == w - 1 || y == h - 1 || e_ptr[y] <= _edgeMinMag)
                s_ptr[y] = -1;

    for (x = 1; x < w - 1; x++)
        int *s_ptr = _segIds.ptr<int>(x);
        for (y = 1; y < h - 1; y++)
            if (s_ptr[y] != 0) continue;
            float sumv = 0;
            int x0 = x;
            int y0 = y;
            vector<float> vs;
            vector<int> xs, ys;

            while (sumv < _edgeMergeThr)
                _segIds.at<int>(x0, y0) = _segCnt;
                float o0 = orientationMap.at<float>(x0, y0);
                float o1, v;
                bool found;
                for (xd = -1; xd <= 1; xd++)
                    const int *s0_ptr = _segIds.ptr<int>(x0 + xd);
                    const float *o_ptr = orientationMap.ptr<float>(x0 + xd);
                    for (yd = -1; yd <= 1; yd++)
                        if (s0_ptr[y0 + yd] != 0) continue;
                        found = false;
                        for (i = 0; i < (int)xs.size(); i++)
                            if (xs[i] == x0 + xd && ys[i] == y0 + yd)
                                found = true;
                        if (found) continue;
                        o1 = o_ptr[y0 + yd];
                        v = fabs(o1 - o0) / (float)CV_PI;
                        if (v > .5f) v = 1 - v;
                        xs.push_back(x0 + xd);
                        ys.push_back(y0 + yd);
                float minv = 1000;
                j = 0;
                for (i = 0; i < (int)vs.size(); i++)
                    if (vs[i] < minv)
                        minv = vs[i];
                        x0 = xs[i];
                        y0 = ys[i];
                        j = i;
                sumv += minv;
                if (minv < 1000) vs[j] = 1000;


    // merge or remove small segments
    _segMag.resize(_segCnt, 0);
    for (x = 1; x < w - 1; x++)
        const float *e_ptr = edgeMap.ptr<float>(x);
        const int *s_ptr = _segIds.ptr<int>(x);
        for (y = 1; y < h - 1; y++)
          j = s_ptr[y];
          if (j > 0) _segMag[j] += e_ptr[y];

    for (x = 1; x < w - 1; x++)
        int *s_ptr = _segIds.ptr<int>(x);
        for (y = 1; y < h - 1; y++)
          j = s_ptr[y];
          if (j > 0 && _segMag[j] <= _clusterMinMag)
              s_ptr[y] = 0;

    i = 1;
    while (i > 0)
        i = 0;
        for (x = 1; x < w - 1; x++)
            int *s0_ptr = _segIds.ptr<int>(x);
            const float *o0_ptr = orientationMap.ptr<float>(x);
            for (y = 1; y < h - 1; y++)
                if (s0_ptr[y] != 0) continue;
                float o0 = o0_ptr[y];
                float o1, v, minv = 1000;
                j = 0;

                for (xd = -1; xd <= 1; xd++)
                    const int *s1_ptr = _segIds.ptr<int>(x+xd);
                    const float *o1_ptr = orientationMap.ptr<float>(x+xd);
                    for (yd = -1; yd <= 1; yd++)
                        if (s1_ptr[y + yd] <= 0) continue;
                        o1 = o1_ptr[y + yd];
                        v = fabs(o1 - o0) / (float)CV_PI;
                        if (v > .5f) v = 1 - v;
                        if (v < minv)
                            minv = v;
                            j = s1_ptr[y + yd];

                s0_ptr[y] = j;
                if (j > 0) i++;

    // compactify representation
    _segMag.assign(_segCnt, 0);
    vector<int> map(_segCnt, 0);
    _segCnt = 1;
    for (x = 1; x < w - 1; x++)
        const float *e_ptr = edgeMap.ptr<float>(x);
        const int *s_ptr = _segIds.ptr<int>(x);
        for (y = 1; y < h - 1; y++)
            j = s_ptr[y];
            if (j > 0) _segMag[j] += e_ptr[y];

    for (i = 0; i < (int)_segMag.size(); i++)
      if (_segMag[i] > 0) map[i] = _segCnt++;

    for (x = 1; x < w - 1; x++)
        int *s_ptr = _segIds.ptr<int>(x);
        for (y = 1; y < h - 1; y++)
          j = s_ptr[y];
          if (j > 0) s_ptr[y] = map[j];

    // compute positional means and recompute _segMag
    _segMag.assign(_segCnt, 0);
    vector<float> meanX(_segCnt, 0), meanY(_segCnt, 0);
    vector<float> meanOx(_segCnt, 0), meanOy(_segCnt, 0), meanO(_segCnt, 0);
    for (x = 1; x < w - 1; x++)
        int *s_ptr = _segIds.ptr<int>(x);
        const float *e_ptr = edgeMap.ptr<float>(x);
        const float *o_ptr = orientationMap.ptr<float>(x);
        for (y = 1; y < h - 1; y++)
            j = s_ptr[y];
            if (j <= 0) continue;
            float m = e_ptr[y];
            float o = o_ptr[y];
            _segMag[j] += m;
            meanOx[j] += m * cos(2 * o);
            meanOy[j] += m * sin(2 * o);
            meanX[j] += m * x;
            meanY[j] += m * y;

    for (i = 0; i < _segCnt; i++)
        if (_segMag[i] > 0)
            float m = _segMag[i];
            meanX[i] /= m;
            meanY[i] /= m;
            meanO[i] = atan2(meanOy[i] / m, meanOx[i] / m) / 2;

    // compute segment affinities
    for (i = 0; i < _segCnt; i++)

    const int rad = 2;
    for (x = rad; x < w - rad; x++)
        const int *s0_ptr = _segIds.ptr<int>(x);
        for (y = rad; y < h - rad; y++)
            int s0 = s0_ptr[y];
            if (s0 <= 0) continue;
            for (xd = -rad; xd <= rad; xd++)
                const int *s1_ptr = _segIds.ptr<int>(x+xd);
                for (yd = -rad; yd <= rad; yd++)
                    int s1 = s1_ptr[y + yd];
                    if (s1 <= s0) continue;
                    bool found = false;

                    for (i = 0; i < (int)_segAffIdx[s0].size(); i++)
                        if (_segAffIdx[s0][i] == s1)
                            found = true;
                    if (found) continue;
                    float o = atan2(meanY[s0] - meanY[s1], meanX[s0] - meanX[s1]) + (float)CV_PI / 2.0f;
                    float a = fabs(cos(meanO[s0] - o) * cos(meanO[s1] - o));
                    a = pow(a, _gamma);

    // compute _segC and _segR
    for (x = 1; x < w - 1; x++)
        const int *s_ptr = _segIds.ptr<int>(x);
        for (y = 1; y < h - 1; y++)
            j = s_ptr[y];
            if (j > 0)
                _segP[j] = Point2i(x, y);

void EdgeBoxesImpl::prepDataStructs(Mat &edgeMap)
    int y, x, i;

    // create _segIImg
    Mat E1 = Mat::zeros(w, h, DataType<float>::type);

    for (i=0; i < _segCnt; i++)
      if (_segMag[i] > 0) E1.at<float>(_segP[i].x, _segP[i].y) = _segMag[i];

    _segIImg = Mat::zeros(w+1, h+1, DataType<float>::type);
    _magIImg = Mat::zeros(w+1, h+1, DataType<float>::type);

    for (x=1; x < w; x++)
      const float *e_ptr = edgeMap.ptr<float>(x);
      const float *e1_ptr = E1.ptr<float>(x);
      const float *si0_ptr = _segIImg.ptr<float>(x);
      float *si1_ptr = _segIImg.ptr<float>(x+1);
      const float *mi0_ptr = _magIImg.ptr<float>(x);
      float *mi1_ptr =_magIImg.ptr<float>(x+1);
      for (y=1; y < h; y++)
        // create _segIImg
        si1_ptr[y+1] = e1_ptr[y] + si0_ptr[y+1] + si1_ptr[y] - si0_ptr[y];
        float e = e_ptr[y] > _edgeMinMag ? e_ptr[y] : 0;
        // create _magIImg
        mi1_ptr[y+1] = e +mi0_ptr[y+1] + mi1_ptr[y] - mi0_ptr[y];

    // create remaining data structures
    int s = 0;
    int s1;

    _hIdxImg = Mat::zeros(w, h, DataType<int>::type);
    for (y = 0; y < h; y++)
        s = 0;
        for (x = 0; x < w; x++)
            s1 = _segIds.at<int>(x, y);
            if (s1 != s)
                s = s1;
            _hIdxImg.at<int>(x, y) = (int)_hIdxs[y].size() - 1;

    _vIdxImg = Mat::zeros(w, h, DataType<int>::type);
    for (x = 0; x < w; x++)
        s = 0;
        for (y = 0; y < h; y++)
            s1 = _segIds.at<int>(x, y);
            if (s1 != s)
                s = s1;
            _vIdxImg.at<int>(x, y) = (int)_vIdxs[x].size() - 1;

    // initialize scoreBox() data structures
    int n = _segCnt + 1;
    _sWts = Mat::zeros(n, 1, DataType<float>::type);
    _sDone = Mat(n, 1, DataType<int>::type,Scalar(-1));
    _sMap = Mat::zeros(n, 1, DataType<int>::type);
    _sIds = Mat::zeros(n, 1, DataType<int>::type);
    _sId = 0;

void EdgeBoxesImpl::scoreBox(Box &box)
    int i, j, k, q, bh, bw, y0, x0, y1, x1, y0m, y1m, x0m, x1m;
    float *sWts = (float *)_sWts.data;
    int *sDone = (int *)_sDone.data;
    int *sMap = (int *)_sMap.data;
    int *sIds = (int *)_sIds.data;
    int sId = _sId++;

    // add edge count inside box
    y1 = clamp(box.y + box.h, 0, h - 1);
    y0 = box.y = clamp(box.y, 0, h - 1);
    x1 = clamp(box.x + box.w, 0, w - 1);
    x0 = box.x = clamp(box.x, 0, w - 1);
    bh = box.h = y1 - box.y;
    bh /= 2;
    bw = box.w = x1 - box.x;
    bw /= 2;
    float v = _segIImg.at<float>(x0, y0) + _segIImg.at<float>(x1 + 1, y1 + 1)
              - _segIImg.at<float>(x1 + 1, y0) - _segIImg.at<float>(x0, y1 + 1);

    // subtract middle quarter of edges
    y0m = y0 + bh / 2;
    y1m = y0m + bh;
    x0m = x0 + bw / 2;
    x1m = x0m + bw;
    v -= _magIImg.at<float>(x0m, y0m) + _magIImg.at<float>(x1m + 1, y1m + 1)
         - _magIImg.at<float>(x1m + 1, y0m) - _magIImg.at<float>(x0m, y1m + 1);

    // short circuit computation if impossible to score highly
    float norm = _scaleNorm[bw + bh];
    box.score = v * norm;
    if (box.score < _minScore)
        box.score = 0;

    // find interesecting segments along four boundaries
    int cs, ce, rs, re, n = 0;
    cs = _hIdxImg.at<int>(x0, y0);
    ce = _hIdxImg.at<int>(x1, y0); // top
    for (i = cs; i <= ce; i++)
        j = _hIdxs[y0][i];
        if (j > 0 && sDone[j] != sId)
            sIds[n] = j;
            sWts[n] = 1;
            sDone[j] = sId;
            sMap[j] = n++;

    cs = _hIdxImg.at<int>(x0, y1);
    ce = _hIdxImg.at<int>(x1, y1); // bottom
    for (i = cs; i <= ce; i++)
        j = _hIdxs[y1][i];
        if (j > 0 && sDone[j] != sId)
            sIds[n] = j;
            sWts[n] = 1;
            sDone[j] = sId;
            sMap[j] = n++;

    rs = _vIdxImg.at<int>(x0, y0);
    re = _vIdxImg.at<int>(x0, y1); // left
    for (i = rs; i <= re; i++)
        j = _vIdxs[x0][i];
        if (j > 0 && sDone[j] != sId)
            sIds[n] = j;
            sWts[n] = 1;
            sDone[j] = sId;
            sMap[j] = n++;

    rs = _vIdxImg.at<int>(x1, y0);
    re = _vIdxImg.at<int>(x1, y1); // right
    for (i = rs; i <= re; i++)
        j = _vIdxs[x1][i];
        if (j > 0 && sDone[j] != sId)
            sIds[n] = j;
            sWts[n] = 1;
            sDone[j] = sId;
            sMap[j] = n++;

    // follow connected paths and set weights accordingly (ws=1 means remove)
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        float ws = sWts[i];
        j = sIds[i];
        for (k = 0; k < (int)_segAffIdx[j].size(); k++)
            q = _segAffIdx[j][k];
            float wq = ws * _segAff[j][k];
            if (wq < .05f) continue; // short circuit for efficiency
            if (sDone[q] == sId)
                if (wq > sWts[sMap[q]])
                    sWts[sMap[q]] = wq;
                    i = min(i, sMap[q] - 1);
            else if (_segP[q].x >= x0 && _segP[q].x <= x1 && _segP[q].y >= y0 && _segP[q].y <= y1)
                sIds[n] = q;
                sWts[n] = wq;
                sDone[q] = sId;
                sMap[q] = n++;
    // finally remove segments connected to boundaries
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        k = sIds[i];
        if (_segP[k].x >= x0 && _segP[k].x <= x1 && _segP[k].y >= y0 && _segP[k].y <= y1) v -= sWts[i] * _segMag[k];

    v *= norm;
    if (v < _minScore) v = 0;
    box.score = v;

void EdgeBoxesImpl::refineBox(Box &box)
    int yStep = (int)(box.h * _xyStepRatio);
    int xStep = (int)(box.w * _xyStepRatio);
    while (1)
        // prepare for iteration
        yStep /= 2;
        xStep /= 2;
        if (yStep <= 2 && xStep <= 2) break;
        yStep = max(1, yStep);
        xStep = max(1, xStep);
        Box B;
        // search over y start
        B = box;
        B.y = box.y - yStep;
        B.h = B.h + yStep;

        if (B.score <= box.score)
            B = box;
            B.y = box.y + yStep;
            B.h = B.h - yStep;
        if (B.score > box.score) box = B;
        // search over y end
        B = box;
        B.h = B.h + yStep;

        if (B.score <= box.score)
            B = box;
            B.h = B.h - yStep;
        if (B.score > box.score) box = B;
        // search over x start
        B = box;
        B.x = box.x - xStep;
        B.w = B.w + xStep;

        if (B.score <= box.score)
            B = box;
            B.x = box.x + xStep;
            B.w = B.w - xStep;

        if (B.score > box.score) box = B;
        // search over x end
        B = box;
        B.w = B.w + xStep;

        if (B.score <= box.score)
            B = box;
            B.w = B.w - xStep;
        if (B.score > box.score) box = B;

void EdgeBoxesImpl::scoreAllBoxes(Boxes &boxes)
    // get list of all boxes roughly distributed in grid
    int ayRad, sxNum;
    float minSize = sqrt(_minBoxArea);
    ayRad = (int)(log(_maxAspectRatio) / log(_ayStep * _ayStep));
    sxNum = (int)(ceil(log(max(w, h) / minSize) / log(_sxStep)));

    for (int s = 0; s < sxNum; s++)
        int a, y, x, bh, bw, ky, kx = -1;
        float ay, sx;
        for (a = 0; a < 2 * ayRad + 1; a++)
            ay = pow(_ayStep, float(a - ayRad));
            sx = minSize * pow(_sxStep, float(s));
            bh = (int)(sx / ay);
            ky = max(2, (int)(bh * _xyStepRatio));
            bw = (int)(sx * ay);
            kx = max(2, (int)(bw * _xyStepRatio));
            for (x = 0; x < w - bw + kx; x += kx)
                for (y = 0; y < h - bh + ky; y += ky)
                    Box b;
                    b.y = y;
                    b.x = x;
                    b.h = bh;
                    b.w = bw;

    // score all boxes, refine top candidates
    int i, k = 0, m = (int)boxes.size();
    for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
        if (!boxes[i].score) continue;
    sort(boxes.rbegin(), boxes.rend(), boxesCompare);

float EdgeBoxesImpl::boxesOverlap(Box &a, Box &b)
    float areai, areaj, areaij;
    int y0, y1, x0, x1, y1i, x1i, y1j, x1j;
    y1i = a.y + a.h;
    x1i = a.x + a.w;
    if (a.y >= y1i || a.x >= x1i) return 0;

    y1j = b.y + b.h;
    x1j = b.x + b.w;
    if (a.y >= y1j || a.x >= x1j) return 0;

    areai = (float) a.w * a.h;
    y0 = max(a.y, b.y);
    y1 = min(y1i, y1j);
    areaj = (float) b.w * b.h;
    x0 = max(a.x, b.x);
    x1 = min(x1i, x1j);
    areaij = (float) max(0, y1 - y0) * max(0, x1 - x0);
    return areaij / (areai + areaj - areaij);

void EdgeBoxesImpl::boxesNms(Boxes &boxes, float thr, float eta, int maxBoxes)
    sort(boxes.rbegin(), boxes.rend(), boxesCompare);
    if (thr > .99f) return;

    const int nBin = 10000;
    const float step = 1 / thr;
    const float lstep = log(step);

    vector<Boxes> kept;
    kept.resize(nBin + 1);
    int n = (int) boxes.size();
    int i = 0;
    int j, k, b;
    int m = 0;
    int d = 1;

    while (i < n && m < maxBoxes)
        b = boxes[i].w * boxes[i].h;

        bool keep = 1;
        b = clamp((int)(ceil(log(float(b)) / lstep)), d, nBin - d);
        for (j = b - d; j <= b + d; j++)
            for (k = 0; k < (int)kept[j].size(); k++)
                if (keep)
                    keep = boxesOverlap(boxes[i], kept[j][k]) <= thr;

        if (keep)

        if (keep && eta < 1.0f && thr > .5f)
            thr *= eta;
            d = (int)ceil(log(1.0f / thr) / lstep);

    i = 0;
    for (j = 0; j < nBin; j++)
        for (k = 0; k < (int)kept[j].size(); k++)
            boxes[i++] = kept[j][k];
    sort(boxes.rbegin(), boxes.rend(), boxesCompare);

void EdgeBoxesImpl::getBoundingBoxes(InputArray edge_map, InputArray orientation_map, std::vector<Rect> &boxes, OutputArray scores)
    CV_Assert(edge_map.depth() == CV_32F);
    CV_Assert(orientation_map.depth() == CV_32F);

    Mat E = edge_map.getMat().t();
    Mat O = orientation_map.getMat().t();
    std::vector<float> _scores;

    h = E.cols;
    w = E.rows;

    clusterEdges(E, O);

    Boxes b;
    boxesNms(b, _beta, _eta, _maxBoxes);

    // create output boxes
    int n = (int) b.size();

    if (scores.needed())

    for(int i=0; i < n; i++)
        boxes[i] = Rect((int)b[i].x + 1, (int)b[i].y + 1, (int)b[i].w, (int)b[i].h);
        if (scores.needed())
            _scores[i] = b[i].score;

    // return scores if asked for
    if (scores.needed())

Ptr<EdgeBoxes> createEdgeBoxes(float alpha,
                              float beta,
                              float eta,
                              float minScore,
                              int   maxBoxes,
                              float edgeMinMag,
                              float edgeMergeThr,
                              float clusterMinMag,
                              float maxAspectRatio,
                              float minBoxArea,
                              float gamma,
                              float kappa)
    return makePtr<EdgeBoxesImpl>(alpha,
