/** * @file read_write_attributes.cpp * @author Fangjun Kuang <csukuangfj dot at gmail dot com> * @date December 2017 * * @brief It demonstrates how to read and write attributes inside the * root group. * * Currently, only the following datatypes can be used as attributes: * - cv::String * - int * - double * - cv::InputArray (n-d continuous multichannel arrays) * * Although HDF supports associating attributes with both datasets and groups, * only support for the root group is implemented by OpenCV at present. */ //! [tutorial] #include <iostream> #include <opencv2/core.hpp> #include <opencv2/hdf.hpp> using namespace cv; static void read_write_attributes() { String filename = "attributes.h5"; //! [tutorial_open_file] Ptr<hdf::HDF5> h5io = hdf::open(filename); //! [tutorial_open_file] //! [tutorial_write_mat] String attr_mat_name = "array attribute"; Mat attr_mat; attr_mat = (cv::Mat_<float>(2, 3) << 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); if (!h5io->atexists(attr_mat_name)) h5io->atwrite(attr_mat, attr_mat_name); //! [tutorial_write_mat] //! [snippets_write_str] String attr_str_name = "string attribute"; String attr_str = "Hello HDF5 from OpenCV!"; if (!h5io->atexists(attr_str_name)) h5io->atwrite(attr_str, attr_str_name); //! [snippets_write_str] String attr_int_name = "int attribute"; int attr_int = 123456; if (!h5io->atexists(attr_int_name)) h5io->atwrite(attr_int, attr_int_name); String attr_double_name = "double attribute"; double attr_double = 45678.123; if (!h5io->atexists(attr_double_name)) h5io->atwrite(attr_double, attr_double_name); // read attributes Mat expected_attr_mat; int expected_attr_int; double expected_attr_double; //! [snippets_read_str] String expected_attr_str; h5io->atread(&expected_attr_str, attr_str_name); //! [snippets_read_str] //! [tutorial_read_mat] h5io->atread(expected_attr_mat, attr_mat_name); //! [tutorial_read_mat] h5io->atread(&expected_attr_int, attr_int_name); h5io->atread(&expected_attr_double, attr_double_name); // check results CV_Assert(norm(attr_mat - expected_attr_mat) < 1e-10); CV_Assert(attr_str.compare(expected_attr_str) == 0); CV_Assert(attr_int == expected_attr_int); CV_Assert(fabs(attr_double - expected_attr_double) < 1e-10); //! [tutorial_close_file] h5io->close(); //! [tutorial_close_file] } int main() { read_write_attributes(); return 0; } //! [tutorial]