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//                For Open Source Computer Vision Library
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#include "precomp.hpp"
#include "_lsvmc_parser.h"
#include "_lsvmc_matching.h"
namespace cv
namespace lsvm

std::string extractModelName( const std::string& filename );

const int pca_size = 31;

CvLatentSvmDetectorCascade* cvLoadLatentSvmDetectorCascade(const char* filename);
void cvReleaseLatentSvmDetectorCascade(CvLatentSvmDetectorCascade** detector);
CvSeq* cvLatentSvmDetectObjectsCascade(IplImage* image,
                                CvLatentSvmDetectorCascade* detector,
                                CvMemStorage* storage,
                                float overlap_threshold);

// load trained detector from a file
// API
// CvLatentSvmDetectorCascade* cvLoadLatentSvmDetector(const char* filename);
// filename             - path to the file containing the parameters of
//                      - trained Latent SVM detector
// trained Latent SVM detector in internal representation
CvLatentSvmDetectorCascade* cvLoadLatentSvmDetectorCascade(const char* filename)
    CvLatentSvmDetectorCascade* detector = 0;
    CvLSVMFilterObjectCascade** filters = 0;
    int kFilters = 0;
    int kComponents = 0;
    int* kPartFilters = 0;
    float* b = 0;
    float scoreThreshold = 0.f;
    int err_code = 0;
	float* PCAcoeff = 0;

    err_code = loadModel(filename, &filters, &kFilters, &kComponents, &kPartFilters, &b, &scoreThreshold, &PCAcoeff);
    if (err_code != LATENT_SVM_OK) return 0;

    detector = (CvLatentSvmDetectorCascade*)malloc(sizeof(CvLatentSvmDetectorCascade));
    detector->filters = filters;
    detector->b = b;
    detector->num_components = kComponents;
    detector->num_filters = kFilters;
    detector->num_part_filters = kPartFilters;
    detector->score_threshold = scoreThreshold;
	  detector->pca = PCAcoeff;
    detector->pca_size = pca_size;

    return detector;

// release memory allocated for CvLatentSvmDetectorCascade structure
// API
// void cvReleaseLatentSvmDetector(CvLatentSvmDetectorCascade** detector);
// detector             - CvLatentSvmDetectorCascade structure to be released
void cvReleaseLatentSvmDetectorCascade(CvLatentSvmDetectorCascade** detector)
    for (int i = 0; i < (*detector)->num_filters; i++)
    *detector = 0;

// find rectangular regions in the given image that are likely
// to contain objects and corresponding confidence levels
// API
// CvSeq* cvLatentSvmDetectObjects(const IplImage* image,
//                                  CvLatentSvmDetectorCascade* detector,
//                                  CvMemStorage* storage,
//                                  float overlap_threshold = 0.5f);
// image                - image to detect objects in
// detector             - Latent SVM detector in internal representation
// storage              - memory storage to store the resultant sequence
//                          of the object candidate rectangles
// overlap_threshold    - threshold for the non-maximum suppression algorithm [here will be the reference to original paper]
// sequence of detected objects (bounding boxes and confidence levels stored in CvObjectDetection structures)
CvSeq* cvLatentSvmDetectObjectsCascade(IplImage* image,
                                CvLatentSvmDetectorCascade* detector,
                                CvMemStorage* storage,
                                float overlap_threshold)
    CvLSVMFeaturePyramidCascade *H = 0;
	CvLSVMFeaturePyramidCascade *H_PCA = 0;
    CvPoint *points = 0, *oppPoints = 0;
    int kPoints = 0;
    float *score = 0;
    unsigned int maxXBorder = 0, maxYBorder = 0;
    int numBoxesOut = 0;
    CvPoint *pointsOut = 0;
    CvPoint *oppPointsOut = 0;
    float *scoreOut = 0;
    CvSeq* result_seq = 0;
    int error = 0;

    if(image->nChannels == 3)
        cvCvtColor(image, image, CV_BGR2RGB);

    // Getting maximum filter dimensions
    getMaxFilterDims((const CvLSVMFilterObjectCascade**)(detector->filters), detector->num_components,
                     detector->num_part_filters, &maxXBorder, &maxYBorder);
    // Create feature pyramid with nullable border
    H = createFeaturePyramidWithBorder(image, maxXBorder, maxYBorder);
	// Create PCA feature pyramid
    H_PCA = createPCA_FeaturePyramid(H, detector, maxXBorder, maxYBorder);
    FeaturePyramid32(H, maxXBorder, maxYBorder);
    // Search object
    error = searchObjectThresholdSomeComponents(H, H_PCA,(const CvLSVMFilterObjectCascade**)(detector->filters),
        detector->num_components, detector->num_part_filters, detector->b, detector->score_threshold,
        &points, &oppPoints, &score, &kPoints);
    if (error != LATENT_SVM_OK)
        return NULL;
    // Clipping boxes
    clippingBoxes(image->width, image->height, points, kPoints);
    clippingBoxes(image->width, image->height, oppPoints, kPoints);
    // NMS procedure
    nonMaximumSuppression(kPoints, points, oppPoints, score, overlap_threshold,
                &numBoxesOut, &pointsOut, &oppPointsOut, &scoreOut);

    result_seq = cvCreateSeq( 0, sizeof(CvSeq), sizeof(CvObjectDetection), storage );

    for (int i = 0; i < numBoxesOut; i++)
        CvObjectDetection detection;
        detection.score = scoreOut[i];
        detection.rect.x = pointsOut[i].x;
        detection.rect.y = pointsOut[i].y;
        detection.rect.width = oppPointsOut[i].x - pointsOut[i].x;
        detection.rect.height = oppPointsOut[i].y - pointsOut[i].y;
        cvSeqPush(result_seq, &detection);

    if(image->nChannels == 3)
        cvCvtColor(image, image, CV_RGB2BGR);


    return result_seq;

class LSVMDetectorImpl : public LSVMDetector

    LSVMDetectorImpl( const std::vector<std::string>& filenames, const std::vector<std::string>& classNames=std::vector<std::string>() );

    bool isEmpty() const;

    void detect(cv::Mat const &image, CV_OUT std::vector<ObjectDetection>& objects, float overlapThreshold=0.5f);

    const std::vector<std::string>& getClassNames() const;
    size_t getClassCount() const;

    std::vector<CvLatentSvmDetectorCascade*> detectors;
    std::vector<std::string> classNames;

cv::Ptr<LSVMDetector> LSVMDetector::create(std::vector<std::string> const &filenames,
                                     std::vector<std::string> const &classNames)
    return cv::makePtr<LSVMDetectorImpl>(filenames, classNames);

LSVMDetectorImpl::ObjectDetection::ObjectDetection() : score(0.f), classID(-1) {}

LSVMDetectorImpl::ObjectDetection::ObjectDetection( const Rect& _rect, float _score, int _classID ) :
    rect(_rect), score(_score), classID(_classID) {}

LSVMDetectorImpl::LSVMDetectorImpl( const std::vector<std::string>& filenames, const std::vector<std::string>& _classNames )
    for( size_t i = 0; i < filenames.size(); i++ )
        const std::string filename = filenames[i];
        if( filename.length() < 5 || filename.substr(filename.length()-4, 4) != ".xml" )

        CvLatentSvmDetectorCascade* detector = cvLoadLatentSvmDetectorCascade( filename.c_str() );
        if( detector )
            detectors.push_back( detector );
            if( _classNames.empty() )
                classNames.push_back( extractModelName(filenames[i]) );
                classNames.push_back( _classNames[i] );

    for(size_t i = 0; i < detectors.size(); i++)

bool LSVMDetectorImpl::isEmpty() const
    return detectors.empty();

const std::vector<std::string>& LSVMDetectorImpl::getClassNames() const
    return classNames;

size_t LSVMDetectorImpl::getClassCount() const
    return classNames.size();

std::string extractModelName( const std::string& filename )
    size_t startPos = filename.rfind('/');
    if( startPos == std::string::npos )
        startPos = filename.rfind('\\');

    if( startPos == std::string::npos )
        startPos = 0;

    const int extentionSize = 4; //.xml

    int substrLength = (int)(filename.size() - startPos - extentionSize);

    return filename.substr(startPos, substrLength);

void LSVMDetectorImpl::detect( cv::Mat const &image,
                               std::vector<ObjectDetection> &objectDetections,
                               float overlapThreshold)
    for( size_t classID = 0; classID < detectors.size(); classID++ )
        IplImage image_ipl = image;
        CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
        CvSeq* detections = cv::lsvm::cvLatentSvmDetectObjectsCascade( &image_ipl, (CvLatentSvmDetectorCascade*)(detectors[classID]), storage, overlapThreshold);

        // convert results
        objectDetections.reserve( objectDetections.size() + detections->total );
        for( int detectionIdx = 0; detectionIdx < detections->total; detectionIdx++ )
            CvObjectDetection detection = *(CvObjectDetection*)cvGetSeqElem( detections, detectionIdx );
            objectDetections.push_back( ObjectDetection(Rect(detection.rect), detection.score, (int)classID) );

        cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage );

} // namespace cv