#include "precomp.hpp"
#include <vector>

namespace cv
namespace gtr

//Number of samples in batch
const int samplesInBatch = 50;

//Number of samples to mine from video frame
const int samplesInFrame = 10;

//Number of samples to mine from still image
const int samplesInImage = 10;

//Padding coefficients for Target/Search Region
const double padTarget = 2.0;
const double padSearch = 2.0;

//Scale parameters for Laplace distribution for Translation/Scale
const double bX = 1.0/10;
const double bY = 1.0/10;
const double bS = 1.0/15;

//Limits of scale changes
const double Ymax = 1.4;
const double Ymin = 0.6;

//Lower boundary constraints for random samples (sample should include X% of target BB)
const double minX = 0.5;
const double minY = 0.5;

//Structure of sample for training
struct TrainingSample
    Mat targetPatch;
    Mat searchPatch;
    //Output bounding box on search patch
    Rect2f targetBB;

//Laplacian distribution
double generateRandomLaplacian(double b, double m);

//Convert ALOV300++ anno coordinates to Rectangle BB
Rect2f anno2rect(std::vector<Point2f> annoBB);

//Gather samples from random video frame
std::vector <TrainingSample> gatherFrameSamples(Mat prevFrame, Mat currFrame, Rect2f prevBB, Rect2f currBB);

