/* * Software License Agreement (BSD License) * * Copyright (c) 2012, Willow Garage, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Willow Garage, Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include "precomp.hpp" namespace cv { namespace rgbd { /** Just compute the norm of a vector * @param vec a vector of size 3 and any type T * @return */ template<typename T> T inline norm_vec(const Vec<T, 3> &vec) { return std::sqrt(vec[0] * vec[0] + vec[1] * vec[1] + vec[2] * vec[2]); } /** Given 3d points, compute their distance to the origin * @param points * @return */ template<typename T> Mat_<T> computeRadius(const Mat &points) { typedef Vec<T, 3> PointT; // Compute the Size size(points.cols, points.rows); Mat_<T> r(size); if (points.isContinuous()) size = Size(points.cols * points.rows, 1); for (int y = 0; y < size.height; ++y) { const PointT* point = points.ptr < PointT > (y), *point_end = points.ptr < PointT > (y) + size.width; T * row = r[y]; for (; point != point_end; ++point, ++row) *row = norm_vec(*point); } return r; } // Compute theta and phi according to equation 3 of // ``Fast and Accurate Computation of Surface Normals from Range Images`` // by H. Badino, D. Huber, Y. Park and T. Kanade template<typename T> void computeThetaPhi(int rows, int cols, const Matx<T, 3, 3>& K, Mat &cos_theta, Mat &sin_theta, Mat &cos_phi, Mat &sin_phi) { // Create some bogus coordinates Mat depth_image = K(0, 0) * Mat_ < T > ::ones(rows, cols); Mat points3d; depthTo3d(depth_image, Mat(K), points3d); typedef Vec<T, 3> Vec3T; cos_theta = Mat_ < T > (rows, cols); sin_theta = Mat_ < T > (rows, cols); cos_phi = Mat_ < T > (rows, cols); sin_phi = Mat_ < T > (rows, cols); Mat r = computeRadius<T>(points3d); for (int y = 0; y < rows; ++y) { T *row_cos_theta = cos_theta.ptr < T > (y), *row_sin_theta = sin_theta.ptr < T > (y); T *row_cos_phi = cos_phi.ptr < T > (y), *row_sin_phi = sin_phi.ptr < T > (y); const Vec3T * row_points = points3d.ptr < Vec3T > (y), *row_points_end = points3d.ptr < Vec3T > (y) + points3d.cols; const T * row_r = r.ptr < T > (y); for (; row_points < row_points_end; ++row_cos_theta, ++row_sin_theta, ++row_cos_phi, ++row_sin_phi, ++row_points, ++row_r) { // In the paper, z goes away from the camera, y goes down, x goes right // OpenCV has the same conventions // Theta goes from z to x (and actually goes from -pi/2 to pi/2, phi goes from z to y float theta = (float)std::atan2(row_points->val[0], row_points->val[2]); *row_cos_theta = std::cos(theta); *row_sin_theta = std::sin(theta); float phi = (float)std::asin(row_points->val[1] / (*row_r)); *row_cos_phi = std::cos(phi); *row_sin_phi = std::sin(phi); } } } /** Modify normals to make sure they point towards the camera * @param normals */ template<typename T> inline void signNormal(const Vec<T, 3> & normal_in, Vec<T, 3> & normal_out) { Vec<T, 3> res; if (normal_in[2] > 0) res = -normal_in / norm_vec(normal_in); else res = normal_in / norm_vec(normal_in); normal_out[0] = res[0]; normal_out[1] = res[1]; normal_out[2] = res[2]; } /** Modify normals to make sure they point towards the camera * @param normals */ template<typename T> inline void signNormal(T a, T b, T c, Vec<T, 3> & normal) { T norm = 1 / std::sqrt(a * a + b * b + c * c); if (c > 0) { normal[0] = -a * norm; normal[1] = -b * norm; normal[2] = -c * norm; } else { normal[0] = a * norm; normal[1] = b * norm; normal[2] = c * norm; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class RgbdNormalsImpl { public: RgbdNormalsImpl(int rows, int cols, int window_size, int depth, const Mat &K, RgbdNormals::RGBD_NORMALS_METHOD method) : rows_(rows), cols_(cols), depth_(depth), window_size_(window_size), method_(method) { K.convertTo(K_, depth); K.copyTo(K_ori_); } virtual ~RgbdNormalsImpl() { } virtual void cache()=0; bool validate(int rows, int cols, int depth, const Mat &K_ori, int window_size, int method) const { if ((K_ori.cols != K_ori_.cols) || (K_ori.rows != K_ori_.rows) || (K_ori.type() != K_ori_.type())) return false; bool K_test = !(countNonZero(K_ori != K_ori_)); return (rows == rows_) && (cols == cols_) && (window_size == window_size_) && (depth == depth_) && (K_test) && (method == method_); } protected: int rows_, cols_, depth_; Mat K_, K_ori_; int window_size_; RgbdNormals::RGBD_NORMALS_METHOD method_; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Given a set of 3d points in a depth image, compute the normals at each point * using the FALS method described in * ``Fast and Accurate Computation of Surface Normals from Range Images`` * by H. Badino, D. Huber, Y. Park and T. Kanade */ template<typename T> class FALS: public RgbdNormalsImpl { public: typedef Matx<T, 3, 3> Mat33T; typedef Vec<T, 9> Vec9T; typedef Vec<T, 3> Vec3T; FALS(int rows, int cols, int window_size, int depth, const Mat &K, RgbdNormals::RGBD_NORMALS_METHOD method) : RgbdNormalsImpl(rows, cols, window_size, depth, K, method) { } ~FALS() { } /** Compute cached data */ virtual void cache() { // Compute theta and phi according to equation 3 Mat cos_theta, sin_theta, cos_phi, sin_phi; computeThetaPhi<T>(rows_, cols_, K_, cos_theta, sin_theta, cos_phi, sin_phi); // Compute all the v_i for every points std::vector<Mat> channels(3); channels[0] = sin_theta.mul(cos_phi); channels[1] = sin_phi; channels[2] = cos_theta.mul(cos_phi); merge(channels, V_); // Compute M Mat_<Vec9T> M(rows_, cols_); Mat33T VVt; const Vec3T * vec = V_[0]; Vec9T * M_ptr = M[0], *M_ptr_end = M_ptr + rows_ * cols_; for (; M_ptr != M_ptr_end; ++vec, ++M_ptr) { VVt = (*vec) * vec->t(); *M_ptr = Vec9T(VVt.val); } boxFilter(M, M, M.depth(), Size(window_size_, window_size_), Point(-1, -1), false); // Compute M's inverse Mat33T M_inv; M_inv_.create(rows_, cols_); Vec9T * M_inv_ptr = M_inv_[0]; for (M_ptr = &M(0); M_ptr != M_ptr_end; ++M_inv_ptr, ++M_ptr) { // We have a semi-definite matrix invert(Mat33T(M_ptr->val), M_inv, DECOMP_CHOLESKY); *M_inv_ptr = Vec9T(M_inv.val); } } /** Compute the normals * @param r * @return */ virtual void compute(const Mat&, const Mat &r, Mat & normals) const { // Compute B Mat_<Vec3T> B(rows_, cols_); const T* row_r = r.ptr < T > (0), *row_r_end = row_r + rows_ * cols_; const Vec3T *row_V = V_[0]; Vec3T *row_B = B[0]; for (; row_r != row_r_end; ++row_r, ++row_B, ++row_V) { if (cvIsNaN(*row_r)) *row_B = Vec3T(); else *row_B = (*row_V) / (*row_r); } // Apply a box filter to B boxFilter(B, B, B.depth(), Size(window_size_, window_size_), Point(-1, -1), false); // compute the Minv*B products row_r = r.ptr < T > (0); const Vec3T * B_vec = B[0]; const Mat33T * M_inv = reinterpret_cast<const Mat33T *>(M_inv_.ptr(0)); Vec3T *normal = normals.ptr<Vec3T>(0); for (; row_r != row_r_end; ++row_r, ++B_vec, ++normal, ++M_inv) if (cvIsNaN(*row_r)) { (*normal)[0] = *row_r; (*normal)[1] = *row_r; (*normal)[2] = *row_r; } else { Mat33T Mr = *M_inv; Vec3T Br = *B_vec; Vec3T MBr(Mr(0, 0) * Br[0] + Mr(0, 1)*Br[1] + Mr(0, 2)*Br[2], Mr(1, 0) * Br[0] + Mr(1, 1)*Br[1] + Mr(1, 2)*Br[2], Mr(2, 0) * Br[0] + Mr(2, 1)*Br[1] + Mr(2, 2)*Br[2]); signNormal(MBr, *normal); } } private: Mat_<Vec3T> V_; Mat_<Vec9T> M_inv_; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Function that multiplies K_inv by a vector. It is just meant to speed up the product as we know * that K_inv is upper triangular and K_inv(2,2)=1 * @param K_inv * @param a * @param b * @param c * @param res */ template<typename T, typename U> void multiply_by_K_inv(const Matx<T, 3, 3> & K_inv, U a, U b, U c, Vec<T, 3> &res) { res[0] = (T)(K_inv(0, 0) * a + K_inv(0, 1) * b + K_inv(0, 2) * c); res[1] = (T)(K_inv(1, 1) * b + K_inv(1, 2) * c); res[2] = (T)c; } /** Given a depth image, compute the normals as detailed in the LINEMOD paper * ``Gradient Response Maps for Real-Time Detection of Texture-Less Objects`` * by S. Hinterstoisser, C. Cagniart, S. Ilic, P. Sturm, N. Navab, P. Fua, and V. Lepetit */ template<typename T> class LINEMOD: public RgbdNormalsImpl { public: typedef Vec<T, 3> Vec3T; typedef Matx<T, 3, 3> Mat33T; LINEMOD(int rows, int cols, int window_size, int depth, const Mat &K, RgbdNormals::RGBD_NORMALS_METHOD method) : RgbdNormalsImpl(rows, cols, window_size, depth, K, method) { } /** Compute cached data */ virtual void cache() { } /** Compute the normals * @param r * @param normals the output normals */ void compute(const Mat& depth_in, Mat & normals) const { switch (depth_in.depth()) { case CV_16U: { const Mat_<unsigned short> &depth(depth_in); computeImpl<unsigned short, long>(depth, normals); break; } case CV_32F: { const Mat_<float> &depth(depth_in); computeImpl<float, float>(depth, normals); break; } case CV_64F: { const Mat_<double> &depth(depth_in); computeImpl<double, double>(depth, normals); break; } } } private: /** Compute the normals * @param r * @return */ template<typename DepthDepth, typename ContainerDepth> Mat computeImpl(const Mat_<DepthDepth> &depth, Mat & normals) const { const int r = 5; // used to be 7 const int sample_step = r; const int square_size = ((2 * r / sample_step) + 1); long offsets[square_size * square_size]; long offsets_x[square_size * square_size]; long offsets_y[square_size * square_size]; long offsets_x_x[square_size * square_size]; long offsets_x_y[square_size * square_size]; long offsets_y_y[square_size * square_size]; for (int j = -r, index = 0; j <= r; j += sample_step) for (int i = -r; i <= r; i += sample_step, ++index) { offsets_x[index] = i; offsets_y[index] = j; offsets_x_x[index] = i*i; offsets_x_y[index] = i*j; offsets_y_y[index] = j*j; offsets[index] = j * cols_ + i; } // Define K_inv by hand, just for higher accuracy Mat33T K_inv = Matx<T, 3, 3>::eye(), K; K_.copyTo(K); K_inv(0, 0) = 1.0f / K(0, 0); K_inv(0, 1) = -K(0, 1) / (K(0, 0) * K(1, 1)); K_inv(0, 2) = (K(0, 1) * K(1, 2) - K(0, 2) * K(1, 1)) / (K(0, 0) * K(1, 1)); K_inv(1, 1) = 1 / K(1, 1); K_inv(1, 2) = -K(1, 2) / K(1, 1); Vec3T X1_minus_X, X2_minus_X; ContainerDepth difference_threshold = 50; normals.setTo(std::numeric_limits<DepthDepth>::quiet_NaN()); for (int y = r; y < rows_ - r - 1; ++y) { const DepthDepth * p_line = reinterpret_cast<const DepthDepth*>(depth.ptr(y, r)); Vec3T *normal = normals.ptr<Vec3T>(y, r); for (int x = r; x < cols_ - r - 1; ++x) { DepthDepth d = p_line[0]; // accum long A[4]; A[0] = A[1] = A[2] = A[3] = 0; ContainerDepth b[2]; b[0] = b[1] = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < square_size * square_size; ++i) { // We need to cast to ContainerDepth in case we have unsigned DepthDepth ContainerDepth delta = ContainerDepth(p_line[offsets[i]]) - ContainerDepth(d); if (std::abs(delta) > difference_threshold) continue; A[0] += offsets_x_x[i]; A[1] += offsets_x_y[i]; A[3] += offsets_y_y[i]; b[0] += offsets_x[i] * delta; b[1] += offsets_y[i] * delta; } // solve for the optimal gradient D of equation (8) long det = A[0] * A[3] - A[1] * A[1]; // We should divide the following two by det, but instead, we multiply // X1_minus_X and X2_minus_X by det (which does not matter as we normalize the normals) // Therefore, no division is done: this is only for speedup ContainerDepth dx = (A[3] * b[0] - A[1] * b[1]); ContainerDepth dy = (-A[1] * b[0] + A[0] * b[1]); // Compute the dot product //Vec3T X = K_inv * Vec3T(x, y, 1) * depth(y, x); //Vec3T X1 = K_inv * Vec3T(x + 1, y, 1) * (depth(y, x) + dx); //Vec3T X2 = K_inv * Vec3T(x, y + 1, 1) * (depth(y, x) + dy); //Vec3T nor = (X1 - X).cross(X2 - X); multiply_by_K_inv(K_inv, d * det + (x + 1) * dx, y * dx, dx, X1_minus_X); multiply_by_K_inv(K_inv, x * dy, d * det + (y + 1) * dy, dy, X2_minus_X); Vec3T nor = X1_minus_X.cross(X2_minus_X); signNormal(nor, *normal); ++p_line; ++normal; } } return normals; } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Given a set of 3d points in a depth image, compute the normals at each point * using the SRI method described in * ``Fast and Accurate Computation of Surface Normals from Range Images`` * by H. Badino, D. Huber, Y. Park and T. Kanade */ template<typename T> class SRI: public RgbdNormalsImpl { public: typedef Matx<T, 3, 3> Mat33T; typedef Vec<T, 9> Vec9T; typedef Vec<T, 3> Vec3T; SRI(int rows, int cols, int window_size, int depth, const Mat &K, RgbdNormals::RGBD_NORMALS_METHOD method) : RgbdNormalsImpl(rows, cols, window_size, depth, K, method), phi_step_(0), theta_step_(0) { } /** Compute cached data */ virtual void cache() { Mat_<T> cos_theta, sin_theta, cos_phi, sin_phi; computeThetaPhi<T>(rows_, cols_, K_, cos_theta, sin_theta, cos_phi, sin_phi); // Create the derivative kernels getDerivKernels(kx_dx_, ky_dx_, 1, 0, window_size_, true, depth_); getDerivKernels(kx_dy_, ky_dy_, 0, 1, window_size_, true, depth_); // Get the mapping function for SRI float min_theta = (float)std::asin(sin_theta(0, 0)), max_theta = (float)std::asin(sin_theta(0, cols_ - 1)); float min_phi = (float)std::asin(sin_phi(0, cols_/2-1)), max_phi = (float)std::asin(sin_phi(rows_ - 1, cols_/2-1)); std::vector<Point3f> points3d(cols_ * rows_); R_hat_.create(rows_, cols_); phi_step_ = float(max_phi - min_phi) / (rows_ - 1); theta_step_ = float(max_theta - min_theta) / (cols_ - 1); for (int phi_int = 0, k = 0; phi_int < rows_; ++phi_int) { float phi = min_phi + phi_int * phi_step_; for (int theta_int = 0; theta_int < cols_; ++theta_int, ++k) { float theta = min_theta + theta_int * theta_step_; // Store the 3d point to project it later points3d[k] = Point3f(std::sin(theta) * std::cos(phi), std::sin(phi), std::cos(theta) * std::cos(phi)); // Cache the rotation matrix and negate it Mat_<T> mat = (Mat_ < T > (3, 3) << 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0) * ((Mat_ < T > (3, 3) << std::cos(theta), -std::sin( theta), 0, std::sin(theta), std::cos(theta), 0, 0, 0, 1)) * ((Mat_ < T > (3, 3) << std::cos(phi), 0, -std::sin(phi), 0, 1, 0, std::sin(phi), 0, std::cos(phi))); for (unsigned char i = 0; i < 3; ++i) mat(i, 1) = mat(i, 1) / std::cos(phi); // The second part of the matrix is never explained in the paper ... but look at the wikipedia normal article mat(0, 0) = mat(0, 0) - 2 * std::cos(phi) * std::sin(theta); mat(1, 0) = mat(1, 0) - 2 * std::sin(phi); mat(2, 0) = mat(2, 0) - 2 * std::cos(phi) * std::cos(theta); R_hat_(phi_int, theta_int) = Vec9T((T*) (mat.data)); } } map_.create(rows_, cols_); projectPoints(points3d, Mat(3,1,CV_32FC1,Scalar::all(0.0f)), Mat(3,1,CV_32FC1,Scalar::all(0.0f)), K_, Mat(), map_); map_ = map_.reshape(2, rows_); convertMaps(map_, Mat(), xy_, fxy_, CV_16SC2); //map for converting from Spherical coordinate space to Euclidean space euclideanMap_.create(rows_,cols_); float invFx = (float)(1.0f/K_.at<T>(0,0)), cx = (float)K_.at<T>(0,2); double invFy = 1.0f/K_.at<T>(1,1), cy = K_.at<T>(1,2); for (int i = 0; i < rows_; i++) { float y = (float)((i - cy)*invFy); for (int j = 0; j < cols_; j++) { float x = (j - cx)*invFx; float theta = std::atan(x); float phi = std::asin(y/std::sqrt(x*x+y*y+1.0f)); euclideanMap_(i,j) = Vec2f((theta-min_theta)/theta_step_,(phi-min_phi)/phi_step_); } } //convert map to 2 maps in short format for increasing speed in remap function convertMaps(euclideanMap_, Mat(), invxy_, invfxy_, CV_16SC2); // Update the kernels: the steps are due to the fact that derivatives will be computed on a grid where // the step is not 1. Only need to do it on one dimension as it computes derivatives in only one direction kx_dx_ /= theta_step_; ky_dy_ /= phi_step_; } /** Compute the normals * @param r * @return */ virtual void compute(const Mat& points3d, const Mat &r, Mat & normals) const { const Mat_<T>& r_T(r); const Mat_<Vec3T> &points3d_T(points3d); compute(points3d_T, r_T, normals); } /** Compute the normals * @param r * @return */ void compute(const Mat_<Vec3T> &, const Mat_<T> &r_non_interp, Mat & normals_out) const { // Interpolate the radial image to make derivatives meaningful Mat_<T> r; // higher quality remapping does not help here remap(r_non_interp, r, xy_, fxy_, INTER_LINEAR); // Compute the derivatives with respect to theta and phi // TODO add bilateral filtering (as done in kinfu) Mat_<T> r_theta, r_phi; sepFilter2D(r, r_theta, r.depth(), kx_dx_, ky_dx_); //current OpenCV version sometimes corrupts r matrix after second call of sepFilter2D //it depends on resolution, be careful sepFilter2D(r, r_phi, r.depth(), kx_dy_, ky_dy_); // Fill the result matrix Mat_<Vec3T> normals(rows_, cols_); const T* r_theta_ptr = r_theta[0], *r_theta_ptr_end = r_theta_ptr + rows_ * cols_; const T* r_phi_ptr = r_phi[0]; const Mat33T * R = reinterpret_cast<const Mat33T *>(R_hat_[0]); const T* r_ptr = r[0]; Vec3T * normal = normals[0]; for (; r_theta_ptr != r_theta_ptr_end; ++r_theta_ptr, ++r_phi_ptr, ++R, ++r_ptr, ++normal) { if (cvIsNaN(*r_ptr)) { (*normal)[0] = *r_ptr; (*normal)[1] = *r_ptr; (*normal)[2] = *r_ptr; } else { T r_theta_over_r = (*r_theta_ptr) / (*r_ptr); T r_phi_over_r = (*r_phi_ptr) / (*r_ptr); // R(1,1) is 0 signNormal((*R)(0, 0) + (*R)(0, 1) * r_theta_over_r + (*R)(0, 2) * r_phi_over_r, (*R)(1, 0) + (*R)(1, 2) * r_phi_over_r, (*R)(2, 0) + (*R)(2, 1) * r_theta_over_r + (*R)(2, 2) * r_phi_over_r, *normal); } } remap(normals, normals_out, invxy_, invfxy_, INTER_LINEAR); normal = normals_out.ptr<Vec3T>(0); Vec3T * normal_end = normal + rows_ * cols_; for (; normal != normal_end; ++normal) signNormal((*normal)[0], (*normal)[1], (*normal)[2], *normal); } private: /** Stores R */ Mat_<Vec9T> R_hat_; float phi_step_, theta_step_; /** Derivative kernels */ Mat kx_dx_, ky_dx_, kx_dy_, ky_dy_; /** mapping function to get an SRI image */ Mat_<Vec2f> map_; Mat xy_, fxy_; Mat_<Vec2f> euclideanMap_; Mat invxy_, invfxy_; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Default constructor of the Algorithm class that computes normals */ RgbdNormals::RgbdNormals(int rows, int cols, int depth, InputArray K_in, int window_size, int method_in) : rows_(rows), cols_(cols), depth_(depth), K_(K_in.getMat()), window_size_(window_size), method_(method_in), rgbd_normals_impl_(0) { CV_Assert(depth == CV_32F || depth == CV_64F); CV_Assert(K_.cols == 3 && K_.rows == 3); } // Just to remove a warning void delete_normals_impl(void *rgbd_normals_impl_, int method_, int depth); void delete_normals_impl(void *rgbd_normals_impl_, int method_, int depth) { if (rgbd_normals_impl_ == 0) return; switch (method_) { case RgbdNormals::RGBD_NORMALS_METHOD_LINEMOD: { if (depth == CV_32F) delete reinterpret_cast<const LINEMOD<float> *>(rgbd_normals_impl_); else delete reinterpret_cast<const LINEMOD<double> *>(rgbd_normals_impl_); break; } case RgbdNormals::RGBD_NORMALS_METHOD_SRI: { if (depth == CV_32F) delete reinterpret_cast<const SRI<float> *>(rgbd_normals_impl_); else delete reinterpret_cast<const SRI<double> *>(rgbd_normals_impl_); break; } case (RgbdNormals::RGBD_NORMALS_METHOD_FALS): { if (depth == CV_32F) delete reinterpret_cast<const FALS<float> *>(rgbd_normals_impl_); else delete reinterpret_cast<const FALS<double> *>(rgbd_normals_impl_); break; } } } /** Destructor */ RgbdNormals::~RgbdNormals() { delete_normals_impl(rgbd_normals_impl_, method_, depth_); } void RgbdNormals::initialize_normals_impl(int rows, int cols, int depth, const Mat & K, int window_size, int method_in) const { CV_Assert(rows > 0 && cols > 0 && (depth == CV_32F || depth == CV_64F)); CV_Assert(window_size == 1 || window_size == 3 || window_size == 5 || window_size == 7); CV_Assert(K_.cols == 3 && K.rows == 3 && (K.depth() == CV_32F || K.depth() == CV_64F)); CV_Assert( method_in == RGBD_NORMALS_METHOD_FALS || method_in == RGBD_NORMALS_METHOD_LINEMOD || method_in == RGBD_NORMALS_METHOD_SRI); switch (method_in) { case (RGBD_NORMALS_METHOD_FALS): { if (depth == CV_32F) rgbd_normals_impl_ = new FALS<float>(rows, cols, window_size, depth, K, RGBD_NORMALS_METHOD_FALS); else rgbd_normals_impl_ = new FALS<double>(rows, cols, window_size, depth, K, RGBD_NORMALS_METHOD_FALS); break; } case (RGBD_NORMALS_METHOD_LINEMOD): { if (depth == CV_32F) rgbd_normals_impl_ = new LINEMOD<float>(rows, cols, window_size, depth, K, RGBD_NORMALS_METHOD_LINEMOD); else rgbd_normals_impl_ = new LINEMOD<double>(rows, cols, window_size, depth, K, RGBD_NORMALS_METHOD_LINEMOD); break; } case RGBD_NORMALS_METHOD_SRI: { if (depth == CV_32F) rgbd_normals_impl_ = new SRI<float>(rows, cols, window_size, depth, K, RGBD_NORMALS_METHOD_SRI); else rgbd_normals_impl_ = new SRI<double>(rows, cols, window_size, depth, K, RGBD_NORMALS_METHOD_SRI); break; } } reinterpret_cast<RgbdNormalsImpl *>(rgbd_normals_impl_)->cache(); } /** Initializes some data that is cached for later computation * If that function is not called, it will be called the first time normals are computed */ void RgbdNormals::initialize() const { if (rgbd_normals_impl_ == 0) initialize_normals_impl(rows_, cols_, depth_, K_, window_size_, method_); else if (!reinterpret_cast<RgbdNormalsImpl *>(rgbd_normals_impl_)->validate(rows_, cols_, depth_, K_, window_size_, method_)) { delete_normals_impl(rgbd_normals_impl_, method_, depth_); initialize_normals_impl(rows_, cols_, depth_, K_, window_size_, method_); } } /** Given a set of 3d points in a depth image, compute the normals at each point * @param points3d_in depth a float depth image. Or it can be rows x cols x 3 is they are 3d points * @param normals a rows x cols x 3 matrix */ void RgbdNormals::operator()(InputArray points3d_in, OutputArray normals_out) const { Mat points3d_ori = points3d_in.getMat(); CV_Assert(points3d_ori.dims == 2); // Either we have 3d points or a depth image switch (method_) { case (RGBD_NORMALS_METHOD_FALS): { CV_Assert(points3d_ori.channels() == 3); CV_Assert(points3d_ori.depth() == CV_32F || points3d_ori.depth() == CV_64F); break; } case RGBD_NORMALS_METHOD_LINEMOD: { CV_Assert( ((points3d_ori.channels() == 3) && (points3d_ori.depth() == CV_32F || points3d_ori.depth() == CV_64F)) || ((points3d_ori.channels() == 1) && (points3d_ori.depth() == CV_16U || points3d_ori.depth() == CV_32F || points3d_ori.depth() == CV_64F))); break; } case RGBD_NORMALS_METHOD_SRI: { CV_Assert( ((points3d_ori.channels() == 3) && (points3d_ori.depth() == CV_32F || points3d_ori.depth() == CV_64F))); break; } } // Initialize the pimpl initialize(); // Precompute something for RGBD_NORMALS_METHOD_SRI and RGBD_NORMALS_METHOD_FALS Mat points3d, radius; if ((method_ == RGBD_NORMALS_METHOD_SRI) || (method_ == RGBD_NORMALS_METHOD_FALS)) { // Make the points have the right depth if (points3d_ori.depth() == depth_) points3d = points3d_ori; else points3d_ori.convertTo(points3d, depth_); // Compute the distance to the points if (depth_ == CV_32F) radius = computeRadius<float>(points3d); else radius = computeRadius<double>(points3d); } // Get the normals normals_out.create(points3d_ori.size(), CV_MAKETYPE(depth_, 3)); if (points3d_in.empty()) return; Mat normals = normals_out.getMat(); switch (method_) { case (RGBD_NORMALS_METHOD_FALS): { if (depth_ == CV_32F) reinterpret_cast<const FALS<float> *>(rgbd_normals_impl_)->compute(points3d, radius, normals); else reinterpret_cast<const FALS<double> *>(rgbd_normals_impl_)->compute(points3d, radius, normals); break; } case RGBD_NORMALS_METHOD_LINEMOD: { // Only focus on the depth image for LINEMOD Mat depth; if (points3d_ori.channels() == 3) { std::vector<Mat> channels; split(points3d, channels); depth = channels[2]; } else depth = points3d_ori; if (depth_ == CV_32F) reinterpret_cast<const LINEMOD<float> *>(rgbd_normals_impl_)->compute(depth, normals); else reinterpret_cast<const LINEMOD<double> *>(rgbd_normals_impl_)->compute(depth, normals); break; } case RGBD_NORMALS_METHOD_SRI: { if (depth_ == CV_32F) reinterpret_cast<const SRI<float> *>(rgbd_normals_impl_)->compute(points3d, radius, normals); else reinterpret_cast<const SRI<double> *>(rgbd_normals_impl_)->compute(points3d, radius, normals); break; } } } } }