// This file is part of OpenCV project. // It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory // of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html. // // Author: Yida Wang #include "test_precomp.hpp" namespace opencv_test { namespace { using namespace cv::cnn_3dobj; class CV_CNN_Feature_Test : public cvtest::BaseTest { public: CV_CNN_Feature_Test(); protected: void run(int); }; CV_CNN_Feature_Test::CV_CNN_Feature_Test() { } /** * This test checks the following: * Feature extraction by the triplet trained CNN model */ void CV_CNN_Feature_Test::run(int) { String caffemodel = cvtest::findDataFile("contrib/cnn_3dobj/3d_triplet_iter_30000.caffemodel"); String network_forIMG = cvtest::findDataFile("contrib/cnn_3dobj/3d_triplet_testIMG.prototxt"); String mean_file = "no"; std::vector<String> ref_img; String target_img = cvtest::findDataFile("contrib/cnn_3dobj/4_78.png"); String feature_blob = "feat"; String device = "CPU"; int dev_id = 0; cv::Mat img_base = cv::imread(target_img, -1); if (img_base.empty()) { ts->printf(cvtest::TS::LOG, "could not read reference image %s\n", target_img.c_str(), "make sure the path of images are set properly."); ts->set_failed_test_info(cvtest::TS::FAIL_MISSING_TEST_DATA); return; } cv::cnn_3dobj::descriptorExtractor descriptor(device, dev_id); if (mean_file == "no") descriptor.loadNet(network_forIMG, caffemodel); else descriptor.loadNet(network_forIMG, caffemodel, mean_file); cv::Mat feature_test; descriptor.extract(img_base, feature_test, feature_blob); // Reference feature is computed by Caffe extract_features tool. // To generate values for different images, use extract_features with the resetted image list in prototxt. Mat feature_reference = (Mat_<float>(1,3) << -312.4805, 8.4768486, -224.98953); float dist = norm(feature_test - feature_reference); if (dist > 5) { ts->printf(cvtest::TS::LOG, "Extracted featrue is not the same from the one extracted from Caffe."); ts->set_failed_test_info(cvtest::TS::FAIL_MISSING_TEST_DATA); return; } } TEST(CNN_FEATURE, accuracy) { CV_CNN_Feature_Test test; test.safe_run(); } }} // namespace