/* * Software License Agreement (BSD License) * * Copyright (c) 2012, Willow Garage, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Willow Garage, Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ /** This is an implementation of a fast plane detection loosely inspired by * Fast Plane Detection and Polygonalization in noisy 3D Range Images * Jann Poppinga, Narunas Vaskevicius, Andreas Birk, and Kaustubh Pathak * and the follow-up * Fast Plane Detection for SLAM from Noisy Range Images in * Both Structured and Unstructured Environments * Junhao Xiao, Jianhua Zhang and Jianwei Zhang * Houxiang Zhang and Hans Petter Hildre */ #include "precomp.hpp" namespace cv { namespace rgbd { /** Structure defining a plane. The notations are from the second paper */ class PlaneBase { public: PlaneBase(const Vec3f & m, const Vec3f &n_in, int index) : index_(index), n_(n_in), m_sum_(Vec3f(0, 0, 0)), m_(m), Q_(Matx33f::zeros()), mse_(0), K_(0) { UpdateD(); } virtual ~PlaneBase() { } /** Compute the distance to the plane. This will be implemented by the children to take into account different * sensor models * @param p_j * @return */ virtual float distance(const Vec3f& p_j) const = 0; /** The d coefficient in the plane equation ax+by+cz+d = 0 * @return */ inline float d() const { return d_; } /** The normal to the plane * @return the normal to the plane */ const Vec3f & n() const { return n_; } /** Update the different coefficients of the plane, based on the new statistics */ void UpdateParameters() { if (empty()) return; m_ = m_sum_ / K_; // Compute C Matx33f C = Q_ - m_sum_ * m_.t(); // Compute n SVD svd(C); n_ = Vec3f(svd.vt.at<float>(2, 0), svd.vt.at<float>(2, 1), svd.vt.at<float>(2, 2)); mse_ = svd.w.at<float>(2) / K_; UpdateD(); } /** Update the different sum of point and sum of point*point.t() */ void UpdateStatistics(const Vec3f & point, const Matx33f & Q_local) { m_sum_ += point; Q_ += Q_local; ++K_; } inline size_t empty() const { return K_ == 0; } inline int K() const { return K_; } /** The index of the plane */ int index_; protected: /** The 4th coefficient in the plane equation ax+by+cz+d = 0 */ float d_; /** Normal of the plane */ Vec3f n_; private: inline void UpdateD() { d_ = -m_.dot(n_); } /** The sum of the points */ Vec3f m_sum_; /** The mean of the points */ Vec3f m_; /** The sum of pi * pi^\top */ Matx33f Q_; /** The different matrices we need to update */ Matx33f C_; float mse_; /** the number of points that form the plane */ int K_; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Basic planar child, with no sensor error model */ class Plane: public PlaneBase { public: Plane(const Vec3f & m, const Vec3f &n_in, int index) : PlaneBase(m, n_in, index) { } /** The computed distance is perfect in that case * @param p_j the point to compute its distance to * @return */ float distance(const Vec3f& p_j) const { return std::abs(float(p_j.dot(n_) + d_)); } }; /** Planar child with a quadratic error model */ class PlaneABC: public PlaneBase { public: PlaneABC(const Vec3f & m, const Vec3f &n_in, int index, float sensor_error_a, float sensor_error_b, float sensor_error_c) : PlaneBase(m, n_in, index), sensor_error_a_(sensor_error_a), sensor_error_b_(sensor_error_b), sensor_error_c_(sensor_error_c) { } /** The distance is now computed by taking the sensor error into account */ inline float distance(const Vec3f& p_j) const { float cst = p_j.dot(n_) + d_; float err = sensor_error_a_ * p_j[2] * p_j[2] + sensor_error_b_ * p_j[2] + sensor_error_c_; if (((cst - n_[2] * err <= 0) && (cst + n_[2] * err >= 0)) || ((cst + n_[2] * err <= 0) && (cst - n_[2] * err >= 0))) return 0; return std::min(std::abs(cst - err), std::abs(cst + err)); } private: float sensor_error_a_; float sensor_error_b_; float sensor_error_c_; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** The PlaneGrid contains statistic about the individual tiles */ class PlaneGrid { public: PlaneGrid(const Mat_<Vec3f> & points3d, int block_size) : block_size_(block_size) { // Figure out some dimensions int mini_rows = points3d.rows / block_size; if (points3d.rows % block_size != 0) ++mini_rows; int mini_cols = points3d.cols / block_size; if (points3d.cols % block_size != 0) ++mini_cols; // Compute all the interesting quantities m_.create(mini_rows, mini_cols); n_.create(mini_rows, mini_cols); Q_.create(points3d.rows, points3d.cols); mse_.create(mini_rows, mini_cols); for (int y = 0; y < mini_rows; ++y) for (int x = 0; x < mini_cols; ++x) { // Update the tiles Matx33f Q = Matx33f::zeros(); Vec3f m = Vec3f(0, 0, 0); int K = 0; for (int j = y * block_size; j < std::min((y + 1) * block_size, points3d.rows); ++j) { const Vec3f * vec = points3d.ptr < Vec3f > (j, x * block_size), *vec_end; float * pointpointt = reinterpret_cast<float*>(Q_.ptr < Vec<float, 9> > (j, x * block_size)); if (x == mini_cols - 1) vec_end = points3d.ptr < Vec3f > (j, points3d.cols - 1) + 1; else vec_end = vec + block_size; for (; vec != vec_end; ++vec, pointpointt += 9) { if (cvIsNaN(vec->val[0])) continue; // Fill point*point.t() *pointpointt = vec->val[0] * vec->val[0]; *(pointpointt + 1) = vec->val[0] * vec->val[1]; *(pointpointt + 2) = vec->val[0] * vec->val[2]; *(pointpointt + 3) = *(pointpointt + 1); *(pointpointt + 4) = vec->val[1] * vec->val[1]; *(pointpointt + 5) = vec->val[1] * vec->val[2]; *(pointpointt + 6) = *(pointpointt + 2); *(pointpointt + 7) = *(pointpointt + 5); *(pointpointt + 8) = vec->val[2] * vec->val[2]; Q += *reinterpret_cast<Matx33f*>(pointpointt); m += (*vec); ++K; } } if (K == 0) { mse_(y, x) = std::numeric_limits<float>::max(); continue; } m /= K; m_(y, x) = m; // Compute C Matx33f C = Q - K * m * m.t(); // Compute n SVD svd(C); n_(y, x) = Vec3f(svd.vt.at<float>(2, 0), svd.vt.at<float>(2, 1), svd.vt.at<float>(2, 2)); mse_(y, x) = svd.w.at<float>(2) / K; } } /** The size of the block */ int block_size_; Mat_<Vec3f> m_; Mat_<Vec3f> n_; Mat_<Vec<float, 9> > Q_; Mat_<float> mse_; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TileQueue { public: struct PlaneTile { PlaneTile(int x, int y, float mse) : x_(x), y_(y), mse_(mse) { } bool operator<(const PlaneTile &tile2) const { return mse_ < tile2.mse_; } int x_; int y_; float mse_; }; TileQueue(const PlaneGrid &plane_grid) { done_tiles_ = Mat_<unsigned char>::zeros(plane_grid.mse_.rows, plane_grid.mse_.cols); tiles_.clear(); for (int y = 0; y < plane_grid.mse_.rows; ++y) for (int x = 0; x < plane_grid.mse_.cols; ++x) if (plane_grid.mse_(y, x) != std::numeric_limits<float>::max()) // Update the tiles tiles_.push_back(PlaneTile(x, y, plane_grid.mse_(y, x))); // Sort tiles by MSE tiles_.sort(); } bool empty() { while (!tiles_.empty()) { const PlaneTile & tile = tiles_.front(); if (done_tiles_(tile.y_, tile.x_)) tiles_.pop_front(); else break; } return tiles_.empty(); } const PlaneTile & front() const { return tiles_.front(); } void remove(int y, int x) { done_tiles_(y, x) = 1; } private: /** The list of tiles ordered from most planar to least */ std::list<PlaneTile> tiles_; /** contains 1 when the tiles has been studied, 0 otherwise */ Mat_<unsigned char> done_tiles_; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class InlierFinder { public: InlierFinder(float err, const Mat_<Vec3f> & points3d, const Mat_<Vec3f> & normals, unsigned char plane_index, int block_size) : err_(err), points3d_(points3d), normals_(normals), plane_index_(plane_index), block_size_(block_size) { } void Find(const PlaneGrid &plane_grid, Ptr<PlaneBase> & plane, TileQueue & tile_queue, std::set<TileQueue::PlaneTile> & neighboring_tiles, Mat_<unsigned char> & overall_mask, Mat_<unsigned char> & plane_mask) { // Do not use reference as we pop the from later on TileQueue::PlaneTile tile = *(neighboring_tiles.begin()); // Figure the part of the image to look at Range range_x, range_y; int x = tile.x_ * block_size_, y = tile.y_ * block_size_; if (tile.x_ == plane_mask.cols - 1) range_x = Range(x, overall_mask.cols); else range_x = Range(x, x + block_size_); if (tile.y_ == plane_mask.rows - 1) range_y = Range(y, overall_mask.rows); else range_y = Range(y, y + block_size_); int n_valid_points = 0; for (int yy = range_y.start; yy != range_y.end; ++yy) { uchar* data = overall_mask.ptr(yy, range_x.start), *data_end = data + range_x.size(); const Vec3f* point = points3d_.ptr < Vec3f > (yy, range_x.start); const Matx33f* Q_local = reinterpret_cast<const Matx33f *>(plane_grid.Q_.ptr < Vec<float, 9> > (yy, range_x.start)); // Depending on whether you have a normal, check it if (!normals_.empty()) { const Vec3f* normal = normals_.ptr < Vec3f > (yy, range_x.start); for (; data != data_end; ++data, ++point, ++normal, ++Q_local) { // Don't do anything if the point already belongs to another plane if (cvIsNaN(point->val[0]) || ((*data) != 255)) continue; // If the point is close enough to the plane if (plane->distance(*point) < err_) { // make sure the normals are similar to the plane if (std::abs(plane->n().dot(*normal)) > 0.3) { // The point now belongs to the plane plane->UpdateStatistics(*point, *Q_local); *data = plane_index_; ++n_valid_points; } } } } else { for (; data != data_end; ++data, ++point, ++Q_local) { // Don't do anything if the point already belongs to another plane if (cvIsNaN(point->val[0]) || ((*data) != 255)) continue; // If the point is close enough to the plane if (plane->distance(*point) < err_) { // The point now belongs to the plane plane->UpdateStatistics(*point, *Q_local); *data = plane_index_; ++n_valid_points; } } } } plane->UpdateParameters(); // Mark the front as being done and pop it if (n_valid_points > (range_x.size() * range_y.size()) / 2) tile_queue.remove(tile.y_, tile.x_); plane_mask(tile.y_, tile.x_) = 1; neighboring_tiles.erase(neighboring_tiles.begin()); // Add potential neighbors of the tile std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > pairs; if (tile.x_ > 0) for (unsigned char * val = overall_mask.ptr<unsigned char>(range_y.start, range_x.start), *val_end = val + range_y.size() * overall_mask.step; val != val_end; val += overall_mask.step) if (*val == plane_index_) { pairs.push_back(std::pair<int, int>(tile.x_ - 1, tile.y_)); break; } if (tile.x_ < plane_mask.cols - 1) for (unsigned char * val = overall_mask.ptr<unsigned char>(range_y.start, range_x.end - 1), *val_end = val + range_y.size() * overall_mask.step; val != val_end; val += overall_mask.step) if (*val == plane_index_) { pairs.push_back(std::pair<int, int>(tile.x_ + 1, tile.y_)); break; } if (tile.y_ > 0) for (unsigned char * val = overall_mask.ptr<unsigned char>(range_y.start, range_x.start), *val_end = val + range_x.size(); val != val_end; ++val) if (*val == plane_index_) { pairs.push_back(std::pair<int, int>(tile.x_, tile.y_ - 1)); break; } if (tile.y_ < plane_mask.rows - 1) for (unsigned char * val = overall_mask.ptr<unsigned char>(range_y.end - 1, range_x.start), *val_end = val + range_x.size(); val != val_end; ++val) if (*val == plane_index_) { pairs.push_back(std::pair<int, int>(tile.x_, tile.y_ + 1)); break; } for (unsigned char i = 0; i < pairs.size(); ++i) if (!plane_mask(pairs[i].second, pairs[i].first)) neighboring_tiles.insert( TileQueue::PlaneTile(pairs[i].first, pairs[i].second, plane_grid.mse_(pairs[i].second, pairs[i].first))); } private: float err_; const Mat_<Vec3f> & points3d_; const Mat_<Vec3f> & normals_; unsigned char plane_index_; /** THe block size as defined in the main algorithm */ int block_size_; const InlierFinder & operator = (const InlierFinder &); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void RgbdPlane::operator()(InputArray points3d_in, OutputArray mask_out, OutputArray plane_coefficients) { this->operator()(points3d_in, Mat(), mask_out, plane_coefficients); } void RgbdPlane::operator()(InputArray points3d_in, InputArray normals_in, OutputArray mask_out, OutputArray plane_coefficients_out) { Mat_<Vec3f> points3d, normals; if (points3d_in.depth() == CV_32F) points3d = points3d_in.getMat(); else points3d_in.getMat().convertTo(points3d, CV_32F); if (!normals_in.empty()) { if (normals_in.depth() == CV_32F) normals = normals_in.getMat(); else normals_in.getMat().convertTo(normals, CV_32F); } // Pre-computations mask_out.create(points3d.size(), CV_8U); Mat mask_out_mat = mask_out.getMat(); Mat_<unsigned char> mask_out_uc = (Mat_<unsigned char>&) mask_out_mat; mask_out_uc.setTo(255); PlaneGrid plane_grid(points3d, block_size_); TileQueue plane_queue(plane_grid); size_t index_plane = 0; std::vector<Vec4f> plane_coefficients; float mse_min = (float)(threshold_ * threshold_); while (!plane_queue.empty()) { // Get the first tile if it's good enough const TileQueue::PlaneTile front_tile = plane_queue.front(); if (front_tile.mse_ > mse_min) break; InlierFinder inlier_finder((float)threshold_, points3d, normals, (unsigned char)index_plane, block_size_); // Construct the plane for the first tile int x = front_tile.x_, y = front_tile.y_; const Vec3f & n = plane_grid.n_(y, x); Ptr<PlaneBase> plane; if ((sensor_error_a_ == 0) && (sensor_error_b_ == 0) && (sensor_error_c_ == 0)) plane = Ptr<PlaneBase>(new Plane(plane_grid.m_(y, x), n, (int)index_plane)); else plane = Ptr<PlaneBase>(new PlaneABC(plane_grid.m_(y, x), n, (int)index_plane, (float)sensor_error_a_, (float)sensor_error_b_, (float)sensor_error_c_)); Mat_<unsigned char> plane_mask = Mat_<unsigned char>::zeros(points3d.rows / block_size_, points3d.cols / block_size_); std::set<TileQueue::PlaneTile> neighboring_tiles; neighboring_tiles.insert(front_tile); plane_queue.remove(front_tile.y_, front_tile.x_); // Process all the neighboring tiles while (!neighboring_tiles.empty()) inlier_finder.Find(plane_grid, plane, plane_queue, neighboring_tiles, mask_out_uc, plane_mask); // Don't record the plane if it's empty if (plane->empty()) continue; // Don't record the plane if it's smaller than asked if (plane->K() < min_size_) { // Reset the plane index in the mask for (y = 0; y < plane_mask.rows; ++y) for (x = 0; x < plane_mask.cols; ++x) { if (!plane_mask(y, x)) continue; // Go over the tile for (int yy = y * block_size_; yy < std::min((y + 1) * block_size_, mask_out_uc.rows); ++yy) { uchar* data = mask_out_uc.ptr(yy, x * block_size_); uchar* data_end = data + std::min(block_size_, mask_out_uc.cols - x * block_size_); for (; data != data_end; ++data) { if (*data == index_plane) *data = 255; } } } continue; } ++index_plane; if (index_plane >= 255) break; Vec4f coeffs(plane->n()[0], plane->n()[1], plane->n()[2], plane->d()); if (coeffs(2) > 0) coeffs = -coeffs; plane_coefficients.push_back(coeffs); }; // Fill the plane coefficients if (plane_coefficients.empty()) return; plane_coefficients_out.create((int)plane_coefficients.size(), 1, CV_32FC4); Mat plane_coefficients_mat = plane_coefficients_out.getMat(); float* data = plane_coefficients_mat.ptr<float>(0); for(size_t i=0; i<plane_coefficients.size(); ++i) for(uchar j=0; j<4; ++j, ++data) *data = plane_coefficients[i][j]; } } }