1. 26 Feb, 2019 1 commit
  2. 30 Jan, 2019 1 commit
  3. 09 Nov, 2018 1 commit
  4. 11 Oct, 2018 1 commit
    • berak's avatar
      Merge pull request #1819 from berak:fast_bilateral · 78ad10ad
      berak authored
      The Fast Bilateral Filter (#1819)
      PR is created by: berak <px1704@web.de>
      based on work https://github.com/opencv/opencv_contrib/pull/1317
      * fbs_filter v1.0 has been contributed
      * use boost unordered_map
      * add brief description for fbs_filter
      * fix format
      * fix channels bug
      * modify doc for fbs_filter
      * check c++ 11
      * asDiagonal -> diagonal
      * rosolve warning
      * fix eigen3 dependency
      * Eigen/Core
      * test HEAV_EIGEN
      * setZero bug
      * unordered_map test
      * fix macro bug
      * fix boost not found
      * fix eigen macro bug
      * fix eigen macro bug
      * fix eigen macro bug
      * fix eigen macro bug
      *  add test file
      *  fix test macro
      *  fix test macro
      *   add test
      *   add test
      * add sample colorize
      * fix macro
      *  fix colorize.cpp
      *  fix colorize.cpp
      *  fix colorize.cpp
      *  fix colorize.cpp
      * add fbs filter demo
      * add fbs filter demo
      * add fbs filter demo
      * use fgsfilter for guess
      * add parameter num_iter and max_tol
      * add a option for colorize sample
      * add  bibtex
      * add  bibtex
      * fix a colorize demo bug
      * size optimize
      * taking over the fast bilateral solver
      * taking over the fast bilateral solver
      * try to fix test_fbs_filter
      * missed a bib bracket