1. 10 Nov, 2018 1 commit
  2. 28 Mar, 2018 1 commit
  3. 24 Apr, 2017 1 commit
  4. 08 Jul, 2014 1 commit
    • Alex Leontiev's avatar
      More abstract tracker declaration · 1940c120
      Alex Leontiev authored
      This contribution changes the way how trackers should be implemented by
      programmer. It should be noted first, that from the user prospective,
      Tracker::create() method still can be called with the same effect.
      However, there's no more thing as a "constructor" for Tracker, they
      should be created via static functions, e.g.
          static Ptr<TrackerMIL> createTracker(const TrackerMIL::Params &parameters=TrackerMIL::Params());
      From the programmer's perspective now for every tracker what is declared
      in tracker.hpp header is more a "interface", while the real
      implementation class can (and has to) be implemented in .cpp file.
      Changes in documentation are also included.
  5. 20 Jun, 2014 1 commit
  6. 14 May, 2014 1 commit
    • Alex Leontiev's avatar
      Change Rect to Rect2d in Tracker::update() and ::init() · 6e7d162e
      Alex Leontiev authored
      I've changed Rect to Rect2d in Tracker::update(), Tracker::init() and
      all related methods (including documentation). This allows to initialize
      trackers with double-valued rectangles, thus adding versality. Besides,
      trackers also can output double-valued rectangles, which may be
      beneficial in some scenarios.
      However, it remains to change UML diagrams in documentation to tracker
      module, as they still display methods above with old signatures.
  7. 12 Nov, 2013 1 commit
    • Antonella Cascitelli's avatar
      Added perf_test and test based on distance and overlap for tracking API · b5844aff
      Antonella Cascitelli authored
      Added OPE tests tracking
      - Reinitialized random number generator (TrackerMIL and TrackerBoosting)
      - Removed unused meanSigmaPair
      Changed sample tracker.cpp with a list of images instead the video file
      Modified OPE tests tracking
      - The overlap threshold varies from 0.0 to 1.0
      - The location error threshold varies from 0 to 50
      Changed name for the tests
      Removed unused field
      Enlarged first rect of 10% respect the ground truth
      Added TRE test
      TRE test for the temporal robustness evaluation
      Added SRE Test (spatial robustness evaluation)
      - Removed the enlargment of the first frame
      - TRE corrected the computation of the distance and the overlap
      - TrackerBoosting changed the search factor
      Fixed last segment in test TRE
      First stub for regression test
      Added test for faceocc2
      Added perf_test for mil and boosting trackers
      In xml generated added the ratio between of the correct bounding box (based on dynamic threshold)
      OPE Test: works with video and not with sequence of images
      TRE Test: works with video and not with sequence of images
      SRE Test: works with video and not with sequence of images
      Perf test: works with video and not with sequence of images
      Removed unused file
      sample tracker.cpp: works with video and not with sequence of images
  8. 20 Sep, 2013 1 commit